Local men create this Register online generation's E.T. to be a Pistons FILTER • Bookmark your local community to view daily updates ball kid • Click and win free tickets _ Printable coupons www.hometownlife.com CANTON THURSDAY March 22, 2007 75 cents WINNERS OF OVER 100 STATEAND NATIONAL AWARDS SINCE 2001 wwwhometownhfe com Woman who lived with body linked to two other deaths BY TlFFANYL PARKS STAFF WRITER Canton and ;Dearborn pohce say It could Just be an eene comCI- dence that the woman dIscovered IlVlng WIth a corpse for three weeks m a Canton apartment was also the roommate of a Dearborn man that dIed of a drug overdose last year Even so, the mvestIgatIon mto the death of 33-year-old Chnstopher McCarthy has been reopened When he dIed May 10, McCarthy was hVIng m Dearborn WIth the same woman that hved WIth the dead body of19-year-old Ashley P,erce m Heathmoore Apartments for three weeks Pohce say foul play Isn t ev.dent m eIther death and prehmmary reports from P,erce s autopsy have mdlcated drugs could have been a factor A small amount of her om and drug paraphernalIa were dIscovered m the ranch-style apartment that Pierce and the woman shared for two months Throughout any mvestlgatIOn, you often find unusual comcl- PHOTOS BY BILL BRESLER ISTAFF PHOTOGRAPHER dences and sometImes they pan out mto somethmg more and Susan Torgersen and her neighbors are concerned about the Impact a proposed hospital will have on their residential neighborhood near Beck and Geddes sometImes they don't; Canton Pohce Sgt RIck PomorskI saId "Any conclusIOn at thIS pomt would be maccurate' Dearborn Pohce Lt WIlham Leavens agreed and SaId the mves- tIgatIOn mto McCarthy's death has been reopened as a precautIOn 'It appears to have been an aCCIdental death from a drug over- dose and that's stIli where we are at; he saId "It's not that we have Residents feel somethmg now that (mdICates) foul play We are Just gomg over our footsteps" The roommate, who remaIns unldentlfied and under mvestlga- tlOn by Canton pollee 1" also beheved to have eonnectlOns to a thIrd person, a 40 year old woman, that dIed m December betrayed by Dearborn HeIghts DetectIve Sgt Stephen Gurka SaId the deceased woman was VIsltmg someone m the CItywhen she dIed of {;; , an acCIdental herom overdose He declmed to release her name ~ '" t It's a closed mvestlgatlOn; Gurka SaId We have no eVIdence of ">;,'\ to; 1 !'Ie' ,. foul play' ~~~j' In Canton a court order has been taped to the front door of hospital proposal ~.7;;' P,erce s former apartment Heathmoore management ISseekIng F'''iti:k' to eVIctthe dead woman's former roommate, who ISthe lease- BY TIFFANY L PARKS ~~~t5i holder of the umt STAFF WRITER The sign near the corner of Beck and Geddes announces a subdivIsion, Steven Relfler, who hved next door to the two women, says he s not a hospital had hIS own problems WIth the leaseholder and hasn t seen her When her husband s career necesSItated a move from "It's been pretty qUIet around here," he SaId, but noted that he ChIcago to metropohtan DetrOIt m late 2004, Susan We hked thIS area." saw a teleVISIOnon m her umt dunng Tuesday's early-mormng r----------, Torgersen found her way to Fast forward nearly three years hours I m not sure If It s on a tImer or what ' WHAT DO YOU Channg Cross subdIVIsIOn at Beck Torgersen now finds herself frustrated that Smgh Unhke WIth PIerce, McCarthy's death was reported ImmedIate- and Geddes Development would hke to scrap the second and thIrd phases ly Leavens refused to say whether the roommate was WIth the THINK? Torgersen says she saw promtSe of the resIdentIal project and sell the land to Dearborn-based Dearborn man when he died What do you think about for the buddmg development and Oakwood Healthcare Systems Oakwood wants to purchase Canton pohce have accused the woman ofkeepmg PIerce's the Oakwood Healthcare was pleased WIth future plans that 88 acres ofland from Smgh and bUIld a 650,000-square-foot death a secret because she was posmg as the teenager to SWIndle Systems plan to bUild a new called for the constructIOn of more hospItal on the northwest corner of the mtersectIOn money from P,erce s father PomorskI SaId the woman got less hospital at Beck and Geddes homes and apartments Although Smgh stIli needs Canton OffiCIalSto alter ItS than .