(i) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXII, NO 164 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1985 On Takeoff In England Used Possible Cancer~auslng Drugs BOEING 737 EXPLODES SOVIETS DISMISS CHARGES By JOHN JONES By JOHN lAMS Unlted Press Internatlonal Unlted Press Internatlonal MANCHESTER, England -- A Pollce and flre offlclals MOSCOW -- The Sovlet Unl0n ceptable," the statement sald Brltlsh Alrtours Beolng 737 sald 54 people were kliled, mak­ dlsmlssed as "absurd" U S The Unlted States sald bound for the Greek Islands wlth lng 1985 the worst year for fa­ charges that the Sovlet KGB se­ Wednesday that the chemlcals 137 people on board burst lnto talltles ln aVlatl0n hlstory cret serVlce used posslble can­ had been used for the past 10 a "ball of flre" when an englne The other 83 were rushed to cer-causlng drugs to follow the years, but lncreaslng use In exploded on takeoff today, klll­ nearby hospltals, some ln serl­ movements of Amerlcan dlplomats recent months had ralsed alarm lng 54 people and lnJurlng doz­ ous condltl0n It was several The Sovlet reactl0n, ln an In Washlngton ens of others hours before all the bodles offlclal statement dellvered to Although Amerlcan medlcal Manchester Alrport chlef ex­ could be removed from the plane the State Department ln Wash­ offlclals sald they belleve ecutlve Gl1 Thompson sald Fllght Pollce sald most of the V1C­ lngton and carr led by Tass, the rlsk lS low, they warned KT 328 was speedlng down a run­ tlms, lncludlng two alrllne sald the charge was an attempt lt could turn out to be a can­ way at Manchester Internatlonal stewardesses, dled strapped to at "polsonlng the atmosphere" cer-lnduclng chemlcal A team Alrport when ltS port wlng en­ thelr seats ln the back of the ln U S -Sovlet relatlons of experts lS belng sent to glne exploded, showerlng the burnlng alrcraft The surVlvors "The Sovlet slde resolutely Moscow to conduct tests alrcraft wlth blazlng aVlatl0n were slttlng ln the front of denles the absurd allegatl0ns The Sovlet statement accus­ fuel the plane and stampeded the that some chemlcal agents are ed Washlngton of "preparlng Wltnesses sald the pllot emergency eXlts to sllde down used on the staff of U S agen­ the ground for another slander screeched to a halt at the end chutes lowered by the crew Cles In the U S S R ," sald the campalgn agalnst the Sovlet of the runway, but the plane Prlme Mlnlster Margaret statement repeated on the offl­ Unl0n, pOlsonlng the atmosphere was engulfed ln flre ln a matter Thatcher, endlng her summer va­ clal news agency ln relatl0ns between our coun­ of seconds catlon ln Austrla, changed plans "Nothlng of the klnd was trles and fomentlng emnlty to­ "It was a horrlfYlng slght," to fly lnto London and lnstead ever practlced or lS practlced wards the Sovlet people " sald alrport englneer Alan Hlg­ flew to Manchester to V1Slt the In our country," lt sald "The The embassy called Amerlcan ham "The plane went up ln mo­ scene of the dlsaster attempts to make such clalms to Clvlllans llvlng ln Moscow to ments It was an lnferno the A malntenance hangar at the us are not only absolutely out a meetlng Wednesday nlght to moment lt skldded to a halt alrport was set up as a "tem­ of place but also totally unac- discuss posslble health hazara People were trylng to get out, porary mortuary" for the bodles but a lot of them must have been The alrport was closed after "Should Be Replaced With Americans· overcome before lt stopped " the flre Former CIA Director Speculates Woman Arrested In Greenpeace Sinking Soviet Enl>Ioyees Spread Chenical Identified As French Army Captain WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Former dust around the embassy, In my AUCKLAND, New Zealand (UP1) to the bottom ot Auckland Har­ CIA Dlrector Stansfleld Turner oplnl0n," Turner sald "We A woman arrested on murder bor July 10 by two Llmpet mlnes sald today Sovlet employees In­ have got to prolect ourselves and arson charges for the slnk as lt prepared to lead a protest slde the U S Embassy In Moscow better by gettlng them out of lng of the Greenpeace antl-nu­ voyage to the French nuclear probably are spreadlng the chem­ that embassy, replaclng them clear group flagshlp Ralnbow test ground ln the South Paclf­ lcal spy dust used to keep wlth Amerlcans " Warrl0r lS a captaln ln the lC track of Amerlcans and thelr So­ U S offlClals dlsclosed French army, pollce sald today A Portuguese-born Dutch pho­ vlet contacts Wednesday, a "potentlally harm­ Authorltles sald the woman tographer was kliled when the Turner, who dlrected the U S ful" chemlcal dust has been us­ was ldentlfled as Domlnlque two Llmpet mlnes attached to spy agency from 1977 to 1981, ed by Sovlet secret pollce to Prleur, a French army captaln ltS hull went off sald the Sovlet employees con­ track the movements and con­ marrled to an employee of the Two