Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at New York University on June 28, 2016 THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. KDITED BY THE ASSISTANT-SECRETARYOF THE GEOLOGICALSOCIETY. VOLUME THE ELEVENTH. 1855. -,t PART II. MISCELLANEOUS. Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at New York University on June 28, 2016 CONTENTS OF PAttT II. Alphabetically arranged--the names of the Authors in capital letters. Page Aeephala and Gasteropoda of the Sandling Marble, HORNES on the... 23 Alps, ESCHER On the Geology of part of the Swiss ..................... 16 Asymmetrical Ammonites from Hierlatz, HAUER On some ............ 39 Austria, PETERS on the Tertiary Chelonia of .............................. 37 Banat, KUDERNATSCH On the Geology of a part of ..................... 46 Banz, THEODORI'S description of Ichthyosauri from, noticed ......... 41 Bayreuth, BRAUN on the Liassic Flora of ................................. 40 Belgrade, HSRNES on Tertiary Fossils from .............................. 24 Bohemia, LIDL on Coal-deposits in .......................................... 44 , VOGL on the Geistergang in Northern .............................. 37 ...., WARNSDORFF on the Geology of Carlsbad in ................. .... 43 Brachiopoda of the KSssen beds, SuEss on the ........................... 26 BRAUN. On the Liassie Flora of Bayreuth ................................. 40 Carinthia, LIPOLD on the Lead-bearing Rocks of Lower ............... 44 , PETERS on the Geology of Lower .................................... 38 Carlsbad, WARNSDORFF on the Geology of .............................. 43 CATULt, O. On the Fossil Crnstacea from near Verona .................. 42 Cephalopoda of the Hallstatt beds, HAUER on the ..................... 22 Chelonia, PETERS on the Austrian Tertiary .............................. 37 Childrenite, RA~MELSBERO on ............................................. 8 Clinochlore and Mica, KOKSCHAROV on ..... ., ........................... 24 Coal-deposits at Marklin, in Bohemia, LIDL on ........................... 44 Cretaceous Rocks near Nice, PEREZ on the .............................. 3 Crustacea, Fossil, from near Verona, CATULLO on some ............... 4"2 DELANOUE. On the Metamorphism of Rocks ........................... 7 Dolomite of Monte Salvatore, HAYER on some Fossils from the ...... 48 Earthquakes at Sehemnitz, RUSSEGGER on ........................... 36, 47 Echinodermata of the Hils-conglomerate, STROMBECK on the ......... 13 Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at New York University on June 28, 2016 iv Page ERDMANN'S Introduction to the Knowledge of Rocks, noticed ...... 48 ESCHER. On the Geology of the Northern Vorarlberg and the neigh- bouring Districts ..... ". .................................................. _... 16 FOETTERLE. Oil Magnesite, and the Economic Production of Sul- phate of Magnesia ......................................................... 43 FORBES and DAHLL. Mineralogical Researches in the District around Arendal and Krageroe in Norway ....................................... 9 Fossils from the Dolomite of Monte Salvatore, HAUER on some ...... 48 Fossil Crustaeea from Verona, CATULLO Oil .............................. 42 Gasteropoda and Acephala of the Sandling Marble, HSRNES on the... 23 Geology of a part of Norway, FORBES and DAHLL on the ............ 9 of Carlsbad, WARNSDORFF on the .................................... 45 of Lower Carinthia, PETERS on the ................................. 38 of Nice, PEREZ on the ................................................ l - of Pribram, KLESZCZNSKI on the .................................... 40 - - of Steierdorf, KUDERNATSCH on the ................................. 46 .... of the Vorarlberg, ESCHER on the .................................... 16 ---- of the Vorarlberg, SUESS on the ....................................... 35 Hallstatt Cephalopoda, HAUER on the .................................... 92 HAUER. On some asymmetrical Ammonites from Hierlatz ............ 39 ~. On some Fossils from the Dolomite of Monte Salvatore, near Lu~ano, Canton Tessin 48 ~. On the Cephalopoda 22 ~. On the Composition of the Vienna Sandstone .................. 39 Hierlatz, HAUER on some asvmmetrical Ammonites from ............ 39 Hils-conglomerate, STROMBr~CK on the Echinodermata of the ......... 13 HiJRNES. On Tertiary Fossils from Belgrade ........................... 24 "---. On the Gasteropoda and Aeephala of the Sandling Marble ... 23 -. On the Tertiaries of Hungary and Transylvania .................. 42 Hungary, HiSRNES on the Tertiaries of .................................... 42 Ichthyosauri in the Banz Museum, THEODORI'S account of, noticed... 41 Intimate structure of Minerals, LEYDOLT on the ........................ 