INSIDE: 2012 HAMILTON COUNTY Delinquent TAX LIST Today’s Weather High The 88° F Precip: 20% Some sun in the morning with in- creasing clouds during the afternoon. A stray afternoon thunderstorm is possible. High 88F. Winds light and Jasper News variable. For up to the minute weath- n f l a o n l i n e . c o m er go to www.nflaonline.com. 142nd YEAR, NUMBER 23 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2013 3 SECTIONS 38 PAGES 50¢ Student dies in accidental shooting By Joyce Marie Taylor lease from LCPD, authori- South Hamilton Elemen- dened,” said Pinello. “He circumstances surrounding [email protected] ties stated that Jackson tary classmates of Jarvin made a tremendous impact the possession of a firearm passed away on Tuesday, took the news hard, accord- on the other students with by a minor. More updates Eleven-year-old South May 14, around 2:45 p.m. ing to Site Administrator his million dollar smile.” will be provided as informa- Hamilton Elementary stu- from injuries sustained in Annie Pinello. The investigation by tion is received, according to dent Jarvin Jackson died the accident. “The kids are very sad- LCPD is ongoing into the LCPD. Tuesday from injuries sus- tained in an accidental shooting on Sunday, May 12, according to the Lake City Police Department. Reports show that on Sun- day, May 12, officers from the Lake City Police Depart- ment responded to a report of a shooting incident at Cedar Park Apartments in Lake City. Upon arrival, of- ficers and responding med- ical personnel discovered the 11-year-old boy had been shot with a firearm. The preliminary findings, Lessons learned according to LCPD, indicat- ed a four-year old shot the By Joyce Marie Taylor County where damage was minor in For many, TS Debby brought people victim and the incident was [email protected] some areas and major in others, but in closer together...neighbors helping ruled accidental. Jackson neighboring Suwannee County where neighbors in need, so to speak. It re- was transported to Shands Editor’s note: This is the third installa- massive damage was incurred from minded everyone what a blessing it is to in Gainesville in critical con- tion of a series titled “Are we ready?”, in flooding and sinkholes. have a tight knit community of caring dition. which we delve into local storm pre- Since the last major flood prior to individuals who look out for one anoth- In an updated press re- paredness. This article focuses on Debby occurred over 50 years ago, er. lessons learned from TS Debby. many became complacent and were ul- Prior to a storm’s impact, communica- Hardships rarely come without timately unprepared for the high levels tions begin between local Emergency lessons to be learned. In June of 2012, of flooding that ensued after days of Operations Centers and other state and Election residents watched as Tropical Storm rain pounded the region and forced federal emergency agencies. Weather Debby left an imprint both physically rivers to overspill their banks with mas- bill takes and financially, not just in Hamilton sive amounts of water. SEE LESSONS, PAGE 2A shape Veterans park moving forward Burton talks economic Legislation will despite temporary work delay development impact 2014 By Joyce Marie Taylor in Hamilton elections [email protected] By Joyce Marie Taylor Submitted Construction of Veter- [email protected] Although last November an’s Memorial Park in At the was not quite the night- downtown Jasper has hit a May 7 mare scenario experienced temporary road bump, ac- meeting in the 2000 election, Florida cording to Veterans Ser- of the still bore the brunt of na- vice Officer Clay Lambert. Hamil- tional scrutiny as many In a letter to the Hamil- ton stood in long lines during ton County Board of County early voting and on Elec- County Commissioners, Board Bob Burton talks tion Day. This, coupled Lambert offered a brief up- of economic develop- with Florida not reporting date on the status of the County ment with county results until two days after project, which has been de- Com- commissioners. the election, prompted leg- layed due to work that mis- - Photo: Joyce Marie islators to make election needed to be corrected by sioners, Taylor law reform a top priority of resident the 2013 legislative session. SEE VETERANS, PAGE 2A Bob Burton again ad- However, even with the dressed the issue of ob- sense of urgency, the final structions to economic de- product, House Bill 7013, velopment in the county. didn’t pass until just before Burton said, “I’m here the traditional dropping of about economic develop- the handkerchiefs, which ment actually, and some marks the end of the ses- of the things we feel are sion. obstructions that