NECROPHILIA Forensic and Medico-legal Aspects NECROPHILIA Forensic and Medico-legal Aspects Anil Aggrawal Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2011 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 International Standard Book Number: 978-1-4200-8912-7 (Hardback) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. 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WM 610] RC560.N4A44 2011 614’.1--dc22 2010044040 Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com To my friends Bai Rufeng, Wang Yuanfeng, and Shi Meisen from the Fada Institute of Forensic Medicine and Science, Beijing, for their immense love and aἀection. Table of Contents Foreword xv Preface xvii Acknowledgments xix Special Acknowledgment xxi Author xxiii 1 Necrophilia: Overview and Historical Aspects 1 Introduction 1 Necrosadism 2 Necrophilia in Gravediggers and Mortuary Attendants 2 Historical Perspectives 4 Necrophilia in Greek Mythology 4 Dimoetes and an Unknown Woman 5 Achilles and Penthesilea 5 Necrophilia in Ancient Cultures 5 Greco-Roman Period 6 Middle Ages 8 The Legend of Jean Baptiste 10 Notorious French Necrophiles 11 Necrophilia in Wars and Battlefields 13 Modern Era 14 Forced Necrophilia during “The Rape of Nanking” (1937) 14 Charles Floyd (1940s) 15 Marilyn Monroe’s Case (1962) 16 Jesse Timmendequas (1994) 16 Chinese Case (1994) 16 Necrophilia in Folklore, Myths, and Legends 17 Necrophilia in the Arts and Literature 17 Necrophilia in Animals 18 Variations of Necrophilia 19 References 19 vii viii Table of Contents 2 Etiology 23 Biological Theories 23 Genetic Basis 23 Trauma 25 Sexual Inadequacy 25 Alcoholism 28 Drugs 28 Temporal Lobe Anomalies 29 Harsh Treatment, Excessive Criticism, and Neglect during Childhood 29 Sexual Abuse during Childhood 30 Erich Fromm’s Theory of Personality 30 Other Major Psychoanalytical Theories 32 Miscellaneous Causes 36 Conclusion 39 References 40 3 Classification 43 Introduction 43 Existing Classifications 43 Krafft-Ebing’s Classification 43 Wulffen’s Classification 43 Jones’s Classification 43 Hirschfeld’s Classification 44 Rosman and Resnick’s Classification 44 Conclusion 45 Need for a New Classification 46 Class I Necrophiles: Role Players 47 Class II Necrophiles: Romantic Necrophiles 48 Class III Necrophiles: People Having a Necrophilic Fantasy (Necrophilic Fantasizers) 51 Class IV Necrophiles: Tactile Necrophiles 56 Class V Necrophiles: People Having a Fetishistic Necrophilia (Fetishistic Necrophiles) 59 Class VI Necrophiles: People Having a Necromutilomania (Necromutilomaniacs) 63 Class VII Necrophiles: Opportunistic Necrophiles 67 Class VIII Necrophiles: Regular Necrophiles 69 Class IX Necrophiles: Homicidal Necrophiles 73 Class X Necrophiles: Exclusive Necrophiles 84 Table of Contents ix Some Important Caveats 85 Merits of the New Classification 86 Combinations with Other Paraphilias 90 Anal Necrophilia 90 Incestuous Necrophilia 93 Other Paraphilias in Association with Necrophilia 93 References 94 4 Epidemiology of Necrophilia 99 Offender Characteristics 100 Age 100 Sex 101 Intelligence 101 Sexual Orientation 104 Association with Alcohol and Drugs 104 Alcohol 104 Other Drugs 106 Sex of the Corpses 106 Marital Status 107 History of Sadistic Acts 107 Nonnecrophilic Intercourse 107 Psychopathology 108 Occupation 108 References 110 5 Case Studies 113 Introduction 113 Jerry Brudos 113 Conclusions and Impressions 115 Ted Bundy 116 Conclusions and Impressions 117 Thor Nis Christiansen 118 Conclusions and Impressions 119 John Christie 119 Conclusions and Impressions 124 Graham Coutts 124 Conclusions and Impressions 126 Jeffrey Dahmer 126 Murders 128 Trial and Sentencing 129 Conclusions and Impressions 129 x Table