University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-18-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-18-1911 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-18-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2000 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQXJEKQUE MORNING JOURNAL. THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR, Vol. CXXX, No. 18. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1911. Uy Mall SO (Tut a Month; Single Cplc S OtrU By vorrli-r- . nil Ceiim a Month Taft felt tonight that he had done offi,-,.- of th, Wells Fargo personally can Thu'chrr all that bo done by Express company and a poyse, who, him to along OF control the situation the CONSTITUTIONS NOTORIOUS BAND1I killing TAFT ADVISES Mexican REBELS KNOCK after Walters' pal and wound- border. He and his advisers ing the brought FEDERAL believe that now congress must say outlaw, the latter to MY the penitentiary Ke whether the situation Is grave enough at Santa for safe keeping. A change of venue to warrant Intervention and its con- was sequences. TRAIN ROBBER at first asked for to Roswell, but AI Walters finally Through department NHIUO entered a plea of CITIZENS UF the state the GATES (Oiilly through his attorney, Elfego administration played what may be IT Baca, now BYTHfilLLIfJG regarded of this city, and took a as its last card today. It ARIZONA FIND HOMICIDE AT life sentence. He had earned enough reiterated in no uncertain fashion the credit marks to entitle him to a representations made to Mexico a pardon, few for days ago, that affairs like that Walters' long experience as an out- DOUGLAS TO at Douglas and Agua Prieta last week, DF JUAREZ law and familiarity with the country must not be repeuted. Instead of SUPPORT LARGE makes It Improbable that he will tie awaiting the customary period for n captured, na he Is both cunning and HIVE formal reply from Mexico, the de- dating, and It will take shrewd work partment asked for immediate assur- to capture him. ances that there be no more fighting The killlng-o- f Vigil occurred In tho HIDE OUT Oregon, De- LONG EXPECTED ATTACK that endangered Americans in the Chamberlain, of. Broncho Bill, Who Killed spring of DiS. LOST border towns. Information was also clares Both Instruments Are BEGINS BEFORE DAWN of WI refluosted as to what measures the Brother Albuquerque Man, authorities had taken to prevent fu- in Conformity With Funda- Scales Wall of Penitentiary ' ture combats of this kind. A few Seven Hundred and Fifty Fed- LAIESlKRIFE Hesitates to Order Troops hours after the department an- mental Law of United States, At Santa Fe. nounced had issued this second in Mo- it eral Soldiers Border Town GROUND Across Border for Fear demand, dispatches from Douglas be- Prepared to Put Up tives Might Me Misconstrued gan to come into the war department RECALL PROVISION NOT Stout DARING GUN FIGHTER'S 0 showing that the second battle of Resistance to Invaders and American Lives Lost Agua Prieta had begun. No reply had REPUGNANT TO REPUBLIC LONG LIST OF CRIMES been received tonight from the Mex- Daylight Expected to Find Con- ican authorities. (By Morning Journal Hprrlul Lmurd Wlrr la Breathitt Mob Shoots Up Coun- in Hand to GOVERNOR OF ARIZONA The president plainly worried. Senator Sees No Reason Why El Paso, Tex., April 18., 3 a. m. Believed to Be Heading for tenders Hand He talked but little, the White House Desultory firing haB been In progress ty Seat; Reported Plan to Conflict in Streets of Agua GETS SCANT SATISFACTION folk said, about Mexico today, but the Judges, As Well As Other west of the city In Juarez since about Mexico With Every Officer in Raid bulletins that came through the war Sub- 1:30 o'clock this morning and still Jail and Lynch the Prieta; Douglas in Danger department and through the prens. Officers, Should Not Be New Mexico On Lookout for continues at this hour. It is Impos- Prisoners President Believes Congress were taken to him wherever he hap- ject to Popular Will, sible to learn the personnel of the Him; Reward Offered al ! pened to Immediately, bo and read forces engaged or their number, but COWARDLY INSURRECT0 Should Now Say Whether lie did not conceal the fact that he the 'federal officials and citizens of I Br Mornlnt 8pmHl Wlr1 was intensely Interested. Rjr Morning Juurnul Kpedwl Leaned Wire Juarez believe the advance guard of Jarnl lna COMMANDER Situation Is Grave Enough to Lexington, Ky., April 17. Lawless- DESERTS The president had two Important Washington, April 