To Consignors Hip Color & No

To Consignors Hip Color & No

Index to Consignors Hip Color & No. Sex Name, Year Foaled Sire Dam Barn 29 Consigned by Amende Place (Lee McMillin), Agent I Broodmare 3895 dk. b./br. m. Salt Loch, 1996 Salt Lake Jolie Scot Barn 29 Consigned by Amende Place (Lee McMillin), Agent II Weanling 4074 ch. c. unnamed, 2005 Van Nistelrooy Don't Answer That Barn 29 Consigned by Amende Place (Lee McMillin), Agent V Broodmare 3807 dk. b./br. m. Magic in the Music, 1995 Dixieland Band Shared Magic Barn 29 Consigned by Amende Place (Lee McMillin), Agent VI Broodmare 3874 b. m. Queen's Castle, 1995 Pleasant Tap Castle Eight Barn 29 Consigned by Amende Place (Lee McMillin), Agent VII Weanling 3934 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Include Sweet Elyse Barn 41 Consigned by Anderson Farms, Agent Stallion prospect 4327 gr/ro. c. Third Sacker, 2001 Maria's Mon De La Cat Barn 41 Consigned by Anderson Farms, Agent for Ellie Boje Farm Broodmare 4256 b. m. Rahy's Hope, 1996 Rahy Roberto's Hope Barn 41 Consigned by Anderson Farms, Agent for Kuehne Racing Broodmare 4249 dk. b./br. m. Princess Pamela, 1999 Binalong Constant Talk Barn 41 Consigned by Anderson Farms, Agent for Sam-Son Farm Broodmare 4416 ch. m. Dixieland Briar, 1999 Dixieland Band Roman Briar Barn 46 Consigned by William Anderson, Agent Broodmare 4317 dk. b./br. m. Superdor, 1993 Cawdor Allerton Barn 48 Consigned by Aspendell, Agent Broodmares 4279 ch. m. Scram, 1990 Stalwart Flaxen 4303 ch. m. Spritz, 1994 Relaunch Supplier Weanlings 4280 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Ride the Rails Scram 4389 ch. f. Butterflyfreetofly, 2005 Repriced Early Maud 4392 dk. b./br. c. unnamed, 2005 Free House Cat Ballado 6-i1 Index to Consignors Hip Color & No. Sex Name, Year Foaled Sire Dam Barn 46 Property of Autumn Hill Farms Racing Stables, Inc. Broodmares 4191 b. m. Misspitch, 1990 Waquoit Duo Disco 4208 b. m. My Sand Dollar, 1999 Sandpit (BRZ) Personal Reply 4341 b. m. Vigorous Lady, 1986 Vigors Coral Cream 4349 b. m. Wildalot, 1999 Wild Again Investalot 4387 ch. m. Brushed With Gold, 2001 Touch Gold Brush With the Law Broodmare prospect 4371 b. m. Autumn Prospect, 2000 Prospect Bay Northern Gold Mine Barn 35 Consigned by Ballinswood Sales (Bill and Alison Murphy), Agent VII Weanling 4030 ch. c. unnamed, 2005 Vicar Bound to Blush Barn 35 Consigned by Ballinswood Sales (Bill and Alison Murphy), Agent IX Broodmares 3774 ch. m. Jerry Bomb, 1991 Explosive Bid Shibumi 3977 b. m. Will Comply, 1990 Sovereign Dancer Laurie's Angel Weanling 3840 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Vision and Verse Noble Victress Barn 35 Consigned by Ballinswood Sales (Bill and Alison Murphy), Agent X Racing or broodmare prospect 4011 ch. m. Baiser d'Amour, 1999 Whitney Tower Mere Aggression Barn 35 Consigned by Ballinswood Sales (Bill and Alison Murphy), Agent for Eileen H. Hartis Broodmare 3770 dk. b./br. m. Imagineiminlove, 2000 Formal Gold Remarkably Easy Weanling 3771 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Kafwain Imagineiminlove Barn 35 Consigned by Ballinswood Sales (Bill and Alison Murphy), Agent for Maria Bonita Paso Fino Corp. Broodmare 4026 ch. m. Bold Conquistadora, 2002 Marquetry Diplomatic Issue Barn 44 Consigned by Ted Bates Agency, Inc., Agent Broodmare prospect 4189 ch. f. Missile O'Gold, 2002 Slew o' Gold Wake Up Genie Barn 38 