TheDaily Campus er No. 49 Southern Methodist Unive'rsity, ballas, Texas Wednesday, November 30, 1977 63rd Year __Senate amends - .previous motion i. The senate reinstated Senator Buck by Eric Paulson Smith after he missed four senate meetings. A senator can be expelled from the senate for missing more than During the last meeting of the sem- three senate meetings. _ ester, the Student Senate amended a Smith told the senate missed one 14 vmotion passed during last week's meet- meeting because of illness and another ast, wken tteing. because of a job interview. Last week the senate voted to allocate A consciousness-raising workshop on $300 to the tutoring program from the. minority concerns will be Feb. 18 from ;1 senate contingency fund if Panhellenic noon to 4 p.m. and Intrafraternity Council (IFC) also Senator Bob Callaway withdrew his allocate 5300 each. motion to move the senate meetings The senate stipulated yesterday that from Tuesday afternoons to Wednesday IFC and Panhellenic allocate S300 out- afternoons for the spring semester. side what the two groups have allocated Callaway, who wasn't at the meeting, this semester. The senate voted to did not give any reasons for withdraw-: exclude rush fines. ing the motion. phaiWsh I*jm IFC gives a portion of the rush fines - The Student Senate, in its meeting yesterday, amended a motion involving the tutoring program. collected to the tutoring program. W The amendment stipulated that the funds contributed to the program by Interfraternity Council and Last week the senate also stipulated O S WO Panhellenic should not come from rush fine monies, that the tutoring program not request any more money until spring appropria- directory tions time and that the tutoring pro- Restraints, rew ards draigram charge:: a minimum: 1of per ::hour m - pe personal fdent Senate", 1977-78, is now avail= shouldn't be any stipulations attached able to all students and faculty in the to it(the allocation)," said Merrimon Governance Officeinthe student econom y, Bentsen says of the tutoring pro -center. Baker, chairman The directory lists members of the gra.-Student Senate and where they can " by Debbie Mitchell range economic plan. system of strength would also involve be contacted. It is distributed free - "Capital formation means jobs, pro- alleviating unemployment. In other business, the senate rein- by the Student Senate Commu - Many small businessmen have found ducts at consumer prices, taking care of "You can't put people on the shelf stated a senator, and set a time for the thions teeommittee.nica- Itharder to succeed in the U.S. system the blance of trade. Capital flows from without paying a price. I don't like consciousness-raising workshop. of enterprise because of added res- savings and investments," he said. public works as a solution, but it's traints and diminished rewards, said Where to get the capital has become better to pay people for working thanU e n ro llm e n t Texas Senator ULloyd Bentsen Monday a crucial issue, Bentsen said. He said for not working. night when he spoke to more than 200 that the stock market is no longer a accounting students, SMU faculty and source of capital. The venture investors "We need to be looking for economic Dallas businessmen, .have been put out of the market, and incentive for private enterprise. "Such restraints place a draln on a the market has become institutional vital part of the economic system," said rather than individual. "The Humphrey-Hawkins Bill to re. Although Bentsen doesn't see the system of taxation is to blame for looks like rhetoric. How to implement it present situation as an inevitable de- certain problems. is the big.question," he continued. John Hall, registrar, said the major cldine, he does see problems that need to "We have the problem of taxation Tom Gresham decrease in enrolment can be at- by to the tributed in SMU's even- be corrected. In his keynote address at that encourages consumption rather Senate in was1970.Prior Senae tot hiselechi eletion in197.tion,U.S.decline hetributedhe Pror to the decline in SMU's even- the annual fall banquet of the Alpha than saving. Our priorities have become had served three successive terms in The total enrollment at SMU drop- ing college students and the Master of Epsilon Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi jumbled somewhere along the line," he Congress. He voluntarily retired to ped by 400400 studentsstudents fromfrom 19761976 toto 19771977 Liberal Arts (MLA) students. Business Honorary, the senator stres- said. Congress. He voluntarily retired to ped by sed examining the whole economic "Our vocabulary reflects our new enter private business in Houston despite the increased number of uou at where he was the President of Lincoln freshmen. The enrollment for the fall of "On the whole," said Hall, "the "in thefpast, economists have been 'unearnedincome.',Thisis investment Conolidated.and the director of num- 1976 was 9,105; and for the fail of 1977, enrollment of full time students stayed"{ concerned solely with the short run. income. Interest off savings helps ro. eas st r cmaws the earllmeat is 8,677. the same. The decrease is in the ven- We've been trying to get on a moving ate capital, but the phrase 'unearned lg college which is made up of mostly train. November arrives while we're income' has the conotation of some- part-time students. The enrollment in{ still looking at October. We need to step thing soiled. This is wrong. It should be the evening college dropped from 289. back and look at the whole picture, considered earned income, students in 1976 to 182 students in study the determining economic fac- "One shouldn't be penalized for 1977." tors," he said. trying to save and build capital," he Capital formation, Bentsen said, is said.} of the utmost importance to the lona- Bentsen said that returning to a Hall said the reason for the decline in the evening college is because of com- petitionaA from theeDla Dallas Communitysomnt Students rate profs ~College system.. fo *eG "Usually when a person goes to an frS UI e "evening college he wants to brush up on oppers his skills," said Hall. "The money he pays usually comes out of. his own and he simply cannot afford Dornheim The Academic Conference Task Force pocket, by John helped evaluate last year's results, and -. SMU." Three campus organizations are Mosser said the professors were working together this week to give pleased with the results., students the chance to evaluate their Teachers now have an opportunity to Hall said the ML program decrea professors. Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi rate the students in their classes. ed from 276 students enrolled in 1976 to Eta Sigma and the Program Council Messer said this was especially good for "-'191 students in 1977 . .; have been passing out "Shopper's English or Humanities classes, where -- Guide" evaluation sheets. the failure of a class can be blamed on George Zeise, dean of University Col- Kurt Mosses, last semester's co- the students more than the professor. lege, said that when the MLA program editor, said the publication is a con- "We hope to do it (publish the began five years ago there was a m sumer's guide to education. "Shopper's Guide") every semester," greater demyand ano there wis today. "Basically it's kind of a general said Mosser. reater dem d tha there I today. evaluation by students so you know This year's "Shopper's Guide" co- - what classes you're getting into. If editors are Sharon O'Reilly and Kathy There was'al a decrease in other students have to pay $270 for a class, Connelly. They were unavailable for «."A , Tschools,said Hall. The theology school' they have a right to know what the comment.had a 10 percent drop in students, and professor is going to be like." One thousand and 2000 level courses the graduate business school had an'11 Many of the ideas for this year's were used in the surveys along with percent drop. "Shopper's Guide" came from similar selected 3000 level courses which arc of papers used by Stanford and Harvard general interest to students. ' Zesssad..-th ee.pest nl students. "I think 450 classes were used this mentin.Zeissi t :ahee clpe th ou, Mosser said last year's guide leaned year, but next year I think we should cut me he'said the other heavily on the questions used in the tihe number. There were just too many se,out sta thei he.r Stanford'We ,:.ens guide, hit or miss last year. This classes."Mdsser wants the guide to be pub- ......... .... ... ". -: . siI.'s should stay the same, year t o is to b s lishdseey els'isegin vr yatea andn saiadth"eut eres -egie " - " -'-- -" " ciTh ls hasrollment remained in the undergraduaterelatively the ABCflippant grading that lastsystem year. now We're instead using of thean byfrom Easter. this week's work should be ready SMU student, Betsy Sheppart faced not only the cold weather which e ,,cordiq to Hyall. Thq to . also yesterday ewmaag i one.throghseven system used last "We've had really good cooperation finally made its appearance after Thanksgiving but year." saidMosser. ." from the faculty," sadMIU. afternoon'idrizzle.. I - Students can get free haircuts today by Cindy Wagner "Hairberdashers attempts to bring Do you have split ends multiplying? the hairdresser and barber industries Do have trouble finding the time to together," McDaniel said. have your haircut? Or do you have the "They (Hairberdasher employees) aren't readily available? recently returned from a convention in time, but funds NEW YORK the student center lounge Las Vegas and they are putting on a Today in of stomach cra a.m.
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