B C D E F A to Malmesbury 02083 Informally-run minibus taxis form a complex network in Cape Town, with 657 routes R27 covering 8,870 kilometres. Atlantis R304 R304 CAPE TOWN At WhereIsMyTransport, we collected data from the city’s R307 1 R302 entire minibus taxi network using our unique technologies 1 and techniques. N7 R312 PUBLIC TRANSPORT MAP M58 To create this simplified map, we used our full data set to M19 establish which taxi ranks are most active - defined by the M48 Malangshoogte Rd MINIBUS most inward and outwardM137 routes. From there, we included return routes starting or ending at these ranks. The result is Sandown Rd Malibongwe Dr this mapM100 of 137 routes, offering an insight into how minibus TAXI ROUTES taxis serve the city, and the potential for better integration R27 Dunoon 02044 between transport modes. R302 M5 Cape Town is the world’s first city to have its entire formal Contermanskloof Rd Killarney 01014 M15 2 Durbanville 2 2017 and informally-runM100 public transport networks mapped, M14 02059 integrated andN1 made openly available - on the N1 06015 N7 M13 WhereIsMyTransport platform. Eversdal Rd Data and map by R44 R304 M13 M25 R302 M14 M31 Old Oak Rd Kraaifontein Joe Slovo 02075 R101 02119 Bloekombos 02041 Brackenfell M30 M25 Montague Dr M16 M12 Omuramba Rd 02114 01044 02015 01086 02020 M8 Wallacedene B Milnerton Century City N1 N1 C M100 M15 M31 R27 R300 M14 M14 Koeberg Rd 05017 3 M30 3 M5 R101 M23 Bottelary Rd 02070 M23 Somerset 01020 Hospital M7 01105 01017 R302 M12 M16 M6 M6 R304 02018 01106 01052 CAPE TOWN R102 Voortrekker Rd 01008 08012 02012 02008 01002 R102 Strand Rd Maitland R102 06017 ELSIES RIVER Parow BELLVILLE Van Riebeeck Rd 06018 02076 Regent Rd Kuils River Sea Point Spar 04008 Halt Rd Vasco 06008 06012 Stellenbosch High Level Rd Groote Schuur M16 Station M16 Hospital Tafelberg N2 Hospital R300 Camps Bay M180 M7 R44 N2 M12 M17 M3 M10 Valhalla Dr 06009 Durban M171 New Nooiensfontein Rd M47 02009 M12 M12 M12 MOWBRAY Langa 02034 M180 01009 02098 Victoria Rd M6 Red Cross 02030 Children’s M54 01033 4 Hospital 4 04013 M3 Wesbank Rd Blackheath 06013 Station 01068 Athlone 02004 DELFT TAXI RANKS Wesbank Cape Town M10 01013 International M5 M54 Airport 03023 M180 M6 CLAREMONT M18 R310 N2 M22 01007 R300 01029 04017 M6 Hout Bay Rd 01021 04022 N2 N2 01004 M17 01095 M54 02016 03068 Van Riebeeck Rd Hout Bay M47 M18 Main Rd Imizamo M41 R102 Yethu M4 N2 07021 07049 Gugulethu 04021 NYANGA Mfuleni Mew Way M24 M24 M5 01006 Hanover Park R300 Forest Dr M3 WYNBERG 01003 03019 03021 Eerste River M9 M9 03004 03094 M9 M42 04007 01016 M49 Chapman’s Peak Dr M38 Philippi M7 Kendal Rd M10 R44 M36 03043 01102 Samora Machel R310 M44 06061 M32 M9 03016 02005 R300 03006 06007 R300 Bergvliet N2 03026 Lentegeur M9 Blue Route Mall 10045 05040 Hospital M9 Klip Rd Highlands Dr 01005 Highlands Dr 04005 5 Ou Kaapse Weg 03010 05009 5 KHAYELITSHA M64 10019 M5 M49 SITE C 02024 Khayelitsha RETREAT 10029 Retreat Rd Morgenster Rd 05019 Makhaza M36 Grassy Park 02006 M9 Old Main Rd Wespoort Dr Wespoort Dr R102 Concert Blv Military Rd MITCHELLS PLAIN 03079 06027 10053 Spine Rd Kommetjie 02038 03005 Capricorn Square M32 Spine Rd 05007 M32 Spine Rd M32 M65 M5 M17 M7 M36 M22 