The CHURCHES ■Ol o for <^0D PSYCHICAL and SPIRITUAL STUDIES QUARTERLY REVIEW No. 55 MARCH 1968 Contents include: page Let the Poets Speak 8 Vera Staff Kingdom-Mysticism 14 C. Harrison That Awful Word “Psychic!” 7 Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming Their Silent Witness .. 7 Rev. Edna Rowlingson God is Love ......................... 15 W. Tudor Pole This Adventure Called Life 16 Percy E. Corbett ONE SHILLING & SIXPENCE (U.S.A, and CANADA—25 Cents) The Churches’ Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies Headquarters: 5/6 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.l (01-834 4329) Founder—Lt.-Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I. President—The Worshipful Chancellor The Rev, E. Garth Moore, M.A., J.P. Vice-President—The Bishop of Southwark Chairman—Lt.-Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I. Vice-Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, M.A., Hon. C.F. General and Organizing Secretary—The Rev. Bertram E. Woods Hon. Secretary Youth Section—Miss O. Robertson Patrons: Bishop of London Bishopof Portsmouth Rrv. Dr. Maurice Barnett Bishop of Birmingham Bishop of Worcester Rev. Dr. Leslie Weatherhead Bishop of Bristol Bishop of California, U.S.A. Canon The Ven. A. P. Shepherd Bishop of Carlisle Bishop of Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Rev. Lord Soper Bishop of Chelmsford Rt. Rev. Dr. G. A. Chase Rev. Dr. Leslie Newman Bishop of Chester Rev. Dr. W. R. Matthews E. J. Allsop, J.P. Bishop of Chichester -'Ven. E. F. Carpenter George H. R. Rogers, C.B.E., M.P. Bishop of Colchester (of Westminster Abbey) Dr. R. Crookall Bishop of Crediton Rt. Rev. James A. Pike, U.S.A. Countess of Lichfield Bishop of Exeter Very Rev. Lord Macleod Beverley Nichols, Esq. Bishop of Hereford Rev. Canon E. T. Davies Dr Raynor Johnson Bishop of Oxford Rey. Canon C. F. Harman Sir George Trevelyan, Bart., M.A. And others prominent in the Church, Science and Public Life who have expressed their sympathy with the general purposes of the Fellowship, as set out in the prospectus, without thereby necessarily endorsing all the individual views put forth in this Review or at local meetings of the Fellowship Members of Council— Chairman—Lt. Col. Reginald M. Lester, F.J.I.; Vice-Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce- Higgins, M.A., C.F.; E. J. Allsop, Esq., J.P.; Mr. J. E. Atterbury; The Rev. A. Barham, B.D.; Miss M. Brice-Smith; Mrs. G. O. Brown; The Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.; Mr. P. Corbett; Robert Crookall, D.Sc., Ph.d.; The Rev. Richard Hall; The Rev. Canon C. F. Harman; The Rev. Chas. Harrington; Miss P. Harrold; Major E. G. Lang; Mrs. Helen Greaves; Mrs. R. M. Lester; The Rev. J. Macdonald, M.A., Ph.D., B.D., S.T.M.; The Rev. H. Martin, M.A., B.D.; Mr. Malcolm Myers; Rev. A. E. Reynolds; Miss O. Robertson; Mr. G. Stoneman; Mrs. W. Toyne; Mrs. G. Vivian, B.A.; The Rev. G. S. Whitby, M.A., B.D.; The Rev. Bertram E. Woods Committees— Executive: Chairman—Lt.-Col. Reginald M. Lester " Healing Central Advisory: Chairman—The Rev. Bertram E. Woods. Hon. Secretary—Mrs. R. M. Lester Assistant Secretary—Miss H. Tutin Study of Mysticism: i Chairnum—The Rev. Richard Hall Hon. Secretary—Mrs. Hilton Johnson Study of Psychic Phenomena: Chairman—The Rev. Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins, M.A. Hon. Secretary—The Rev. Allan Barham, B.D. Scientific Research: Chairman—Rev. G. S. Whitby, M.A., B.D. Hon. Secretary—Mr. H. V. Bearman AIMS AND OBJECTS aims and objects of the Fellowship are summarised below, but can be read in fuller detail in the official prospectus. Fellowship, founded in 1954, exists for the study of the wide reaches of the paranormal and extra sensory perception in their relation to the Christian faith.. The field of study includes psychical phenomena, mysticism, creative meditation and spiritual healing. The psychical includes such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition and psychokinesis. There are two classes of membership: Members and Associates. Those eligible for membership must be members of churches affiliated to the World Council of Churches, the British Council of Churches, the Roman Catholic Church ora Church of the orthodox tradition which believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of the world. Members of other Christian bodies not falling within these categories are eligible for Associate Membership as the Council may from time to time determine. The Fellowship is entirely dependent for its funds on the generosity of its members. The minimum subscription is 20/- per annum, which includes the Quarterly Review free. Those who can subscribe more are asked to do so, and Covenants are greatly appreciated. The Fellowship is an ecumenical