Property of Blake Agency Broodmares 3824 ch. m. Modern Maid (URU), 1988 Link (FR) Northern Maid 4064 ch. m. Da Vinna, 1998 Boundary Swazi's Moment 6-i2 Index to Consignors Hip Color & No. Sex Name, Year Foaled Sire Dam Barn 38 Property of Blake Agency - Continued Weanling 3825 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Flatter Modern Maid (URU) Barn 38 Consigned by Blandford Stud (Padraig Campion), Agent Broodmares 4012 dk. b./br. m. Bananafanafofana, 1996 Pleasant Tap Valid Nany 4028 ch. m. Boney, 1993 Jade Hunter Miss Carlotita (ARG) Weanlings 3844 dk. b./br. c. unnamed, 2005 Matty G Nuttin Doing 3986 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Matty G Yield N Surrender Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent III Broodmare 3899 ch. m. Saturdaynight Gina, 1996 Affirmed Tangled Rose Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent V Weanling 4036 ch. f. unnamed, 2005 Swain (IRE) Burooq Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XIX Broodmares 3841 dk. b./br. m. Nora November, 1994 Phone Trick Judaire 3853 dk. b./br. m. One Tuff Gal, 1994 Lac Ouimet Terrible Terri T. 4099 b. m. Glee, 2000 Rahy Bursa Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XXI Weanling 4102 ch. c. Golden Hot Touch, 2005 Gold Case Hot Touch Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XXII Broodmare 3943 ch. m. The Great Catsby, 2001 Tomorrows Cat Mist At Dawning Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XXVI Weanling 4015 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Cactus Ridge Beach View Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XXVII Weanling 3907 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Hussonet Sharp Tipper Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XXIX Broodmare prospect 3936 b. m. Swingsville, 2000 Belong to Me Lark Creek Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XXXIII Broodmare 3864 b. m. Pink Slip, 1997 Personal Hope No Work Today 6-i3 Index to Consignors Hip Color & No. Sex Name, Year Foaled Sire Dam Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XXXIV Weanling 4059 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Sunday Break (JPN) Dafnah Barn 32 Consigned by Bluewater Sales LLC, Agent XXXV Weanling 4056 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Chief Seattle Cubbing's Ruby Barn 38 Property of Bradyleigh Farms Broodmare 3885 b. m. Rob Lomond, 1994 Lomond Fuchsia Filch Weanling 3886 dk. b./br. c. unnamed, 2005 Arch Rob Lomond Barn 38 Consigned by Bradyleigh Farms, Agent for J. Kohler Weanling 3854 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Pine Bluff Oriole Way Barn 47 Consigned by Brandywine Farm LLC (Jim and Pam Robinson), Agent III Broodmares 4313 b. m. Strumming, 1995 Cure the Blues Haley 4362 b. m. Angry Moment, 1989 Timeless Moment Minnesota Babe Barn 32 Consigned by Brookdale Sales, Agent Broodmares 3851 dk. b./br. m. Olden Rijn, 1988 Cozzene Slow Hot Wind 3944 ch. m. Thewholebag, 1998 Falstaff Shubertalley Sally Weanlings 3852 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Tactical Cat Olden Rijn 3945 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Tribal Rule Thewholebag Barn 32 Consigned by Brookdale Sales, Agent for Blacktype Bloodstock Broodmare 4068 dk. b./br. m. Demetra's Love, 2000 Tamayaz Citirainbow Barn 32 Consigned by Brookdale Sales, Agent for Richard Bremer and Cheryl Sprick Weanling 