![(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,788,091 B2 Goudar Et A]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
US007788091B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,788,091 B2 Goudar et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 31, 2010 (54) METHODS, DEVICES AND SYSTEMS FOR 6,766,289 B2 7/2004 Kandhadai et a1. IMPROVED PITCH ENHANCEMENT AND 6,789,059 B2 9/2004 Kandhadai et a1. AUTOCORRELATION IN VOICE CODECS 2002/0007269 A1 V2002 G30 2002/0103638 A1 8/2002 Gao (75) Inventors: ChanaveeragoudaV. Goudar, 2003/0078771 A1 4/2003 Jung et 31' Bangalore (IN); Murali M. Deshpande, ghyssen _ ee et al. Bangalore (IN); Pankal Rabha’ 2004/0181400 A1 * 9/2004 Kannan et al. ............ .. 704/223 Bangalore (IN) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Asslgneez Texas Instruments Incorporated’ 3GPP2, “Selectable Mode Vocoder Service Option for Wideband Dallas’ TX (Us) Spread Spectrum Communication Systems,” Dec. 2001, C.S0030-0, _ _ _ _ _ Version 2.0.* ( * ) Nonce: sublect to any dlsclalmer: the term Ofthls 3GPP2, “Selectable Mode Vocoder Service Option for Wideband Pawnt is extended or adjusted under 35 Spread Spectrum Communication Systems,” Dec. 2001, C.S0030-0, U.S.C. 154(1)) by 1315 days. Version 2.0, pp. 3-4, 13-14, 61, 143-145, 159-178, Figs. 5.3-1 and 5.6-1,2. (21) Appl. No.: 11/231,686 Baron, “Five Chips From Tl4or, Is It Six?” Microprocessor Report, Instat-MDR, Mar. 17, 2003, Figs. 1, 3, 4. (22) Filed: Sep. 21, 2005 * Cited by examiner (65) Prior Publication Data Primary ExamineriAngela A Armstrong Us 6’ (74-)AZZOI’I’I6J), Agent, OrFirmiWade Brady, Frederick J. Telecky, Jr. Related US. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT (60) Provisional application No. 60/612,494, ?led on Sep. 22, 2004, provisional application NO_ 60/612,497, An electronic circuit includes a storage circuit and a micro ?led on Sep 22, 2004' processor operable together With the storage circuit as a speech coder. The speech coder has a backward pitch (51) Int. Cl. enhancement in frames or subframes having a length and at G10L 11/04 (2006.01) least one main pulse and at least one backward pitch enhance G10L 19/12 (2006.01) ment pulse preceding the main pulse by a portion of the length (52) US. Cl. ...................... .. 704/207; 704/223; 704/221 Called a pitch lag, and is operable to limit in number any such (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ..................... .. None backward Pitch enhancement Pulse Or pulses to a predeter See application ?le for Complete Search history mined maximum number more than none upon an occurrence When the length divided by the pitch lag is at least one more (56) References Cited than that maximum number. Other forms of the invention involve systems, circuits, devices, processes and methods of U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS operation. 6,470,309 B1 10/2002 McCree 6,493,665 B1 12/2002 Su et al. 40 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets 320 330 340 \ \ / SPEECH, PITCH PERCEPTUAL WEIGHTED INFORMATION WEIGHTING SPEECH / \ FILTER MODIFICATION 350 3/65 /360 SELECT RATE PI'JKQON AND FRAME RATE ssof ESTI TYPE DEPENDENT. TYPE- —> . DEPENDENT SPEECH PROCESSING CTRL _’ VAD CLASSIFY LPC / \ 395/ ANALYZE 385 370 L- LSFSMOOTH LSF QUANTIZATION / \ 390 375 US. Patent Aug. 31, 2010 Sheet 1 019 US 7,788,091 B2 1000 CELILAR WLAN AP —DSL INTERNETO— _ BASE (ACCESS CABLE / ——ETHERNET 1040 \ 1060 CELL PHONE PCB 1020 O / 1010 1080 ‘F / VOICE <-> DSL WLAN <—> CABLE @ @ GATEWAY A_ © @D 1085 C) Q Q USB 0 O G Y G O 6 PERSONAL _DSL _ 1055 o O O :lCOMPUTER ——-—CAB|_E @ —I:_I'HERNET :4 \ 1050 FIG. 1 US. Patent Aug. 31, 2010 Sheet 5 of9 US 7,788,091 B2 FIG. 5 320 \ SPEECH PRE-PROCESSING I I 330\ SPEECH RATE /520 WEIGHTING DECISION I WEIGHTED SPEECH 340/ MODIFICATION I v CODEBOOK PROCESSING 550/ ACB/FCB1/FCB2/FCB3 ERROR FUNCTION: TARGET FILTER SIGNAL MATRIX \ /J 2 8 = llTg-glHlcll / \ GAIN EXCITATION vECToR _:_ _0_ ~ 0 FIG. 6 < ~ 0 Ei=c_+pi= - + - 5 0 ~ 1 <— PULSE — ~ 0 —**_ _0_ elNTP V PITCH ENHANCEMENT: | LSF US. Patent Aug. 31, 2010 Sheet 6 of9 US 7,788,091 B2 FIG. 7 710 \ CALCULATION OF IMPULSE RESPONSE OF WEIGHTED SYNTHESIS FILTER I PITCH ENHANCEMENT OF IMPULSE 720 RESPONSE USING FORWARD AND \ BACKWARD ENHANCEMENTS NUMBER OF BACKWARD ENHANCEMENT Pmax=(|nt)Subframe Size/Pitch lag I PITCH ENHANCED IMPULSE RESPONSE 730 / FOR FIXED CODEBOOK SEARCH FIG. 8 310 \ CALCULATION OF IMPULSE RESPONSE OF WEIGHTED SYNTHESIS FILTER I 820 \ CALCULATE NUMBER OF BACKWARD ENHANCEMENT Pmax=(|nt)Subframe Size/Pitch lag 830 IS SUBFRAME SIZE =53 OR 54? Pmax=min (2,Pmax) 840 f I? PITCH ENHANCEMENT OF IMPULSE / RESPONSE USING FORWARD AND 850 BACKWARD ENHANCEMENTS I CALCULATE AUTOCORRELATION (Phi) 860 / MATRIX OF IMPULSE RESPONSES I CODEBOOK SEARCH USING Phi 870 / MATRIX BASED ENERGY CALCULATION US. Patent Aug. 31, 2010 Sheet 7 of9 US 7,788,091 B2 LAG=17 <I> FIG. 9 20% 25-3 30-: 35-: 40-5 45-3 50-: D 510 