Master of Spatial Information Science Thesis A GIS Approach For Mobile Telephone Signal Path-Loss Prediction Helen Y. Yang 1997 A GIS APPROACH FOR MOBILE TELEPHONE SIGNAL PATH-LOSS PREDICTION by Helen Yingchieh Yang (B. Sc) Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Spatial Information Science .~ .. <;~~~· ~fro{ -r; .. ~'~ UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA HOBART June 1997 This thesis may be made available for loan and limited copying in accordance with the Copyright ACT 1968. signed:-~~(>-----......=-£-\ ~_i_- Except as stated herein, this thesis does not contain any material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university nor, to the best of my knowledge and belief, does it contain any copy or paraphrase of material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis. Signed: Abstract ABSTRACT Signal propagation path-loss prediction is a fundamental problem for the planning and design of a cellular mobile telephone system. Many models, empirical, experimental, or analytical, have been designed and used. The analytical models apply the path-loss prediction formulae to path profiles derived from a digital elevation model to obtain the signal path-loss. The digital elevation model stores detailed terrain height data. The heights can be sampled regularly, or selectively stored to capture important terrain features. The regular sampled elevation database (grid model) has been used for most of the existing analytical path loss prediction models. Carefully examination of the grid model reveals that it is not the only terrain representation. TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) terrain model can be used as an alternative elevation database. With the TIN model, sudden changes and other surface features that are difficult to store in the grid model can be included in the database. More accurate path profiles could be derived and more accurate path loss prediction would be achieved. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are a new technology that are often used in applications requiring analysis and manipulation of the spatial conditions and situations. It provides spatial and non-spatial databases, as well as various analytical tools for general application purposes. The characteristics of a GIS are such that it can be used for radio signal path-loss prediction. This thesis examines the existing analytical path-loss prediction methods. The possibility and feasibility of using GIS analytical tools to predict signal propagation path-loss is discussed. GIS functions, using TIN as a terrain representation are used to carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of signal propagation based on the analytical prediction models are examined and prototyped. The method is implemented using AML programs in ARC/INFO software, and C functions on a SUN Spare workstation. Helen Yang Pagei Abstract ,· The test is performed on the Hobart area in Tasmania, Australia. Program performance speed and accuracy are analyzed and discussed against the method based on grid terrain model. Helen Yang Page ii Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis represents two years full and part time research that was challenging although rewarding; and would have been much more difficult and frustrating without the support and assistance of certain individuals and establishments. I feel it is necessary to acknowledge the people that have helped me with their professional assistance, as well as those that have given me support on a more personal level. Firstly, I wish to thank Prof. Peter Zwart for allowing me to study this topic. His supervision and direction at critical stages, his patience and encouragement of both my research and personal sides were invaluable. Secondly, I wish to thank Mr. Steve Quan for his help in helping me learn the C language, and especially for providing C source code from the SPOT function in the reflection analysis programs. Although he was under a heavy workload himself, he was available at anytime. All staff in the Department of Surveying and Spatial Information Science and CenSIS, Mrs. Margaret Stafford, Mr. John Cattell, Mr. Graeme Greenwood, Mr. Robert Driessen and Mr Simon Greener are acknowledged for providing such a pleasant and helpful working atmosphere. All postgraduate students in the office are acknowledged for providing friendship and encouragement. Finally, I specially wish to acknowledge Jason for his love and great help. Without his encouragement, this thesis would not have been completed. I wish to dedicate this thesis, my gratitude, and my love to him. My parents' concern and encouragement are appreciated as well. Helen Yang Page iii Table