Southeastern Arena LLC presents 1st Annual Select Barrel Horse Sale October 31 & November 1, 2012 Preview/Presentations October 31, 7:00 p.m. Sale November 1 at 7:00 p.m. • • • • • • Southeastern Arena, Unadilla, Ga. SOUTHEASTERN ARENA - 1 Schedule Preview Times: OCTOBER 31 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time NOVEMBER 1 10:00 a.m. until Sale Time – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time Presentations October 31 – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time Sale November 1 – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time Sale Location Southeastern Arena • 2410 Arena Rd. • Unadilla, Ga. 31091 478-627-2727 Directions Georgia National Ag Center to Southeastern Arena Take I-75 South toward Tifton. Take Exit 121 Unadilla/Pinehurst (This is the second Unadilla exit.). Take a left off the ramp and then approx. 0.3 mile, take a right onto Speeg Road. At the stop sign turn right; South- eastern Arena is one mile on the left. Veterinarian On Call Equine Associates Veterinary Hospital • 478-783-3707 2 - SOUTHEASTERN ARENA Welcome to the Southeastern Arena First Annual Select Barrel Horse Sale Auctioneer Wayne Boyd, Jr. Ring Men Jason Singleton • Scott Roberts • Bradley Boyd Secretaries Cathi Jones • Lindsey Ingle-Williams Motels Red Carpet Inn, 478-627-3261 • Scottish Inn Unadilla, 478-627-3228 Microtel Inn Perry, 478-987-4044 • Ramada Inn Perry 478-987-3313 RV Hook-Ups Available at Southeastern Arena 478-627-2727 SOUTHEASTERN ARENA - 3 123 123 123 of any corrections 3 hours prior to the beginning of sale. STAKES IMPORTANT FACTS 123 123 ENGAGEMENTS, PRODUCE RECORDS AND ALL OTHER 123 FOR SELLERS 123 INFORMATION SO LISTED ARE AS REPRESENTED BY THE 123 123 CONSIGNOR, TO WHOM ONLY THE PURCHASER SHALL YOUR PAPERWORK MUST BE IN ORDER: All registration 123 LOOK FOR REDRESS IN CASE OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. 123 papers, signed transfers, Coggins and health papers must be in 123 123 CARE OF HORSES AFTER SALE: Please be reminded that title the Sale Office files AT LEAST 12 HOURS PRIOR TO SALE SES- 123 123 passes at the fall of the hammer, at which time the purchaser SION. If paperwork is not completed, the horse WILL NOT BE 123 SOLD and the appropriate fees will be charged to the consignor. 123 assumes all risk and responsibility for the horse. ALL HORSES 123 123 MUST BE MOVED FROM THE SALE PREMISES BY NOON OF THE STALLS AND HIP NUMBERS are assigned by the Sale com- 123 123 DAY FOLLOWING THE SALE. Horses remaining after that time pany and CANNOT BE CHANGED by the consignor. 123 123 are left at the buyer’s risk and are the buyer’s responsibility. 123 DO NOT REMOVE HIP NUMBERS from horses once they have 123 Any delays in shipment of horses must be approved by SOUTH- 123 been applied. 123 EASTERN ARENA & BOB HAMILTON. Horses being removed from 123 sale area must have Sale Hip Number still visible and a Paid 123 CATALOG UPDATES must be turned in to the Sale Office THREE 123 Receipt from the Sale Office. 123 HOURS prior to Sale Time. 123 123 BUYERS MUST REGISTER WITH CASHIERS AND OBTAIN 123 ACTING AGENTS: Consignors must fill out a satisfactory 123 A BUYERS NUMBER before sale time. YOU MUST HAVE A “AGENTS AUTHORIZATION” form if you are using an Agent to 123 123 BUYERS NUMBER TO PURCHASE HORSES. Please print your act on your behalf. 123 123 name and address clearly since this document is used for the 123 A NEW HALTER AND LEAD must be furnished by consignor 123 American Quarter Horses Assoc. and all other Breed Assoc. 123 with each horse. CRIBBERS, CRYPT ORCHIDS, “WIND SUCK- 123 transfers, invoicing and in publishing sale results. A letter of 123 ERS”, and EYE, MOUTH OR WIND DEFECTS MUST BE AN- 123 credit from your bank and proper identification must be pre- 123 sented at the Sale Office in order for you to purchase horses. NOUNCED. If such defect exists and is not reported on your 123 123 horses’ catalog page, notify the Sale Office prior to sale time. 123 EXAMINE HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASING. Veterinary 123 123 assistance is available at bidder’s expense on request to the YOU MUST BE THE LAST BIDDER TO REPURCHASE YOUR 123 123 sales company. Please contact the Sale Veterinarian through HORSE – Buyers MAY NOT “pass out” the horse after the final 123 bid. If you are uncertain about this, please inquire at the Sale 123 the Sales Office. EXAMINE HORSES BEFORE BIDDING!!!! 123 office. 123 123 ANNOUNCEMENTS: To avoid making costly errors, please pay 123 123 attention to all announcements made from the Sale Office and NOTICE TO ALL BUYERS 123 123 from the auction stand, especially concerning horses on which ALL ACCOUNTS must be paid IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 123 123 you intend to bid. 123 the sale. All payments shall be in U.S. Currency and on 123 123 ANNOUNCEMENTS TAKE PRECEDENCE U.S. Banks ONLY. Method of payment shall be CASH, 123 123 OVER PRINTED MATERIAL. CASHIER’S CHECK, PERSONAL CHECK (with proper Line 123 123 of Credit), or TRAVELER’S CHECK. NO BANK DRAFTS. All 123 ENGAGEMENTS: Unless announced otherwise, all eligibility 123 Registration papers will be withheld until payments clear 123 payments due after date of sale are the responsibility of the 123 the bank. All returned checks will be immediately turned 123 buyer, who should promptly notify the proper associations of 123 over to the County District Attorney’s office and charges 123 the new ownership in order to receive direct billing. 