April 26, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E559 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING HIGH SCHOOL RADIO young students eager to learn the ways of ity and has made Qatar a beacon of higher DAY broadcast journalism. education in the region and around the world. Mr. Speaker, at this time, I ask that you and f HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY my distinguished colleagues join me in recog- nizing these two exemplary student organiza- RESPONSIBLE HELIUM ADMINIS- OF INDIANA tions, as well as each of the 43 high school TRATION AND STEWARDSHIP IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES radio stations from 19 States participating in ACT Friday, April 26, 2013 High School Radio Day 2013. Their efforts Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with have molded and continue to mold genera- SPEECH OF great pride and sincerity that I rise in recogni- tions of rising journalists, performing a vital HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA tion of High School Radio Day 2013. This year public service for all Americans. OF CALIFORNIA marks the second annual High School Radio f Day, a day to observe the uniqueness of each IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES high school radio station and the impact each HONORING THE STATE OF QATAR Thursday, April 25, 2013 has on the community, the State, and the Na- AND HIS HIGHNESS SHEIKH, HAMAD BIN KHALIFAH AL-THANI The House in Committee of the Whole tion at large. Indiana is the birthplace of high House on the state of the Union had under school radio. The first station in the United consideration the bill (H.R. 527) to amend the States, WNAS, signed on in May, 1949 in HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Helium Act to complete the privatization of New Albany, Indiana. In the following dec- OF NEW YORK the Federal helium reserve in a competitive market fashion that ensures stability in the ades, the students working for high school IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES radio stations in northwest Indiana have exhib- helium markets while protecting the inter- ited outstanding ingenuity, intellect, and lead- Friday, April 26, 2013 ests of American taxpayers, and for other purposes: ership as the stations have grown and thrived. Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. In 1954, high school radio arrived in north- Mr. Speaker, today I rise to welcome His Mr. HONDA. Mr. Chair, I regret that I am west Indiana with the formation of WGVE–FM Highness Sheikh, Hamad Bin Khalifah Al- unable to be in Washington, DC, today to cast 88.7 radio in Gary. First housed in Lew Wal- Thani, the Amir of Qatar, on his visit to the a vote in support of H.R. 527, The Respon- lace High School, the station relocated to its United States and express my deep apprecia- sible Helium Administration and Stewardship current home of the Gary Area Career Center tion for the strong and growing friendship be- Act. This bipartisan, commonsense plan will in 1969. WGVE–FM 88.7 began operating at tween our two countries. I also would like to prevent a global helium shortage, protect jobs less than 50 watts, but the station has evolved recognize the State of Qatar for their pro- and the economy, and ensure a fairer return to become the home of a wide array of com- motion of democracy and higher education. for taxpayers while we take the time to deter- munity news, educational programming, public Qatar is a critical ally and is host to our mine a long-term strategy to deal with our na- service announcements, and music. The sta- troops at Al Udeid (OODADE), the largest tion’s helium needs. tion keeps local residents connected to their U.S. military air base on foreign soil, in Doha Representing Silicon Valley, I know firsthand government by broadcasting meetings of the which continues to be invaluable to our efforts how dependent high-tech manufacturing and Gary School Board and Gary Common Coun- in the region. Qatar is also particularly impor- scientific research labs are on helium. Helium cil. tant because of its efforts to promote democ- is needed by hospitals for life-saving medical For over 35 years, WDSO–FM 88.3, racy and the right to vote around the world. I diagnostic tools like magnetic resonance imag- Chesterton High School’s commercial-free, know this because I traveled to Qatar in 1999 ing, and it is critical to our national defense. educational station has broadcast valuable to celebrate its first democratic elections—the Unfortunately, the frenzy to slash the gov- programming to listeners throughout northwest first in which a Gulf Cooperation Council state ernment that accompanied the Gingrich Re- Indiana. It took nearly two years of planning allowed women to vote and run for office. It publican revolution in 1996 led to legislation to and careful work with the Federal Communica- was a momentous occasion. Allowing women sell and privatize the Federal Helium Reserve tions Commission to take the station on-air, to vote and giving them the opportunity to run and caused the situation we face today—in with broadcasts beginning in 1976. Since that for office was a major step forward in the October, the Reserve will no longer be able to time, the station broadcasts local, State, and democratic transformation of Qatar. Today sell the remaining 11 billion cubic feet of he- national news coverage, as well as sports cov- they continue to boldly support democratic lium, which will create an immediate worldwide erage and live broadcasts from town meet- ideals by making great strides in education. helium shortage and cut the domestic supply ings, the Duneland School Board, and the Now, with the help of the leadership of Her by nearly half. Community Bulletin Board. WDSO–FM 88.3 Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al- H.R. 527 will prevent this shortage and pro- was also one of the first radio stations to use Missned, women have the ability to earn a col- mote market-based reforms by implementing a fiber optic cable to transport a radio signal lege degree in Qatar’s Education City. This vi- three-phase system for operating the Federal over a mile and a half from the studio to the sionary woman is the moving force behind Helium Reserve until the Reserve is emptied transmitter. showing people everywhere how important of helium. In addition, it will ensure that tax- It is with great credit not only to the dedi- and powerful the voices of women can be not payers get a fair return for this resource. While cated and passionate students who operate just in Qatar, but around the world. This has this bill is not the long-term strategy on helium these stations but the administrators that en- not only been important for the rights of that we need, it does prevent a short-term cri- sure their continued success that high school women, but it has helped the country further sis and allow time for a transition to a new radio stations still leave their indelible mark on develop its educational offerings. Today, Edu- paradigm. the people of northwest Indiana. Specifically, cation City houses branch campuses from Numerous industry groups and companies Eric Johnson, Clarence Stevens, Sarita Ste- some of the world’s most prestigious institu- based in my Silicon Valley district have ex- vens, Lakisha Walls, and Lionel Chambers, at tions of higher learning, including Cornell Uni- pressed their support for the bill, and I join WGVE–FM 88.7, as well as Michele versity’s Weill Medical College, Georgetown them in expressing my support for H.R. 527. Stipanovich and Matthew Waters at WDSO– University’s School of Foreign Service, North- I would also like to express my support for the FM 88.3, have done outstanding work to grow western University, Texas A&M University, Collins/Scott Amendment, the Holt Amend- their respective stations. These individuals de- and Virginia Commonwealth University. This ment, and the Thornberry Amendment, and serve recognition for their committed, ener- unprecedented support for education in the re- my opposition to the Dent/Higgins/Esty getic approach to the development of bright gion has helped women in their fight for equal- Amendment. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:57 Apr 27, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26AP8.001 E26APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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