suspects, a man and a stltuted "one of the weaknesses tacts of U S dlplomats ln Mos­ French Defense Mlnlstry woman, were arrested and charg­ of our embassy" and urged they cow and Lenlngrad The odor­ Sources close to the French ed wlth murder, arson and fals­ be replaced by Amerlcans less and colorless substance secret serVlce ln ParlS mean­ lfYlng documents Both had Intervlewed on CBS televl­ was placed on steerlng wheels whlle, ldentlfled another woman false ldentlflcatlon papers Slon, Turner sald he sent a of dlplomatlc cars and other who lnflltrated the Greenpeace Detectlve Inspector Allan speclal team to check the Mos­ places where U S attaches group and allegedly helped to Galbralth, leadlng the lnvestl­ cow Embassy and lnvarlably as would come lnto contact wlth set up the sabotage attack as a gatl0n, sald today the woman team members went from room to lt French spy had been posltlvely ldentlfled room a "Sovlet charwoman (clean­ Turner sald he was not The French government had no as Prleur lng woman)" would appear and aware of the use of the spy lmmedlate response to elther re­ In Parls, securlty sources say, 'I've got to clean thlS dust through 1981, and Malcolm port ldentlfled the other woman as room rlght now'" Toon, the U S ambassador to The Ralnbow Warrl0r was sent Chrlstlne Huguette Cabon "And those are the klnd of Moscow, 1976-79, sald he was people who are puttlng thlS not told lt was belng used Spokesman Says Reagan Will Likely Protest To Gorbachev By IRA R ALLEN Unlted Press Internatlonal LOS ANGELES -- Presldent Rea­ Speakes sald Reagan had gan wll1 most 11kely protest to known "all along" for years of Sovlet leader Mlkhal1 Gorbachev the blzarre spylng technlque, the chemlcal traclng of Amerl­ ln WhlCh common artlcles such cans ln Moscow when the two men as doorknobs and steerlng meet ln November, an admlnlstra­ wheels were powdered wlth a tlon spokesman says chemlcal to track Amerlcans ln The lssue, WhlCh arose Moscow Wednesday ln the mldst of a dlS­ The State Department sald pute between the superpowers the lnvls1ble tracklng agent over space weapons, ralses "se­ lS a mutagen -- a chemlcal rlOUS dangers to the (U S -SOV1- agent that alters llvlng cells et) relatl0nshlp," sald deputy -- and can be carclnogenlc ln press secretary Larry Speakes humans For The Farmers The traclngs, Speakes sald, Reagan was glven a detalled were carrled out by the Sovlet document on the chemlcal dust CHAMPAIGN, III -- (left to rlght) Country star Wlllle mliltary and securlty serVlces, Monday and approved the State Nelson, IlllnOlS Gov James Thompson and rock great John Cou­ apparently wlthout knowledge of Department maklng publlc ltS gar Mellenkamp meet In Memorlal Stadlum at the Unlverslty of the clvlllan leadershlp protest to the Sovlets Wednes­ Illlnols Champalgn-Urbana The trlo announced that they wlll Today Reagan was relaxlng ln day ralse money for the natlon's dlstressed farmers and wlll hold hlS Los Angeles hotel sUlte be­ Speakes sald the chemlcal a major concert at the stadlum In Champalgn, III , on Sept fore speaklng to the Callfornla dust eplsode should not have 22 (UPI Photo) state Republlcan Party and go­ an effect on the upcomlng sum­ lng out to dlnner wlth frlends mit AROUND ISLAND PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, THURSDAY, AUGLST 22, 1985 UH Names Instructors Classes Began Aug. 27 Range Operation Procedures Outlined A range operat10n 1S scheduled for For Fall Classes Fr1day, Aug 23 By EULA JOURDAN For Starting School In connect10n w1th th1s operat10n, Adult Educatlon Center From KwaJaleln School )ystem caut10n areas w1ll eX1st for sh1ps and a1rcraft 1n the ocean exceed1ng a 180- Reg1strat10n for the fall semester cred- All new students on 1sland (grades K­ naut1cal-m1le rad1us of KwaJale1n 1t classes offered through the Kwa]ale1n S1X) who have not enrolled S1nce arr1v1ng See the rnap below for the ocean cau­ extens10n of the Un1vers1ty of Hawa11 w111 on KwaJale1n may be enrolled at the ele­ t10n area be at the Adult Education Center, Room 1, mentary school off1ce, 7 30-11 30 a m and Hazard t1mes are from 1 a m to George Se1tz School, dur1ng the follow1ng 12 30-4 30 p m 1 pm, Aug 23 t1mes Saturday, Aug 24, 9 a m -noon, K1ndergarten reg1strat10n for all stu­ Tuesday, Aug 27, 8 a m -1 pm, Wednesday, dents enter1ng k1ndergarten for 1985-86 1S A le 0 9 4" H ~ 167 J 9 5 B 12)900' r JgOO'" Aug 28, 8 a m -1 p m and 3-6 p m now 1n progress at the George Se1tz office ( I D ~ JO" N 169 D 9 3C '1 o 10 D ~ 15 roo N 167 D 9 ~ 5 M Classes w1l1 meet one n1ght per week be­ dur1ng regular off1ce hours A b1rth cer­ g1nn1ng the week of Sept 3 and end1ng the t1f1cate, passport, or other off1c1al doc­ week of Dec 16 ument authent1cat1ng a ch1ld's b1rth date Both classes offered th1s term are 1S requ1red when reg1ster1ng k1ndergarten 0.

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