March 17, 1997 City of Springtown 102 East Second Street P. 0. Box444 Springtown, Texas 76082 Attn.: Mr. Bob Salinas RE: FINAL REPORT Walnut Creek Basin Regional Wastewater Study Springtown, Texas Proj. No. SPR96219 Dear Mr. Salinas: Attached is our final version of the report entitled "Walnut Creek Basin Regional Wastewater Study, Parker, Wise and Tarrant Counties of Texas", TWDB Number 97483198. We have forwarded nine (9) copies and one ( 1) camera-ready original to Gary Laneman of the Texas Water Development Board. Additional copies will be distributed to other participants based on your instruction. Since the draft report, the treatment option to Fort Worth has been removed from serious consideration due to Fort Worth's desire to return the flows to Eagle Mountain Lake and the time delay before service to Fort Worth could be possible. Our current indication is that Azle supports a regional wastewater concept and use of Azle's plant(s) for treatment, but does not want to be a Member Entity of the regional district. Therefore, this report indicates that the most economical option will be to connect Springtown to Azle and serve Springtown,"downtown" Reno as quickly as possible. These entities, or a new district, would then contract with Azle for treatment. The trunk main would be sized for 20 year growth for the "population centers" and any addition service (i.e., unincorporated areas or greater Reno) would require upgrading or paralleling the original pipe. This system would provide for Springtown's and "downtown" Reno's current needs at a cost which is less than the other studied options. Although a full regional system would not be available immediately, this arrangement would allow for future expansion to create a full regional system. In short, it appears a "regional" approach is not only feasible but also recommended. Please note that costs shown in the report are somewhat generic since many of the actual sites are not defined. They are good for comparison purposes however. If you have any questions, please call. We appreciate the opportunity to work with the City on this project and look forward t~,IQIQOOOQ,with you on the most cost effective solutions to your engineering needs. ----.....€. OF 1"~11 1 1 --~r.•'""''···········-" •.1..., .... ,I :~ .·· ~ ·.. , : • _..· ~':r "\IS· ,II :..~.::.... f..·.-~ ··~ ~ ~ Sincerely, ,J ......................... ~ TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. ·: J. KELLY CARTA •: ,;;-:.:.;·~··························:: ... ·: 64807 ,..... "/;<-·~ "b\1>. ;V·'··_.:,~, t '•1 ~~· •.f!tsrr .. ?-~-<.;.~:r· j~df_tr ~,~s,o;.;;:c£.~:.,~:..-=­ J. Kelly Carta, P.E. Report Attached ,,,,,,,,... 'i.//1/'11 2001 W. IRVING BLVO. 915 FLORENCE STREET IRVING, TEXAS 75061 FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76102 1214) 254-1765 1817) 336-5773 METRO 1214)251·1627 FAX 18171 336-2813 FAX 12141 251·4348 TWDB PROJECT NUMBER 97483198 TNP PROJECT NUMBER SPR96219 WALNUT CREEK BASIN REGIONAL WASTEWATER STUDY PARKER, WISJ: AND TARRANT COUNTIES OF TEXAS FINAL REPORT TO THE TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD MARCH 1997 FUNDED BY THE CITY OF SPRINGTOWN, TEXAS AND WALNUT CREEK SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT WITH GRANT FUNDING BY THE TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD PREPARED BY TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. FORT WORTH, TEXAS fiiiEJ TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS #tfl~ C 0 H S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R S 1115 Flor•nce Stre•r 2001 W••t lrYing BIYd. Fort Worth. r ..... 75102 lrYing. r •••• 150!1 UtTJ 3.35·5773 ti72) 254·1755 Develq;ir.g CreatNe Eri . Sclutfcns fer Cu Car~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS •..•..•••.................•....•••••.•..•.•• , • . • . • • • • • . • • . 6 CHAPTER 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • . • • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • . • . 7 SCENARIO 1 . 7 SCENARIO 2 . 7 SCENARIO 3 . 8 SCENARIO 4 . 8 SCENARIO 5 . 8 CONCLUSIONS . 8 TABLE 1 -SUMMARY OF STUDIED SCENARIO OPTIONS ...................... 10 MAP 1 - STUDY AREA . 11 MAP 2- POPULATION CENTER AREAS ..................................... 12 MAP 3- SCENARIO 1 ..................................................... 13 MAP 4- SCENARIO 2 ..................................................... 14 MAP 5- SCENARIO 3 ..................................................... 15 MAP 6- SCENARIO 4 ..................................................... 16 MAP 7- SCENARIO 5 ..................................................... 17 MAP 8- SCENARIO 5 (COLOR) ............................................. 18 CHAPTER II -INTRODUCTION . 19 REASON FOR STUDY . 19 BACKGROUND . 19 STUDIES ............................................................... 20 OBJECTIVES OF THIS STUDY . 22 STUDY PARTICIPANT ENTITIES ............................................ 22 CHAPTER Ill- STUDY AREA GEOGRAPHY AND EXISTING CONDITIONS ..•............ 24 STUDY AREA BOUNDARY ................................................. 24 WATERSHED GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY ................................ 