we’ve Legislators concluded the run into in the past. We long lines last November really just want to bull- were a result of laws doze past them and get passed in 2011 reducing the something going.” number of early voting Burton said he had sent days from 14 to 8. Having Work has been temporarily delayed on the masonry work at the Lightning struck one of the pine trees at the site all the board members an realized the problem, the entrance to the park. - Photos: Joyce Marie Taylor that Lambert had asked to be removed. e-mail about possibly re- debate quickly focused on calling some board mem- increasing the number of bers. days in order to avoid a “We just picked one and similar situation in the fu- started with (Commission- ture. This led to the provi- Historic schoolhouse moves to library er Josh Smith) and I got to sion in HB 7013 which By Joyce Marie Taylor talking with Josh about it mandates supervisors of [email protected] and I found Josh pretty elections provide at least well thinks the way I do, eight days of early voting The historic Camp Fami- while allowing them the ly Schoolhouse was moved SEE BURTON, PAGE 2A flexibility to increase that to its new location beside number to 14. the White Springs Public Another culprit blamed Library-PotashCorp Build- ing at 16403 Jewett Street SEE ELECTION, PAGE 2A on Wednesday, May 8. Previously, the school- house sat across the street from the historic Camp family mansion on the cor- ner of US 41 just north of F o r K i d s 12 & Under the Stephen Foster Folk No Purchase Necessary The historic Camp Family Schoolhouse at its new location beside the White Must Present Coupon Limit 1 Per Person SEE HISTORIC, PAGE 2A Springs Library. Courtesy photo: 793493 PAGE 2A THE JASPER NEWS, Jasper, FL THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2013 Veterans park moving forward Lessons despite temporary work delay Continued From Page 1A been made and the caps eventually and didn’t move before work be- on the columns are want to tie up county gan. the vendor doing the done, Lambert is assets that were needed “One of those two big learned masonry for the park searching for another elsewhere. He did state, pine trees that we want- entrance. Lambert was vendor who can pro- however, that if it was ed left (alone), lightning Continued From Page 1A “Due to historical record in training and was un- vide the quality work an issue, there was no struck it,” said Burnam. keeping, we pretty much able to attend the coun- they desire for the pro- reason why the dirt Lambert had tried to data gets compiled and had an idea what to ex- ty commission meeting ject that includes the couldn’t be removed. convince the commis- storm forecast reports pect from the storm. It on May 7 to give a per- walkway. On a more positive sioners in February that are sent to appropriate has, however, allowed sonal update. Commissioner Josh note, Lambert stated by leaving the old, dead agencies, organizations us to be able to harden “We have lost confi- Smith stated that the that Jon Carline has vol- pine trees they would and groups, who then some of our roads and dence in the vendor’s caps on the brick unteered to provide only serve as potential pass along the informa- improve the infrastruc- ability to do the neces- columns did not look professional landscape lightning rods. Now, tion to residents. ture.” sary concrete work,” like the drawing. architectural drawings the board needs to de- Events and actions are Jewett Street in White Lambert wrote in his “The finished product and assistance in order cide if the trees should logged, evacuation Springs, Land said, is letter. was supposed to be an to help move the project come down or not, Bur- routes are reviewed and one example, as the “The concrete work is ivory-looking cap,” forward. Also, sales of nam said. prepared for, county de- county is currently dili- needed before the steel said Smith. memorial bricks contin- “We want to ensure partment heads are gently working to make gating between the two Commission Chair ue to increase, Lambert the Board of County briefed on emergency repairs so that the road lower columns can be Randy Ogburn asked said, and he hopes to Commissioners that the duties and responsibili- won’t completely wash placed in order to en- County Coordinator place his initial order park effort continues in ties, coordination of out again. sure proper height,” Danny Johnson to veri- soon. earnest and that we are public shelters is com- Land also said, “The Lambert continued in fy with Lambert “Other donors are in doing all to make sure menced, and those with town of White Springs is the letter.
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