Voice Doctor We’re proud to help the Orchestra keep playing We are a full service firm of leading chartered accountants based in the city of London. Our professional team provides specialist accounting, audit and tax advice to a range of clients across the business and personal spectrum. To arrange a free, initial meeting, please contact Russell Rich at [email protected] or call him on 020 7490 7766. Paternoster House, 65 St Paul’s Churchyard London EC4M 8AB Telephone +44 (0)20 7490 7766. www.lubbockfine.co.uk Registered to carry on audit work and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Member of Russell Bedford International We’re proud to help the Orchestra keep playing We are a full service firm of leading chartered accountants based in the city of London. Our professional team provides specialist accounting, audit and tax advice to a range of clients across the business and personal spectrum. To arrange a free, initial meeting, please contact Russell Rich at [email protected] or call him on 020 7490 7766. Paternoster House, 65 St Paul’s Churchyard London EC4M 8AB Telephone +44 (0)20 7490 7766. www.lubbockfine.co.uk Registered to carry on audit work and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Member of Russell Bedford International - What is Bach, the Universe & Everything? If this is your firstBach, the Universe and Everything (BUE), welcome! We like to think of the series as a community, similar to the one Bach enjoyed in Leipzig where he produced cantatas at an extraordinary rate, providing innovative music for the weekly services at the church where he worked from 1723 until his death in 1750. Then, the congregation was as open to science and new ideas as it was brought together by faith. It is in that spirit that we come together for a thought-provoking cantata and a talk from a leading scientist. In today’s concert, ‘Voice Doctor’ Declan Costello shares with us the mysterious world of vocal anatomy. He will discuss the findings of Public Health England’s study into the transmission of viral particles by singers and musicians so that we can enlighten ourselves about the safety of particle transmission. For our cantata, we present BWV 9. A note from our director, Steven Devine Johann Sebastian Bach’s cantata Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 9, has the inter- esting instrumental scoring of flute, oboe d’amore, strings and continuo, and this gave a wonderful opportunity to perform part of Graupner’s Ouverture in E major GWV 440 – which features the same scoring. Christoph Graupner studied law at the University of Leipzig and music under Johann Kuhnau (1660 – 1722): the latter was Bach’s predecessor as Thomaskantor in Leipzig, creating a very strong connection. The organ voluntary is by a Bach family member who was clearly highly regarded (for today’s audience there is only really one “Bach” but in the 17th and 18th centuries there was a whole dynasty of formidable musicians). J S Bach described Johann Christoph Bach (1642 – 1703) – his father’s cousin - as a “profound composer”. - Voice Doctor Recorded Friday 10th July 2020 Speaker Declan Costello Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Welcome Crispin Woodhead CEO Surgeon Orchestra Voluntary JC Bach Steven Devine director, organ Es ist das Heil uns kommen her Rodolfo Richter violin Polyphony Andrew Roberts violin Lassus Musica Dei Donum Martin Kelly viola Jonathan Manson cello Reading Anon Cecelia Bruggemeyer bass The Silver Swan Lisa Beznosiuk flute Katharina Spreckelsen oboe d’amore Cantata JS Bach BWV 9 Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (It is our Chorus salvation come here to us) Zoë Brookshaw* soprano Jessica Cale soprano Bethany Horak-Hallett* alto Science Declan Costello Martha McLorinan alto The Voice Doctor Jeremy Budd tenor Guy Cutting* tenor Closing Crispin Woodhead CEO Thomas Lowen bass Dominic Sedgwick* bass Postlude Graupner *Soloists and singers of the Rising Stars Overture in E major of the Enlightenment Scheme. Artwork designed by Freepik, 2020 Polyphony Musica Dei Donum by Orlande de Lassus 1530 - 1594 Musica Dei donum optimi Music, the gift of the supreme God, trahit homines, trahit deos: draws men, draws gods; Musica truces mollit animos music makes savage souls gentle tristesque mentes erigit. and uplifts sad minds; Musica vel ipsas arbores music moves the trees themselves et horridas movet feras and wild beasts, cunctisque solatia prestans. affording solace to all. Reading The Silver Swan by Anon The silver swan, who living had no note, When death approached, unlocked her silent throat; Leaning her breast