1 HOUSE BILLS, HISTORY OF A1 HOUSE BILLS, HISTORY OF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN THE HOUSE HBi2.iiRelating to the regulation of abortion procedures, providers, and facilities; providing penalties. Author(s):iiLaubenberg; Burkett; Harper-Brown; Bonnen,iGreg; King,iPhil Coauthor(s):iiAnderson, Capriglione, Carter, Fallon, Flynn, Frank, Frullo, Goldman, Hughes, Isaac, Klick, Krause, Kuempel, Lavender, Leach, R.iMiller, Murphy, Perry, Phillips, Sanford, Schaefer, R.iSheffield, Simmons, Smithee, Springer, Stephenson, Stickland, Taylor, E.iThompson, Toth, E.iS.iTurner, White, Zedler Senate Sponsor(s):iiHegar Companion document(s): SBi1 Read first time 5.iiReferred to State Affairs 5.iiCommittee report filed with committee coordinator 49.iiRead second time 11.iiAmendment tabled (1-S. Thompson) 11.iiRecord vote (RV#3) 11.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 12.iiAmendment tabled (2-S. Davis) 12.iiRecord vote (RV#4) 13.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 13.iiAmendment withdrawn (3-S. Turner) 14.iiAmendment tabled (4-MeneÂndez) 14.iiRecord vote (RV#5) 15.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 16.iiAmendment withdrawn (5-N. Gonzalez) 16.iiAmendment tabled (6-Eiland) 16.iiRecord vote (RV#6) 16.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 17.iiAmendment tabled (7-Anchia) 17.iiRecord vote (RV#7) 17.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 18.iiAmendment withdrawn (8-Collier) 18.iiAmendment tabled (9-Howard) 18.iiRecord vote (RV#8) 19.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 19.iiAmendment offered (10-S. Turner) 19.iiPoint of order overruled (Rule 4, Section 32(b)(4) and Rule 4, Section 18) 20.iiRuling appealed 21.iiAppeal dismissed 21.iiRecord vote (RV#9) 21.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 22.iiAmendment tabled (10-S. Turner) 22.iiRecord vote (RV#10) 22.iiAmendment offered (11-MeneÂndez) 22.iiPoint of order overruled (Rule 4, Section 32(c)) 23.iiAmendment tabled (11-MeneÂndez) 23.iiRecord vote (RV#11) 23.iiAmendment tabled (12-McClendon) 24.iiRecord vote (RV#12) 26.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 27.iiAmendment tabled (13-Herrero) 28.iiRecord vote (RV#13) 29.iiAmendment tabled (14-Miles) 29.iiRecord vote (RV#14) 30.iiAmendment tabled (15-M. GonzaÂlez, Martinez, and MunÄoz) 30.iiRecord vote (RV#15) 31.iiAmendment tabled (16-Dukes) 31.iiRecord vote (RV#16) 33.iiAmendment tabled (17-S. Turner) 33.iiRecord vote (RV#17) 34.iiAmendment tabled (18-Howard) 35.iiRecord vote (RV#18) 35.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 36.iiAmendment tabled (19-Collier) 36.iiRecord vote (RV#19) 36.iiAmendment tabled (20-Gutierrez) 37.iiRecord vote (RV#20) 37.iiAmendment tabled (21-Farrar) 37.iiRecord vote (RV#21) 38.iiAmendment offered (22-Dutton) 38.iiPoint of order overruled-amendment (Rule 11, Section 2) 39.iiAmendment tabled (22-Dutton) 38.iiRecord vote (RV#22) 39.iiAmendment tabled (23-Giddings) 40.iiRecord vote (RV#23) 43.iiAmendment tabled (24-Dukes) 43.iiRecord vote (RV#24) 45.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 46.iiAmendment tabled (25-Herrero) 46.iiRecord vote (RV#25) 46.iiAmendment withdrawn (26-S. King) 47.iiPassed to engrossment 47.iiRecord vote (RV#26) 47.iiReason for vote recorded in journal 48.iiRead third time 52.iiAmendment tabled (1-McClendon) 52.iiRecord vote (RV#28) 60.iiReason for vote recorded in journal 63.iiPassed 63.iiRecord vote (RV#29) 63.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 63.iiReason for vote recorded in journal 63.iiReported engrossed 114.iiSenate passage-reported 138.iiReported enrolled 169.iiSigned in the house 137.iiSent to the governor 169.iiSigned by the governor 184. HBi4.iiRelating to the punishment for a capital felony committed by an individual younger than 18 years of age. Author(s):iiKolkhorst; Moody; Carter; King,iPhil; Schaefer Coauthor(s):iiCapriglione Companion document(s): HBi7; SBi2 Read first time 5.iiReferred to Criminal Jurisprudence 5.iiCommittee report filed with committee coordinator 72.iiCompanion considered in lieu of (SB 2) 76.iiLaid on the table subject to call 111. A2 HOUSE JOURNALÐ83rd LEGISLATUREÐSECOND CALLED SESSION 2 HBi5.iiRelating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to fund capital projects at public institutions of higher education; making an appropriation. Author(s):iiBranch; Otto; Pitts; Giddings; Oliveira Coauthor(s):iiAshby, Crownover, S.iDavis, Frullo, Patrick, Raney, Zerwas Companion document(s): SBi6 Read first time 66.iiReferred to Appropriations 66.iiCommittee report filed with committee coordinator 138. HBi7.iiRelating to the punishment for a capital felony committed by an individual younger than 18 years of age. Author(s):iiMoody Companion document(s): HBi4; SBi2 Read first time 5.iiReferred to Criminal Jurisprudence 5. HBi8.iiRelating to the allocation of certain motor vehicle sales, use, and rental tax revenue to the state highway fund and to the uses of that revenue. Author(s):iiHarper-Brown Read first time 5.iiReferred to Appropriations 5. HBi9.iiRelating to the allocation of revenue derived from state gasoline and special fuels taxes. Author(s):iiHarper-Brown Read first time 