www.ukrweekly.com Supplement to the SVOBODA, Ukrainian Daily •^ubluoed by tho Junior Department of the Ukrainian National Assooaiion. No. 52. Jersey City, N. J., Friday, December 28, 1934. Vob H. tf. Y. L of N. л. SENDS PRO­ : SOME* OF THE RICH NABCItAb- TEST TO PRESIDENT THE UKRAINIAN "BEECHER STOWE" This month of December marks the 1ППІІІ 111111ІІ— ! RESOURCES OF UKRAINE і л protest against the reign of вагу, of the birth of a famous Ukrainian writer, Mjirja Up to recent times it was be­ terror and summary mass execu­ lieved that the great Ukrainian. tions In Ukraine under the Soviet Markovitch (1834-1907). This is the woman whom that Donetz coal basin., was 23,000 rule was dispatcheo last Friday greatest Ukrainian genius of all times, Taras Shevchenko, square kilometers. It has been re­ to the President of the United called "my holy star." We can perhaps better appre­ cently shown, however,, that the; States by the l/кгаіпіап Youth's ciate her talents and character when we recall that Ser- coal veins, extend far westward, | ' League of North America. hey Yefremov, leading historian of Ukrainian literature, and compromise about 190,000 JVne full test of the protest wrote that-her contemporaries lauded her most Eighty, square kilometers. This latter f act ' appears on page 3. ч was one of the finds of the "Uk­ declaring that her stories created as much of a stirras rainian Geological Research Com- - CONCERT IN MEMORY OF did Harriet Beecher Stowe's famous "Uncle Tom's Cabin." mittee" published last month. This - FEDKOVTTCH IN LVIW Just as Harriet Beecher Stowe awakened, great sym­ anthracite coat basin of the Don-1 Hundreds of people were turned pathy for the black slaves, so did the stories of Maria etz is one of the richest in the.; away from the already spld-out Markovitch touch the hearts of the people for,, the "whije world, containing more anthracite.. eoncert-performance presented in than 'Western. Europe, America-; toe great city tueater in - Lviw slaves"—serfs. .Her works were of such character that and .Australia put together. ' (W. Ukraine under Poland) recent­ the most famous Russian writer of that time, Turgeniev, -Besides the great anthracite de-i£ ly, in commemoration of the 100th himself translated them into the Russian language, and posits, Ukraine has also a great ' birth anniversary of Yuriy Fed* these were read throughout Russia. deal of bituminous coal, found- kovitch, the Ukrainian poet, writer principally on the Right Bank of,?' and patriot of the Ukrainian pro­ It so happened that in that period of social dark­ Ukraine, and estimated at about vince of Bukovina. ness, the mightiest, voice of protest against serfdom and 500 million tons. Recent finds dis-_ • • Bohdan Lepky, well known Uk­ all its attendant evils was raised by two Ukrainians. .The close the presence of bituminous..* rainian writer and poet, delivered first was Taras Shevchenko and the other Maria Marko­ coal above' the steppe streams of:' £ the principal address on Yuriy vitch. Shevchenko's protest was sharp; he used biting Inhuletz .and Saksahan. Fedkovitch. One of Fedkoviteh'e Add to these coal deposits the;; ( beet known poems "Dowbush" criticism in his immortal poems, and-for that he had to spend ten years of his life in prison. Maria Marko­ great deposits of iron ore on the" (the Ukrainian Robin Hood) was Right Bank of- Ukraine, the man-'j:- recited in a stirring manner. A vitch, however, used an entirely different method of ganese deposits which contain тогеї&л -. group of young boys end girls ..protest. She did not raise her voice of protest against manganese than can be .found any-. - dressed in Hutzul (Ukrainian .the. tyrannical Russian - government or the great land­ wheres .e*ee in the world, the large.; -.. mountaineer) costumes brought owners for so cruelly mistreating the common .people; clay deposits, graphite, silver ore/; - rounds of applause with their lead, sine,' subterranean gases, andji j She merely presented various scenes taken- from the T modernized dances.- Fine chorus other rich natural resources—and; singing and instrumental "music everyday life of the common people, without adding to^ one will find the main ieasnn'. why-i • provided background to the splen- them any comments .of her own. 'But her presentation; Ukraine is -coveted, so; much. bytsV o.d program. of these scenes was so powerful, so vivid as to move' _ the Soviets.' even the stoniest heart at the plight of these serfs. A. > -- - ?"r0Jg-Q - •'^ЯИІ8С'"І . 