E1062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in tial at these institutions as well as helping to July 15th, the USS Tappahannock was memo- commending Laddie for his commitment to cure a problem that supersedes political rialized in a ceremony on the Courthouse coaching thousands of athletes, who continue boundaries: children’s illness. Green in Tappahannock, VA. to carry the lessons of determination and for- I urge my colleagues to join me in voting for The USS Tappahannock was vital to the titude that were instilled in them as runners. H.R. 5385. support of U.S. aircraft carriers, battleships, f f destroyers and other combatants during WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. During FOUNDATION OF THE FEDERAL RECOGNIZING THE 6TH ANNUAL WWII, the ship earned six medals and nine BAR ASSOCIATION CHARTER TASTE OF ETHIOPIA battle stars. Additionally her sailors were cred- AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2017 ited with shooting down a Japanese bomber SPEECH OF HON. MIKE COFFMAN and rescuing sailors from ships that were sunk OF COLORADO by Japanese aircraft. After WWII, the ship was HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES briefly decommissioned before being put back OF TEXAS Wednesday, July 25, 2018 into service for the Korean War and the Viet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nam War. The USS Tappahannock was finally Monday, July 23, 2018 Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to stricken from the Navy’s roles in 1976 after its recognize the 6th Annual Taste of Ethiopia. 34 years of service. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in This yearly occasion celebrates and recog- Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join me in hon- strong support of H.R. 5385, the GME Support nizes Colorado’s Ethiopian immigrant commu- oring the USS Tappahannock for its admirable Reauthorization Act of 2018. nity. The event encompasses an array of Ethi- service to the protection of our Nation. H.R. 5385 amends the Public Health Serv- opian music, foods, arts, crafts, games and f ice Act to reauthorize the program of pay- dances, creating an environment of cultural ments to children’s hospitals that operate immersion. The event truly highlights the many IN CELEBRATION OF THE FORT graduate medical education programs. wonderful and positive contributions our fellow KNOX CENTENNIAL Americans across our nation need care, and Americans of Ethiopian descent make to bet- the Children’s Hospital GME (CHGME) pro- ter our community. Best of all, the event is de- HON. BRETT GUTHRIE gram has been utilized by hospitals across our signed to welcome everyone and every year country to train doctors who can provide that OF KENTUCKY more and more of our neighbors come to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES necessary aid. enjoy, experience, and learn more about the I represent the 18th District of Texas which fascinating and deeply historic Ethiopian cul- Wednesday, July 25, 2018 is home to the Methodist Hospital System, one ture. Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of the largest medical institutions in the world. I am proud to represent the largest Ethio- honor the Fort Knox Centennial. Fort Knox H.R. 5385 will allow Houston to continue to pian community in the State of Colorado in the plays a vital role in our national security, and recruit and train many talented doctors. United States House of Representatives. The I am extremely proud to represent Fort Knox CHGME was created in 1999 because Con- Ethiopian community’s dedication to work, in Congress. gress recognized that a dedicated source of family, and education truly exemplifies the val- After serving as a military installation going support for training in children’s hospitals was ues that strengthen our nation. I have had the back to the Civil War, ground was officially necessary to strengthen the pediatric work- privilege of attending the past Taste of Ethi- broken for the installation we know today as force. Fort Knox on August 16, 1918. Established as Since then, CHGME funding has enabled opia events, and it is an honor for me to again an artillery camp during World War I, Fort children’s hospitals to dramatically increase take part in the festivities. I would like to again offer my sincere con- Knox was used as an active training center training overall, and in particular grow the sup- gratulations to the organizers and volunteers and housed soldiers returning from the war. ply of pediatric specialists—the area of great- of the Taste of Ethiopia for their dedication to During World War II, Fort Knox was chosen to est shortage in children’s health care. If CHGME is allowed to expire, we will lose promoting Ethiopian culture in the State of be the headquarters of the Armored Force, the progress we have made in this field. Colorado. Therefore, I include in the RECORD which trained soldiers in the use of armored According to data from a 2017 Children’s their names: vehicles, and remained the Armor head- Hospital Association survey, pediatric specialty 1. Fikru Ayele. quarters until 2005. Since then, Fort Knox has shortages continue to affect children’s ability 2. Girum Alemayehu. been the home of a number of commands, in- to receive timely, appropriate care. 3. Nebiyu Asfaw. cluding the Human Resources Command, Re- The funds generated from this legislation. 