123 will be filed!!!!! 123 COGGINS TEST: All horses in this sale have been required to 123 123 have been tested for equine infectious anemia (Coggins Test). 123 INSPECT HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASING 123 Test must have been performed within 6 months of the sale 123 123 date. READ SALE CONDITIONS 123 123 123 SEATING: All seating will be on a first come – first served 123 LEAVE HIP NUMBERS ON ALL HORSES 123 basis. There will be no reserved seating. 123 AND LEAVE HORSES IN ORIGINAL STALLS 123 123 THERE IS NO IMPLIED WARRANTY made by the sales com- 123 123 pany or consignor as to the merchantability of fitness for par- 123 ticular purpose of any horse offered for sale in this auction. 123 SPECIAL NOTICE 123 123 PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE CAUTIONED that warranties 123 READ CAREFULLY 123 on horses purchased are only as stated in Terms & Conditions. 123 PURCHASER(S) HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES 123 There is no guarantee as to soundness of prospects. 123 THAT THE SOUTHEASTERN SHOW ARENA, 123 123 123 & BOB HAMILTON, ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE 123 CONDITIONS OF SALE 123 FOR THE WARRANTIES OF THE CONSIGNOR. 123 123 BIDDERS TAKE NOTICE – THIS SALE IS CONDUCTED IN 123 123 ACCORDANCE WITH, AND ALL ACTS OF INTERESTED PAR- 123 TIES AND/OR CLAIMS BY THEM SHALL BE GOVERNED BY, CATALOG AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: 123 123 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF SALE: 123 THE ACCURACY OF ALL INFORMATION OF THE CATALOG 123 123 APPLICABLE LAW: All horses in this sale are offered accord- PAGE(S) IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CON- 123 123 ing to the laws of the state wherein the sale is conducted. The SIGNOR. Consignor shall have the affirmative duty to examine 123 the catalog page(s) on which horses consigned by him appear, 123 right to bid, as provided under law, is reserved for all consign- 123 prior to sale and report any inaccuracies to the Sales manage- 123 ors unless otherwise announced. 123 ment, so that they may make an appropriate announcement at 123 123 THERE IS NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED BY time of sale. While certain information may have been pro- 123 123 THE AUCTIONEER, SPONSORS, OWNER OR CONSIGNOR, cured by undersigned from third parties on behalf of consignor, 123 123 AS TO THE PERFORMING SOUNDNESS, MERCHANTABIL- it is nonetheless solely the responsibility of consignor to verify 123 ITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY 123 the accuracy of such information and to notify the undersigned 123 HORSE OFFERED IN THIS SALE. ALL HORSES ARE SOLD 123 123 4 - SOUTHEASTERN ARENA 12 12 “AS IS” WITH ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEFECTS 12 signors or their representatives, do not constitute settlement. 12 EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN CONDITIONS BELOW. BUYERS 12 Buyer shall present himself or herself to make settlement as 12 SHOULD EXAMINE HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASING. 12 decided above for the full purchase price, such settlement to be 12 12 in the form of U.S. currency or equivalent acceptable to cash- BIDDING PROCEDURE: The person making the highest bid 12 ier. The Acknowledgment of Purchase is not transferable with- recognized by the auctioneer shall be the buyer. The auctioneer 12 12 out the approval of SOUTHEASTERN ARENA and the copy of the shall immediately present the buyer with a document entitled 12 12 Acknowledgment of Purchase retained by the buyer must be Acknowledgment of Purchase for signature. Should such pre- 12 12 presented by the buyer at the time of settlement. sentation not be made prior to commencement of bidding or 12 12 the next lot offered, the buyer shall forthwith identify himself 12 DEFAULTERS: SHOULD BUYER FAIL TO COMPLY IN ANY 12 or herself to auctioneer as buyer and sign the Acknowledgment 12 RESPECT WITH CONDITIONS FROM ABOVE, THE UNDER- 12 of Purchase. In the event that a person other than the recog- 12 SIGNED MAY, IN ITS ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, PURSUE 12 nized buyer signs the Acknowledgment of Purchase, such ac- 12 ANY REMEDY AVAILABLE AGAINST THE DEFAULTING 12 tion shall not give such other person any right or title to the 12 BUYER, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TAKING POS- horse; and immediately that such erroneous signing of Acknowl- 12 SESSION OF THE HORSE, RESALE OF THE HORSE AT PUB- 12 edgment of Purchase becomes known to the auctioneer, he shall 12 LIC AUCTION OR BY PRIVATE TREATY FOR ACCOUNT OF 12 cause the acknowledgment of Purchase to be presented to the 12 DEFAULTER.
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