(firnmerttrut iatlg (ttamjma Serving Storrs Since 1896 — Vol.LXXXVllNo. 7 The University of Connecticut Monday .September 1^,1983 '* Soviet sub joins KAL search WAKKANAI, Japan (AP) - previous Soviet dives. Soviet vessel. Kato has said he A Soviet search vessel on Sun- The zone is dominated by at would not speculate whether day lowered a small yellow least 23Soviet vessels .includ - the object could have been submarine into international ing the 8.200-ton guided mis - the jumbo jet's "black box" waters where the downed sile cruiser Petropavlovsk. flight recorder. South Korean airliner is be- The Rebun and two other lieved to have crashed, and Japanese patrol boats are On the northeastern coast warned a Japanese patrol moving in the area, some - of Hokkaido and in the Pacific boat to stay away from the times coming within 500yards Ocean east of the Japanese prea, the Japanese navy said. of the Soviet ships. island, 17 other Japanese / In Edinburgh .Scotland, the At least four US. ships and vessels continued searching edjtor-in-chief of the Soviet four South Korean trailers for debris and bodies being Communist Party newspaper also were seen in the area carried by eastward currents firavda criticized his "nation's Sunday, he said. So far the remains of at least rtiilitary for the six -day Soviet A day earlier, a Soviet oil five of the crash victims have delay in acknowledging that driller winched up an uniden- been recovered. one of its fighter-jets shot tifiable object from another down the airliner. However the editor, Victor Afanasyev, interviewed by the British Broadcasting Corp. in- sisted the attack was justified, Lab waste disposal These smokestacks, known to occasionally belch a mys- and that the Soviet Union terious black fog, are undergoing repairs (George would never apologize or Edwards photo). compensate the victims ."Any getting out of hand apology or compensation By Kim Nauer Israeli marchers mark would amount to an admis - Staff Writer sion of guilt on our part, and The university will face a severe wast disposal problem within we do not regard ourselves as the next few months .according to Frances Harshaw the director Palestinian massacre guilty," he said. of the university s Radiation Safety Office. In the Sea of Japan, the "There is definitely going to be a crisis," Harshaw said. 15,000-ton Georgi Kozumin The campus currently generates 575cubic feet of radioactive TEL AVIV .Israel <AP) — Police clashed with marchers Sunday opened a hatch near the bow waste a year from a variety of biological and chemical laboratory as angry demonstrations in the West Bank and in Israeli Arab and lowered the sub into the uses. The amount of radioactive waste generated by the more villages marked the first anniversary of the Palestinian refugee waters, said Rear Adm. Mas- scientifically oriented branches .such as the medical center and ayush Kato of the Japanese camp massacres in Beirut, Lebanon. Avery Point, are much greater. Israeli Radio said one policeman was wounded and 25 Arab Maritime Safety Agency. Disposing of this waste is increasingly becoming a problem for Three men boarded the un- and Jewish demonstrators were arrested in east Jerusalem, the university. 'The university's current wast disposal site in derwater craft before it sub- where police used tear gas and batons to break up a gather- Hanford, Washington refused to accept chemically enhanced merged, he said. radioactive waste after December 31st and is planning a com- ing of protesters. The Georgi Kozumin sig- The demonstrators had gathered near a monument to the plete shutdown by 1986," Harshaw said. unknown soldier, built by Palestinians after the 1967 Mideast naled by flag to the Japanese In addition the Washington site is demanding that the univer- vessel Rebun to "move north" sity start a volume reduction progam. Volume reduction .a War, the radio said. away from the Soviet search Police spokesmen could not be reached by telephone to technique for lowering the costs of shipping and storing wastes. zone, 25 miles north of the tiny comment. is a process of reducing the bulk of the waste so that there is less A spokesman for the Israeli Committee Against the War in Soviet island of Moneron, off of it at a higher concentration. Hazardous wastes can be reduced Lebanon, Lev Yisrael told The Associated Press that hundreds of Sakhalin's southwest coast, in volume with methods such as compacting. shredding and Jews and Arabs participated in the march. He said they were Kato said. incineration, she said. He said the submarine was given a one -minute warning to disperse before police waded into Two years ago ,it was proposed that an incinerator plant be different from one used in two the crowd. built on campus to deal with the