1941 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-HOUSE 10073 control of marihuana; without amendment of the Navy; to the Committee on Naval to be made openly or through subterfuge and (Rept. No. -1552). Referred to the Committee Affairs. indirection; to the Committee on the of the Whole House on the state of the Union. By Mr. COOLEY: Judiciary. Mr. TOLAN: Select Committee to Inves­ H. R. 6282. A bill relating to the penalty 2196. Also, resolutions of Italian-American tigate National Defense Migration. House for the marketing of tobacco in excess of Club of Beloit, Wis., pledging themselves in Resolution 113. Resolution to inquire into · the fa,rm-marketing quota; to the Commit­ a body to support the United States Govern­ the interstate migration of citizens, empha­ tee on Agriculture. ment, and State and city governments, the de­ sizing the present and potential consequences By Mr. ANDERSON of New Mexico: fense council, and all civic organizations that of the migration caused by the national­ H. Res. 395. Resolution to investigate what stand for the defense of the United States and defense program; without ame-nd:r;nent (Rept. methods will best instire the continued pro­ . its final victory in the present World War; No. 1553). Referred to the Committee of the duction of essential minerals after the war to the Committee on Military Affairs. Whole House on the state of the Union. shall have ended; to the Committee on Rules. 2197. Also, resolution of the Kenosha Chap­ Mr. MAY: Committee of conference on the ter, No. 20, Disabled American Veterans of disagreeing votes of the two Houses. H. R. the World War, Kenosha, Wis., placing their 6215. A b1ll to amend the Selective Training PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS services at the call of the United States Gov­ and Service Act of 1940, to aid in insuring the Under clause 1 of rule XXII; private ernment during the present World War; to defeat of all the enemies of the United States the Committee on Military Affairs. through the extension of liabllity for military bills and resolutions were introduced and 2198. By Mr. FLAHERTY: Petition of the service and the registration of the manpower severally referred a.s follows: Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, cambridge, of the Nation, and for other purposes (Rept.. By Mr. KEOGH: Mass., regarding views on price-control legis­ No. 1554). Ordered to be printed. H. R. 6283. A bill for the rellef of Franklin lation; to the Committee on Banking and Mr. MAY: Committee nf conference on tlie E. Ludwig, Mary Taylor, and Frank A. Tay­ Currency. disagreeing votes of the two Houses. S. 793. lor; to the Committee on Claims. 2199. Also, petition of the Cambridge An act to provide for a national cemetery in By Mr. KLEIN: Chamber of Commerce, Cambridge, Mass., op-:­ the vicinity of Portland, Oreg. (Rept. No. H. R. 6284. A bill for the relief of Abraham posing the construction of the St. Lawrence 1555) . Ordered to be printed. Gaber; to the Committee on Claims. waterway and power project; to the Commit­ Mr. RANDOLPH: ·committef' of conference By Mr. McGEHEE: . tee on Rivers and Harbors. on the disagreeing -votes of the two Houses. H. R. 6285. A bill for the relief of Clarance H. R. 5558. A bill increasing motor-vehicle­ A. Houser and his wife, Mrs. Jewel Houser; fuel taxes in the District of Columbia for the to the Committee on Claims. period January 1, 1942, to June 30, 1949 By Mr. VOORHIS of California: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Rept. No 1556). Orderec to be printed. H. R. 6286. A bill for the relief of Lee Watts; to the Committee on Claims. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1941 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS The House met at 12 o'clock noon. PETITIONS, ETC. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Montgomery, D. D., offered the following bills and resolutions were introduced and prayer: severally referred as follows: and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: 0 God, our everlasting Father, we By Mr. O'NEAL: H. R. 6273. A bill to amend the provisions 2192. By Mr. CULKIN: Resolution of citi­ pray that Thou wilt accept the thanks of the Internal Revenue Code by setting new zens' public expenditure survey of New York and praise of our grateful hearts. Do · maximum limits on allowances for losses of State, urging that Congress effect all possible Thou sanctify our joys and add to them distilled spirits by leakage or evaporation savings in Federal nonessential, nondefense sincerity, deep earnestness, and conse­ ·while in internal-revenue bonded warehouses, spending; to the Committer on Appropria­ ·crated endeavor, making these days a and for other purposes; to the Committee on tions. season of faith and t-rust in Thee, heal­ Ways and Means. 