23 Jurassic Rocks near Nice, PEREZ on the .................................... 4 KLESZCZNSKL On the Mining District of Pribram ..................... 40 KOKSCHAROV. On Clinochlore and Mica ................................. 24 K/~ssen Brachiopoda, SUESS on the .......................................... 26 KUDERNATSCH. On the Geology of the Vicinity of Steierdorf, Banat 46 Lead-bearing rocks of Lower Carinthia, LIPOLD on the ............... 44 LEYDOLT. On the intimate structure of Minerals, as exhibited bv the action of Hydrochloric Acid ......................... " 23 Liassie Flora of Bayreuth, BRAUN On the ................................ 40 LIDL. On the Coal-deposits at Marklin, Bohemia ........................ 44 LIOOLD. On the Lead-bearing Rocks of Lower Carinthia ............ 44 Lugano, HAUER on some Fossils fi'om the Dolomite near ............ 48 Magnesite, FOF, TT~.RLE on ................................................... 43 Maritime Alps, PEREZ on the Geology of part of the .................. 1 Marklin, LIOL on Coal-deposits at .......................................... 44 Metalliferous Deposit in Northern Bohemia, VOGL on a ............... 37 Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at New York University on June 28, 2016 v Page Metamorphism of Rocks, DELANOC~. on the .............................. 7 Mica from Vesuvius, KOKSCHAROV on .................................... 24 Mineralogical Researches in Norway, by FORBES and DAHLL ......... .9 Minerals, LEYDOLT on the intimate structure of ........................ 23 Mining District of Pribram, KLESZCZNSK! on the ..................... 40 Monte Salvatore, HAUER on some Fossils from ........................... 48 Nice, PEREZ on the Geology of the vicinity of ........................... 1 Norway, Mineralogical Researches in, by FORBES and DAHLL ......... .9 Nummulitic rocks near Nice, PEREZ on the .............................. 1 PEREZ. On the Nummulitic, Cretaceous, and Jurassic Terrains of the Maritime Alps, near Nice ................................................ 1 PETERS. On the Geology of Lower Cafinthia ........................... 38 . On the Tertiary Chelonia of Austria ................................. 37 Pribram, KLESZCZNSKX on the Mining District of ..................... 40 RAMMELSBERG. On Childrenite ............................................. 8 Rocks, ERDMANN'S Introduction to the Knowledge of, noticed ...... 48 RUSSEGOER. Notice of the occurrence of Earthquakes at Schemnitz, Hungary ............................................................... 36, 47 Salzberg, Su~ss on the ......................................................... 36 Sandling Marble, HSRNES on the Gasteropoda and Aeephala of the 23 Sandstone of Vienna, HAYER on the Composition of the ............... 39 Schemnitz, RUSSEGGER on Earthquakes at ........................... 36, 47 Steierdorf, KUDERNATSCH on the Geology of ........................... 46 STROMBECK. On the Echinodermata of the Hils-conglomerate in North-western Germany ................................................... 13 S UESS. On the Brachiopoda of the KSssen strata in the Tyrol ...... 26 L . On the Vorarlberg and the Salzberg .............................. 35 Tertiaries of Hungary and Transylvania, HSRNES on the ............... 42 Tertiary Chelonia of Austria, PETERS On the .............................. 37 Tertiary Fossils from Belgrade, HSRNES on ................................. 24 THEODORI'S Description of the gigantic Ichthyosaurus trigonodon in the Banz Museum, noticed ............................................. 41 Transylvania, I-t(JRNES on the Tertiaries of ................................. 42 Verona, CATULLO on fossil Crustacea from .............................. 42 Vienna Sandstone, ItAUER on the Composition of........................ 39 VOGL. On a recently discovered Metalliferous Deposit in Northern Bohemia ............. .~..................................................... 37 Vorarlberg and the Salzberg, Su~.ss on the ................................. 35 , ESCHER on the Geology of the ....................................... 16 WARNSDORFF. Oil the Geology of Carlsbad, Bohemia .................. 43 Downloaded from http://jgslegacy.lyellcollection.org/ at New York University on June 28, 2016 TRANSLATIONS AND NOTICES OF GEOLOGICAL MEMOIRS. On the NUMMULITIC, CRETACEOUS, and JuRAssic TERRAINS of the MAmTIME ALES, near NICE. By Prof. A. PEREZ. [Sui Limiti Geognostici del Terreno Cretaceo delle Alpi marittime, per A. Perez. Estratto degli Atti dell' otava Riunione degli Scienzati Italiani in Genova; Sezione di Geologia; Seduta delli 23 Settembre 1846. 8vo. Nizza, 1853, pp. 15.] IN the writings of Sismonda * and Pareto t the Cretaceous terrain of the Maritime Alps is represented
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