by the The News of All >f the nUno«f to 1 The Township Sporting News, Popalmr to U» VOL. IX, No. 51 WOODHKIIKJE, N. J., FUIDAY, MARCH 2, 192K PRICE THREE Woodbridge High Wins Three Churches Unite In Police Ordinance Amendment To Second Round In Tourney Hit-and-Run Driver Union Service Friday P. M. Unfit To Drive Car Woodbridge High School fought The Missionary Societies of the Create New Ranks In Department for, and won its chnnrc to compote Leaves Victim On Road Congregational, Methodist itnd I'res hyterian OHiurehos held a union ser- Measure Provide* For Captain and Four Grades of Sergeants in the ?emi-finals of the Central Rahway Man Struck On Am- Charge After Crasi Jersey Ohrmpionship, by defeating vice last Friday afternoon in the Egan Is Made Sergeant Congregational Church, to observe I.akewood last night at Rcb Bank. boy Avenue Escapes Man Held Responsible For Accident That Injured Himself With Bruises "The World's Day of Prayer for Changes were mnde in the police out that ninny men ftre nut of work The gamp wnr, an up-hill Missions." Mrs, W. H. Voorhem, thc Thre« Others Was Under Influence of Liquor • , , , , . for the Woodbridge boys, but a rnl- personnel and legislation to author Christopher Zahn, 3.1 years old, leader, opened the meeting by rend- Physician Reports nml would welcome a chance to enrn , . ,, , . ,t i .,,,.... ly in the last quarter swept the : „ \2 Cherry street Rahway, was ing, "The (lull to the World Day of r/.o further changes and, promotion*.. w-?R fe,w dollars in .street improvement,' , Lakewoo. , d, tea, m of'f it.. s feet. ., and, net-.o' f Prayer." A hymn was sung, Mrs, When two cars crashed in St. of the drivers was pronounced by ft another victory for Woodbridge. j walking in Rahwny avenue Monday George avenue near the Knhwny city was set under way at the meeting I M(,' rrcommom)pn- that ninny street Th fltlal s )re 1 Van G. Munitcr, of the Methodist physician to bo under the inftuenftj :,f the Township Committee Monday improvements that have already been ? i ''' Woodbridgi HI, evening about fl o'clock when an Church, read the scripture lesson. I Hire Sntunlny night about Ii o'clock, of liquor and unlit to drive a CSX, ( wo 2 auto whizzed hy and struck him. The ifour persons were injured and one afternoon. The immediate changes' ; authorised be put through without ( '" ' ° ^'_ y ru Prayers were offered by Mrs. A. J. ,1. Konen, of Main slrett. Forts, made were: the promotion of John \ delay. A sewer in Keashey, one in driver did not stop or Boylan Fitz-Gerald and Miss Agnes, 1 was driving his -Chrysler when \% Egnn to the rank of Desk Sergeant, ' the Fords section, and another in the en his speed but left the injured MeEwen, of the Methodist Church. ' crashed into a N'ash coupe owned and man on the road. the promotion of Daniel Gibson to Boynton Beach Heists section are Zahn was taken and Mrs. Ernest Abbott mid Mrs. Car Stolen Here J driven by Francis MrGuirk, of 214 the rank of Traffic Officer, and the nlso listed among the improvements Named To Head Group in charge by the police and "was at- John Strome, of the Presbyterian Main street, Woixlhridirr. McGum J appointment of Closindo Zuccaro of to receive attention. The attorney tended by Dr. Irn T. Spencer who Church. Mrs. Mac G. Bell sang was nccompanied by his wife, accord- \ I'ort Reading as a Patrolman. land engineer are to proceed with thc said that his injuries were not dan- Eyes That Arc Weary". She Found In Rahway inn to the police record made by P Future promotions will come with preliminary steps in order to pel For 17th Annual Term gerous, consisting only of severe trolman McDonald, mid Konen w bruises. Zahn was removed to his accompanied by Mrs. A. G. Bro the final passnge of an amendment to the work started without delay. Mrs. Florence Updyke, of New York, Machine Parked In Front of accompanied hy Mrs. Helen Lips, the police ordinance which was pass- \ A petition was received from res- Mrs. J. E. Breckenridge Again home. • was the principal speaker. Mrs. Up- Club Gone When Owner Philad«i|>hia. The four were inju i'tl on two readings at Monday's' idylls of l;hc Port Reading section Elected President of Presby- No trace, of the car that struck dyke gave an inspiring talk about nnd wore trented at the R»rrwti|| meeting and which appears in full , asking that the township purchase .... c • . \ ftahn could be found nnd Zahn could I conditions in Imlin, China, an .In Returns — Parked All Next j Hospital hy Dr. B. W. Hoagland. in another column. The features of , a site for a pnrk. It