increasing waste .This plant was See page 4 ■ Inside USG gets eight bucks for my fridge? Page 3 Black history over coffee and cake Page 10 City study in the sticks Page 11 Field Hockey sweeps the Classic Page 16 Weather Mostly sunny today, highs in the 80s. Fair to- night, temperatures 50-60. These students turn to video for a release from the hectic pace of life at UConn. A few quarters and the stress of classes and schoolwork is washed away (George Edwards photo). Editorial Tuition increases., (Htfttnecttatt flatly (ftattipuB take your pick Vol.LXXXVIINo.7 Monday, September 16, 1983 Atiitention UConn Students: We have a choice—we can either start paying $3,730 per year in tuition as the Board of Trustees Editor In Chief Rosemary Hames suggests (3.7%increase from this year)—Or we can Managing Editor Susanne Dowden pay 20% of the cost of education (formally 17%) as Business Manager ilene Feldman Asst Managing Editor Barbara Zambelll the Board of Governor's suggest. Not much of a Office Manager Lob McLean choice, huh ?What about no increase at all ,you ask? Advertising Manager |jz Gracla Well it s to late for that -now we Ve forced to choose Senior Writer Erica Joseph New* Steve Gelssler. Bill Hanrahan. Brian Dion between the lesser of two evils ...which in this case is Assignments Almee Hartnett. John Paradls BOTs suggested 3.7% tuition increase. It's not too Sports Bob D Aprile, DanaGauruder.Klm Harmon Art* Tom Homer. Marie Gallo-Hall late to have a say in this decision at least. So keep Features .*.' Carol Carangelo, Doug Clement your ears open for when thenext State BOG meet - W^e Andrea WHIIams,Laura Lovely C°PV •' )lm Peron ing will take placebo ,and let them know you care Photography Charles Hisey. George Edwards John Metaxas about how much you 11 be spending on tuition on Ad Production Manager Lisa Gagnon next fall. This is your chance!. Asst. Ad Production Manager jamle Speer Ad Representatives Greg Murtagh,Diana Nome. Rob Grower, Jonathan Fishman Editorial Production Manager tynne Kerrigan Circulation Manager Ka^ OHara Please submit letters to the Editor to Box U-189 Receptionists Theresa Johnson, Usa Durazo .Jackie Bonser, Jamie Harper Sharon Landry or 11 Dog Lane, Storrs, Ct. 06268. Letters are prin- Production Meredith Antln, Debbie Correnty, Leslie Szymaszek .Joanne DeTurk .Ellen Seitz. Jenny Putnam. ted at the discretion of the Editor. We reserve the Amanda Splelman .Renee Rosoff .Beth Bovan. Mary Ellen Budney .Peter McDougall. Danielle Cummlngs .Diane right to edit for brevity .content .and grammar. We Twlgg. Lynn Bodekta .Laura Uliasz. Gordon Lustilla .Kim McKnight .Unda Habermeier,Margaret Sonntag. Jamie will not print letters that do not include a name and Harper .Mirella Pollifrone address, although the name may be withheld at your request. Will the real Carol Wiggins.. To the Editor: mainstreaming?! "I don't want student input With regard to disabled when IVe made up my mind students, the places on campus what's best for them." where a person with a severe -Carol Wiggins, spring 1983 mobility handicap can live are Vice President of Student Affairs greatly restricted. In fact, the only Forgive me if I belabor a point dorms with the necessary mod- already made, but I can't help ifications are McMahon and Buc- noticing a dichotomy between kley. Last spring, the first floor Carol Wiggins thinking last spr- apartment of this dorm was reser- ing and the opinion expressed in ved for a disabled student and the the September 15 CDC. To quote, foyer equipped with a ramp. Ms. 'Each of the departments and Wiggins forced that student to centers will set up a formal stu- vacate the dorm he chose to live dent advisory group to 'maximize because the only room accessible student input'." to him was "needed" for a Resident Does this sound like the same Assistant who, in my opinion, person to you? I find it difficult to could get along just as well with a believe that Ms. Wiggins has had single in one of the other rooms on such a complete change of heart the floors. The handicapped stu- over the summer. dent has moved off campus. This is Student input isn't the only mainstreaming?! thing she seems to have changed I believe the term "non-tradi-' her mind about. The September tkxial" refers to those students 15 article indicated that Ms. who do not conform to the Wiggins is very concerned with traditional values of the average the mainstreaming of special college student in 1983. I would policies, however, is time. Her Schools. We have a library that the next year ). We can t wait until populations, including disabled like to ciTe the spring 1982 closing actions over the semester will as had to cancel about 2000 reveal this to us all.
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