taken away not to be THE MITRE. M. J. BENNETT BOUCHER & LACROIX UPHOLSTERER & PICTURE FRAMER Successors to J. LEVINSON. Beg to announce that they carry the Dealer in Choice Fruit "AMES HOLDEN SH2E." and Confectionery And make a specialty of MEN'S $3 OO BOOT LENNOXVILLE. 163 WELLINGTON. ST- SHERBROOKE P. Q. E. T. BROWNING GEO. POVEY University Tonsorial Artist BAKER ------- Dealer in------- Pipes. Cigars and Tobacco. also fine Bred Dogs Sealer in Choice Confectioner? LENNOXVILLE. P. Q. LENNOXVILLE. Reichert’s Microscopes, ONE OF THE FINEST LINES IN THE MARKET For which we are Sole Agents for the Dominion of Canada. MlCRO ACCESSORIES STUDENTS' OUTFITS A SPECIALTY A COMPLETE LINE OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATEST PATTERNS Guaranteed to be of first quality and finish, on exhibition in our Showrooms. 21 PHILIPS SQUARE At very reasonable prices. PATERSON & FOSTER WHOLESALE & RETAIL Surgical and Dental Instrument Dealers MONTREAL. THE MITRE. 299 299 THE MITRE. Books Presented to the Library. and Treasurer of Harvard University of Quebec for the year 1898-1899— 1898-1899 Specimen copies of Bell’s Illus­ THE FOLLOWING BOOKS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED Report of the Auditor General trated Classics for the Publishers. IN THE LIBRARY DURING THE YEAR. for the year an accounts for all de Specimen copies from Macmell- partments except Railways and an & Co— Canals ending June 30th 1899. PRESENTED: Documentary History of Edu­ The Annual Reports of the Brit Report of the Auditor General Encyclopaedia Britannica (9th cation in Upper Canada (Ontario) ish Association from 1879-1897 for the year ending June 30th 1899 edition) presented by The Calendar of Trinity Uni­ 19 volumes. for Railways and Canals. Robert Lilley Esq—D C L versity. Presented by Annual Report of the Superin­ W. W. Wadleigh, B. A. New English Dictionary Report of the Commission of tendent of Education for the Public (Dr. J. A. H. Murry.) Agriculture 1897. The story of the Prayer Book, presented by schools of Nova Scotia for the year by Rev. A. Allerton Murch, A. B., Statistical Year Book of Canada. The Chancellor. ending July 31st 1899— 1898. B. D. Report of the Superintendent of presented by Mitre Vol 6. presented by Statutes of Canada (62-63 Vic­ Public Instruction for the Province Rev. Howard S. Hill. “The Mitre” toria.) The Book, of the Church Journals of the Senate 1899. (Southey) BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT Sessional Papers 1899 The Furriers to Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Southey) Contributions of Canadian New Paloeomtology vol. iv. pt. 1 QUEBEC FOR FURS Annual Report of Fruit Growers From Geological Survey of Can­ Golf Association for 1897 and 1898 ada. Presented by Rev. Thomas W. Fyles D C L University of Toronto Studies. Breeches G. R. Renfrew & Co. History 2nd Series vol 1 pages The following were “Received”. With belt to match, (cut same as 35 & 37 BUADE ST., QUEBEC 77-55. Cavalry Breeches) are the only correct Hatters and Furriers The Gospel of Paul the Apostle Preliminary stages of the Peace style for the up-to-date College Stu­ The largest Manufacturers of Fine Furs in Canada By author of Vox Clamantis. of Amiens. dent. We are showing some natty Originators of Styles in Ladies’ Sealskin Lent by the Publishers. by H. M. Bowman. patterns in “Golfers”, We have also Sheppard and St. John Garments. Annual Report of the Geological in stock Foxe’s Spat Puttees—anoth Fine Russian and Hudson Bay Sables London E. C. Survey of Canada vol X 1897— er absolute necessity. Silver and Arctic Foxes. Annual report of Royal Society Ice Bear, Tiger and Cheetah Rugs in great Annual Report of the Super of Canada 1896-1898 JNO. 0. DUNCAN variety. intendent of Public Instruction of Received from the Province of Quebec 1898-1899. OUTFITTER TO THE STUDENTS Lincoln & Bennett's Celebrated London Hats. Sir J. G. Bourinot, K. C. M. G. SHERBROOKE. The Harvard University Cata A Stock of College Trenchers always on hand. L. L. D. D. C. L. Lit., D. logue 1899-1900. The Annual Report of the De Journal of the Diocese of Mil­ J. P. C0RMIER, partment of Agriculture, Ontario waukee 1899— 1897-1898 Annual Report of the President FURRIER SHERBROOKE, QUE., 297 THE MITRE THE MITRE. 