2193. By Mr. MERRITI': Resolution of the ing the wounded arteries of 'human · By Mr. DIMOND: New York State taxpayers rally on nonde­ H. R. 6274. A bill to extend the provisions fense governmental spending, urging Con-· breasts everywhere. Grant that the ad­ of certain laws relating to vocational reba~ gress to effect all possible savings in Federal vent of Mary's Holy Child may soften bilitation of persons disabled in industry to nonessential, nondefense spending in the in­ the asperities of war and hate, casting the Territory of Alaska; to the Committee on terest of national defense and the general wel­ beams of luster and' hope through the Education. fare of the public; to the Committee on Ap- shadowy times of an uncertain future. _ By Mr MAAS: propriations. _ We pray that peace, brotherhood, and H. R. 6275. A bill providing for the issuance 2194. Also, resolution of the Queens County of a sailor's medal and a marine's medal, and Council and Postal Garrison, No. 1639, Army confidence and all the fruits of the spirit for other purposes; to the Committee on and Navy Union, Department of New York may blossom in the soil of the Christ Naval Affairs. City, requesting that under the revised edi­ garden. In Him how beautiful are pa­ By Mr. WILLIAM T. PHEIFFER: tion of Veterans' Benefits of the Seventy-sixth tience and long-suffering, and how un­ H. R. 6276. A b111 to provide that no person Congress, third session, House Document 666, speakable is the wonder of His love! shall be barred from enlisting, or serving, in paragraph ( 5) , shall be amended to read as When once the Star of Bethlehem ceases the military or naval forces of the United follows: "Hospital or domiciliary care for vet­ to shine, what a black socket there will States because of having been previously dis­ erans who served in the armed forces of the honorably discharged therefrom on the United States ot America regardless of length be in the sky of this torn world! Oh, ·ground of mieconduct in the nature of· a mis­ of service during peace- or war-time who (a) may He be born in us and formed in us, demeanor and providing further that a con- were not dishonorably discharged from their the hope of glory, our Lord Immanuel. viction for a misdemeanor or a felony under last period of service; (b) swear that they Amen. civil law shall not constitute a bar to such are unable to defray the expenses of hos­ enlistment and service, under certain circum­ pitalization or domiciliary care, including The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ stances; to the Committee on Military Affairs. the expenses of transportation to and from a terday was read and approved. By Mr. RAMSEY: Veterans' Administration facility; and (c) MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE H. R. 6277. A bill relative to granting and are suffering with a disability, disease, or de­ ·giving instructions in civil .and criminal fect which, being susceptible of cure or de­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. cases in the district courts of continental cided improvement, indicates need for hos­ Baldridge, one of its clerks, announced United States; to the Committee on the pital care, or which, being essentially chronic that the Senate had passed bills of the Judiciary. in type and not susceptible of cure or decided following titles, in which the concurrence By Mr. STEAGALL: improvement by hospital mire, Is producing H. R. 6278. A bill to amend title IV of the disablement of such degree and of such proba­ of the House is requested: National Housing Act, as amended, and for ble persistency as will incapacitate from earn­ S. 1936. An act to provide protection of other purposes; to the Committee on Banking . ing a living for a prospective period, and persons and property from bombing attacks and currency. thereby indicates need· for domiciliary care"; in the United States, and for other purposes; H. R. 6279. A bill to amend the Federal to the Committee on Military Affairs. S. 2060. An act to amend the act entitled Home Loan !Bank Act, as amended, and for · 2195. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Reso­ "An act to require the registration of certain other purposes; to the Committee on Bank­ lutions of the Governor of the State of Wis­ persons employed by agencies to disseminate ing and Currency. consin, Julius P. Hell, and the State Advisory propaganda in the United States, and for H. R. 6280. A bill to amend the Home Own­ Committee on Unemployment Compensation, other purpose_s,'' approved June 8, 1938, as ·ers Loan Act of 1933, as amended; to the representing both employer and labor repre­ amended; and Committee on Banking and Currency. sentatives, opposing any and all proposals to s.
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