s ' : t ''' I ... .( - " ; PAGES 1 TO S, :. ; ' T- ' - , . V ESTABLISHED : : JIILYVl.,-" " ' 1 ' ".'- : .rz v 7 - r-- - ,,. , VOL. XXXIII., NO. 5749. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 9,- - 1901. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIViU CENTS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AAAAAAAAkkkkkkkk,kkkkAAAi EIAI ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. EVENTS OF THE BOERS KeCLELLAN, POND A CO. Judd Bldg.; "ADVERTISED BY OUR LOVING FRIENDS. TeL Main 9. 0 ATTORNETS. DICKEY. King fcYLE A. and Bethel St. NEW YEAR Si TeL m; r. u. dot so. AGGRESSIVE 1 ' . - . ...-:-- '. 1, l j. LONG. Attorney and Notary Pub lic; lfw Betaei be If. MONSARRAT. Attorney, Notary Public and Commissioner for New York President Receives They yWin Another Neat Cal.. Merchant St; Tel. Main 68. 1 ad White House. IpETERSON & MATTHEWMAN P. O. Success. "1 r t PHYSICIANS. ' 'i JDR. 8E0. J. AUGUR, Homeopathic Prac MACARTHUR AT MANILA k- - ABE SOUTH M titioner. special attention given to i chronic diseases; office and residence, illOINGJHE. Bcretanla St., nearly opp. Methodist Church; office hours, 10 to 13 a. m., S to mm 4 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m--; Sundays, ao to . The Czar Reviews Returning Rus- - Kitchener 18:10 a. m.; TeL 733. not Winning Laurels in His" sian Troops Inauguration of fctJELLA 8. CLEVELAND, M.D. Office, 3- - . Pursuit of the Elusive 10SJ King St.; hours, 9 to 12 a. m., S to Governor of New York. immimiaj: mmmrnim Burgher Chief. I p. m.; TeL 638. 232 &r bit. C. L. GARVIN. Office, Bereta-ne- 1. hours, 9 11 WASHINGTON, Jan. In the long LONDON, 3L f nli Emma St.; to a. m., line of New Year receptions mm, Dec. The War Office I 1:38 S p. m.; 7:30 to 8:30 p. m.; at the . to Tel. ; has received the , following dispatch 1 Blue KS1; residence Tel. White 8891. i White House none, perhaps, was more ill j from Lord Kitchener: brilliant than the ode which today i J j "PRETORIA, Dec. 30, 7 P. M. Gen- -j i DR. W. J GALBRAITH. Office and res- - ushered in the twentieth century. And J & i .a - ..... StS. m eral Lyttleton reports that our post at Beretanla flif and Alakea nerhnnn nn feature nf It waa tin uni- - Offlce hours, 9 to 10, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. 1 LV.t: Helvetia was captured yesterday morn-j- f ersally gratifying to the distinguished J ing by ' the 'Boers. throng which came to greet About fifty were extend the killed and wounded and 200 pris-- ings year taken J ': i R. W. L. MOORE Office of Dr. Day, of the new to the chief execu oners. Colonel Kitchener reports 10 a, m. 2 p. m. ; of republic as j that Eeretania St.; hours, to tive the the fact that the J he is following with a force in 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9 to 11; office tel. tv 'small uiiBiitrsa ui luc line nuuse vvuh iiuie I the track of the enemy, being : &9; res. white 1981. , to Helvetia participate in 'the happy occasion Jjl. reoccupied "by Reeves, re- and with the receive the whchas been T. MITAMURA. Office 14C8 President J JDR. Nuuanu -- s' enforced from Belfast. .5.1 Tel. 152; office 8 to 10 felicitations and well wishes of all. , St; White hours, ( i wmmDsgssggm "Helvetia was a very strong position' 3 l m JJ a. m.; 1 to and 6 8 p.. m., except The day has dawned dull and gray, g to 3 on the Machadodorp-Lydenbur- rail- - Bundays. but the air was soft and balmy. To- way, and was held by a detachment of ward 11 o'clock when the reception the Liverpool regiment Am askingrfor , W. G. ROGERS, M.D. Eye,. Ear, Nose opened the sun burst through mist and J and Throat Specialist, opp. further information." Hotel St., cloud, brightened walls and " Y. M. C. A.; hours 9 12. 2 4:30, the white Lord Kitchener,- - writing from Pre- - to to pillars of historic old mansion un- 7 to 8; Sundoys, 9 to 11, 2 to 4. the a , toria Saturday, December Z9tn, says: til it shone like alabaster and touched "There Is not much change In situ- - I)R. j. the A. N. SINCLAIR Boston . Bldg.; the stripes of the glorious American ation in Cape Colony. ' The eastern hours, 11 to 1. 