AKRON BEACON JOURNAL Index to Obituaries

AKRON BEACON JOURNAL Index to Obituaries

AKRON BEACON JOURNAL Index to Obituaries 1957 - 61 Compiled-bythe staff of the Language, Literature and History Division, and the Friends of the Akron-Summit County Public Library Name Date Abbey. Earl R. 3-20-57 Abbott, Carl C. 5- 1 3-57 Abbott, Carl U. 4-6-61 . Abbott. Dale T. 9-8-6 1 Abbott, Donald L. 4-1 8-58 , Abbott. Euterpe D. 10-25-57 Abbott, Hazel 3-1 1-61 Abbott, Hiram D. 7-7-60 Abbott, Lawrence W. 12-11-57 Abbott , Mabel L. 6-30-59 Abbott. Margaret 3-20-61 Abbott. Oda 2- 15-58 Abbott, Russell A. 9-29-60 Abbs, Terry M. 12-7-60 Abbuhl. Charles C. 3-22-6 1 Abel, Byron 6-2 1-60 Abel. Daniel W. 4-27-60 Abel, Marion T. 6-25-59 Abel. Warren 7-31 -59 Abell, Charles I 1-8-59 Abell, Mart'ha . 11-8-59 . Abell, Robert 0. 11-8-61 Abelosky , Anna 2-7-59 Abslosky , John 2-27-59 Abels. Sidney M. 10-29-58 Abendshine, Irene 4- 12-59 Abercronbie, Aster P. 2-3-66 Abicht, Mary E. 6-9-60 Able, William L. 10-1 2-59 Ables. Helen C. 5-1 -57 Abood, Sahada 8-5-59 Aborjaly. Hind 8-22-60 Abraham. Bode E. 9-24-57 Abraham, Charles 7-5-57 Abraham, Frank T. 3-2 1-60 Abram , Arthur 12-22-60 Abram , Eugene 0. 9-29-57 Abram, Willie ; 8-6-59 Abramson, Ida 5- 15-57 Abshire, Dorothy 1 0- 10-57 Abshire, Jesse 7-1 0-61 Acn, Frances 8-2-60 Achberger , Mary 1 @-20-58 Achim, Theodor 5-26-60 Acholias, Chris 12-24-58 Acker. Albert W. 9-20-59 Acker, Frank 4-28-61 Acker , George E. 6-26-60 irckermin, Floyd E. 6-1 5-59 Ackert , Pat isnce 2-7-60 hchorth, Dora M. 10-8-58 Ackwortk, Jennie ,6-2 1-6 I --__& , Y' . Name Qate Adair, Genevieve 8-21-59 Adair. Paul A. 2-1 1-58 Adair, Sarah M. 1 1-25-58 Adamex, Mary Ann 5-2 1-6 I Adamle. Victoria 12-28-59 Adamopoulos , George 10-4-6 1 Adamov, Mary 12-1 1-61 Adam5 , Arthur W. 4-20-59 Adams, Benjamin J. 10- I 4-57 Adams. Carl E. 2-24-6 1 Adams, Charlotte N. 2-1 2-61 Adams, Clara 5-1 6-60 Adams, Deborah L. 3-8-57 Adams, Dimitrios 1-31 -58 Adams. Elizabeth P. 5-25-59 Adam5. Ellis C. 4-1 1-57 Adam. Ernest R. 7-29-57 Adams. Ethel A. 2- 15-60 Adams, Fannie 9-29-57 Adams. Florence E. 9- 1 2-58 Adams. Frank C. 5-20-59 Adams, Harold I 1-1 6-59 Adams, Harriet E. 1-22-59 Adams, Ida A. 8-26-57 Adams, James Harvey 1-26-60 Adams. John H. 3-31 -60 Adams, Joseph 2-24-59 Adams , Kathryn -I-l€ee I-\I-56 Adams, Mary D. 8-29-60 Adams, May L. 7-24-6 1 Adams, Richard B. 5-1 9-58 Adams. Richard L. 2- 12-60 fidams, Robert J. 12-5-59 Adams. Susie I 1-30-60 Adams, Thomas 1-8-57 Adams, Todd M. 10-26-6 1 Adams, Walter L. 12-7-59 Adams, William 6-18-61 Adamson. Greta L. 4-22-57 Adamson, Stanley M. 10- 1 2-60 Adcock, Alton Richard 4-1 6-60 Adcock. George 0. 