4. Bizuayehu Sebsebe. cruiting Command, and Cadet Command. Fa- will help train the medical professionals we 5. Sofia Belew. mously, Fort Knox is also home to the U.S. desperately need. 6. Adanech Dembel. Department of Treasury’s Bullion Depository. In a time when there are growing health dis- 7. Yalemwork Tekola. Fort Knox is a leader in military innovation parities within our nation, it is important to ad- 8. Senait Ketema. with its award-winning energy conservation dress the needs of underserved urban areas. 9. Tilahun Dessie. program. The more medical professionals we train, 10. Selam Ayele. Fort Knox is home to the future of our the greater the likelihood that these under- 11. Aynalem Mamo. Armed Forces. Here’s to the next 100 years. served communities will have access to proper 12. Helen Tekle. f medical care. 13. Sossena Dagne. CONGRATULATING ELIZABETH CHGME funds the training of pediatric pro- 14. Yohannes Mengistu. WENDE BREAST CARE ON OPEN- viders at eligible children’s hospitals. 15. Aschalew Agonafer. The 58 children’s hospitals that receive 16. Mequanent Mekuria. ING ITS NEW LOCATION CHGME funding train approximately half of the 17. Mahder Mengiste. nation’s pediatricians, more than 7,000 annu- 18. Admasu Chekole. HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK ally. 19. Elizabeth Moltot. OF NEW YORK We should provide the funds necessary to f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES train students in a profession that will benefit Wednesday, July 25, 2018 society. IN RECOGNITION OF THE USS We must train the very professionals who ‘‘TAPPAHANNOCK’’ Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to will one day save the life of a child. honor and congratulate Elizabeth Wende I support this legislation because it will in- HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN Breast Care on the grand opening of a new crease the quality of medical training in the OF VIRGINIA site in Carthage, New York. United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Elizabeth Wende Breast Care leads the field I believe that H.R. 5385 improves upon a in breast imaging and breast cancer diagnosis, system that sets the bar for medical care inter- Wednesday, July 25, 2018 and is well known for its state-of-the-art 3D nationally. Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in mammography technology. In its fight against By passing H.R. 5385, CHGME can con- recognition of the USS Tappahannock, a Navy breast cancer, Elizabeth Wende Breast Care tinue to succeed in bolstering research poten- vessel with 34 years of service. On Sunday has partnered with Carthage Area Hospital to VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:14 Jul 26, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25JY8.004 E25JYPT2 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS July 25, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1063 bring its high-quality treatment within the reach love hate relationship with the press. At times of all Americans, even the folks over at of thousands of North Country residents by Jefferson detested them, but he truly believed Facebook. opening a new site in Carthage, New York. a free people required a free press. ‘‘The It is an honor to have represented the citi- Residents will benefit from having Elizabeth basis of our governments being the opinion of zens of Liberty County in the United States Wende Breast Care’s services right in their the people, the very first object should be to House of Representatives. I commend the neighborhood. keep that right,’’ words spoken by Jefferson to Vindicator for challenging its readers to read On behalf of New York’s 21st District, I want Edward Carrington in 1787. ‘‘And were it left the Declaration of Independence. Freedom of to congratulate Elizabeth Wende Breast Care to me to decide whether we should have a speech and freedom of the press must ever on the opening of its new location in Carthage, government without newspapers, or news- be protected. Thomas Jefferson, who was the New York. I look forward to hearing about the papers without a government, I should not primary author of the Declaration of Independ- assistance they will provide to North Country hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I ence, said, ‘‘our liberty depends on the free- residents, and I wish them the best of luck in should mean that every man should receive dom of the press, and that cannot be limited the years to come.
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