3 to 5, 7 to 8; Sunday, 12 flag that floated above it with streaks force of the enemy appears to have to 2; tel. of. main 285; res. w. 2S61. of flame. I up ' broken in small parties at Utrecht ' j tm. E. C. WATERHOUSE. Office and - Tu J and to be moving about rapidly In the rwldence, Beretanla and Miller Sts.; of-- ' o same district, evidently waiting for flc 8 11 x began to long J hours. to a. m.:ltoa ana 7 to riages"r:r.o"sarrive and the support from the north. The last re-J.p- ort p. m.; Tel. White 3492. line of army and naval officers in full states western to mas- - that the force is" uniform formed the left of the moving to Carnarvon. De Lisle and VETERINARY SURGEONS. ;sive porte cochere. Within, under the i.ThornycroftI B. CLAPHAM Veterinary are In close pursuit." ; Sursreon of mvrlada of plprtrin lights. "French has occupied' Ventorsdorp.' sd Dntist; office Kins; St Stables; which were reflected in the happy faces J TeL 1083; calls day or nlcht promptly Clements reports that he is opposed on answered; specialties, obstetrics and of the shifting throng, all was bril- Jrthe rpad to Rustenburg. The eastern lameness. liancy. The marine band, stationed un- J ' line was" blown up near Pah and a train der the stairway, discoursed national jf jwas held up this morning on the R. T. KATSUNUMA. Office. - lively throughout ' ; Club Sta- airs and marches the Standerton line. , p ; TObles; hours, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; TeL 477. ceremony. Cabl- - J t - The members of the Jj "General Knox's column and Boyes' net and their wives, together with the .brigade are. holding Dei Wet- - from ,1 n breaking --Vn-? ill; fR:PB.TCMott-Sml- south." ih Ma:co'' Fo" . first to arrive. They laid aside their i While Lord Kitchener sends bad news autBa.;OB1cenWn,Ml. jwrap3 ,n gtate dinlng room and en. J the ior ingiana on-th- e closing day of the r. - apartments E. GROSSMAN,- D.D.S. Alakea St, tered the Public of the year, me press continues to take a threa doors above Masonic Temple, Ho- - President, where they exchanged surprisingly hopeful view of the grave olulu; - ' office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. greetings with Mr. and Mrs. McKin- 2 "When baby was born he gave indications of being strong and healthy, systematic diet of Magooh's Food situation and of revelations of an enor- - ley. The ladies of the receiving party but a PR. C. B. HIGH. Phfladelnhia Dental entpred the red and blue narlors and!" Dut him in his Dresent condition. if ! College 1892; Masonio Temple; TeL 813. ' General De Wet is still at large. Kim-J- f took their places behind the line. j .berley is isolated. The Boers are in Minis- - !R. A E. NTrrrnTinffl ai.v. a Meantime tbe Ambassadors and l ; force enough to have captured a strong with Dr. Anderson; office hours, g0 ters of foreign, countries, with the at-- position at Helvetia, in the Lydenburg U L itnnYie-- rtf fhe vn Hmiq l in thpfr Representatives between the district, while. Judging from Lord Kit-- uhi-WAL- iL. i gorgeous and resplendent court Iof WE 'MAY very prog- - tfL A. C. WALL. 53 HARRISON ON Republicans and the Fusionists GET chener's recent advices, no DR. O. forms, gathered in the state dining ' Office 8 had 'has resulted In a tie. Four Democrats . ;ress is being made against the Boer hours a. m. to 4 p. m.; Love roorn. Promptly at 11 o'clock the bugles .... Bldt;., Fort TeL 434. ' 1 Trvrir"f" for William T. Marshall, the stal- -' in Cape Colony. St; approach of Presiden- - ,voted ir, ISI r.vaders sounded the the j wart Republican candidate. jnillrllVn Accord,nff to further telegraphic ad- - Party and, led by Col. Bingham, INSURANCE. itial . i vices received yesterday Zeerust is or ana Major Ex-Preside- fHE FIDELITY MT7TTTAT. J.TVV. TN-- the master ceremonies, nt Makes Char-- n It practically besieged, Corps, The a Trouble With Venezuela. - Ureal Britain May CXChange but has provisions 8URANCE CO. of PhHademhla. McCauley of the Marine the suuicieni ror uve monins. xne garn-- Chaa. H. Gil man. General Agent; President and Mrs. .McKInley descend- acteristic Address at CURACAO, Dec. 31. The diplomatic For Part of Philip- son at Ottoshoop has been withdrawn Room 204, Judd Bldr. by in- ed the main stairway, followed the controversy over the rival asphalt to Llchtenburg. A dispatch from Car-navo- n, members of the Cabinet and their Indianapolis. Is approaching pines. fHE HUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO terests in Venezuela an dated yesterday, reports that OF NEW wives. acute stage. The Venezuelan govern the Boers who have been threatening YORK. party passed' along to re- - INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan 1. Ex-Pr- es 1. special to B. B. ROSE, Agent, Honolulu. As the the ment ignores the protests of Washing NEW YORK, Jan. A that point were driven off and are be- celving room the President reflected in ident Harrison, speaking to the toast ton against the semi-offici- al conspiracy the Journal and Advertiser from Wash- ing pursued. ,. happi- - ;to - - ARCHITECTS. his smiling face his health and j "Hail, Columbia," at the banquet on the deprive the New York and Bermu- ington says: "It is evident," says a belated mes- &EARD3LET3 ness.
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