against the reedy shore, Thus sang her first and last, and sang no more: “Farewell, all joys; Oh death, come close mine eyes; More geese than swans now live, more fools than wise.” Read by Cecelia Bruggemeyer, OAE Double bass Cantata BWV 9 Es ist das Heil uns kommen her J.S. Bach 1685-1750 Coro Chorus Es ist das Heil uns kommen her Salvation has come to us Von Gnad und lauter Güte. Through grace and pure goodness. Die Werk, die helfen nimmermehr, Good works no longer avail us, Sie mögen nicht behüten. They cannot protect us. Der Glaub sieht Jesum Christum an, Faith looks to Jesus Christ, Der hat g’nug für uns all getan, He has done enough for us all, Er ist der Mittler worden. He has become the Intercessor. Recitativo Recitative Gott gab uns ein Gesetz, God gave us a Law, doch waren wir zu schwach, but we were too weak Daß wir es hätten halten können. to be able to keep it. Wir gingen nur den Sünden nach, We merely pursued our sinful ways, Kein Mensch war fromm zu nennen; no man could be called godly; Der Geist blieb an dem Fleische kleben The spirit clung to the flesh Und wagte nicht zu widerstreben. and dared not resist it. Wir sollten in Gesetze gehn We were supposed to abide by the law Und dort als wie in einem Spiegel sehn, and see there, as in a glass, Wie unsere Natur unartig sei; how wicked our natures be; Und dennoch blieben wir dabei. and yet we did not change. Aus eigner Kraft war niemand fähig, No one was able, of his own accord, Der Sünden Unart zu verlassen, to abandon sinful wickedness, Er möcht auch alle Kraft zusammenfassen. Even though he summoned all his strength, Aria Aria Wir waren schon zu tief gesunken, We had already sunk too deep, Der Abgrund schluckt uns völlig ein. the abyss swallowed us completely, Die Tiefe drohte schon den Tod, The depths threatened us with death, Und dennoch konnt in solcher Not and yet, in such distress Uns keine Hand behilflich sein. no hand could help us. Recitativo Recitative Doch mußte das Gesetz erfüllet werden; But the Law had to be fulfilled; Deswegen kam das Heil der Erden, and so salvation came to earth, Des Höchsten Sohn, der hat es selbst erfüllt The Son of the Highest, Himself fulfilled the law Und seines Vaters Zorn gestillt. and appeased His Father’s anger. Durch sein unschuldig Sterben Through His innocent death Cantata He let us win salvation. Ließ er uns Hilf erwerben. BWV 9 Es ist das Heil uns kommen her J.S. Bach 1685-1750 Wer nun demselben traut, They who put their trust in Him, Wer auf sein Leiden baut, And build on His suffering, Der gehet nicht verloren. Shall not perish. Der Himmel ist für den erkoren, Heaven is reserved for those Der wahren Glauben mit sich bringt who bring true faith with them Und fest um Jesu Arme schlingt. and hold Jesus tightly in their arms. Aria Aria Herr, du siehst statt guter Werke Lord, instead of looking on good works, Auf des Herzens Glaubensstärke, Thou dost look to the strength of our faith, Nur den Glauben nimmst du an. and acknowledge naught but faith. Nur der Glaube macht gerecht, Naught but faith creates virtue, Alles andre scheint zu schlecht, all else seems too slight Als daß es uns helfen kann. to be of help to us. Recitativo Recitative Wenn wir die Sünd aus dem Gesetz erkennen, When through law we recognise sin, So schlägt es das Gewissen nieder; our conscience strikes it down; Doch ist das unser Trost zu nennen, But our consolation is, Daß wir im Evangelio That by the Gospel Gleich wieder froh We may at once take heart again Und freudig werden: And be joyful: Dies stärket unsern Glauben wieder. This strengthens our faith again. Drauf hoffen wir der Zeit, We can look forward to that time Die Gottes Gütigkeit Which God in His goodness Uns zugesaget hat, has allotted us, Doch aber auch aus weisem Rat The exact hour of which Die Stunde uns verschwiegen. He has wisely concealed. Jedoch, wir lassen uns begnügen, And yet we shall be content, Er weiß es, wenn es nötig ist, For He knows when it is necessary, Und brauchet keine List And needs to practice no deceit An uns; wir dürfen auf ihn bauen On us; we can build on Him Und ihm allein vertrauen. and trust in Him alone. Coro Chorale Ob sichs anließ, als wollt er nicht, Though it may at first seem He is not willing, Laß dich es nicht erschrecken; Let that not dismay you; Denn wo er ist am besten mit, For where He is most beside you, Da will ers nicht entdecken. He is wont not to reveal it. Sein Wort laß dir gewisser sein, Be more certain of His Word, Und ob dein Herz spräch lauter Nein, And though your heart may say only ‘No’, So laß doch dir nicht grauen.
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