Lesson 3: Ellis Island—The “Golden Door” to America OBJECTIVES OVERVIEW Students will be able to: This lesson tells the history of Ellis Island, how and why it was • Identify the peak period of developed, and the experiences of those immigrants who passed immigration through Ellis through it. In the activity, students write the story of an immi- Island. grant passing through Ellis Island in 1907 or of an immigration • Explain what countries sent inspector working on the island. most of the immigrants in this period. • Describe the experience of an immigrant or immigration inspector by writing a fiction- NOTES al story. When students complete the activity, ask volunteers to read their stories. Consider posting the best stories on the bulletin board. STANDARDS ADDRESSED National U.S. History Standard 17: Understands massive immigration after 1870 and how new social patterns, conflicts, and ideas of national unity developed amid growing cultural diversity. (1) Understands challenges immigrants faced in society . (e.g., experiences of new immigrants . .) California History-Social Science Standard 11.2: Students analyze the . massive immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe. 1 The Immigration Debate: Historical and Current Issues of Immigration © 2003, Constitutional Rights Foundation Ellis Island—The “Golden Door” to America Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . I lift my lamp beside the golden door! — Poem by Emma Lazarus engraved on the Statue of Liberty near Ellis Island hey came from many different foreign at New York Harbor, it was decided that a new ports: Liverpool, Bristol, Dublin, federal immigration station would be built on TBremen, Hamburg, Antwerp, Ellis Island. Rotterdam, Le Havre, Copenhagen, Naples, Ellis Island was a small muddy piece of land Genoa, Constantinople, and others. But, most hardly above the high tide level near the New headed for only one place: Ellis Island, the Jersey shore. The island was named after “golden door” to America. From 1892 to 1954, Samuel Ellis, a colonial merchant and farmer it was here that most of the immigrants start- who once owned it. Used over the years as a ed their search for a new life. fort and place for public hangings, Ellis The Early Years Island had been most recently the site of an ammunition depot for the navy. On New Years Day 1892, 15-year-old Annie Moore from County Cork, Ireland, left her The federal government enlarged the area of steerage quarters on the steamship Nevada and the island with landfill and constructed sever- stepped aboard a ferryboat. It would take her al buildings, which made up the immigration to Ellis Island—and a new home. The New station. The main building was two stories York Times described the ferryboat as it neared high, constructed of pine, and larger than the Ellis Island: “The craft was gayly decorated original island. In addition, hospital build- with bunting and ranged alongside the wharf ings, an electric power plant, a dining hall, . amid a clang of bells and din of shrieking detention quarters, and other service facilities whistles.” were built. The total cost of the project was $500,000 (this is about $12 million in today’s Annie skipped off the ferry’s gangplank onto dollars). Ellis Island. In doing so, she became the first immigrant to land at the newly built federal The Ellis Island immigration station was immigration station in New York Harbor. designed to handle 7,000 people a day. Two Over 12 million others followed in her foot- passenger vessels could be unloaded and steps over the next 60 years. processed at the same time. Within the main building stood examination rooms, a large As a special treat, Annie was presented with a waiting area called Registry Hall, and offices $10 gold piece by the Commissioner of Ellis for immigrants to send telegraphs, buy rail- Island, Colonel John B. Weber. For Annie road tickets, and get their foreign currency Moore, Ellis Island was truly the “golden changed into dollars. door” to America. Despite its large and magnificent appearance Only a year earlier, Congress had passed a law in New York Harbor, the buildings were that transferred the job of processing all almost immediately criticized as being badly immigrants from state officials to federal constructed of poor materials on a weak foun- inspectors. dation. One architect said the facility should Since most immigrants were already arriving be condemned and predicted that it would The Immigration Debate: Historical and Current Issues of Immigration 2 © 2003, Constitutional Rights Foundation Ellis Island in New York Harbor processed immigrants from 1892 until it closed in 1954. An estimated 100 million Americans have ancestors who passed through Ellis Island. (Library of Congress) not last 10 years. In fact, five years after it was When the new buildings opened on Ellis opened, it burned to the ground. Two hun- Island in 1900, corruption reigned. dred were sleeping on the island