was filed, 1 teriaOthenr MissionarNotes oy f SocietyAnnual— , nnt^M(.rIbe it. The police are con- The meetin. _g closed 'with a Day In Rahway. It WHS Dr. lloagliind, uivardtl ihis amendment are the cren'tinn of! Committee-man Grausam reported tinumg an investigation. • I hymn and the benediction. to the police officer, who pronoun the rank of police captain with a \ that all complaints concerning assess- Meeting. | The police of neighboring towns ed Konen unfit to drive. Konen ,;llnry of $2,800 per year, and thements hail been investigated. In land the Slate Police were notified received cuts and bruises. Mrs. creation of four grades of sergeants'« majority of the cases the aa- The Woman's Missionary Society laat Thursday night to be on the of the Presbyterian Church held its Reported Action of Supreme Court Guirk was the most seriously in rnnking as "detective, desk, traffic 8c.isme.nts were found to be eor- lookout for a Hudson sedan stolen juri'd of the four. She had cuts ;,,H1 rounds sergeants". Thc amend- red. In some instances the annual mCet,nK on Wednesday nt the Will Bear On Fire District Money from in front of the Craftsmen's the fare, arm, ^calp, and kn ,nent also fixes thc salary of traffic ' property owners would not a3. horne of Mrs I. K Brcckcnr.dge Club house, in Green street, at 11 A Rh rt J ot s( lce held bridge of nose, upper lip and uti .-..rRMnt at *2,P,r,0 wer annum. ' «i*t in furnishing information ( " ' «Y '°™'' ^ f" 1 o'clock that night. The car is the Bt Opinion Said To Conflict With Instruction of Commissioner of ithe chin. Eleven stitches were The annual budget and tax ordi- that would bear on thc assess- *>»ch time Mw. II. AjTappen property of James McKcown, of 58N quired to close her wounds. Municipal Accounts — Collector To Pay Funds ! Linden avenue. nance camo up for final reading and ment and in these cases it was ad. j «ad the scripture lesson and Mrs. Mrs. Lips had numerous cuts an h-arinit of objections. There were ' vised that no change be made. In ! Breckenndge led ,n prayer. At the Direct To Fire Commissioners ] It was standing in front of the hu9lncss meetln thp annU!l1 bruises and Mr. McGuirk had bruii no objections and it was adopted. \ some instances the conditions war-t K ^- iclub house and was the last of a long Konen was detained until he tion of officers took place. line of There were two slight alterations' ranted that the assessments be a- In an opinion handed down last vanced the money and later recov- '< machines parked there. When ered up and was then released for . niatle in the budget since it was' bated in part, Mrs. J. E. Breckenridge was elect- Saturday by the Supreme Court thc ered it as the money was paid in ! Mr. McKeown entered the club he for hearing last night. The case, lirst prepared. One is the addition I A letter was received from the, . , Township Collector is required to taxes from the district involved. j intended to remain only a. few min- : 18 11 utes and ho diti not l(u k the car ever, did not come up last r ,,f an item of $2,500 added for the teacher, of Iselin school thankingg the i"™ ™ ™ JA":.. *'!!.J" w"*' turn over direct to the fire commis- Previous to 1027 the matter was '• ' being postponed to March 8. Mra han$«d in accordance with a still \He was in tne club 'onKt>r than nt' benefit of the free public libraries, committee thafotr threpairine schoog l thcoule roadd bes >', A- U HuhcT' treasurer, Mrs. S. B. sioners of local fire districts such Another item of more than $8,000 there so l b different plan. The entire amount | expected and when he came out Un- was taken out, the net result being reached without wading through money paid voted for fire purposes was paid to car was gone. Bobby Fulton's Puppets In :i reduction of about $5,000. ! mud. ; visiting and charity, Mrs. for the use of the fire districts. It the fire commissioners by the town- On Friday evening the police of Schools One and Eleven A general plan to push public im- A letter was received from the A. F. Randolph; missionary, Mrs. II. is understood that a writ of man- ship treasurer whether sufficient' Rahway were notified that a Hudson prnwrnonts not only because the Lm-' Boynton Company informing the damus has been issued by the Su- funds to pay them had been collect-,sedan had been standing in Fulton A rare treat will be offered jiiovements are in themselves needed committee that the company will co- Disbrow; literature,! preme Court instructing Township ed in taxes or not.
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