Appellate Case: 18-1453 Document: 010110169158 Date Filed: 05/15/2019 Page: 1 Case No. 18-1453 IN THE United States Court of Appeals FOR THE TENTH CIRCUIT dDANA ALIX ZZYYM, Plaintiff-Appellee, —v.— MICHAEL R. POMPEO, in his official capacity as the Secretary of State; STEVEN J. MULLEN, in his official capacity as the Director of the Colorado Passport Agency for the United States Department of State, Defendants-Appellants. ON APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO - DENVER HONORABLE R. BROOKE JACKSON D.C. NO. 1:15-CV-02362-RBJ BRIEF FOR AMICI CURIAE INTERACT: ADVOCATES FOR INTERSEX YOUTH, ARLENE B. BARATZ, MD, KATHARINE BARATZ DALKE, MD, GEORGIANN DAVIS, PHD, JULIE A. GREENBERG, JD, ELIZABETH REIS, PHD, SUSAN E. STRED, MD, CARL G. STREED JR., MD, SEAN SAIFAWALL, ILENE WONG, MD AND THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR LESBIAN RIGHTS IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF-APPELLEE JONAH KNOBLER PATTERSON BELKNAP WEBB & TYLER LLP 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10036 (212) 336-2000 [email protected] Attorneys for Amici Curiae May 15, 2019 ORAL ARGUMENT NOT REQUESTED Appellate Case: 18-1453 Document: 010110169158 Date Filed: 05/15/2019 Page: 2 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Pursuant to Rule 26.1 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, amici curiae state as follows: Amicus interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth is a nonprofit or- ganization. It has no parent corporation and no corporation or publicly held entity owns 10% or more of its stock. Amicus curiae the National Center for Lesbian Rights is a non- profit organization. It has no parent corporation and no corporation or publicly held entity owns 10% or more of its stock. Appellate Case: 18-1453 Document: 010110169158 Date Filed: 05/15/2019 Page: 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTEREST OF AMICI CURIAE...............................................................1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................5 ARGUMENT .............................................................................................7 I. INTERSEX PEOPLE’S BODIES TRANSCEND THE MALE/FEMALE BINARY. .....................................................7 II. INTERSEX PEOPLE HAVE BEEN RECOGNIZED BY LAW AND MEDICINE FOR MILLENNIA..........................17 III. INTERSEX PEOPLE EXPERIENCE SEVERE MISTREATMENT AND DISCRIMINATION......................24 IV. THE DEPARTMENT’S PASSPORT POLICY IS ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS AS APPLIED TO INTERSEX PEOPLE. ...........................................................29 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................33 i Appellate Case: 18-1453 Document: 010110169158 Date Filed: 05/15/2019 Page: 4 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Page(s) CASES Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass’n v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 463 U.S. 29 (1983)......................................................................... 29, 33 Olenhouse v. Commodity Credit Corp., 42 F.3d 1560 (10th Cir. 1994).............................................................29 STATUTES 18 U.S.C. § 1542 ......................................................................................29 D.C. Code § 50-1401.01 ...........................................................................23 N.J. Stat. Ann. § 26:8-40.12 (West 2018)................................................23 N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 17-167.1 (Oct. 9, 2018)........................................23 Or. Admin. R. 735-062-0013....................................................................23 Wash. Admin. Code § 246-490-075 (2018) ..............................................24 RULES Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(7) ...........................................................................34 OTHER AUTHORITIES Albert de la Chapelle, The Use and Misuse of Sex Chromatin Screening for Gender Identification of Female Athletes, 256 J. Am. Med. Ass’n 1920 (1986) ....................................................15 Amnesty International, Policy Statement on the Rights of Intersex Individuals (2013).................................................................27 Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Intersex Soc’y of N. Am., https://goo.gl/GJziJL...........................................................................13 Appellate Case: 18-1453 Document: 010110169158 Date Filed: 05/15/2019 Page: 5 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES (CONTINUED) Page(s) Anne Fausto-Sterling, SEXING THE BODY: GENDER POLITICS AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEXUALITY (2000) .......................... 7, 11, 13 Anne Tamar-Mattis, Report to the Inter-American Commis- sion on Human Rights: Medical Treatment of People with Intersex Conditions as a Human Rights Violation, Advo- cates for Informed Choice (March 2013) ............................ 