17. Contend- Madero's forces Is at their very doors, No. 122, William Walters. Secre- coming of daylight wit- ness was triumphant In Jackson, Ky.. Warrant Intervention conferences. .He talked with ing that the constitutions of and the will alias "Bronco IIIII.' escaped tary Knox in the afternoon and to- ness the expected attack upon the city the seat of Breathitt county, on Sat- and Arizona are in accord- from the New Mexico peniten- - General Garcia Crosses Into night he had a conference with Am- that has been pending for several tiary on the night of urday night, according to persons ance with the constitution of thj the 16th By Mnrnlnf Journal flpcrtm Wlr' bassador Bryce of Great Britain. The days. of April, 1911. Age about 43 or arriving here today, who brought Douglas and Surrenders to Washington, April 17. President official explanation of Mr. Bryce's United States, Senator Chamberlain In the city of Juarez there is much 44 years. Brown hair, blue the first news of the disturbance. visit was came to talk activity among American Officer; Taft tonMht replied lo a message that he about of Oregon today delivered an argu- the forces of General eyes, face very much seamed. Friends of Jason Deaton, who was Common from Governor Sloan of Arizona ask-iii- the proposed arbitration treaty be- Navarro in making final preparations Right arm from shoulder down killed In a feud right with the family ment In senate In support of the Soldiers of Both Sides Dis- protection for citizens of Douglas tween the United States and England. the 'for the attack. Men, machine guns' absolutely useless from gunshot of Anse White a week ago, "shot up" from the fire of federals and ln- - It Is practically certain that Mexi Brown resolution approving the two and other artillery have been placed wounds. Size of foot. No. 5 or the town, according to the reports, play High Degree of Courage surrectos that he was loathe to en- co figured in the conversation. It Is Instruments, in position and all Is in readiness to 6. Several email scars on head. firing pistols into houses indiscrimin- danger Americans in Mexico by taki- believed the ambassador explained to He said there Is no reason why give the attackers a warm reception. Five large burn scars above right ately. ng: so radical a step as sending Am- Mr. Taft the landing of the British members of the Judiciary should not Citizens of the town are greatly knee. Rather nervous In his No one was hurt, according to the Hj Mnrnlnt Joirnal Bpet-- si Ihm4 Win erican troop across the border to marines at San Quentln, Mex., last be rubject to the will of the' people alarmed and many of them are cross- movements. His face wears an Information brought here, but the Agua Prieta, April 17, At 10:30 prevent further fighting. week. He was able to tell the presi Ha much as other officials, and that ing Into El Paso for safety. almost contlnuul smile what guard about the Jail In which mem- tonight the battle between tho Mexi- The president in his telegram to dent that the landing was made only such a law would have no tendency At 6 o'clock last night It was might be termed a quinlcal or bers of the White family are held can federals and lnsurrectos, wliich the rovernor raid the situation might after Americans and British subjects to deprive that branch of the govern- known authoritatively that from 1600 half amused smile. has been Increased. began at 6:30 this morning was) still Justify him In ordering troops to cross asked for protection. ment of lis independence. to 2200 men of Madero's forces were Reports continue to arrive here on, nnd th fighting had been carried the border and attempt to stop the In connection with Mr. Bryce's visit Mr. Chamberlain made especial at Bauche, seventeen miles south of that the Deaton faction Is planning to the boundaries of Agua Prieta, by fighting or to fire upon both contest- a suggestion that there might bo Joint reference to tho initiative, referen- Juarez, under the leadership of Raoul A DARING KSCAPK to rsld th3 Jail In an effort lo wreak tho federals. The federals, by a thrilli- ants from Bide. summary vengeance the American Intervention in Mexico by the United dum and recall provisions in the Ari- Madero, brother of the provisional Santa Fe, N. M.p April 17. Bronco on the Whites. ng night movement, regained the He step, hesitated to take such a States and England was discredited. zona constitution, urging that they did president and they were exceedingly Bill Is at large.
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