Of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Mobile Telephone Signal Propagation Page 1-1 1.2 The Mobile Telephone Signal Path-Loss Prediction Problem Page 1-2 1.3 Objectives of Research Page 1-4 1.4 Overview of the Thesis Page 1-5 2. Mobile Telephone Signal Propagation Principle and Path Loss Analysis 2.1 Land Mobile Radio System Page 2-1 2.1.l The Signal Range Page2-2 2.1.2 The Service Coverage Page2-2 2.1.3 The Usage of a Cellular Mobile Telephone System Page2-4 2.1.4 Propagation Considerations Page2-4 2.2 VHF/UHF Signal Propagation Page2-4 2.2.1 Propagation Loss Page2-5 2.2.2 The Effect of the Earth Surface on Radio Signal Propagation Page2-6 2.3 Propagation Path Loss Prediction and Prediction Models Page2-ll 2.3.1 Factors Considered in the Propagation Models Page2-12 2.4 Conclusion Page2-20 3. Review of Existing Mobile Radio Signal Path Loss Prediction Models 3.1 Empirical Models Page 3-1 3.1.l The CCIR Method Page 3-2 3.1.2 The Egli Model Page3-4 3.1.3 The Okumura Model Page 3-6 3.2 Analytical Models Page3-7 3.2.1 The JRC Model Page 3-8 3.2.2 The Longley-Rice Model Page3-9 3.2.3 The TlREM Model Page 3-14 3.2.4 Chen's Propagation Model for Cellular Radio System Page 3-18 3.3 Other Models Page3-23 3.4 Conclusion Page.3-24 4. Spatial Data Representation and GIS Approach 4.1 4.1.3 Raster Format Page4-8 4.1.4 Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN) Page4-10 4.2 Spatial Information Systems and Spatial Data Operations Page 4-14 4.2.1 GIS and ARC/INFO Page 4-15 Helen Yang Table Of Contents 4.2.2 Operations on TIN Page 4-16 4.2.3 Analysis and Manipulation over Plain Coverages Page4-23 4.3 Conclusion Page4-26 5. The Method for Mobile Telephone Propagation Analysis using GIS Approach 5.1 Introduction Page 5-1 5.2 Selection of TIN as the Terrain Model Page 5-2 5.3 Test Area Selection and Terrain Model Construction Page 5-4 5.3. l Test Area Selection Page 5-4 5.3.2 TIN Construction Page 5-5 5.4 Selection of an Existing Path Loss Prediction Page5-7 5 .5 Assumptions of the Model Page 5-8 5.5.1 Antenna Assumptions Page 5-8 5.5.2 Refraction from the Atmosphere Page 5-9 5.5.3 Assumption for Land Mobile Telephone Signal at 800-900 Mhz Page5-10 5.5.4 Assumption of the Radio Horizon Page5-10 5.5.5 The Earth's Surface Features Assumption Page 5-11 5.5.6 Other Assumptions Page 5-12 5.6 Path Loss Calculation Page 5-12 5.6.l Point-to-Point Path Loss Prediction Page 5-13 5.6.2 Point-to-Area Path Loss Distribution Calculation Page 5-24 5.6.3 Selection of Sample Points Page5-26 5.7 Qualitative Analysis of Radio Signal Propagation Page5-32 5. 7.1 Line of Sight Analysis Page 5-32 5.7.2 Reflection Analysis Function Page5-40 5.8 Conclusion Page 5-55 6. Discussion of Using a GIS Method to Predict Path Loss for 800-900 Mhz Radio Signal 6.1 TIN VS GRID Page 6-2 6.1.1 Factors that Effect Path Loss Accuracy using the TIN Method Page 6-2 6.1.2 Sample Point Selection Method and its Alternatives Page 6-3 6.2 Path Loss Prediction Page 6-6 6.2. l Assumptions Related to the Path Loss Prediction Result Page6-7 6.3 Path Loss Prediction Result Comparison Between Various Prediction Models and Evaluation with Field Testing Page6-8 7. Conclusion Appendix A References Helen Yang Chapter 1 Introduction CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) AND MOBILE TELEPHONE SIGNAL PROPAGATION PREDICTION Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are an integrated collection of hardware, software, data and liveware which operate in institutional contexts [Maguire, Goodchild & Rhind]. GIS technology provides a set of powerful tools for collecting, storing, retrieving, transforming, and displaying spatial data from the real world for various purposes [Burrough]. Characteristics of a GIS application include the use of computer graphics, image processing, database management and other computer technologies to process geographical data. Objects and phenomena from the real world are referenced in terms of position with respect to a known coordinate system, with attributes that are unrelated to position. Spatial relationships between the spatial objects are stored. Through the use of GIS functionality, spatial and spatially related data can be accessed to produce analysis results. Mobile telephone signal propagation prediction plays a key role in the planning and design of cellular mobile telephone system. The prediction is conducted through the study of radio signal propagation characteristics. These characteristics, which include free space attenuation, refraction, reflections from Earth and man-made objects, absorption and scattering by atmospheric particles, and diffraction, are highly irregular and depend on the local Earth environment.
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