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It will be supported with security updates until April 2012. বাংলা (Bengali) • Български • Català • 简体中 • - ﻲﺑﺮﻋ -ﺪﻴﻗ ﺮﻳﺮﺤﺘﻟﺍ • Afrikaans 文 (翻译中) • Česky • Dansk • Deutsch • Español • English • Estonian • Filipino • Français • Ελληνικά • Kurdî• Lietuviškai• Latviešu tulkojums • Hindi • Indonesian • Magyarra • Melayu • Italiano • 日本語 (翻訳中) • Қазақша • 한국어 • • • Nederlands • Norsk • Русский • edit (http://ubuntuguide.org/index.php? Languages: ລາວ नेपाली (title=Template:MaverickMeerkatLanguageBar&action=edit • ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ • עברית • ﻮﺘﭘ • Română • Suomi • Türkçe • Svenska • සිංහල • Slovak ไทย • Polski • Português • Português do Brasil • Shqip • Slovenski • Srpski • Việt • ﻭﺩﺭُﺍ • Traditional Chinese • 繁體中文 (努力翻譯中) • Українська • Ubuntu language pages (http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/locallanguage) This guide is currently maintained at the Linux Center (http://linux.edu.lv/index.php?newlang=english) of the University of Latvia (http://www.lu.lv/eng/) . Please help test and perfect this guide. To edit pages you need to register. Contents 1 Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) 1.1 Introduction 1.2 General Notes 1.2.1 General Notes 1.3 Other versions 1.3.1 How to find out which version of Ubuntu you're using 1.3.2 How to find out which kernel you are using 1.3.3 Newer Versions of Ubuntu 1.3.4 Older Versions of Ubuntu 1.4 Other Resources 1.4.1 Ubuntu Resources Gnome Project Ubuntu Screenshots and Screencasts New Applications Resources 1.4.2 Other *buntu guides and help manuals 2 Installing Ubuntu 2.1 Hardware requirements 2.2 Fresh Installation 2.3 Dual-Booting Windows and Ubuntu 2.4 Installing multiple OS on a single computer 2.5 Use Startup Manager to change Grub settings 2.6 Dual-Booting Mac OS X and Ubuntu 2.6.1 Installing Mac OS X after Ubuntu 2.6.2 Installing Ubuntu after Mac OS X 2.7 Upgrading Jaunty or Karmic to Lucid 2.7.1 Reinstalling applications after a fresh install 2.8 Add Extra Repositories 2.8.1 Types of Repositories Third party repositories 2.8.2 Add Repositories using Synaptic Package Manager 2.8.3 Manually add repositories 2.8.4 Add repository keys 2.9 Package Installation and Updates 2.9.1 Apt and Package Basics Installing .deb packages Handling (Tar/GZip) and (Tar/Bzip2) archives Installing a package from source Create a .deb package from source files 2.9.2 Aptitude 2.9.3 Synaptic Package Manager 2.9.4 Ubuntu Software Center (Add/Remove Programs) 2.9.5 Manual Updates 2.9.6 Automated Updates 3 Desktop Add-ons 3.1 Gnome Eye-Candy Resources 3.2 Ubuntu Wallpaper 3.3 Change Plymouth Splash Screen 3.4 Metacity 3.5 Compiz Fusion 3.5.1 Fusion Icon 3.5.2 Rotate the Compiz Cube 3.5.3 Emerald 3.6 Google Desktop 3.7 gDesklets 3.8 Dock applications 3.8.1 Avant Window Navigator 3.8.2 Cairo Dock 3.8.3 Gnome Do 