of Contents Mark Dixie 129 Sally Anne Bowman’s Murder 130 Conclusions and Impressions 131 Kenneth Douglas 131 Conclusions and Impressions 132 Ed Gein 133 Gradual Death of Gein’s Family Members 133 Gein Lives Alone 133 Gein’s Necrophilic Activities 134 Sentencing 136 Conclusions and Impressions 137 Karen Greenlee 137 Nicholas and Alexander Grunke, and Dustin Radke 138 Roderick Jones 139 Conclusions and Impressions 139 Lam Kor-wan 140 Lam’s Modus Operandi and His Victims 140 Arrest 141 Trial 141 Sentencing 142 Conclusions and Impressions 142 Anthony Merino 142 Tsutomu Miyazaki 143 Winston Moseley 143 Conclusions and Impressions 145 Moninder Singh Pandher and Surendra Koli 146 Conclusions and Impressions 148 Gary Ridgway 148 Serhiy Tkach 148 Conclusions and Impressions 149 Eli Ulayuk 149 Conclusions and Impressions 150 References 150 6 Medico-legal Investigation 153 Introduction 153 Examination of the Scene of Crime 153 Victim Pickup Site 155 Dug-Up Grave 156 Suspect’s Home 156 Excavations in and Around Suspect’s House 160 Closed Caption TV Footage 160 Table of Contents xi Examination of the Dead Body 161 DNA Profiling 162 Touch DNA 163 Primary, Secondary, and Tertial Transfer of DNA 165 Scattered Body Parts 166 Vaginal, Oral, and Rectal Swabs 168 Breast Swabs 169 Fingerprints on the Dead Body 173 Bite Marks on the Dead Body 174 Toxicology 176 Physical Evidence from the Corpses 177 Modus Operandi 177 Other Evidence 177 Examination of the Suspect 178 Suspect’s Belongings 179 Computer Forensics 179 Brain Mapping 180 Narcoanalysis 181 Other Tests 181 Psychological Assessment 181 Rorschach Test 182 MMPI 183 Intelligence Testing 185 Phallometric Assessment 186 Criminal Profiling 187 Criticisms 187 Linkage Analysis 188 Geographic Profiling 188 References 190 7 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Necrophilia 195 Legal Aspects of Necrophilia 195 Australia 195 Western Australia 195 Northern Territory 196 New South Wales 196 Tasmania 197 Victoria 197 Canada 197 France 198 Germany 198 India 199 xii Table of Contents South Africa 200 United Kingdom 200 United States 201 Alabama 201 Alaska 201 Arizona 202 Arkansas 202 California 202 Colorado 203 Connecticut 203 Delaware 205 Georgia 205 Hawaii 205 Iowa 206 Indiana 206 Kentucky 207 Michigan 207 Ohio 208 Pennsylvania 208 Washington 208 Wisconsin 209 Comparing and Contrasting Various Laws Regarding Necrophilia 210 Ethical Aspects of Necrophilia 210 The Issue of Consent 212 Presumed Consent for Organ Donation and for Necrophilia—Are There Parallels? 214 Necrophilia from a Hedonistic Viewpoint 214 Postmortem Sperm Procurement for Impregnation—Is It Necrophilia? 215 References 216 8 Expert Testimony in Necrophilia Cases 219 Who Is an Expert? 219 Insanity Defense Taken by Necrophiles 220 Some Basic Rules for Expert Witnesses 221 As Far as Possible, Use Lay Language 221 Visual Display of Information 221 Do Not Venture into the Realm of Common Knowledge 221 Collins v. Zediker, 218 A.2D 776 (PA, 1966) 222 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Carolyn Ann King (1998) 223 Table of Contents xiii Proving Intent through Expert Testimony 224 Surviving Cross-Examination 225 Dealing with Prior Statements 225 Corroborate Your Statements with Hard Scientific Facts 228 Don’t Be Afraid of Countering Another Expert 229 If Serving as a Defense Witness 229 Some Basic Rules for Lawyers 231 Proving Intent beyond Doubt 231 References 232 Necrophilia and Abuse of Corpses—A Brief Chronology 235 Index 239 Foreword The first necrophile I professionally encountered was a serial sexual murderer in Chicago over 30 years ago. He would masturbate into the knife wounds
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