Weather Diifpfbutfon 1 Ms. JjfiZUn.a5t EEDBANK Today 1m tKm, km It 0* 'ten* «• t«» ewu*, ktar hind. Tom»r. 23,425 mr, «unny, with a Ugh el ». Friday, fair, continued cold. SM weather, pa|e t. DIAL 741 -0010 Um«« itiir. Ifon4u through HU»y. Sterna ciui *>«•»• VOL.86.NO. 123 P«M at fed Bank anl at Additional UafflnJ Offlcw. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Death Strikes at Red Bank Grade Crossing Woman, Boy Killed in Train, Car Crash RED BANK — A fast-moving mail train col- flective vest and wields a lantern by night. They reported that the occupants of the car had lided with an automobile on the West Bergen PI. The guard on duty last night was Edward C. been thrown out of it, the boy striking a fence near crossing at 8:02 last night. Two persons were Young, 61, of Institute St., Freehold. He told po- the Fred D. Wikofr Co. and Mrs. Giannell landing killed and the driver of the car was hospitalized. lice that he halted one vehicle as the train ap- under the car which had to be lifted from her. Police identified the dead as Mrs. Kalliopi D. proached, but the victims' car pulled around it In the hour it took to clear the tracks, a north- Giannell, 46, of 193 East Bergen PI., the wife of for reasons he did not understand. bound Pennsylvania Railroad passenger train, Num- Christopher D. Giannell, who operated the Cara- NORTHBOUND TRAIN ber 1126, was delayed 41 minutes, and a south- mel Sweet Shoppe at 29 Broad St., and 12-year-old The train was Jersey Central 3326. It was bound Jersey Central passenger train, Number Gus Floratos of 142 South St. northbound from Long Branch to Red Bank where 333), was delayed six minutes. PASSENGERS IN CAR it was due at 8:12, but the New York and Long They were passengers in a car driven by the Branch Railroad chief dispatcher at Long Branch Funeral services for Mrs. Giannell will be an- boy's mother, Mrs. Evangeli Floratos, 3B, of the noted that it was ahead of schedule, a common oc- nounced today by the John E. Day Funeral Home. South St. address. curance among mail trains without passengers. Young Floratos was retained at Riverview Hospital First aidmen rushed Mrs. Floratos to River- The speed limit for trains as they pass West last night pending a release from Dr. Harry L. view Hospital where she was admitted in fair con- Bergen PI. is 60 miles per hour. The railroad es- Harwood, assistant county physician. dition suffering from shock, a concussion and a timated that 3326 had slowed to 55 miles per hour Police Chief George H. Clayton said the engi- fractured right leg. when it struck the car. neer of 332S, Ernest Eckhardt, 60, of Jefferson Her son was pronounced dead on arrival at Police, who received a telephone report of the Valley, N. Y., automatically will be charged with Riverview and Mrs. Giannell was moved directly accident at 8:03 p. m., said the car, a 1963 Olds- causing death with a vehicle for which he will be to the John E. Day Funeral Home. The hospital mobile, was hit soundly and thrown approximately arraigned in Municipal Court today. The conductor said the boy died of multiple fractures, including 150 feet. It landed near a track siding. of the train was Walter Kraff of Toms River. No- a fractured skull. The mail train came to a halt in the Red Bank body aboard the train was injured. The West Bergen crossing is the only one in freight yard, some ways north. Assisting Chief Clayton in the investigation Jast Red Bank unprotected by gates or flashing red THROWN FROM CAR night were Detective Capt. Irving L. Krakowitch, lights. It is guarded 24 hours a day by a. flag- Police dispatched two patrol cars, a crash Detective Sgt. Robert D. Scott, Lt. Charles B. man who displays a sign by day and wears a re- truck, two ambulances and detectives to the scene. Jones, and Patrolman Franklin White. Bay Bridge Plan Gets Green Light FREEHOLD - Though it re- tween the Portaupeck section of the city as a river resort. was aware of past studies on the cost of the bridge contemplated quired one of those infrequent Oceanport and North Long Arguing some of the Long bridge's needs but contended they by the majority of the board. split votes, the county Board of Branch. Branch points and some of his did not include factors of eco- His motion to table a resolu- TRAIN-CAR TRAGEDY — Red Bank's firit grade crossing accident in many years Freeholders ordered full speed Long Branch councilmen have own, Mr. Daly said he was in nomic impact or variety of de- tion, directing the engineering resulted in the death of a local woman