48 CHILDREN ARRESTED IN = Taras - Shevchenko was a" revolutionary, uncompro­ MOSCOW misingly hostile to-this cruel system of human exploita­ - VANDAL DESECRATES QBAVI3- ^ . In connection with the arrest tion and slavery. He took a direct bold -stand against ОГ UKRAINIAN HERO by the Soviets of Gregory Zinoieff, '• 'I il ' (one time Red leader and now on all whom he considered the oppressors of the people, The reign of petty- vandalism-' ' the outs" with Stalin) and other from the Czar down to tho- lowliest petty official. He directed against . the Ukrainian- -extremist Oposltlonists on the inflamed the people with his flaming spirit, revolt, and people of Qalicia (W. Ukraine; 7 charge of plotting against'" the So- courage. But Maria Markovitch, on the other hand, - under Poland) contmuee daily.;"" -' viet government, the London Daily In the village of Yavoriv, some • " simply but with undescribabie pathos brought involun­ vandal, (whose nationality can be : Express reports that 43 children tary tears to the eyes of her readers. She bade- them were arrested in Moscow. The readily guessed), during the eight;; oldest of them was about 16 years to sorrow and weep for the fate of the enslaved Uk­ і of . October - 81st, stole from as ^ of age. The charge against them rainian peasantry. She wrote:—Oxen, when yoked, bel­ grave of a Ukrainian hero a tab-', let-bearing the inscription "War-j 'is that they aided Zinoieff m This low loudly; while here Christian souls suffer every sort- riors for the Freedom of Ukraine."^ subversive work. In what manner, . of. abuse, -and yet they are not permitted even to speak! This tablet had been fastened; it is not said. There is an invaluable lesson for us, young Ameri­ there to the erase, for the last! 14 years. хл SOVIETS PURGE SCHOOLS OF can-Ukrainians, in the following;—Maria Markovitch о NATIONALISTS Jived most of her life beyond the borders of her native . '.. '-The latest scare among the J Ukraine, mostly in Paris. • At that time, due to the. stringent denationalization of the Ukrainian people by POLAND BANS mOU&ANDS I Soviets is the infiltcation of na-' -OF UKRAINIAN BOOKS ~ tibnalistio elements into the So- " Russia and the Polish nobility, it was .considered very з Viet schools, and their teaching the- bold indeed to write in the Ukrainian language. Cultured Poland is striving with all'. "yputh of counter-revolutionary, people would not even deign to write in -the language means possible to denationalize the" "ideas. Ukrainian people, UTdirect opposi- 'In Dniepropetrovsk in Ukraine of the peasants. And yet, despite all this, she, living in - tion to those promises she made- '_ the head of the city Communist 3 s foreign country and amidst foreign surroundings, in at Versailles to respect Ukrainian .party committee was removed to- the greatest cultural centers of an alien world, wrote national j rights. One of those.. fb 1 gather with an aide and other about Ukrainian life and in the Ukrainian language too. means is gip3prff"ff "f.Jfrajp''* officials'for laxity in permitting literature. nationalist elements to exist in the : For this, as can be readily guessed, she did not receive : any pay. And her sense of modesty was so great that Some .time ago Піая ftlflilsjiiiii j. - Dniepropetrovsk Jniversity. Ukrainian enlightenment society for many years she did not even use her real name in "Prosvita" tailed a list of, about) ; UKRAINIAN COMMERCIAL her writings, but used the pen name of "Marko Vovchok,"'. 1,000 Ukrainian books that have u ' GUIDE APPEARS which led to the common belief that the author of her .been banned by the Poush govern-:-, • ; ;A recent publication among the' works waa not her but her husband, who, incidentally, ment .. rr •'• \ Ukrainians of Canada is the Tor- r was a veil known ethnographist of fine character who Commenting upon this list hrrp'* .-hQVelny-Promyslovy Provydnyk" ' died prematurely. a- ...recent . issue, the Ukrainian - " (Trade and Commercial Guide). "Novy.Chas" of Lviw states that -iltis published, hi Winnipeg, Man. '_ As one who with the aid of her stories helped to "in fact this list is far from com­ "Its purpose is to give the initi­ lift the yoke of serfdom from the Ukrainian peasantry, plete, for the Administration (Po­ ative towards serious labors' one who eloquently portrayed their daily'life, and as one lish) . authorities have- their own. among the Ukrainian trade, busi­ who masterfully etched unforgettable portraits of the list, which is even "more than ness, -and professional people, as - brave,. lovable, and suffering Ukrainian, .women—Maria double the list-Issued by.the Pro-' -well as to act as a center wherein • svita-./'Theae^banned books are all. the economic problems of the Markovitch will remain perpetually enshrined both in confiscated,' and their .possessors j Ukrainian . people .-can be fully ї Ukrainian literature and in the hearts of the Ukrainian severely punished by the PolishvJ • discussed. "- ,' ;i *- * j| people. „ » _^ authorities. -"**" _,'. mm .UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1934. N. 52. the subject of Polish-Ukrainian Arrested by Russian "police ' Д SHORT BSTOflY OF ІШІШ UTERATUflE relations was often touched upon. Kulish's diligent' studies drew By BEV.
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