J. M. BROWNING, FIREARM, APPLICATIONFILED NOV. 26, 1913. 1,143,170. Patented June 15, 1915. 5 SHEETS-SHEET 1, NY A7/ya SSAs. 227A 2 2. 6.26% J., M., BROWNING, FIREARM, 1,148,170. Patented June 15, 1915. S N y AN N.Y. N A. E < ... I 277/255As A || A4, 4 7% (2. lug A- rary J, M, BROWN ING, FIREARM, . APPLICATION FILED NOV, 26, 1913. 1,143,170. Patented June 15, 1915. 5 SHEETS-SHEET 3. %zyszs - - ?-O-24-21 a. - /222ave & 6. J. M., BROWNING, FREARM, APPLICATION FILED Nov 26, 1913, 1,143,170. Patented June 15, 1915, 5 SHEETS-SEET 4, & | N | (S NSN. l E & HSN N s NS n N A7/ya ssas.N S J, M, BROWNING. 1,148,170. Patented June 15, 1915, /72772eys, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JoHN M, BROWNING, OF OGDEN, UTAH. FiBEARM, 1,143,170. specification of Letters Patent. Patented June 15, 1915. Application filed November 26, 1918. Serial No. 803,192. To all whom, it may concern longitudinal section, the parts within the re Be it known that I, JoHN M. BROWN fNG, ceiver being shown, however, in full. Fig. a citizen of the United States, residing at 9 is a vertical longitudinal section, the parts Ogden, Utah, have invented certain new and within the receiver being shown in section. useful Improvements in Firearms, of which Fig. 10 is a top plan of the trigger-plate and 60 the following is a specification. associated parts, removed from the gun. A principal object of this invention is to Fig. 11 is a vertical longitudinal section of provide a frame or receiver having Solid, the same. Fig. 12 is a fragmentary section inbroken top and sides with a bottom ejec of the hammer, trigger, slide-stop and slide. O tion opening. The magazine is filled Fig. 13 is a vertical transverse section 65 through the ejection opening. The mecha through the receiver at the rear of the nism is designed to operate properly in con breech-block. Fig. 14 is a vertical section nection with a receiver of this character. of the breech-block, showing the extractor The invention also includes a slide mount and firing-pin. Fig. 15 is a bottom plan of 15 ed to reciprocate in the receiver and a tilt the slide. Fig.16 is a section through the 70 ing breech-block supported entirely by the trigger-plate to show the safety-stop. Fig. slide, with means for positively locking the 17 is a transverse section of the safety-stop. breech-block in firing position. There is Fig. 18 is a longitudinal section through the also a carrier actuated by the slide and 20 receiver, with all moving parts removed ex breech-block in a novel manner. ThThere are cept the slide, spring, cartridge-stop, and 75 also provided two cartridge stops to effec slide-bar. Fig. i9 is a horizontal section, tively control the delivery of cartridges from through the receiver with all parts removed the magazine, in proper relation to the move except the two cartridge-stops and a frag ments of the slide, breech-block and carrier. ment of the slide. Fig. 20 is a horizontal longitudinalThe extractor movement has a combined coöperating pivotal with and the section of the receiver showing the end of 80 action of the carrier. There is also a slide the breech-block passing through the front lock to lock the slide in firing position and end of the carrier. Fig. 21 is a vertical, prevent premature return of the slide. longitudinal section showing a shell nearly 30 withdrawn from the chamber. The invention as here shown is especially Referring first to Figs. 1 to 7 inclusive, 85 adapted to shot guns and to a slide action, reference character 5 designates the receiver but many features of the invention may be as a whole. In the front end of this is used in firearms of other classes, and some rigidly and, usually, permanently secured features may be used with other than a slid the magazine 6, on which is slidably mount 35 ing action. - ed the slide-handle 7, connected by means 90 will now describe one exemplifying of slide-bar 8 to the slide within the re structure embodying the invention. ceiver. The front end of the receiver is It is to be understood that the invention is provided with an aperture.9, as better shown capable of embodiment in many different in Fig. 18, to receive the barrel 10, and the 40 forms. - - - rear end of the barrel and the aperture 9 95 The objects and advantages of the inven are provided with coöperating interrupted tion