3.8.4 wbar wbarconf 4 Virtualization 4.1 VirtualBox 4.1.1 Proprietary versions of VirtualBox 4.2 VMWare 4.2.1 VMWare Player 4.2.2 Create an Ubuntu Appliance 4.2.3 VMWare Server VMWare Package 4.2.4 Keyboard errors in VMware guest 4.3 KVM 4.4 Qemu (without KVM) 4.5 Xen 4.6 Virtual Machine Manager 4.7 Crossover for Linux 4.8 Wine 4.8.1 PlayOnLinux Internet Explorer 7 4.8.2 Internet Explorer 6 & 7 4.9 Transgaming Cedega 4.10 Mono 4.10.1 Moonlight 4.11 DosBox 4.12 ScummVM 5 Edutainment Applications 5.1 Google Earth 5.1.1 Troubleshooting 5.1.2 Uninstall Google Earth 5.2 FBReader (e-book reader) 5.3 Calibre (e-book reader) 6 Games 6.1 Wing Commander Privateer 6.2 Vdrift 6.3 Action 6.3.1 UrbanTerror 6.3.2 Doom Skulltag PrBoom 6.4 MMORPG 6.4.1 Spring 6.4.2 Regnum Online 6.4.3 PlaneShift 6.5 Dolphin (Wii emulator) 7 Internet Applications 7.1 Web Browsers 7.1.1 Mozilla Firefox Firefox Plug-ins Adblock Plus plug-in (block ads in a web page) Noscript plug-in (controls scripts) User Agent Switcher plug-in for Firefox Video DownloadHelper plug-in for Firefox Unplug Download Management Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Firefox plug-in Adobe Acrobat Reader for Firefox Plug-in Adobe Flash Player for Firefox Plug-in Gnash Plug-in (Open source Flash Player replacement) VLC plug-in for Firefox Gecko MediaPlayer Plug-in for Firefox Kaffeine Plug-in for Firefox Helix player plug-in for Firefox Moonlight plugin for Firefox FireFTP for Firefox Firefox Widgets Turn off browser bar drop-down list in Firefox 7.1.2 IceCat 7.1.3 SeaMonkey 7.1.4 IceApe 7.1.5 Opera 7.1.6 Chromium 7.1.7 Google Chrome 7.2 Download Managers 7.2.1 Downloader for X 7.3 Email Clients 7.3.1 Evolution Evolution and PGP 7.3.2 Thunderbird Lightning calendar extension Enigmail New Mail Icon for Thunderbird 7.3.3 KMail 7.4 Newsreaders 7.4.1 Akregator 7.4.2 RSSOwl 7.5 Instant Messengers 7.5.1 Empathy 7.5.2 Pidgin 7.5.3 Kopete Kopete Styles GoogleTalk on Kopete 7.5.4 Konversation (IRC client) 7.5.5 aMSN 7.5.6 Emesene 7.6 FTP Clients 7.6.1 Filezilla 7.7 Filesharing / P2P 7.7.1 Transmission (BitTorrent Client) 7.7.2 KTorrent 7.7.3 Azureus 7.7.4 QTorrent 7.7.5 Apollon (P2P Filesharing) 7.7.6 MLDonkey (P2P eMule/eDonkey2000) MLDonkey GUI frontends 8 Videoconferencing and VOIP 8.1 Ekiga 8.2 Skype 8.2.1 How to install Skype on a 64-bit system 8.2.2 Installing Skype repository 8.3 Wengophone 8.4 Gizmo5 8.5 Asterisk VOIP PBX system 8.5.1 Kiax 8.6 OpenSIPS / OpenSER (SIP server) 8.7 Web meetings 8.7.1 BigBlueButton 8.7.2 WebHuddle 9 Privacy 9.1 PGP (Message Encryption) 9.1.1 Seahorse 9.2 Tor (Network Privacy) 9.2.1 Tor GUIs 10 Proprietary Extras 10.1 Restricted Extras 11 Photos and Graphics 11.1 GIMP (Image Manipulator) 11.2 Dia (Diagram editor) 11.3 Kivio (Diagram editor) 11.4 Inkscape Vector Illustrator 11.5 Digikam (Photo Organiser) 11.6 F-spot (Photo Organiser) 11.7 Google Picasa (Photo Organiser) 