nivwiv *-'*xnx^ix THE LOWELL LEDGER. VOL. XX1Y LOWELL, MICHIGAN, APR. 5, iqi; No. 43 Till iEiG M NEW CLUB OFRCERSimL AROUND TOWN EASTER EKERGISES SEASONABLE GOODS YOU NEED Lowell Snowed the Salary Grab Annual Meeting of Clover Leaf Bits of News about People and M. E. Church Program Easter Under 291 to 89. Club. Things You Know. Morning at 10:30 O'clock. FROM THE REXALL STORE NOW Lowell voters turned out to The annual meeting of the Mrs. Martin of Royal Oak spent Voluntary, Mrs. Hutchinson. election Monday in fairly good Clover Leaf club occurred Tues- Wednesday in Lowell. Young people's chorus. numbers conBidering it was an day, April 3, at the home of Mrs. Miss Roxy Denny returned to Reception of members and bap- "off' year and only one contest F. E. White. Battle Creek last Friday. tismal service. WALL PAPER—A complete, up-to-date on for town officers. Piano solo. Orlow Tillyer. After a short business session Mrs. Oscar Rivette of Kent City stock—bought at right prices and selling Whole number of votes cast Mrs. R. T. Ford sang "Since You Greeting, Fourteen girls. 277. spent Tuesday with her parents Duet, Miss Call, Mrs. C. Collar. Went Away" and responded with here. right. Bring along any samples you may Frank Taylor, caucus nominee Recitation, Jack Peckham. "As in a Rose Jar," accompanied Mrs. Darling and son of De- SAV/A/GS for treasurer, had 60 majority Primary song. have from anywhere and compare with our by Mrs. Mitchell. After calling troit are guests of Mr. and Mrs. over R. E. Springett, who was Recitation, Maxine Hurley. prices and quality. vice President Mrs. Bradish to Chris Gehrer. badly handicapped by running the chair, the president, Mrs. A. Solo, Matilda Brunthaver. Miss Winnie White of Detroit on slips and by the loss of many G. Peckham, gave a very able Exercise, Mrs, Cholerton's class. is spending^ the wefk with Iht votes intended for him, but which annual address, which was very Recitation, Margaret Lloyd. Look's Hand Lotion Reflecto Furniture parents here. Money had to be thrown out because much appreciated. Mrs. C. D. Young People's chorus. Remember there U only Polish they did not comply with the law. J. W. Lyon of Nor walk, Ohio, Reading, Mrs. Orlow Yeiter. Hodges as chairman of the nom- one Look's Hand Lotion For Pianoi—Furniture. in the bank is a strong foundation to build All things considered Mr. Spring- is visiting his family here at thp Song, Miss ('reaper's class. inating committee then an- and it is told only at this Imparts a rich gjoss to ett has no reason to be ashamed Wisner home. Exercise, Mrs. C. Collar's class. upon. Not all of ut can be rich, but each of nounced the following officers tor •tore. You need it now whatever article of furni- ol his vote, especially when one Song, Classes one and t,»o from the ensuing year which were Misses Donna ami Margaret for your chapped hands, ture it is applied. Easy considers that his opponent Mr. Primary department. ut can better hit condition. Saving—steady unanimously elected by ballot: Graham were home from Grnnd face and lips. 1° use—dries i;*iickiy. Taylor is one of the most popu- Rapids over Sunday. Solo, Mrs. Charles Doyle. and persistent—will accomplish wonders. Pres.. Mrs. C. J. Bradisb; First 15c and 25c bottles. 20c bottles. lar fellows in Lowell. Vice Pres. Mrs. R. E. Springett; Thomas Watson of Frunkfort Pastor's remarks. The vote on circuit j udges shows Second Vice Pres., Mrs. H. L. visited his brother, R. (J. Watson ('ollection by classes. Paint and Varnish how the Lowell vote went on the Weekes; Rec. Secy. Mrs. W. M. a couple of daj s last week. Offertory, Violin solo, Miss licr- Straw Hat Dye Open An Account partisan tickets: Republicans— Hunter; Cor. Secy, Mrs. O. J. nice Creaser. Just a little money in- Several different colors. Wm. B. Brown 277, J. 8. Mc- Mrs. Angus MoNau{»hton and Exercise, Miss Taylor s claws. Yeiter; Treas., Mrs. P. C. Peck- vested in paint or varn- Wear proof and light Donald 276, Willis B. Perkins, Miss Mina North of Alto veiled Anthem, Choir. with us today with whatever amount you can ham: Pariimentarian, Mrs. F. E. Lowell friends yesterday. ish will make a big differ- proof. Dries instantly- 277; Geo. C. Brown, Democrat White; Press Rep., Mrs. Hattie Benediction. ence in the looks of your Mrs. Ray Beebe and daughter spare: then add to it as opportunity permits. 99. Peckham; Director 1, Mrs. A. G. furniture or woodwork. colors straw, leather, Esther of Detroit are visiting her The salary raise amendment Peckham; Director 2, Mrs. A. E. BAPTIST ' CHURCH. We have it for all pur- wood, etc. A foundation for starting some substantial parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Denny. vote lost by 89 Yes to 291 No. Anderson; Delegate. Mrs. Brad- Preaching, 10:30 a. m. poses. 