5.iiReferred to Appropriations 5. HBi10.iiRelating to the punishment for a capital felony committed by an individual younger than 18 years of age. Author(s):iiCanales Read first time 5.iiReferred to Criminal Jurisprudence 5. HBi11.iiRelating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to assist volunteer fire departments during the next state fiscal biennium. Author(s):iiSimpson Read first time 66.iiReferred to Appropriations 66. HBi12.iiRelating to appropriating money to the Texas A&M Forest Service to be used to assist volunteer fire departments during the current state fiscal biennium. Author(s):iiSimpson Read first time 66.iiReferred to Appropriations 66. HBi13.iiRelating to a permit requirement and the payment by a utility of a fee for the use of state highway rights-of-way. Author(s):iiPickett Read first time 6.iiReferred to Appropriations 6. HBi14.iiRelating to commercial driver s' licenses and commercial learner s' permits and the operation of commercial motor vehicles; creating an offense; authorizing fees. Author(s):iiPickett Read first time 6.iiReferred to Appropriations 6. HBi15.iiRelating to the Texas Mobility Fund. Author(s):iiPickett Read first time 6.iiReferred to Appropriations 6. HBi16.iiRelating to a study of the provision and use of certain state revenue. Author(s):iiPickett; Harper-Brown; Phillips Senate Sponsor(s):iiNichols Read first time 6.iiReferred to Appropriations 6.iiCommittee report filed with committee coordinator 138.iiRead second time 118.iiPostponed 118.iiLaid out as postponed business 132.iiAmended (1-Howard) 133.iiAmended (2-Otto) 134.iiAmended (3-Simmons) 134.iiAmended (4-Lavender) 135.iiPassed to engrossment as amended 136.iiNonrecord vote recorded in journal 136.iiReason for vote recorded in journal 136.iiRead third time 142.iiPostponed 142.iiLaid out as postponed business 159.iiAmended (1-Pickett) 3 HOUSE BILLS, HISTORY OF A3 159.iiAmended (2-Lozano, Oliveira, and Deshotel) 159.iiNonrecord vote recorded in journal 160.iiAmendment withdrawn (3-Howard) 160.iiPassed as amended 163.iiRecord vote (RV#41) 163.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 164.iiReported engrossed 184.iiSenate passage as amended-reported 183.iiOne hour notice-to suspend rules 172.iiRules suspended 181.iiHouse refuses to concur in senate amendments 181.iiHouse requests conference committee 181.iiHouse appoints conferees 181.iiSenate grants request for conference committee-reported 183.iiSenate appoints conferees-reported 183.iiHouse adopts resolution to go outside bounds (HR 155) 195.iiHouse adopts conference committee report 199.iiRecord vote (RV#49) 203.iiStatement of vote recorded in journal 204.iiReason for vote recorded in journal 204. HBi17.iiRelating to prohibiting abortion that is based on the sex of the unborn child; creating an offense. Author(s):iiFletcher Read first time 6.iiReferred to State Affairs 6. HBi18.iiRelating to the regulation of abortion procedures. Author(s):iiKrause Read first time 6.iiReferred to State Affairs 6. HBi19.iiRelating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas. Author(s):iiKrause Read first time 67.iiReferred to Homeland Security & Public Safety 67. HBi20.iiRelating to authorizing a marriage between two persons of the same sex in this state and repealing the statutory prohibition against the recognition of a civil union or similar relationship entered into in another state between two persons of the same sex. Author(s):iiBurnam; Anchia Read first time 67.iiReferred to State Affairs 67. HBi21.iiRelating to the creation of a Texas resident driver s' permit, provisional Texas resident driver s' permit, and Texas resident driver s' instruction permit; authorizing fees; creating an offense. Author(s):iiAlonzo Read first time 67.iiReferred to Appropriations 67. HBi22.iiRelating to the regulation of certain activities by abortion providers in public schools. Author(s):iiLeach Coauthor(s):iiFlynn Read first time 67.iiReferred to State Affairs 67. HBi23.iiRelating to unlawful employment practices regarding discrimination in payment of compensation. Author(s):iiThompson,iSenfronia; Davis,iSarah; Collier; Alvarado Coauthor(s):iiRose Companion document(s): SBi28 Read first time 67.iiReferred to Economic & Small Business Development 67. HBi24.iiRelating to certain eminent domain authority and the suspension of certain unreported eminent domain authority. Author(s):iiCallegari Read first time 67.iiReferred to Land & Resource Management 67. HBi25.iiRelating to the liabilities of, contributions to, and the administration of certain public retirement systems. Author(s):iiCallegari Read first time 67.iiReferred to Pensions 67. HBi26.iiRelating to the offense of coercing a person to have or seek an abortion and voluntary and informed consent for an abortion; providing penalties. Author(s):iiCallegari A4 HOUSE JOURNALÐ83rd LEGISLATUREÐSECOND CALLED SESSION 4 Read first time 67.iiReferred to State Affairs 67. HBi27.iiRelating to notice of and consent to an abortion for a minor. Author(s):iiCallegari Read first time 67.iiReferred to State Affairs 67. HBi28.iiRelating to the confidentiality of information held by a public retirement system.
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