will be further pointed out in connec threads 11. The barrel is also provided tion with this detailed description so far as with a lug 12, in the rear face of which is necessary to enable persons skilled in the is a socket 13. The adjacent face of the lug art to understand the same. is provided with a slot or channel 14, lead 100 Fi gure 1 is a side elevation of a complete. ing from one side of the lug to the socket. gun embodying the invention. Fig. 2 is a Upon the front end of the magazine is side elevation of the barrel detached. Fig. screwed a nut 15, having on its forward end 50 3 is an enlarged detail partly in section of a stud 16. To set up the gun after it has the barrel fastening. Fig. 4 is an addi been taken down the rear end of the barrel 105 tional detail on the section line 4 of Fig. 3. is inserted in receiver socket 9 and given Fig. 5 is a detail on section line 5 of Fig. 8. aquarter-turn, whereupon the rear face. teningFig. 6 isnut. a front Fig. end 7 viewis alongitudinal of the barrel fassec of lug 12 is brought in front of nut 15 and 55 stud 16 passes through the slot 14 of the tion of the magazine. Fig. 8 is a vertical lug and is opposite socket 13. By screw 0. 2. 1,148,170 ing the nut out, the stud is then caused to tion to the slide. At the rear, the breech enter the socket and the barrel is thus block has a lug or hook 37 adapted to enter firmly locked to the frontend of the maga a recess in the slide. The rear face of this zine and also secured at its base in the re. lug constitutes a can coöperating with a 5 ceiver. A very strong and rigid barrel cam 39 on the slide. The bottom 40 of lug 70 support is thus secured. Preferably, also, 3 is adapted to rest upon the rear end 4. near the front (nd of the magazine is se of the slide when the breecl-block is locked, cured a yoke 17 fitting about half way as will appear. The front face 42 of lug around the barrel to further support and 87 constitutes a cam to coöperate with cam ... O locate it in relation to the magazine. In . face 43 of the slide. The faces 39, 40 and 75 this particular embodiment, it will be 42 of. the breech block lig extend the full noticed that the nut 15 also serves as a engagementwidth of the with block coöperating and have aparts full ofwidth the closure for albe forward:end of the maga slide, which provides ample wearing sur zine and has an abutment for the magazine face and ample lateral stability. The upper. 80 spring 18, the rear end of which engages rear end 44 of the breech-block is adapted a Thefollower particular 19, mode of fastening the bar to engage a shoulder 45 in the top of the rel aliiove described is only an exemplifica receiverposition. toThis lock lockingthe breech-block engagement in offiring the tion of different structures that can be 'em breech-block is effected by the slide, as will 85 theployel lug. for12 thenight same be purpose.provided withFor instance,a screw appear. to engage the end of the magazine and vari The carrier. 46 is pivoted in the receiver ots other changes may be made without de upon studs or screws 46 and consists of two parting from the invention. times or spring side pieces. 47, connected 25 The receiver 5, as best understood from only by cross-piece 48 at the rear, as best 90. Figs. 1, 18, and 18, has a solid top 20 and understood from Figs, 8, 9 and 30, The side walls 21, 22. At the bottom, the re bottom 49 of this cross-piece coöperates ceiver is open to provide for the location with the rounded upper rear surface 50 of of the trigger plate 28 at the rear end of the slide. TheO carrier arms also have cams. 30 the receiver, and to provide for the loadin 51 coöperating with cams 52 on the slide. 95. and ejection opening 24 at the front en In certain positions, the breech-block 84 The sides of the trigger passes between the arms of the carrier. The ofplate the are receiver. provided Th with ribse 25 (Figs. 8. front ends of these carrier arms are pro ... and 10), and these ?it into channels 26 in yided with inward projections, best shown 35. the inner side walls of the receiver (Fig. in Fig. 20, and such projections have slant 00 18)." The trigger plate is slid into the re ing faces a which coöperate with cams 54 ceiver from the rear and secured by screws on the breech-block.
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