NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 (3-82) Exp. 10-31-84 HA-1745 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service For NFS use only National Register of Historic Places received JUL20I987 Inventory Nomination Form date entered*; | O OA j() See instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries complete applicable sections_______________ 1. Name historic Jerusalem Mill Village_ and or common Jerusalem Mill Village 2. Location street & number Jerusalem and Jericho roads N/A not for publication city, town Jerusalem N/A vicinity of First Congressional District state Maryland code 24 county Harford code 025 3. Classification Category Ownership Status Present Use * district public X occupied agriculture museum building(s) private unoccupied commercial park structure X both work in progress educational X private residence site Public Acquisition Accessible entertainment religious object in process yes: restricted government scientific being considered _X... yes: unrestricted industrial transportation X not applicable no military Other: 4. Owner of Property name multiple public and private (see attached list) street & number city, town vicinity of state 5. Location of Legal Description courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Harford County Courthouse street & number Main Street Bel Air state Maryland city, town 6. Representation in Existing Surveys Maryland Historical Trust title Historic Sites Inventory has this property been determined eligible? yes X no date 1986 federal X state county local depository for survey records Maryland Historical Trust city, town Annapolis state Maryland 21401 7. Description HA-1745 Condition Check one Check one excellent x deteriorated unaltered X original site X good^ ..I-, ruins X altered moved date N/A _X _ fair unexposed Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance Number of Resources Contributing Noncontributing Number of previously listed National 12 0 buildings Register properties included in this 0 0 sites nomination: 1 0 1 structures 0 0 objects Jericho Covered Bridge, Harford County 12 1 Total Original and historic functions and uses: agruculture, commercial, industrial residential DESCRIPTION SUMMARY: Jerusalem Mill Village is located on the Harford County side of the Little Gunpowder Falls, at the stream's fall line, about 5 miles northeast of Kingsville, The village is at the intersection of Jerusalem and Jericho roads; part of the historic area is within the jurisdiction of the Gunpowder Park. The village consists of twelve historic standing structures, all centered on the once- flourishing Jerusalem Mill, built in 1772. These stone or stone and frame vernacular style structures, irregularly placed on large lots and shaded by aged oaks and pines, together form a rare example of a complete and self- sufficient rural industrial community that had its beginnings with the American advent of the industrial revolution. The entire village consisting of mill, miller's house, domestic outbuildings, supporting sawmill, coopershop, black­ smith shop, mill worker's house, farmhouse, and general store/post office was essentially in place by 1814 when David Lee I, the then-owner, was assessed for 7 buildings (6 of the 7 still standing); all others were added by 1880. Remarkably, no permanent structures except for a mid-twentieth century bridge on Jerusalem Road at the Little Gunpowder Falls, have been added since the Lees left in 1886. For General Description see Continuation Sheet No. 1, Section 7. 8. Significance HA-1745 Period Areas of Significance Check and justify below __ prehistoric _ archeology-prehistoric _ .._ community planning ._ landscape architecture. _ religion __ 1400-1499 _ archeology-historic ._-._ conservation __ law _ science __ 1500-1599 __ agriculture -_ economics .._ literature _ sculpture __ 1600-1699 JL. architecture __ education _ military __ social/ 1700-1 799 ._art .._... engineering ._ music humanitarian _X 1800-1899 _X_ commerce .._. exploration/settlement philosophy _ theater __ - 1900- __ communications ._X~ industry _._ politics/government _ transportation __.._ invention _ other (specify) Specific dates 1772-1886 Builder/Architect David Lee and others Statement of Significance (in one paragraph) Applicable Criteria: A, C Applicable Exceptions: none Level of Significance: local SIGNIFICANCE SUMMARY: The Jerusalem Mill Village developed around the 1772 Jerusalem Mill (the oldest extant mill in Harford and Baltimore counties), and is one of the oldest, most complete, and least altered mill villages in Maryland. It's the only extant representation of the early industrial development of the Little Gunpowder Falls, a river which figures prominently in the development of Harford and Baltimore counties, and was once almost literally lined with similar early industrial operations. Owned and operated by a single family, the Lees, for 100 years and largely in place