9, 25, 26, 27 Australian Gov’t Guidelines on the Recognition of Sex and Gender (July 2013)..............................................................................20 Bill Chappell, Germany Offers Third Gender Option on Birth Certificates, NPR (Nov. 1, 2013), https://www.npr.org/ sections/thetwo-way/2013/11/01/242366812/germany- offers-third-gender-option-on-birth-certificates.................................21 Bruce E. Wilson & William G. Reiner, Management of Intersex: A Shifting Paradigm in INTERSEX IN THE AGE OF ETHICS (1999)..................................................................................8, 17 Carla Murphy et al., Ambiguous Genitalia in the Newborn: An Overview and Teaching Tool, 24 J. Pediatric Adolescent Gynecology 236 (2011) .......................................................8 Cary Nederman & Jacqui True, The Third Sex: The Idea of the Hermaphrodite in Twelfth-Century Europe, 6 J. History of Sexuality 497 (1996) ...................................................18 Childhood Sexual Abuse, Intersex Soc’y of N. Am. (1997) .....................26 Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Disorders of Sexual Development in Childhood, Consortium on the Management of Disorders of Sex Development (2006)..... 8, 10, 11, 17 Daniela Truffer, “It’s a Human Rights Issue!” in VOICES: PERSONAL STORIES FROM THE PAGES OF NIB – NORMALIZ- ING INTERSEX (James M. DuBois & Ana S. Iltis, eds., 2016)..............25 iii Appellate Case: 18-1453 Document: 010110169158 Date Filed: 05/15/2019 Page: 6 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES (CONTINUED) Page(s) David A. Diamond et al., Gender Assignment for Newborns with 46XY Cloacal Exstrophy: A 6-Year Followup Survey of Pediatric Urologists, 186 J. Urol. 1642 (2011) .................................9 Elizabeth Reis, BODIES IN DOUBT: AN AMERICAN HISTORY OF INTERSEX (2009) ..............................................................................9, 19 Eric Lohman and Stephani Lohman, RAISING ROSIE: OUR STORY OF PARENTING AN INTERSEX CHILD (UBCPress 2018)..............28 Fact Sheet: Intersex (2015), Free & Equal: United Nations for LGBT Equality, https://www.unfe.org/system/unfe-65- Intersex_Factsheet_ENGLISH.pdf ....................................................28 FAQ: Non-binary Sex Identifier on Driver Licenses and Identification Cards, Colo. Dep’t of Revenue (Nov. 8, 2018) .............22 First Dutch Gender-Neutral Passport Issued, BBC News (Oct. 19, 2018).....................................................................................22 Geertje Mak, DOUBTING SEX: INSCRIPTIONS, BODIES AND SELVES IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY HERMAPHRODITE CASE HISTORIES (2012) ......19 Georgiann Davis, CONTESTING INTERSEX: THE DUBIOUS DIAGNOSIS (2015).................................................................................14 Harry F. Klinefelter, Klinefelter’s syndrome: historical background and development, 79 So. Med. J. 1089 (1986). ...............20 Henry de Bracton, ON THE LAWS AND CUSTOMS OF ENGLAND (Thorne trans., 1968) ..........................................................................18 “I Want To Be Like Nature Made Me”: Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the U.S., Human Rights Watch & interACT (2017)..........................................26 I.A. Hughes et al., Consensus Statement on Management of Intersex Disorders, 118 Pediatrics 488 (2006)................ 8, 9, 10, 13, 26 iv Appellate Case: 18-1453 Document: 010110169158 Date Filed: 05/15/2019 Page: 7 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES (CONTINUED) Page(s) Jennifer Yang, et al., Nerve Sparing Ventral Clitoroplasty: Analysis of Clitoral Sensitivity and Viability, J. Urol., Vol. 178 (Oct. 2007)....................................................................................25 Jeremy Toler, Medical and Surgical Intervention of Patients with Differences in Sex Development, Gay & Lesbian Med. Ass’n (Oct. 3, 2016) ..................................................... 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Joana Plucinska, Nepal Is the Latest Country to Acknowledge Transgender Citizens on Its Passports, Time (Aug. 11, 2015)....................................................................................................22 John Money, et al., An Examination of Some Basic Sexual Concepts: The Evidence of Human Hermaphroditis, Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Johns Hopkins Univ. 97 (4): 301–19 (Oct. 1955)...........................................................................................20 Juan E. Méndez, Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, UN Doc. A/HRC/22/53 (Feb. 1, 2013)............................27 Julie A. Greenberg, INTERSEXUALITY AND THE LAW (2012).....................10 Julie A. Greenberg, Defining Male and Female: Intersexuality and the Collision Between Law and Biology, 41 Ariz. L. Rev. 265 (1999)
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