and boy last night. This car, being checked ahead yesterday on replacing the appealed for either a new draw- favor of a bridge of some na- sign which might reflect savings firm of Goodkind and O'Dea to by Deputy Fire Chief Robert L. Cadman, right, and Second Deputy Chief Calvin Car- disabled Pleasure Bay Bridge bridge or elimination of a cross- ture but that more studies were in construction. complete plans for purpose of ad- with a 25-foot high fixed span. ing altogether. They say the pro- needed. hart, was struck by a train at West Bergan PL, Red Bank's only gateless crossing. He said he had information in- vertising, failed to win a second, The 4 to 1 count, with Free- posed fixed level structure will A new member of the board dicating that a suitable span could and was lost. The accident, at 8:02 p.m., Involved a Jersey Central mail train moving at an esti- holder Marcus Daly in the nega- hamper future development of last Jan. 1, Mr. Daly said he be erected for half the estimated (See BRIDGE, Page 2) mated speed of 55 miles per hour. tive, set aside objections from the citjs of Long Branch and direct- ed consulting engineers to com- plete plans to be advertised for Condemnation Action Is Settled bids in January or February. Roosevelt to Be Witness Accept Contract FREEHOLD — News reporting was spared execution yes- earlier by County Judge Edward J, Ascher, Judge Mariano At the same time, the freehold- terday at the Monmouth County Court House in a trial of seemingly adopted the arguments of City Attorney Louis R. ers, again by 4 to 1 vote, ac- a condemnation award appeal. Aikins. Mr. Aikins contended: cepted a contract with the state A week ago a county judge declared a mistrial in a con- "The issue should not be the freedom of the press versus In Jury's Gambling Inquiry Department of Conservation and tested condemnation because a radio and newspapers had pub- the court rules, but rather an over-all view ol the integrity Economic Development and the lished the amount of money involved while the case was of the jury." FREEHOLD — Long Branch City Mana- just before the Grand Jury investigation was U. S. Bureau of Public Roads for before the jury. Mr. Aikins contended there is "no municipality which can ger James F. Roosevelt will be the only started. • 50 per cent grant of the es- But in an identical case, Superior Court Judge Gene R. conduct its business in a vacuum. witness tomorrow when the Monmouth Coun- Last Thursday he assumed direct respon- timated $750,000 bridge construe Mariano decided yesterday that such reporting would not "On the contrary it must conduct its business in the lish ty Grand Jury apparently intends to wind up sibility for police operations after Police tion costs. necessarily prejudice the jury. bowl of public view." its probe of alleged laxity in county gamb- Chief Robert C. Gurley announced his re- The present span, built in 1896, Judge Mariano dismissed a motion for a mistrial in the Deciding the previous case, a $131,000 issue between the ling controls. tirement for health reasons and Deputy Chief crosses the Shrewsbury River be- dispute between Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Fulton, of 96 Queens Long Branch Housing Authority and Councilman. Lucy J. Wil- Carroll Green suffered, a heart attack and .iiK»The jury's term ends Jan. 2. Dr., Little Silver, and the city of Long Branch, over a $16,500 son, and her husband, Harry J. Wilson, Judge Ascher said the was admitted to Monmouth Medical Center. condemnation commission award to the Fuitons for a 25-foot law required that information about condemnation awards not Since undertaking the inquiry in Septem- Though Chief Green has said since then beach strip at North Long Branch. be given trial juries on appeals. „ that he has no plans to quit the department, Road Gosing ber, after Keansburg Mayor Louis Collichio The trial came to a sudden conclusion soon afterwards, As in the Wilson case, however, the award figures for tie reliable sources say his doctors have advised charged syndicated gaming was wide open in however, when the parties worked out their differences and Fultons were i published in newspapers and on radfo wnile ike he cannot return (o police work. Long Branch and Asbury Park, the jury has Plea Goes agreed to settle for $18,200. trial was in progress. He is expected to apply for a disability directed at least part of six sessions to the The city, which paid $8,200 for two similar sized beach Ralph S.
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