298 “THE MITRE." E. G. Henry. N. C. Davies. Multum in Parvo. THE LADIES. Oysters, Cosine 90° H. S. Orr, J. G. Ward, R. A. Cowling. SOUP. AULD LANG SYNE Consomme' a La Royale. R. D. Thompson. FISH. Boiled Salmon and Claret Sauce. The Convocation went off very summer but we feel convinced that ROASTS. nicely everything went smoothly. when all is finished it will be very Turkey and Cranberry Sauce. Spring Lamb and Mint Sauce. Both dances were from what we handsome both within and without and very much more comfortable for SALADS. can gather from people who were Lobster. there a great success, the school boys the students. The new dining room were present at their own dance on has already made a great difference, VEGETABLES. Pommes Juliennes. Wednesday night all dressed in their for we are far more comfortable now Asparagus. French Green Peas. Kaki suits which looked very well, than we were when we were crowded • ENTREMENTS. they however left before the Univer into the old one. So that when we Plum Pudding and Brandy Sauce Strawberries and Cream. Lemon Jelly. sity dance on Thursday evening. A have also new rooms we will find a FRUIT. great difference and it is hoped that NUTS. COFFEE. great many people were present con­ sidering the threatening weather. everything possible will be done The Convocation on Wednesday af this summer to hasten on the work. ternoon, was very quiet in fact far too quiet but owing to circumstances We wish through the Mitre to it could not be avoided, we have no offer our hearty congratulations to THE QUEEN. doubt however that we shall be able Dr. Allnatt who has been our Acting Regens maria ac terras populosque. to make up for it at some future time Principal now for two years, (owing ALMA MATER. The hall itself was crowded so that to the sudden illness of our beloved K. G. Robertson. F. W. Carroll it was with difficulty seats enough Imo pectore Principal Dr. Adams) Dr. Allnatt could be found in it to accommodate has carried on the work in such a THE CULTY. W. W. Wadleigh. all the people. Prof. Holme. way as to win the esteem of all who Aliquando bonus dormitat Home(r) came into contact with him, and all CLASS '00 It is with the greatest pleasure agree that we owe him our thanks Mr. Rusk. that we see that work has begun al “To say that you are welcome E. A. Rankin for the way in which he was ready would be superfluous.” ready on the new building and we to help us if we were in trouble. • aut 1900 aut nullus. fully expect to see a great change CLASS ’01 when we return in September. The The Richmond memorial tab G. E. Waegent. W. M. Gordon. building is already much improved let is now in its place in the chapel CLASS '02. J. H. Wurtele. by the work which was done last and looks very well. F. H. Mitchell. Cum grano satis. DIVINITY, E. F. King. E. R. Roy. Ora pro nobis. THE MITRE. 296 295 THE MITRE. But to return, when the import­ time to be really regaining strength. in the College Chapel and was very many sacred associations; a few yards only from the spot where the sainted ant question of his life-work came to But when hope was at its highest, deeply impressed by it, and made re­ be settled, it was found that his mind there came a second and more vio quest to his father that the same Bishop Stewart first pitched his tent. had long been made up to offer him­ lent hemorrhage on the Tuesday be should be done in his case. We left him sleeping there, assuring ourselves that it is not the least hon­ self for the Sacred Ministry. It need fore Easter, from which there was The Burial Service in Hatley our of the consecrated spot of ground not be said what a joy this decision no rallying. He now fully realized was extremely beautiful and heart that it holds in its keeping the dust of his was to his parents, and how that the end was drawing near, and melting. It was closed with singing of so brave and true a Christian so gladly his name was placed on the he spoke of it to his father and moth­ at the grave, by the great crowd sur­ holy and humble a son of our Mother roll of Candidates by his Bishop. er calmly, even cheerfully, with beau­ rounding it, the Hymn Rock ofAges. the Church as was Basil Henry tiful resignation, and with full con­ But now a change came. A So there we left our young Sold­ Stevens. fidence in his Heavenly Father’s love shadow fell over the brilliance and ier of the Cross sleeping in Jesus un­ H. R. triumph of this career. During his and mercy. On the Thursday in til the Resurrection morning; in that Richmond, last year in College, more particulary Easter Week he peacefully and sweet­ God’s Acre of Hatley hallowed by so 21st April, 1900. the Spring of 1899, his health was ly entered into his rest. not satisfactory. There was some The whole community, among inward trouble. The best medical whom he had spent almost his en­ advice counselled an operation.
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