5-12-61 Adcock, Harry K. 2-6-60 Adcox. Thomas ._ __.. - 1 1 -3B-59 Addie, Beatrice 12-1 1-59 Addie, Fannie 3-2 1-60 Addington. Rosa 1-23-60 Addis. Orville N. 8- 17-60 Addleman. Joseph P. 9-20-58 Adelaide, Sister Mary 4- 1 9-58 Adkins, Anna 8. '1-13-58 Adkins, Emanuel E. 2-6-61 Adkins. Helen E. 9-30-6 1 Adkins. Lillie L. 6- 2 4- 5 9 .. " . ..i : ,,: .. 'f;; .... ., . ...:,. I ~~ i. ~ ~-'* e*..;~~ . .. r.. i>; E ___. 7 Name Date Adkins, Theodore W. 5-1-61 Adkins. William J. 10- 15-60 Adler, Ruth 1. 5-5-59 Adlesic, Rudolph 2-27-61 Adolph, Mary a-6-60 Adovasio, Ben I 1-25-60 Adson, Elsie 6-2 1-59 Ady. Infant 10-9-57 7-1 4-58 Aebersold. Rose 9-6-59 Aebi. William A. 3-8-6 1 Aed, Fanny 7-4-60 Affolter. Charles 10-30-58 Affolter. Odie (Mrs.) 10-30-61 Agnello, Cologero I 1-25-6 1 Agner, Pearl I. 6-7-6 1 Agner. Richard W. 9-22-60 Agner , Robert W. 2- 10-57 Agner. Thomas E. 1-31 -58 Agness. Leola D. 3-3-57 Agnew, Edith 6-4-58 Aguire, Francisco 3-23-58 Ahart. Allie 0. 12-16-58 Ahearn. Alice M. 2-22-61 Ahearn, Henry V. 12-28-60 Ahern, John 8. 11-1 1-57 Ahern, Mary Rose 3- 12-58 Ahn. Richard C. 8-30-59 Ahren, Michael 10-20-58 Ahrendt. Elizabeth 1-30-58 Aikens, Ashby L. 5- 10-6 1 Aikens, Slair (Mrs.) 8-8-60 Aikins, Tobias 9-1 4-60 Aikman, Minnie 4- 15-59 Ailes, Melville 1 1-26-6 1 tlinscouph, Thomas 8-1 1-60 Airhart. Effie M.. 1- 19-61 Aitken. Jean 5-8-60 Aitken. John 12-1 1-57 Aitken. Laura E. 4- 10-60 Aitkenhead, Elizabeth 6-6-6 1 Ake, Dorothy 3-22-58 Ake, J. Stewart 11-16-59 . -Ake..L. Darrell - 8-31 -60 Ake, Merle W. 5-27-58 Ake, Merlin E. 9-1 0-59 Ake, Ralph E. 1-13-59 Ake, Victor R. 6-1 3-59 Mer, Carrie 7- 10-59 Aker, Carrie a. 9-30-57 Aker ,’ Maude 4- 13-58 Akers, Ethyl B. 9-28-58 Akers. Lena lq. 1-24-58 Akers, Virgil 4-1 6-58 Name Date Akers, Walter T. 4-8-57 Akins. Donna M. 12-1-58 Akom, Minnie R. 10-28-58 Akschan, Mary 8-16-57 Albaugh, Edward S. I -7-6 i Albaugh. Ida U. 2-7-57 Albers, Charles 3- 15-60 Albers. Nellie 6. 