at the time, Immigration officers were surly; they swore at but no lives were lost. the immigrants and pushed them around. Some immigration inspectors demanded The Peak Years bribes or sold the unsuspecting foreigners By 1900, a new facility made of brick with phony “certificates of American citizenship.” white limestone trim had replaced the burned Fortunately, after his election in 1901, buildings. The new buildings were similar in President Theodore Roosevelt appointed a new design to the original structures and cost $1 commissioner to clear up the corruption at million. It was fortunate that the Ellis Island Ellis Island. Within a year, the atmosphere station was rebuilt when it was. The busiest had changed, and the immigrants were treated years of immigration were about to start. better. At the turn of the century, the “new immi- The “Isle of Tears” grants” from Southern and Eastern Europe— Italians, Greeks, Turks, Hungarians, Poles, Arriving in America did not mean that an Russians, and others—were flowing into immigrant would automatically get in. By America in large numbers. From 1881–1900, 1907, immigration laws barred criminals, pros- nearly 9 million arrived. During the next 20- titutes, the insane, the feebleminded, those year period, over 14 million came. Most with certain contagious diseases, political radi- entered through Ellis Island. cals, laborers who had signed contracts to work in the United States, and people who The Immigration Debate: Historical and Current Issues of Immigration 3 © 2003, Constitutional Rights Foundation would likely end up being supported by pub- looking for trachoma, a highly infectious dis- lic funds. Individuals who fit into any of ease that causes blindness. these categories had to be weeded out by the If a doctor suspected a person had some dis- immigration inspectors. Then they were ease or condition that could lead to deporta- detained and eventually deported. This was the tion, a letter was marked in chalk on the main purpose of Ellis Island. As a result, immigrant’s clothing. An “H” meant suspect- some immigrants began calling Ellis Island, ed heart disease. An “F” meant facial rash. An the “Isle of Tears.” “L” meant lameness or rickets. An “X” meant There was a great difference in the way people a mental defect. And an “E” meant eye dis- were treated at Ellis Island. First- and second- ease. About 20 percent were detained for fur- class passengers were briefly examined and ther examination. Those who passed the doc- given landing cards aboard ship in the harbor. tors’ examinations were sent back to Registry They never even saw Ellis Island. It was much Hall to be questioned further by federal immi- different for steerage passengers. gration inspectors. Before arriving on Ellis Island, each steerage In the early 1900s, immigration inspectors on passenger was tagged with a number. Upon Ellis Island worked from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., docking at Ellis Island, interpreters formed seven days a week, with only a few days off. the immigrants into groups of 30 by yelling These inspectors questioned 400–500 immi- out numbers in various languages. grants apiece each day. They had about two Then came the first test. As the tired, but minutes to decide whether an immigrant was excited immigrants walked into the main “clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to land.” building, they had to climb a steep set of Each inspector spoke several languages, and stairs. At the top were doctors watching for when necessary, interpreters were available. lame or ill people. This was known as the The inspectors recorded information on each “six-second physical.” immigrant in large ledgers. A myth has grown After reaching the top of the stairway, the that inspectors changed people’s names. There immigrants entered a huge room, Registry is no evidence of this. The immigrants’ names Hall. It was usually filled with thousands of were recorded from passenger lists created people speaking many languages. The newly abroad. It was against immigration rules to arrived immigrants were herded through a change a person’s name unless the immigrant maze of passageways separated by metal rail- could show that it was recorded incorrectly on ings. In 1911, wooden benches replaced these the passenger list. Most name changes proba- railings. bly occurred after immigrants entered America. After leaving their baggage in Registry Hall, immigrants faced a series of medical exams. The inspectors put the same questions to First, doctors asked brisk questions, which every immigrant: “Who paid for your pas- nearby interpreters translated. Children were sage?” “How many dependents?” “Ever been in asked their names in order to check for deaf- prison?” “Can you read and write?” “What ness and dumbness. Then doctors inspected work do you do?” “Do you have a job waiting each immigrant’s face, hair, neck and hands.
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