11.8 Shotwell (Photo Organiser) 11.9 Tesseract (Optical Character Reader) 11.10 Cuneiform (Optical Character Reader) 11.11 Xsane (Scanning utility) 11.12 Gnome-Scan (Scanning Utility) 11.13 Gwenview (Image Manipulator) 11.14 OpenClipart (ClipArt Library) 12 Screencasts and Desktop Recording 12.1 recordMyDesktop (Desktop Session Recording) 12.1.1 Using recordMyDesktop with PulseAudio 12.2 Istanbul (Desktop Session Recording) 12.3 xvidcap (Desktop Session Recording) 12.4 WebCamStudio 12.5 Wink (Presentation Editor) 12.6 Camorama (Web Cam) 12.7 Freeseer (Presentation capture) 12.8 Screencast Demos 13 Video Applications 13.1 OpenShot 13.2 PiTiVi (Non-linear Video Editing Suite) 13.3 Avidemux (Video editor/processor) 13.4 Kino (Non-linear Video Editing Suite) 13.5 KdenLive (Non-linear Video Editing Suite for KDE) 13.6 Cinelerra (Non-linear Video Editing Suite) 13.7 LiVES (Video editor/processor) 13.8 OpenMovieEditor 13.9 Blender 13.10 Stopmotion (Animation) 14 Audio / Video conversion 14.1 FFMPEG video / audio conversion 14.1.1 FFMPEG GUI 14.1.2 Join video segments Split a file into segments 14.2 Save any streaming Flash video 14.2.1 Save rtmp / flv streams 14.3 Convert Flash video audio to mp3 14.4 2ManDVD 14.5 DeVeDe 14.6 ManDVD 14.7 DVD Author 14.7.1 QDVDAuthor 14.8 Ripper X CD Ripper/Encoder 14.9 Asunder CD Ripper/Encoder 14.10 Audex CD Ripper/Encoder 14.11 Gnac (GNome Audio Converter) 14.12 SOX (encodes/decodes audio) 15 CDs and DVDs 15.1 Brasero (CD/DVD burner) 15.2 Gnomebaker (CD/DVD burner) 15.3 K3b (CD/DVD burner) 15.4 DVD Playback Capability 15.5 K9copy (DVD Ripper) 15.6 dvd::rip 15.7 Acidrip 15.8 DVD Fab (DVD Ripper) 15.9 Handbrake 16 Music Players 16.1 Rhythmbox 16.2 Amarok 16.2.1 Amarok themes 16.3 Audacious 16.4 Banshee Music Player 16.5 Exaile Music Manager and Player 16.6 Songbird Music Player 17 Multimedia Players 17.1 MPlayer Multimedia Player 17.1.1 SMPlayer 17.1.2 Dump a video stream to disc 17.2 VLC Multimedia Player 17.2.1 VLC plugins 17.3 Xine-UI Multimedia Player 17.4 Kaffeine Video Player 17.5 RealPlayer 11 Multimedia Player 17.6 Internet TV 17.6.1 BBC iPlayer 17.6.2 Miro Player 17.6.3 Myth TV 17.6.4 Sopcast Internet TV 17.6.5 Zattoo 17.7 Internet Radio 17.7.1 Last FM 17.7.2 Shoutcast Internet Radio 17.7.3 StreamTuner Stream Directory Browser 17.7.4 BBC program recording 17.8 Media Centers and PVR (Personal Video Recorder) 17.8.1 MythTV 17.8.2 Mythbuntu 17.8.3 XBMC 17.8.4 Boxee 17.8.5 Elisa 17.8.6 LinuxMCE 17.9 Multimedia Servers 17.9.1 MPD Multimedia Playing Server 17.9.2 TiMidity++ MIDI Sound Server 17.9.3 uShare UPnP A/V Media Server 18 Home Automation / Home Theater / Home Security 18.1 Complete Systems 18.1.1 Linux MCE (Media Center Edition) 18.1.2 Other systems in development 18.2 Home Security 18.2.1 Zoneminder surveillance system Myth Zoneminder 19 Office Suites
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