25c bottles. business or a competence for old age will re- Drain law amendment: Yes 249, ish; Alternate, Mrs. Springett. Wm. Tell Lewis of Lansing Sunday school, 11:45 a. in. No 118. Next meeting April 17 with made his former May ville towns- Easter projrraui. sult. Absent votes amendment: Yes Mrs. Fallas.—Press Rep. man, F. M. Johnson, a call .yes- B. Y. P. U.; 0:15 p. in. 0n 248, No 87. terday. f* I OO If e of the 8,000 Cnion Evangelistic service at D• "WaVj Rexail Drug Stores SLRV/C£ • ACCOMMODATION SAFETY • Highway amendment: Yes 308, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. DeVreis and M. E. church, 7:30 p. m. No 67. Miss Edith Covert of Grand Rap- .1, E. I'odine, Minister. State railroad: Yes 235, No 126. ids are visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. (jty State Bank The following appropriations L. Dyke. CONGREGATIONAL were voted: County Circuit Judges Lead Willette & Hart begin on page The Easter cantata entitled Incidental fund, $1800. '^ Lowell, MICH Opponent by 5,000. live of this issue a series of finely "The Lighted Cross" will be given Improvement highwavs, $5,. illustrated ads, to which your at- at II a. in. by the choir and Sun- 000. With belated returns on Circuit A large percentage of jjidges coming in the majority of tention is invited. day school. There will be only Repair of highways, 11,500. one service. 5,000 claimed by the Republican Special meeting of the Mystic Poor fund, |400. Juniors, 2:^0. People Wiio Love nominees over George C. Brown Workers at the home of Will Library, |75. Kndeavor, 0:15. Decoration day. seems assured. Judge Willis B. Ross Friday evening April xxmmxu Business of importance. Turn Cnion services at the M. K. Music Officers elected: Supervisor, C. Perkins is leading the other Re- church in the evening. publican nominees with a total out. are not able to play or Bergin: clerk, F. N. White; treas- Prayer meetin<rTliursda.v even- Milton Rogers, pavement clean- urer, F. Q. Taylor; highway com of 10,041. Judge Brown's total ing. sing at all, and there are is 10,589 and Judge McDonald's er, complains that the washing missioner, C. R. O'Harrow; jus- Wanted—20 men in tli^ Men's also some who play or 10,403. These figures are not of automobiles thereon, adds tice, Clarence Yeiter; highway Bible class. Something doing. sing, so to speak, but overseer, Walter Blakeslee; mem- expected to be changed material- greatly and unnecessarily to his At South Boston: Easter ser- from a musical standpoint are unable to impart much ber board of review, E. A. Thom- ly when reports from the fifteen labor/ vices at 2:30. Mr, K. L. Dyke 0/ pleasnre to others by their efforts. With the as; contables, George P. Taylor, missing precincts are turned in. George Shaw and Mrs. Leon Lowell will assist with the music. Theodore Shepard, Harvey J. The Democratic nominee received Rogers attended the funeral of A. II. Lash, Minister. Haysmer, Ed. C. Walker. 5,885 votes in all precincts re- the former's brother-in-law, Tru- porting. man McCormick, at Clarksville New Edison mxuri Vergennes All Republican but Charles M. Wilson, candidate yesterday. METHODIST CHURCH. Supervisor. for justice of the Supreme court The Odd Fellows and Uebekahs The Christian Kndeavor and in the home every musical longing is satisfied, for it is ran about even in Kent county Baptist Voun<r People's Cnion Vergennes loves a good natured enjoyed a social dance at tlieii the one only musical instrument that actually re creates GIFTS GIFTS scrap and had one this year for with the Republican candidates hall Tuesday evening after their are invited to meet with the Kp- music with true fidelity. Come to our store or ask for township officers, with 191 voters for the same office. business meeting. Warm sugar worth League for a Sunrise ser- OLIVER'S out. D. D. Krum won out for W. O. Holmes was re-elected and wafers were served. vice at <) o'clock Sunday mornimr. demonstration in your own home. supervisor over Allen S. Bennett supervisor from Tyrone township Come and bring your friends. by a majority of thirty-two, re- Mrs. Theo. Gosch and children by 6. The rest of the Republican are spending a week at the home Sunday school Easter service ticket was elected, though Percy turns from that township show. 10:o0. At this service there will *10/1611 you think of Sifts you H. J. Kelly was chosen as clerk; of her parents.
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