2-21 -59 Albert, Anna fl. 5-31 -6 1 Albertson, Elizabeth 10-27-57 Albertson. Felicita 2-9-61 Albrecht, Alice 6-30-60 Albrecht, Alpheus 6-3-58 Albrecht. Elizabeth 3-9-59 Albrecht, George 6-3-60 Albright, Ada A. 11-10-61 Albright, Cicely H. 4-28-57 Albright, Grace L. 4-16-61 Albright, Ivan 0. 10-6-6 1 Albright. James M. 10-1 0-60 Aibright. Lois J. 3-22-57 Albright, .Raymond 2-2.0-57 Alcorn. William 8. 2-22-60 Alden. Laura U. 3-22-60 Alden, Milo N. 9- 18-60 Alder, John 8. 12-5-60 Alderidge, Edna E. 1 - 14--57 Alderman. Howard L. 5-18-61 Alderman. Lewis L. 6-1 1-59 Alderman, Lonnie D. 3-1 3-57 Alderson, Charles 2-2 1-59 Aldrich. Adelbert L. 8-6-57 Aldrich, Elizabeth I. 10-23-57 Aldrich. George L. 4-1 1-60 Aldrich, Minnie M. 8-29-60 Aldrich, William 12-6-57 Aleksi, Peter 4-27-58 Alexander, Alex 1-1 4-59 Alexander. Alice 7- 1 9-57 Alexander , Alonzo E. 10-12-58 Alexander, C.P. 1-24-59 Alexander. Dwane W. 12-26-58 Alexander, Eugene 1-1 3-58 Alexander, George... 10-31-58. Alexander, Hatt.ie 10-18-60 Alexander. Infant 2-10-61 Alexander. Jeff U. 5-15-61 Alexander, John F. 3-4-58 Alexander. Joseph C. 3-2 1-57 Alexander, Katherine 6-1 5-59 Alexander. Lillian 7-3-59 Alexander, Marion 8-2 1-57 Alexander, Nollie 9- 18-6 1 Alexander, Pearle 2- 13-57 .. .I-l-r.....rlL.i i D. ~ ~ . .. -A . ~~ . ~ __ . .,.tC4;i.:' 5.: __ Name Date Alexander, Robert D. 2- 1-58 Alexander, Ronald 1-31 -60 Alexander, Rose 1-3-59 Alexander, Ruth M. 4-1 2-59 Alexander, Sam 11-19-60 , Alexander, Thomas M. 7-22-60 Alexander, Velike 11-12-58 Alexander, Zenith 3-31-61 Alexich. Dushan 1-2 1-58 Alexie, Tmelia 10-1 3-60 Alexis, Reinhold 10-12-57 Aleynek, Frank 7-1 1-58 Alflen, Margaret 9-8-6 1 Alfman, Dale 6-3-57 Alford, George 9-2-58 Alger, Anna M. 10-5-59 Alkire, Daisy C. 4-6-57 Alkire, Fred R. 7-1 9-60 Alkire, Harry W. 8-24-60 Alkire. Hattie L. 3-2-59 Alkyer , Frank 6-7-58 Allaman, Alton 8-2-57 Allbright ~ John .1-2-59 Alleman, Walker J. 8-23-58 Allen, A.M. 12-13-59 Allen. Alfred 2-7-58 Allen, Anna G. 2-1 1-58 Allen. C.L. (Firs.) 7-4-58 Allen, Callie 1 1-6-6 1 Allen. Carrie 6-28-60 8-22-60 Allen. Catherine. 1 1-20-58 Allen, Charles 4-29-60 Allen, Charles J. 3- 12-59 Allen, Dudley P. 2-17-61 Allen, Edna 4-27-61 Allen. Eleanor 6. 8-6-59 Allen, Elizabeth 12-1 1-58 Allen, Ellis F. 2-16-61 Allen, Frances ‘I 11-22-61 Allen. Frank 4-29-57 Allen. Frank P. 5-2-60 Allen. Glen 4-23-61 Allen. Glendora . 5-29-61 AI len , Harvey 4-5-6 1 Allen, Jack PI. 4-8-57 Allen.

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