15 2025 30354045 50 LAG=17 FIG. 10A US. Patent Aug. 31, 2010 Sheet 8 of9 US 7,788,091 B2 LAG=25 FIG. ]0B 10-: 15-: 25: \ 30-: 35—: LAG=40 FIG. ]0C 0 51015 20 25 30 35 39 US. Patent Aug. 31, 2010 Sheet 9 0f 9 US 7,788,091 B2 1100 FIG. 11 / @1105 IDENTIFY REGIONS OF EQUAL /1110 IMPULSE RESPONSE VECTORS V imax =MAX(i) [1120 imi" : N (D IN REGION imax =MAX 7' 1130 SET i‘=imax AND I=ImaX / 1180 COMPUTE <I>(i,j) WHERE i=i' AND I=r AND STORE <1>(i,j) \1150 I INCREMENTALLY COMPUTE-<I>(i,j) (i min ,j'-i'+imin )} AND STORE @(i, V 1170 imin =1‘min imax =jmax '1 \118O I imin=imin+1 imax =imax \1190 _—______l US 7,788,091 B2 1 2 METHODS, DEVICES AND SYSTEMS FOR communications. An example is Voice over Internet Protocol IMPROVED PITCH ENHANCEMENT AND (VoIP) enabling phone calls over the Internet. AUTOCORRELATION IN VOICE CODECS Wireless and Wireline data communications using Wireless local area netWorks (WLAN), such as IEEE 802.11 compli CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED ant, have become especially popular in a Wide range of instal APPLICATIONS lations, ranging from home netWorks to commercial estab lishments. Other Wireless netWorks such as IEEE 802.16 This application is related to provisional US. Patent Appli (WiMax) are emerging. Short-range Wireless data communi cation Ser. No. 60/612,494, ?led Sep. 22, 2004, titled “Meth cation according to the “Bluetooth” and other IEEE 802.15 ods, Devices and Systems for Improved Pitch Enhancement technology permits computer peripherals to communicate in Voice Codecs,” for Which priority under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) With a personal computer or Workstation Within the same (1) is hereby claimed and Which is hereby incorporated herein room. by reference. Security is important in both Wireline and Wireless com This application is related to provisional US. Patent Appli munications for improved security of retail and other business cation Ser. No. 60/612,497, ?led Sep. 22, 2004, titled “Meth commercial transactions in electronic commerce and Wher ods, Devices and Systems for Improved Codebook Search for ever personal and/or commercial privacy is desirable. Added Voice Codecs,” for Which priority under 35 U.S.C. 1 19(e)(1) features and security add further processing tasks to the com is hereby claimed and Which is hereby incorporated herein by munications system. These portend added softWare and hard reference. Ware in systems Where affordability and poWer dissipation are This application is co-?led so that the present U.S. non 20 already important concerns. provisional patent application “Methods, Devices and Sys In very general terms, a speech coder or voice coder is tems for Improved Codebook Search for Voice Codecs” Ser. based on the idea that the vocal chords and vocal tract are No. 11/231,643 and the present U.S. non-provisional patent analogous to a ?lter. The vocal chords and vocal tract gener application “Methods, Devices and Systems for Improved ally make a variety of sounds. Some sounds are voiced and Pitch Enhancement and Autocorrelation in Voice Codecs” 25 generally have a pitch level or levels at a given time. Other Ser. No. 11/231,686 each have the same application ?ling sounds are unvoiced and have a rushing or Whispering or date, and each of said patent applications hereby incorporates sudden consonantal sound to them. To facilitate the voice the other by reference. coding process, voice sounds are converted into an electrical Waveform by a microphone and analog to digital converter. STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY 30 The electrical Waveform is conceptually cut up into succes SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT sive frames of a feW milliseconds in duration called a target signal. The frames are individually approximated by the voice Not applicable. coder electronics. In speech or voice coder electronics, pulses can be pro BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 35 vided at different times to excite a ?lter. Each pulse has a very Wide spectrum of frequencies Which are comprised in the pulse. The ?lter selects some of the frequencies such as by This invention is in the ?eld of information and communi passing only a band of frequencies, thus the term bandpass cations, and is more speci?cally directed to improved pro ?lter. Circuits and/or processes that provide various pulses, cesses, circuits, devices, and systems for information and 40 more or less ?ltered, excite the ?lter to supply as its output an communication processing, and processes of operating and approximation to the voice sounds of a target signal. Finding making them. Without limitation, the background is further the appropriate pulses to use for the excitation pulses for the described in connection With Wireless and Wireline commu voice coder approximation purposes is involved in the subject nications processing.
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