INTERSTELLAR LAW IUS GENTIUM FOR NEW WORLDS Consejo de redacción ANTONIO OJEDA AVILÉS Presidente Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social FAUSTINO CAVAS MARTÍNEZ Vicepresidente y Director de Publicaciones Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social MANUEL ABADÍA VICENTE Exmagistrado del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Región de Murcia Abogado JAIME CABEZA PEREIRO Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social MIGUEL CARDENAL CARRO Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social MARÍA ANTONIA CASTRO ARGÜELLES Catedrática de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social JUAN JOSÉ FERNÁNDEZ DOMÍNGUEZ Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social JOAQUÍN GARCÍA MURCIA Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social ISABEL VICTORIA GONZÁLEZ PACANOWSKA Catedrática de Derecho Civil JOSÉ LUJÁN ALCARAZ Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social JESÚS MARTÍNEZ GIRÓN Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social JUAN MARTÍNEZ MOYA Magistrado del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Región de Murcia Vocal del Consejo General del Poder Judicial JOSÉ LUIS MONEREO PÉREZ Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Presidente de la Asociación Española de Salud y Seguridad Social (AESSS) Director de la “Revista de Derecho de la Seguridad Social. Laborum” CRISTÓBAL MOLINA NAVARRETE Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social CRISTINA SÁNCHEZ RODAS Catedrática de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social ANTONIO V. SEMPERE NAVARRO Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Magistrado del Tribunal Supremo Daniel García San José INTERSTELLAR LAW IUS GENTIUM FOR NEW WORLDS EDICIONES LABORUM Avda. Gutiérrez Mellado, 9 – Planta 3ª Oficina 21 30008 Murcia Tel.: 968882181 e-mail: [email protected] FRANCISCO ORTIZ CASTILLO Director editorial 1.ª Edición Ediciones Laborum S.L. 2018 Copyright © de la edición, Ediciones Laborum, 2018 Copyright © del texto, Daniel García San José, 2018 Ediciones Laborum, S.L. no comparte necesariamente los criterios manifestados por el autor en el trabajo publicado. La información contenida en esta publicación constituye únicamente, y salvo error u omisión involuntarios, la opinión de su autor con arreglo a su leal saber y entender, opinión que subordinan tanto a los criterios que la jurisprudencia establezca, como a cualquier otro criterio mejor fundado. Ni el editor, ni el autor, pueden responsabilizarse de las consecuencias, favorables o desfavorables, de actuaciones basadas en las opiniones o informaciones contenidas en esta publicación. Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos) si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra (www.conlicencia.com; 91 702 19 70 / 93 272 04 47) ISBN: 978-84-949189-5-7 Depósito Legal: MU 1335-2018 Impreso en España - Printed in Spain To Pedro Duque The first Spanish astronaut in History INDEX INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 9 1. Extraterrestrial intelligent beings: some conceptual precision and legal implications .......................................................................................... 9 2. Different evidences of the existence of extraterrestrial life and its implications for this study ........................................................................... 18 CHAPTER ONE. THE SEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENT BEINGS................................................................................. 27 1. The Post Copernicus Revolution ............................................................. 27 2. The efforts of searching extraterrestrial intelligent beings ........................ 35 3. Some possible scenarios after the SETI being successful or we being contacted by extraterrestrial civilizations ............................................ 40 4. The SETI and METI as ius communicationis of the humankind .................. 46 CHAPTER TWO. FROM THE INTERNATIONAL LAW OF OUTER SPACE TO INTERSTELLAR LAW ................................................................. 57 1. The current debate about a new regime for the Outer Space ................... 58 2. The notions of mankind and shared benefits of Outer Space in a new regulatory context from international to national approaches to Outer Space ................................................................................................ 69 3. An academic debate on international regulation of communication with extraterrestrial civilizations .................................................................. 77 4. Reasons for International Law of Outer Space regulating SETI and METI ......................................................................................................... 80 CHAPTER THREE. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERSTELLAR LAW .................................................................................................................. 93 1. A kinetic theory of International Law as a General Legal Framework for Interstellar Law .................................................................. 95 2. Law to conquer (ius occupationis) and law to communicate (ius communicationis) in the use and exploration of Outer Space ......................... 105 7 Daniel García San José 3. SETI and METI as ius communicationis of humankind: preventing unilateralism of States ............................................................................... 111 4. Cooperation among actors for a successful response of the humankind facing the discovery of extraterrestrial civilizations ................. 125 CHAPTER FOUR. A LONG TERM STRATEGY TOWARDS EXTRATERRESTRIAL CIVILIZATIONS: IUS COMMUNICATIONIS OF HUMANKIND AS IUS GENTIUM FOR NEW WORLDS .................... 139 1. Needing a new Language? The theoretical basis for communication with extraterrestrial intelligent beings ........................................................ 145 2. Meta legal principles valid for extraterrestrial intelligent beings? ............ 148 3. Intergalactic Protocols for diplomacy with extraterrestrial civilizations? .............................................................................................. 154 4. Basis for an Interstellar Law: making the future of humankind today ......................................................................................................... 162 CONCLUDING REMARKS .......................................................................... 171 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE .............................. 179 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................... 179 APPLICABLE TREATIES, DECLARATIONS, RESOLUTIONS AND REPORTS ...................................................................................... 193 ANNEXES ...................................................................................................... 199 DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES CONCERNING ACTIVITIES FOLLOWING THE DETECTION OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE (ETI) .................................. 199 DRAFT DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE SENDING OF COMMUNICATION TO ETI ............................. 202 8 INTRODUCTION 1. Extraterrestrial intelligent beings: some conceptual precision and legal implications The issue of SETI (Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings) could be approached from an odd angle, namely, from the extraterrestrial intelligent beings side: Who are those we are trying to get contacted? What is to be established with this unusual approach is to restrict our focus on extraterrestrial organisms which are alive and they are intelligent as well. An organism will be considered as living if it is able to select between several possibilities. It will select in all probability that possibility which is least harmful, as we, human beings usually do. When we talk of living organisms we think of these organisms selecting the alternative that minimizes damage. Does this mean such organisms are intelligent? It will probably does since intelligence or reason might be defined –for the purposes of this study– as the capacity for logical thought and for recognizing the capacity of choosing between two or more possibilities and of self- consciousness. In order to precise what we call extraterrestrial intelligent beings, we can convene –following to Ernst FASAN– that they are living organisms who for themselves are technically and scientifically sufficiently developed in order to be able to create emissions into space1. They must be, necessarily, alive and intelligent beings. That is “having the capacity to select between two or several possibilities, to realize which possibility is least harmful for them and thus, to preserve and to embrace their life, and that of their race as well”.2 1 FASAN, Ernst, “Legal consequences of ETI detection”, Acta Astronautica, 1998, Vol. 42, No. 10-12, p. 677. 2 Ibidem. Thanks to their intelligence they will have self-consciousness, and that they consciously will know how to apply their scientific discoveries in order to strive for a desired goal. 9 Daniel García San José In addition, one also could conclude, with BAUM, HAQQ- MISRA and DOMAGAL-GOLDMAN, in the advanced nature of extraterrestrial beings, with far more developed than us3. As they
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