Jumb, 04. 1607 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 4. 1916. Declaring certain Area added to the CrYUnty of ·Kairanga to Land. set apart .tor Di,'posal by Way of Sale or Lease to be included in Fitzherbert Riding thereof. Discharged 8oldillrs, under Speciu.l '1'e",ures, in the Otago Land District. [L.S.] LIVEHPOOL, GoyernoJ'. A PROCLAMATION, fr..S.] LIVERPOOL. Governor. HEREAS by a Proclamation dated the eleventh A PROCLAMATION. W day of March, one thousand nine hundred and N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon sixteen, and published in the Sew Zealand Gazette of the I me by seation four of the Discharged Soldiers Settle. sixteenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and ment Aot, 1915, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of sixteen, the boundaries of the Counties of Kairanga and Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominiou of New Zealand, Horowhenua were altered by the exclusion of a certain do hereby proclaim and declare that the Crown lands area from the County of Horowhenua and the inclusion described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same are of such area in the County of Kairanga: And whereas it hereby set apart and deolared open for disposal by way of is desirable that the area so added to the County of Kairanga sale or lease to discharged soldiers, under speoial tenures, in should be included in the Fitzherbert Riding of that county: the manner provided in the said Act. Now, therefore, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, SCHEDULE in pursuance and exeroise of the powers conferred upon me by section twenty·two of the Counties Act, 1908, do hereby OTAGO LAND DISTRIOT. declare that the area included as aforesaid in the County Or01L'n Land. of Kairanga shall be included in the Fitzherbert Riding ALI. that area in the Otago Land District, containing by of the said oounty, and that the boundaries of that riding admeasurement 21,100 Heres, more or less, being Rnns 536, shall be those set forth in the Schedule her.. to. 537, 538,539, 540, 541, 542, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, and 564, Ahuriri, Benmore, and Oban River Survey Dis· SCHEDULE. tricts, and bounded as follows: Commencing a, the soutb­ oast corner of Run 534; thence towards the west generally HOl;"DARIES m' FITZHERBERT Rmnw, (JOUNTY OF KAIRANGA, by Runs 534, 535, and "' proposed afforestation reserve; ALL that area .in the Kairauga (Jounty hounded by a line towards the north, west, and again towards the north by along the middle of the ",[an",watu Rivtlr frolll the northern Run 543; towards tbe east and south by a public road; boundary of Horowhenua Cuunty to the northern boundary again towards the east by a tree-planting reserve; towards of Kairanga (Jounty, along the northern boundary of that the EOuth and south.east geuerally by a chain· wide reserve county to the north-western corner of Pahiatua County, along the north bank of the Ahurrri River, a tree-planting thence along the boundary between Kairanga and Pahiatua reserve, and again by the reserve along the north bank of Counties to Horowhenua Couuty, and along the boundary the Ahuriri River to the point of c"mmencement: excepting between Horowhenua and Kairanga Counties to the middle from the above -described boundaries three public roads, of the l\1anawatu River, the place of commencement_ each one chain wide, and three gravel reserves. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Given under the hand of His Excellency the Hi"ht Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savi!e_ Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the Earl of Liverpool, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Most Distmguished Order of B"int Michael and Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian Saint George, Member of the Hoya! Victorian Order, Governor aud Commander·in-Chief in Order, Governor and Commander-in·Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea· and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea· land and its Dependencies; g,nd issued under hnd and its Depend!'ncies; and issued under the Seal of the said Dominion. at the Govern­ the Sea! of the saiel Dominion, at the Govern­ ment House at Wellington, this twenty.ninth day ment JIouse at Wellington, this twenty.ninth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand of April, in the year of our Lord one thouRand nino hundred and sixteen. nine hundred and sixteen, G. W. RUSSELL, W. F. MASSEY. Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Lands GOD SAVE THE KrNG! GOD SAVE THE KING! A 1608 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 54 Lands Bet apart for Disposal by Way 0; Sale or Lease to Land in Nelson Land Di8trict declared to be 81tbject 10 Di,charged Soldiers, nnder rl!'dinary Tent/res, ill the Wel­ Section 127 oj the Land Act, 1908. lington Land District. [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor. [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAMATION. HEREAS the Land Board of the Nelson Land District N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon W has recommended that the Crown tenant of the land I me by section three of the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ desoribed in the Schedule hereto should be afforded relief, ment Act, 1915, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of owing to exceptional circumstances over which he has no Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zeala.nd, ~ontrol preventing the profitable occupation of such land: do hereby proclaim and declare that the area of Crown land Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same is and authority conferred upon me by section twenty-five of hereby set apart fer selection by disoharged soldiers, under the Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies the Land for Settlements Act, 1908. Empowering Act, 1911, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New SCHEDULE. Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare the land described WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT.-SETTLEIIIENT LAND. iu the Schedule hereto to be su bject to the provisions of SECTION 17, Block XVI, Huangarua Survey District, section one hundred and twenty-seven of the Land Act, Featherston County: Area, 707 acres. 1908; and I do further fix four years from the date men­ tioned in the said Schedule as the period for which the said Given under the hand of His Exceilency the Ri~ht land shall be exempt from payment of rent. Honourable Arthur William de Brito SaVlle, Earl of Liverl?ool, Knight Grand Cross of the Most DistingUIshed Order of Saint Michael and SCHEDULE. Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian NELSON LAND DISTRICT. Order, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in SEOTION 9, Block X, Brighton Survey District: 1st July, and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea. 1915. land and its Dependencies; and issued under the Seal of the said Dominion, at the Govern­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right ment House at Wellington, this twenty-ninth day Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, of April, in the year of our Lord on, thougan'! Earl of Liverl?ool, Knight Grand Cross of the nin", hundred and sixteen. I Most DistingUished Order of Saint Michael and W. F. MASSEY, Saint George, Member of the Royal V.ictorian Minister of Lands. Order, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of New Zea­ GOD SAVE THE Knw ! land and its Dependencies; and issued under the Seal of the said Dominion. at the Govern­ ment House at Wellington. this twenty·ninth day I.and ",. apart luI' Disposal by Wa.y of Sale or Lease to of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand Discharged S"ldiers, under SpeCial l'enl<re., in the Ha"ke's nine hundred and sixteen. Bay I.and District. W. F. MASSEY, Minister of Lands. [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. nOn SAVE Tn,. KTNO' N pursuance of the power and authority oonferred upon I me by seotion four of the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ ment Aot, 1915, I, A.rthur Wilham de Brito Savile, Earl of Declaring Land taken for a P1tblic Work, and not required Liverpool, the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, Jor such Public Work, to be Crown Lan.d. do hereby proclaim and declare that the lands described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the Bame are hereby set apart and declared open for disposal by way of sale or lease [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor. to discharged soldiers, under special tenures, in the manner A PROCLAMATION. provided in the said Act. HEREAS it is provided by section thirt,y of the Public . W Works Act, 1908, that if it is fonnd that any land SCHEDULE. held, taken, purchased, or acquired at any time under this or any other Act or Provincial Ordinance, or otherwise how· HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT. soever, for any public work is uot required for such public C1'OIIIn Land. work the Governor may, by an Order in Council publicly ALL that area in the Ha.wke's Bay Land District, containing notified and gazetted, oause the same to be sold under the by admeasurement 112 acres 1 rood 18 perches, more or less, conditions therein mentioned: being Section 23, Block II, Takapau Survey District. And whereas it is further provided by section five of the Bounded towards the north-east by Otawhao A No.
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