24 MAP 9 - SUBAREAS ...................................................... 25 LAND USES . 26 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS AND WATER USE ............................ 26 EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................... 27 TABLE 2- EXISTING TREATMENT PLANTS IN REGION ....................... 27 TABLE 3- EXISTING SERVICE FEES ........................................ 28 TABLE 4- EXISTING DEBT ................................................ 28 SUBAREA PARAMETERS ................................................. 29 TABLE 5- SUBAREA CALCULATIONS ....................................... 30 CHAPTER IV- STUDY AREA POPULATIONS ............................................ 31 POPULATION HISTORY ................................................... 31 TABLE 6- FUTURE EXPECTED POPULATIONS .............................. 32 TABLE 7- POPULATION GROWTH RATES ................................... 33 GRAPH 1 -COMPOSITE POPULATION ...................................... 34 CHAPTER V- WASTEWATER PROJECTIONS •.•.•.•.•..•••.•••..••.•.............. 35 METHODOLOGY FOR WASTEWATER PROJECTIONS ......................... 35 FLOW PROJECTIONS .................................................... 35 WASTELOAD PROJECTIONS .............................................. 35 Walnut Creek Regional Wastewater Study- Final Report- March 1997- Page 2 CHAPTER VI -TREATMENT PLANT AND TRUNK MAIN PROJECTIONS . • • • . • . 37 METHODOLOGY FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTIONS ....... 37 TREATMENT PLANT NEEDS ............................................... 37 TABLE 8- TREATMENT PLANT COSTS ..................................... 38 COLLECTION SYSTEM . 39 TABLE 9- PIPE FACTORS ................................................. 39 CHAPTER VII -COST PROJECTIONS •.•......••.•..•.•••.•.•...••.•..•..••........ 40 ECONOMIC METHODOLOGIES . 40 PROJECTIONS FOR CAPITAL COSTS ....................................... 40 PROJECTIONS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS ................. 40 ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS ................................................. 40 TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS ................................................... 41 PRESENT VALUE COMPARISONS .......................................... 41 LONG-TERM COST ANALYSIS SUMMARY ................................... 41 COST PER' CONNECTION . 41 FINANCING COSTS ...................................................... 41 RE-USE/ EXPANSION OF EXISTING FACILITIES OPTIONS ...................... 41 ENTITY PARTICIPATION .................................................. 42 REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION CONSIDERATIONS ............................. 42 CHAPTER VIII- RECOMMENDATIONS .......•.••............•.•...•..•...........• 43 APPENDICES . 44 APPENDIX A- DOCUMENTS OF SUPPORT AND COMMENT ....•.•..••••.........•... A1 TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD DRAFT REVIEW COMMENTS ........... A2 WALNUT CREEK SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT SUPPORT RESOLUTION .......... A4 PARKER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT SUPPORT RESOLUTION .......... A6 CITY OF RENO SUPPORT RESOLUTION .................................... A8 TARRANT REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT SUPPORT LETTER AND EXTENSION REQUEST ....................................................... A11 CITY OF FORT WORTH SUPPORT LETTER AND COMMENTS ................. A 13 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, L.A.E.R.F. SUPPORT LETTER ............. A16 SAVE EAGLE MOUNTAIN LAKE, INC. SUPPORT LETTER AND CONCERNS · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · ...................... A18 TNRCC RESPONSE TO SEML CONCERNS ................................. A20 KZEE RADIO SUPPORT COMMENTS ....................................... A24 ALAN PLUMMER AND ASSOCIATES MARKUP COMMENTS ................... A27 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS SUPPORT RESOLUTION ................................................................ A28 CITY OF SANCTUARY SUPPORT RESOLUTION ............................. A31 WISE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT SUPPORT RESOLUTION ............. NA CITY OF AZLE SUPPORT RESOLUTION ..................................... NA APPENDIX 8 - MAJOR CHANGES SINCE DRAFT REPORT .........•••...•........... 81 APPENDIX C - MEETINGS, NOTES AND HANDOUTS ..••...•••..••••.............•.. C1 MEETING (10/29/96)- FIRST PUBLIC MEETING ............................... C2 MEETING (11121/96)- CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS FIELD TRIP ............... C18 MEETING (12/19/96)- SECOND PUBLIC MEETING ........................... C20 MEETING (1/9/97)- SAVE EAGLE MOUNTAIN LAKE UPDATE MEETING .......... C26 Walnut Creek Regional Wastewater Study - Final Report - March 1997 - Page 3 MEETING (1/23197)- THIRD PUBLIC MEETING, DRAFT FINAL REPORT .......... C28 MEETING (1/11197)- WALNUT CREEK S.U.D. UPDATE MEETING ............... C49 MEETING (2/13197)- NCTCOG WATER RESOURCES COUNCIL ...............
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