3826 gr/ro. c. unnamed, 2005 Holy Bull Mood for Music Barn 32 Consigned by Brookdale Sales, Agent for Brick Kiln Stud Broodmare 3938 dk. b./br. m. Talkin' Aggie, 1997 Talkin Man Agacerie Weanling 3939 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Labeeb (GB) Talkin' Aggie 6-i4 Index to Consignors Hip Color & No. Sex Name, Year Foaled Sire Dam Barn 32 Consigned by Brookdale Sales, Agent for Ted and Kim Johnson Stallion prospect 3834 ch. h. Nacheezmo, 2000 Carson City Lean Queen Cobra Barn 32 Consigned by Brookdale Sales, Agent for William H. Stavola, Inc. Weanling 3823 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Hold That Tiger Missy Day Barn 32 Consigned by Brookdale Sales, Agent for Willow Glen Farm Weanling 3872 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Out of Place Profound Peace Barn 34 Property of Brownwood Farm (Barbara Hunter) Weanlings 3796 dk. b./br. f. unnamed, 2005 Military Lolo Creek 3805 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Formal Gold Madam Brezing 3863 dk. b./br. c. unnamed, 2005 Syncline Pigsney 3884 dk. b./br. f. unnamed, 2005 Explicit Ride a Cockhorse 3914 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Wavering Monarch Slipping 4021 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Military Blench 4120 dk. b./br. c. unnamed, 2005 Favorite Trick Horsemint Barn 34 Consigned by Buck Pond (Douglas S. Arnold), Agent Broodmares 3855 gr/ro. m. Outlandish, 1993 Horatius Out of It 3922 ch. m. Spectacularventure, 1991 Majestic Venture Spectacular Luck 3932 ch. m. Sweetbriar Lane, 2001 Sky Classic Pressed and Ready 3959 b. m. Valuable Asset, 2000 Valid Wager Value Added 3969 ch. m. Watch That Girl, 1998 Deposit Ticket Royal Valley 4078 b. m. Dynaheart, 2000 Dynaformer Maple Heart Weanlings 3802 b. f. Luc Bee With You, 2005 Morluc Bee the One 3856 gr/ro. c. unnamed, 2005 Bernstein Outlandish 3859 b. c. Pattern of the Cat, 2005 Van Nistelrooy Pattern 3960 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Bernstein Valuable Asset 3964 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Bernstein Violet Fame 4079 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Bernstein Dynaheart Barn 33 Property of Catnip Lane Farm Weanling 3860 dk. b./br. f. unnamed, 2005 Pure Prize Perfect Day Barn 37 Consigned by Charlton (Mr. and Mrs. Rick Abbott), Agent VI Weanling 3930 gr/ro. f. unnamed, 2005 Silver Charm Swan River 6-i5 Index to Consignors Hip Color & No. Sex Name, Year Foaled Sire Dam Barn 37 Consigned by Charlton (Mr. and Mrs. Rick Abbott), Agent for Maple Leaf Farm Broodmares 4073 ch. m. Dixieland Rock, 2000 Dixieland Band Askrania 4077 b. m. Dynabid, 2001 Dynaformer L'Abidjanaise Barn 37 Consigned by Charlton (Mr. and Mrs. Rick Abbott), Agent for Welcome Here Farm Weanling 4031 ch. f. unnamed, 2005 Woodman Bringing Hope Barn 49 Property of Leo P. Chasse Broodmare 4410 gr/ro. m. D D Ruby, 2001 Rubiano Miss Popsnorkle Barn 46 Consigned by Chesapeake Farm (Drew Nardiello), Agent V Broodmares 4311 b. m. St. Poly Carp, 1997 Dynaformer Tucked Inside 4433 ch. m. Fiji Girl, 1999 Atticus Fiji Gold Weanlings 4136 dk. b./br. c. unnamed, 2005 Private Terms Kat Can Dance 4240 b. f. unnamed, 2005 Aljabr Pic Me for Fun 4255 b. c. unnamed, 2005 Willowy Ambassador Pyrite Forest 4305 ch. f. unnamed, 2005 Willowy Ambassador Starlight Wishes 4312 dk.

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