by 1814, the village offers a locally unique and rare anywhere--look at an intact, self-sufficient industrial proto-"company town" dating to the time when America was first being transformed . by the Industrial Revolution. The Lee family sold the mill in 1886, marking the end of the historic significance of the village. By that date, however, the village was intact, for no structures have been added since. Moreover, the village|s layout is a reminder to modern sensibilities of the sophistica­ tion of colonial and early Federal period millers and .millwrights, who, with the possible exception of ironmasters, had the most advanced technical and mechanical backgrounds of their era. The mill's location was chosen for the fall of the stream; blacksmith and cooper shops and a sawmill were placed convenient­ ly close by; the miller's dwelling was close enough to it all so he could keep aware of what was going on but far enough away to be free of most of the clamor; the community store was perched at the village's only intersection to draw pedestrian and vehicular trade from the entire area; the farmer's house and barn were on the outskirts of the village, near his fields; even the placement of bridges suggests a dynamically practical ordering of site and function among the village's components. In sum, Jerusalem mill indeed the entire village-- "stands as a proud reminder of an industrial heritage that is increasingly being threatened by For History and Supporting Documentation, see Continuation Sheet No. 1 9. Bibliographical References HA-1745 See Continuation Sheet Section 9, Page 1 10. Data Acreage of nominated property approximately 27 acres Quadrangle name White Marsh, Maryland Quadrangle scale 1:24000 UTM References A |l|8 I |3|8|0|5|1|0| |4|3|6|8|9|6|0| J3|8io|6i6io| Ui3 16181412)0 Zone Easting - Northing Zone Easting Northing C|l|8 | |3|8 tO|3,4 | 4|3|6|8|5|2|0| |l|8| |3|8|0|2|2|0| |4|3|6|8|8|4|0 El * I I I . I . I I . I . I . , I Fl . I 11.1 i i J I l I l I i i Gl . I I I . I , . i I . I , I . I Hi l I I I . I i , I 1,1,1 I I Verbal boundary description and justification ~ See Continuation §heet Section 10, Page 1 List al^states and counties for properties overlapping state or county boundaries state* N/A code county code state code county code 11. Form Prepared By name/title Christopher Weeks, Mary Helen Cadwalader. Hunter Sutherland, Greg Segretti organization Harford County Planning Department date November 1986 street & number 220 South Main Street telephone (301) 879-2000, ext. 207 city or town Bel Air state Maryland 21014 12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is: national state X local As the designated State Historic Preservation Officer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89- 665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth by the National Park Service. State Historic Preservation Officer signature title STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER date For NFS use only I hereby certify that this property is included in Batioaal date keeper of the National Register " Attest: date Chief of Registration GPO 91 1-398 NFS Form 104004 O-O CMB Approval No. 1024-0018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register off Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form JERUSALEM MILL VILLAGE Continuation sheet Harford County, Maryland Item number 4 Page i OWNERS Miss Mary Helen Cadwalader The Mound 2008 Old Joppa Road Joppa, Maryland 21085 Drs. Keats and Phyllis Pullen 2807 Jerusalem Road Kingsville, Maryland 21087 Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Railey 2809 Jerusalem Road Kingsville, Maryland 21087 State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources Tawes State Office Building Annapolis, Maryland 21401 NPS Form 10-900-a QMB Approvml No. 1024-0018 <M8) ^ United States Department of the Interior HA-1745 National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Jerusalem Mill Village Section number _J__ Page l Harford County, Maryland GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Jerusalem Mill Village is nestled on a small, pristine level area of land adjacent to the Little Gunpowder Falls at the Fall Line in Harford County, Maryland; the surrounding acreage now looks much as it did when the Lee family built and owned the mill and village between 1772 and 1886. The village is surround­ ed by only two properties: a large, flourishing farm called The Mound to the north and east, while the State of Maryland, Depart­ ment of Natural Resources, owns the land to the south and west as ">art of the Gunpowder State Park. In the following Building Inventory, buildings are geared to le accompanying sketch map and are numbered 1 through 12; in addition, Maryland Historical Trust Historic Sites Inventory numbers (e.g., HA-433), Historic American Buildings Survey data, and street addresses are included whenever possible.
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