R310 Kommetjie Rd R44 R310 Baden Powell Dr R310 Baden Powell Dr Victoria St Main Rd Nomzamo 05027 M32 Spine Rd N2 Khayelitsha Beach Rd Harare Fish Hoek M49 Main Rd Station M44 M45 M45 Broadlands Rd 03085 R310 Baden Powell Dr 6 Sir Lowry’s Pass Rd 6 Main Rd M4 D Simon’s Town A R44 A A B C D E F Main taxi rank Route end taxi rank Route end location 01007 Route marker IMPORTANT Route line Primary road Secondary road Rail Numbered route markers will help you use this map. MyCiTi bus stop Metrorail train station Golden Arrow bus stop Hospital Due to the informally-run nature of minibus taxis, these numbers aren’t used Cape Town’s most active Routes from Cape Town Routes from Bellville Taxi Routes from Mitchells Plain in the network itself. A minibus taxi routes. B Taxi Rank in detail. Includes C Rank in detail. Includes all D & Khayelitsha Site C Taxi all routes marked routes marked Ranks in detail. Includes all routes marked G H I J K L to Atlantis to Joe Slovo to Milnerton 01020 B 01086 B 01044 to Dunoon Lagoon Beach Boundary Rd Century City 01014 CENTURY CITY N7 01017 N1 R27 Sable Rd 7 Koeberg Rd 7 M5 N1 M25 Waterfront Circle 01118 N1 Somerset Waterfront M7 Hospital MyCiTi Woodstock Walter Sisulu Ave M6 Helen Suzman Blvd Giel Basson Dr Stadium Hertzog Blvd Ysterplaat Christiaan Barnard St M12 Vasco Blvd 01115 Hans Strijdom Ave Golden Lower Church 01105 Arrow to Bellville CAPE TOWN & Elsies River Main Rd Riebeek St M176 Metrorail 01106 Adderley R102 Albert Rd 01074 R102 Voortrekker Rd 01008 01002 High Level Rd Strand St N2 Koeberg Salt River Station Main Road Salt River Rd M16 Darling St M4 Victoria Rd 01100 Jan Smuts Rd Long St M57 M7 Durham Ave Adderley St Liesbeek Pkwy Wale St Searle M4 Victoria Rd Roeland St Beach Rd M12 Halt Rd Hugo St Regent Rd Keizersgracht St Forest Dr 8 M6 8 Roodebloem Rd High Level Rd Lower Main Rd M5 M52 M16 M16 Buitensingel St Elsies River Rd N2 Alexandra Rd Buitengracht St Groote Schuur Hatfield St De Villiers St Queens Buitenkant St Hospital Langa Beach Sea Point Spar Park Rd M3 Mill St M3 De Waal Dr Owen Rd Gardens M17 Union St 01013 04009 Hof Camp St Bonteheuwel Kloof Rd N2 N2 N2 M10 09035 Valhalla Dr M10 Vangate 01052 Mall N2 M47 M12 Kloof Nek Rd MOWBRAY 01009 04009 M18 09039 M18 Klipfontein Rd 01073 Upp. Orange St Upp. Buitenkant St Kloof Rd Kloof St 01019 01035 Camps Bay M18 Geneva Dr Cape Town M22 International Airport M3 Main Rd Airport M4 Kromboom Rd 01066 M10 Victoria Rd 9 Liesbeek Pkwy 9 N2 M6 M57 Heideveld M5 Station Milner Rd M7 CLAREMONT Jan Smuts Dr 01004 01007 Belgravia Rd M28 01033 to Delft Leiden, M17 Wesbank, Mfuleni 07013 M24 07019 M24 M18 & Khayelitsha Site C 01029 Camps Bay Dr M47 01016 Hanover Park Manenberg NYANGA 01102 to Samora Machel & 01006 B to Hout Bay M3 to Wynberg Mitchells Plain to Philippi to Gugulethu B 01021 01068 01003 01005 01095 G H I J K L M N O P Q R to Killarney to Durbanville to Parow, Elsies River, to Bellville 06012 Wesbank 02015 02059 C C D Killarney, Maitland 02005 D M171 Rothschild Blvd M31 Old Oak Rd & Century City M54 to Joe Slovo to Atlantis 06008 M22 02020 02044 Tyger Valley 06015 Centre Sithandatu Ave M54 to Malmesbury Montague Rd Mountain View Rd M30 Hindle Rd Sabina St 02083 02111 