body of Christians from Churches of various doctrines and traditions, who have in common a desire to advance psychical and spiritual studies by the exchange of ideas and experietces. This Review exists to provide a forum for such exchanges, which do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone except the individual contributor. i THE CHURCHES’ FELLOWSHIP FOR PSYCHICAL AND SPIRITUAL STUDIES QUARTERLY REVIEW MARCH 1968 No. 55 Hon. Editor - - Reginald M. Lester, Headquarters: 5/6 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.l (01-834 4329) RETREAT FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS OBERAMMERGAU, 1970 The first Retreat specifically for Officers and A suggestion has been made that the C.F.P.S.S. Council members of the Fellowship is to be held might care to arrange a party, through Inter at Benifold, Surrey, from the 19th to 21st March Church Travel, to visit the Passion Play at Ober­ inclusive. It is felt that, as the quarterly Council ammergau in 1970. To give some idea of the meetings are confined wholly to very full business response to this suggestion, will any members agenda, the members have no opportunity for any interested please let Col. Lester know. period of quiet meditation together, at winch times so much guidance often comes. Commenting on this, the General Secretary says: “The idea behind this is that we should try to give 1968 IONA PILGRIMAGE to those present a vision of the Cosmic and eternal Owing to an influx of young people from various context of our work as a Fellowship. So we have Scottish educational colleges to Iona during the chosen the title of our theme as ‘The Fellowship latter part of May, it has been found necessary to and the Kingdom’, to express the idea that Christ cancel our Fellowship’s second week Pilgrimage came to found a new race and set up a new King­ there. We shall, therefore, be confining this year’s dom. The new race is made up of the New Man, Pilgrimage to the one week only, from the 18th to one who has attained the full stature of manhood 24th May inclusive. As a result the accommoda­ in Christ, and who has capacities and gifts and tion is now fully booked. It is regretted that graces to fit the New Age. We are concerned with many who had booked the second week have had the nature and gifts of the New Man, and how he to be disappointed. can be developed”. The full programme will shortly be issued to all The programme for the Retreat has been worked who have made definite bookings. The medita­ out by the Rev. Bertram Woods and Canon C. F. tions will be again taken by Miss Elaine Cochrane, Harman. Two of the sessions will be taken by special request, with readings by the Rev. respectively by the Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming and Edna Rowlingson. Col. and Mrs. Lester will Col. Lester. It is regretted that the maximum conduct the evening Healing Meditation Services accommodation of 24 available has not made it in the Michael Chapel. Among the speakers at possible to accept all Council members at the the early evening sessions will be the Rev. Charles Retreat. Harrington, Mrs. Diana Myers and Miss Barbara Crump. We shall also have with us the Rev. Arthur Smith from our Cheltenham branch, and we hope the Rev. Dr. K. G. Cuming, if his parochial THE QUARTERLY REVIEW COVER duties permit of his absence at that time. There was a wide divergence of views from members regarding the new cover of the last issue. The Editor agrees with those who commented GRACE ROSHER adversely. It must, however, be explained that owing to some misunderstanding the lettering It is with much regret that we have had news was printed black on the blue background instead that Miss Grace Rosher has undergone a major of white. Members may consider the present operation. We are very glad, however, to hear that cover an improvement, but some amendment of she came through it remarkably well and is making the lettering and lay-out is probably still necessary. a good recovery. In the meantime our healing The Council will reconsider this at their next prayers go out to her over the period of her meeting later this month. convalescence. 1 and His universal design”, rather than await some :: i spectacular revelation. / MENT Mrs. Phyllis Wadsworth, Editor of Beyond, the quarterly magazine of The Guild of Prayer and Spiritual Healing, also has this to say on the recent Of recent months predictions have been made from predictions: “We do not know what these great certain sources of some spectacular manifestation events will be, when exactly they will come, nor in the skies, referred to in some quarters as the the form in which they will manifest. The years “Second Coming”, to occur on a specific date.
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