-•n THE JLttoes of tt)e faints REV. S. BARING-GOULD SIXTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME THE SEVENTH ^- ^ * ^ First Edition published i8j2 Second Edition .... ,, iSgy New and Revised Edition, i6 vols. ,, ^9^4 ^ -»J, vy^Vyy-r^y^ ^ ^ THE iLitieg of tjje faints BY THE REV. S. BARING-GOULD, M.A. With Introduction and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, and Welsh Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work New and Revised Edition ILLUSTRATED BY 473 ENGRAVINGS VOLUME THE SEVENTH U I PARTI 31 ^— 3 EDINBURGH: JOHN GRANT 31 GEORGE IV BRIDGE 1914 * »J, ^ * 3x "7 Printtd by Ballantyne, Hanson &" Co. at the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh — qn ^ »i<- * CONTENTS PAGE PAGE S. Athanasius, Deac. 127 ss. Aaron and Julius . i SS. AudaxandAnatholia 203 s. Adeodatus . 357 Agilulf 211 ss. Alexanderandcomp. 207 B s. Amalberga . 263 S. Bertha . 107 ss. AnatholiaandAudax 203 ,, Bonaventura 327 s. Anatolius, B. of Con- stantinople . 95 Anatolius, B.of Lao- dicca .... 92 Andrew of Crete 106 S. Canute 264 Andrew of Rinn . •;o2 ,, Carileff 12 ss. A n t i o c h u s and SS. Castus and Secun- Cyriac .... 351 dinus .... 3 s. Nicostra- Apollonius 165 ,, Claudius, ss. Apostles, The Sepa- tus, and others . 167 ration of the . 347 ,, Copres and comp. 207 s. Apronia .... 357 S. Cyndeus .... 277 ss. Aquila and Pris- „ Cyril 205 cilla 182 „ Cyrus of Carthage . 321 *- * >^ -* VI Contents D PAGE Datus 90 Dentlin 323 Deusdcdit, Abp. of Canterbury . .357 Disibod .... 1S7 Dominica .... 137 Donald 358 Drostan .... 278 E s. *- 'Ki Contents Vll N S PAGE PAGE SS. Nabor and comp. 256 S. Sara 305 Nicostratus SS. ,, and Secunda and Rufina 254 others . .167 „ Secundinus and S. Noyala 140 Castus .... 3 Separation of the Apos- O tles 347 S. Serf or Servan . 9 S. Odo, Abp. of Can- „ Sexburga . .158 . .Ill terbury Sidronius SS. Odran and Medran 168 ,, .... 277 SS. and Placi- S. B. of Sigisbert Otto, Bamberg 44 dus 2S0 „ Oudoc, B. of Llan- S. Silas 304 daff 39 „ Sisoes 140 Our Lady of Hal . 275 SS. Stephen and comp. 125 S. Sunnifa 195 „ Swithun .... 40 S. Palladius .... 143 „ Simeon Salus . 26 ?) Pambo 5 1) Pantccnus .... 167 SS. Patermuth and comp 207 S. Theodore . s. Paul the New . .193 SS. Paulinus and comp. 285 Peregrinus and others . .166 B. Peter of Luxemburg 85 S. Philomena . .128 Phocas 320 SS. Placidus and Sigis- bert 280 S. Plechelm .... 358 SS. Processus and Mar- tinian .... 34 Procopius of Prague 123 Procopius of Caesa rea .... 184 R S. Ragnulf .... 323 „ Regina 31 „ Reginswinda . 359 SS. Romulus and comp. 131 „ Rufina and Secunda 254 S. Rumbold .... 27 ,J( Ijl LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Tribute Money Frontispiece After a Fresco by Masaccio in the Church of S. M. del Carmine at Florence. The Visitation of the B.V. Mary . toface p. 32 From the Vienna Missal. The Visitation of the B.V. Mary . » 34 After DoMENico Ghirlandajo's Fresco in the Church of Santa Maria Novello, Florence, Tailpiece on p.ZZ Reliquary, Thirteenth Century, Flemish to face p. 124 Preserved in the Convent of Dames dii Sacrt'- Coiir, A/ons. Romanesque Censer from Lille . on p. 130 Altar at S. Gervais at Maestricht . to face p. 164 ' An Early Flemish Reliquary . ., 164 The Martyrs of Gorkum .... ., 224 " Facsimile of an Engraving in Theatrum Crii- delitatunt Hcnreticorum nostri temporis," Antwerp, 1587. *- -* List of Illustrations lAILPIECE on p. 250 SS. Felicitas and her Seven Sons . to face p. 250 After Cahier. S. Amalberga . o . , „ 262 After Cahier. S. Veronica ...,.,. „ 288 Tailpiece w?/. 319 Well in the Cathedral at Ratisbon . „ 346 of the SS. to Separation Apostles . face p. 348 *- -* ti<- Lives of the Saints July 1. S. Aaron, //it First High Priest, and Ms sister Miriam, b.c. 1453. S. Esther, Q. at Shushan, B.C. circ. 470. S. Martin, B. o/Vienne in Gaul, ^nd cent. SS. Julius and Aaron, MM. at Caerlcon in Britain, a.d. 304. SS. Castus and Secundinus, BB., MM. in CainJ>ania. S. Pambo, Ab. in the Nitrian Desert, end of ^th cent. S. Hilary, P. o/Oise, near Le Mans. S. Floregius, B. at Estaing, near Rhodez. S. DoMlTlAN, Ab. at S. Rembert in the Jura, i,th or sth cent. S. Servan, B. 0/ Orkney, c^th cent. S Theodoric, P.H. at Mont d'Or, near Rheiins, a.d. 533. S. Carileff, P.H. at Ani'isole, near Le Mans, circ. a.d. 540. S. Gall, B. of Clermont in Auvergne, a.d. 554. S. Eparchius or Cybard, p. Mk. at Angouleme, a.d. 581. S. Leonore, B.C. in Brittany, 6th cent. S. GoLWEN, B. ofS. Pol-de-Leon in Brittany, 6tk cent. S. Simeon Salus, C. at Emesa in Syria, 6th cent. S. Rumbold, B.M. at Mechlin, Zth cent. S. Regina, Countess of Ostrevandt in Hainault, endofZth cent. Veneration