06018 Mew Way Plattekloof Rd Jip de Jager Dr Eversdal Rd NYANGA R300 M18 N7 M14 M16 M180 06017 O Nqubelani St N1 N1 N1 04027 05019 M9 Van Riebeeck Rd to Hanover Park R300 10 M25 10 M9 Mfuleni R102 10 N1 City Karl Bremer to Kraaifontein & N2 Hospital Bloekombos 06029 M121 M25 02075 02119 02114 02041 02069 M7 M25 Frans Conradie Dr to Wallacedene & Sheffield Rd Brackenfell 08088 M49 06009 Bill Bezuidenhout Ave Old Paarl Rd Old Faure Rd Milton Rd New Eisleben Rd R101 to Stellenbosch R302 M30 Samora Giel Basson Dr Vasco Blvd M23 Bottelary Rd 02070 M22 Machel Stock Rd to Cape Town R300 Hugo St M12 M26 M16 M14 M29 & Mowbray to Maitland 01006 06016 to Blackheath Station to Cape Town M36 Forest Dr 02018 01002 Voortrekker Rd 01008 R102 R102 Voortrekker Rd 02030 02034 & Mowbray KHAYELITSHA 08012 08037 02008 02012 02076 to Cape Town to 01005 R300 06007 SITE C 05009 03006 06084 Vasco Eerste River N2 ELSIES RIVER Parow to Claremont, Train Station Sanlam & Kuils River BELLVILLE Bobs Way Beverly St Wynberg & Fish Hoek Centre Mandalay M10 M7 Eersriv Way Epping Ave Jan Smuts Rd 05092 M32 Eisleben Rd Lentegeur Hospital M22 Halt Rd 02038 M12 M16 M16 Tygerberg Stratford Ave 05017 Highlands Dr Elsies River Rd Hospital 05040 M9 to Century City R300 & Vasco Station 05006 02060 11 M10 11 11 M49 M32 N2 Epping Industria Owen Rd 05078 05016 Pama Rd Mew Way M12 08103 M44 SAPS Walter Sisulu Rd Govan Mbeki Rd Morgenster Rd Bishop Lavis 04040 M10 M189 Robert Sobukwe Rd M29 N2 M45 Valhalla Dr 04012 05028 M47 MITCHELLS PLAIN 04038 M71 Erica Dr 08032 08090 Symphony Way 02029 Alpine St Mitchells M12 Polkadraai Dr 02023 M12 08033 Plain 06027 M7 04008 02004 Wespoort Dr Nyanda Rd R300 Wesbank Swartklip Rd M10 Delft M49 Netreg Leiden M180 to Cape Town to Mfuleni M9 Station 02032 M54 01033 02016 DELFT Spine Rd Cape Town Eisleben Rd TAXI RANKS Delft M32 International Airport A Z Berman Dr Lindela Rd M10 Eindhoven Tafelberg St IN DETAIL Merrydale Ave Jakes Gerwel Dr M171 M22 Khayelitsha to M36 M7 Khayelitsha Makhaza 08023 Airport Khayelitsha Harare Makhaza 05007 05027 M10 12 M22 Delft South 12 03005 M32 Spine Rd 12 & Nomzamo Baden Powell Dr to Claremont Mew Way N2 N2 N2 02038 02024 & Wynberg Fukutha Rd M44 Vangate R310 Ntlazane Rd Mall M45 Steve Biko Rd 02009 04039 02098 M18 05077 Walter Sisulu Rd to Mowbray 02006 & Red Cross M171 to NYANGA Lindela Rd Children’s Khayelitsha Tafelsig Hospital R300 Site C Oscar Mpetha Rd 04023 M9 R310 Baden Powell Dr R310 Baden Powell Dr M22 M36 C M7 M10 M47 to Wynberg to Mitchells Plain C D D 02005 03023 M N O P Q R Routes from Cape Town’s ten main taxi ranks Cape Town Bellville Wynberg Mitchells Plain 01044 B3 A J7 B Atlantis 02044 D2 A N10 C Atlantis 03043 B5 A Bergvliet 02005 D5 A O12 C Bellville 01002 D3 A L8 B Bellville 02030 F4 A O10 C Blackheath Station 01003 B5 A J9 B Cape Town 01005 C5 A P10 C Cape Town 01073 K9 B Bonteheuwel 02119 E2 A O10 C Bloekombos 01003 B5 A J9 B Claremont 05017 C3 A P11 D Century City 01052 A3 G9 Camps Bay 02041 E2 A O10 C Brackenfell 03023 D4 A O12 C Delft South 05007 C5 A P12 D Claremont 01017 B3 A K7 B Century City 01002 C3 A M10 C Cape Town 03026 B5 A Grassy Park 05019 D5 A P10 C Hanover
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