$2,000 from PIerce's dad, who hves m northwest MIchIgan roads In Canton? "There was a mce, suburban feel planned development agreement to allow the Oakwood hOSpI- After recelVlng an anonymous tIp, Cauton pohce found PIerce's E mall us your thoughts at and charm to the area; she saId, tal, the company has raIsed the Ire of some resIdents WIth decaymg body underneath a pIle of c10thmg on her hVIng room kkuban@hometownllfecom addmg that the wooded area recent newspaper advertIsements toutmg Charmg Cross as floor The roommate had stIli been IlVlng mSlde the apartment '------------' behmd the upscale homes sealed bemg "adjacent to proposed new state-of-the-art Oakwood PomorskI has SaId It'S not a cnme to not report a dead body the deal for her and her husband, Robert "We had qUIte a number of places to choose from and we dId our homework PLEASE SEE PROPOSAL, A3 tlparks@hometownllfecomI (734) 459 2700 District officials discussing class size, teacher cuts BY TONY BRUSCATO teacher's salary and benefits - WIll STAFF WRITER WHAT DO YOU THINK? result m a saVIngs of $2 37 mIlhon, What do you think about some of the the bulk of the cuts he's proposed Plymouth-Canton Schools Supt budget cutting Ideas being conSidered by He saId the final teacher layoffhst, J,m Ryan has SaId all along the dIS- Plymouth Canton ofllclals? E mall us your WhIChcontractually has to be BILL BRESLER ISTAFF PHOTOGRAPHER tncts next round of budget cuts thoughts at kkuban@hometownllfecom approved by trustees before the end would affect the classroom and the of AprIl, could be adjusted depend- You can alsOadd your comments to our All hail I Footloose' dehvery of cumculum, somethmg Web Site at wwwhometownllfecom mg on retIrements, chdd care he's trIed to aVOIdm makIng more leaves and the status of those who The Park Players, shown here dunng a rehearsal, Will present their production of "footloose," than $8 mIlhon m cuts the past remaIn on leave based on the 1980s screen version starrmg Kevm Bacon, March 22-24 and March 30-31 With 8 p m three years If passed by trustees, WIllehmmate Under Ryan's plan, class SIzes performances In the Gloria Logan Audltonum for the Performing Arts inSide Salem High School fuesday mght, Ryan dId what 40 teachmg pOSItIOnsand mcrease WIllgo up by one student m every TICkets, whICh are $10 for all shows, can be purchased 2 30-5 30 p m Monday-Thursday m the he's put off for several years, pre class SIzes across all grades grade level At the elementary upper auditOrium at Salem High School or at the door one hour before curtam on performance sentmg to the Board of EducatIOn Ryan told trustees the teacher nights VISit www parkplayers org or contact Kristen Quesada for more information bye-mall at $3 3 mIlhon m budget cuts whIch, cuts - at $60,000 for a new PLEASE SEE DISTRICT, A3 quesadk@pccs k12 ml us or by calling (734) 5B2-6836 AZ (C) Observer & EccentrIC IThursday March 22 2007 LOCAL NEWS www hometownllfe com Coffee meetings prIsed of the chamber ch01r DIscovery Program The cost IS Hot Honeys, Red Hot The Canton Chamber of and MadrIgal Smgers, WIllbe $25, whIch mcludes the Mermmds, and the Regalettes) Commerce, Canton Downtown held at 7 p m AprIl 4 at the entrance fee along WIth a WIllhost a luncheon noon-3 Onto the Development AuthorIty, and VIllage Theater at Cherry Hl!1 pIzza, pasta and salad buffet pm, AprIl 18 at SummIt on Canton TownshIp WIllhost two TIckets are $6 and may be pur- HIke for DIscovery IS an the Park m Canton All Red nationals mornmg Coffee Meetmgs thIs chased through the VIllage adventure fund ralsmg pro Hatters m western Wayne OetrOiI Counlry Day e,ghth month to share marketmg Theater Box Office or Web SIte gram that benefits the County are mVlted grader Nlthya VIJayakumar, who Ideas and other Important at wwwcanton ml org/VlI- LeukemIa & Lymphoma The theme of the luncheon lives In Canton, earned first mformatlon for local busmess- lagetheater A portlOn of tlcket SOClCtyIII findmg a cure for the first ever Canton Red Hat place In the Oakland Counly es proceeds benefit the PCEP blood cancers such as communIty-Wide speCIal event, Regional Spelling Bee on March Bmldmg on the success of Ch01rs _~ leukemIa, lymphoma, myelo- IS 'MagIC ISm the Au It WIll 10 Her wmnmg words were the "ShopCanton for the ma and Hodgkm s dIsease feature a buffet luncheon and "caramboia' (a star shaped frUit Hohdays' dIscount card pro- New charge for PBT Money that ISraIsed goes to entertmnment by rhe used 10 Chinese cookmg) and gram, a sImIlar mId -summer tests research, support groups, edu Amazmg Clark, a magIcIan 'bombard,er (the member of an • program WIllbe mtroduced In catIOnal programs and finan- There WIllbe door prIZes and airCraft crew who operates addltlOn, a number of plans Begmmng March 26, the CIalplannmg for afihcted faml- Red Hat vendors Tlckets are bombing eqUipment) Nllhya WIllbe dIscussed that offer Canton Pollee Department WIll hes III MlChlgan $27 for members and $30 for compeled against four other busIness owners and managers be Implementmg a charge for The tournament IShmlted to others Reglster at the SummIt Oakland Counly top spellers In a the opportumty to make the CItIzens requestmg a court- 80 players WIth a guaranteed by AprIl 2 final round of competitIOn which most of theIr marketmg ordered
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