of a Miraculous Host, in the Church ofS. Jean-en-Greve, at Paris. SS. JULIUS AND AARON, MM. (a.d. 304.) [Roman Martyrology. Not in Sarum or York Kalendars, nor in the martyrology of Bede. Ado is the only one who gives them a day, and that June 22nd, along with S. Alban. Baronius seems to have inserted these names on July ist, because he found Aaron, the brother of Moses, to be commemorated on that day. Authorities : —Gildas, who is the " author of the De Excidio Britannicce," for an account of whom see June 22nd, p. 295. After the Briton Gildas, a writer of the 7th cent., is Bede, in his Ecclesiastical History, B. I., c, 7. Geoffrey of Monmouth, whose testimony is only valuable so far as he is a collector of popular legends and ballads, also mentions Julius and Aaron, V., c. 5, and IX,, ILDAS says that SS. Julius and Aaron, "citizens of Caerleon," suffered shortly after S. Alban, " Bede says, At the same time suffered Aaron and Julius, citizens of Caerleon,^ and many ' "Gives urbis legonium," VOL. VII. f -* *- 2 Lives of the Saints. ijuiy i. more of both sexes in several places, who, when they had endured sundry torments, and their limbs had been torn after an unheard-of manner, yielded their souls up, to enjoy in the heavenly city a reward for the sufferings which they had passed through." This is a mere paraphrase of the words of the British Gildas, "The other holy martyrs were tormented with divers sufferings, and their limbs were racked in such unheard-of ways, that they, without delay, erected trophies of their glorious martyrdom even in the gates of the city Jerusalem." Gecfifrey of Monmouth (d. 1154) quotes Gildas also without acknowledgment, "The other two, i.e., Julius and Aaron, after being torn limb from limb, in a manner unheard-of, received the crown of martyrdom, and were elevated up to the gates of the heavenly Jeru- salem." He says elsewhere of Caerleon that "it was in Glamorganshire upon the river Usk, near the Severn Sea .... it was also famous for two churches, whereof one was built in honour ot the martyr Julius, and adorned with a choir of virgins, who had devoted themselves wholly to the service of God ; but the other, which was founded in memory of S. Aaron, his companion, and maintained a convent of canons, was the third metropolitan church in Britain." It will be seen that all derive their information from Gildas, and it is difficult to conjecture whence he drew his. That two martyrs were commemorated at Caerleon is probable enough, but no trustworthy evidence places their martyrdom in the persecution of Diocletian. This is a mere conjecture, apparently, of the not very scrupulous or exact author who calls himself Gildas. Giraldus Cambrensis bears testimony in his Itinerary to there having been the two churches in Caerleon in his day (d. 1223), dedicated to these saints. I * -*i* July 1.] ^S^l Cashes and Seamdimis, SS. CASTUS AND SECUNDINUS, BB., MM. (date uncertain.) [Modern Roman Martyrology, inserted by Baronius. In no Ancient Martyrology are these two names conjoined. Who the Castus is, Baronius inserted in ihe Martyrology, it is not easy to find out. Castus and Cassius, martyrs in Campania, are venerated on May 22nd, at Sora, but the life of these saints in the Breviary of Capua is an adaptation of the life and acti of SS. Castus and Secundinus in the Breviary of Gaeta. In the Martyr- ology of S. Jerome (so-called) there are twenty martyrs of the name of Castus, but not one of them in Campania. On May 22nd occur SS. Castus and Emilius, and these saints are again commemorated at Capua on Oct. 6th, on which day probably their bones were translated Irom Africa at the time of the Vandal invasion, Castus and Emilius having suffered in Africa. Henschenius the Bollandist suspects that the bones oi this S. Castus got dispersed among several churches, as those of Sora, Gaeta, and Beneventum, and that a supposition arose that these relics belonged to distinct martyrs of the same name, and then an idea sprang up that they had suffered at Sora, and Gaeta, and Beneventum. The Acts of the Church of Capua, on which Baronius relied so confidently, are spurious. Baronius refers to the life of S. Secundinus, written by Guaipherus. But Guaipherus wrote no life of S. Secundinus, but only an account of the translation of the relics of another saint of this name, bishop of Troja. He quotes also as his authority Gregory, bishop ol Terracina, a man of "tenacious memory." But Gregory lived in the 12th cent., and his tenacious memory could not be relied on for events that happened some eight hundred years before he was born.
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