THE M IN ISTRY by Bishop Wilson x x x x x x ...n n y x xr^oc X)C j c x :. j ü c . j l > L - X X . ^ WITNESS CHICAGO, ILL., JUNE 21, 1934 t M a ■ a BOYS AT FRESH AIR CAMPS AT WILTWYCK Entering the Main House for Chapel m X X X X ' H 'lJLiX z n s x x t y X X X - Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Edito rial and Advertising Office: 931 Tribune Building, New York City. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS OF THE CHURCH For 74 years Shattuck has been a leader ST. MARY’S SCHOOL among church college preparatory schools in MOUNT ST. GABRIEL Q!i?e (general GUjeniagtral the west. Not operated for profit. Aims to Peekskill-on-Hiidson develop BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Seminary HIGH SCHOLARSHIP, MANLY CHARACTER, Under the care of the Sisters of St. Mary. CHRISTIAN CITIZENSHIP. College preparatory and general courses. New Three-year undergraduate course modern fireproof buildings. Extensive: recrea­ of prescribed and elective study. Military system trains for service and patriotism. Boys may be entered at mid-year tion grounds. Separate attention given to Fourth-year course for gradu­ or fall. young children. For catalogue address THE SISTER SUPERIOR. ates, offering larger opportunity Address the Rector, Shattuck School for specialization. Faribault, Minn. Provision for more advanced work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. CHATHAM HALL and S.T.D. SHATTUCK A Church School in » » SCHOOL « « Southern Virginia ADDRESS for Girls Rev. Edmund J. Lee, D.D. T H I DEAN Rector 4 Chelsea Square New York City HALL ä Chatham Virginia Kenosha,WisG^^P' Fbr Catalogue Address the Dean KEMPER A IN T JAMES SCHOOL A Church School for Gi|||IS1 With. ä a YFARtotk|___ modern plan of education. Washington County, Maryland College preparatory and general courses. Diocesan School for Boys Episcopal Theological School High scholastic record, strong faculty. Pre­ s pares for colleges East and West. General CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS The Mother of Church Schools courses include : Domestic Science, Music, on the English Plan Affiliation with Harvard University offers Sculpture, Painting, Costume Design, Interior unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as Decoration, Emphasis on Current Events in Dr. Adrian H. Onderdonk philosophy, psychology, history, relation to History. Headmaster sociology, etc. Development of leisure interests by full For Catalogue Address the Dean athletic program as well as Dramatics, Choir, Studio, Music, Shop, etc. Junior School— Grades 3 to 8. Progressive HOLDERNESS DIVINITY SCHOOL IN methods. In the White Mountains. College Prepara­ For catalog address The SISTERS OF ST. tory and General Courses. Music and Crafts. PHILADELPHIA MARY, Box 25G, Kenosha. Wisconsin. Undergraduate and Graduate Courses For boys 12-19, All sports including riding. Privileges at University of Pennsylvania 200 acres of woods. New fireproof building. Individual instruction. Home atmosphere. DEAN BARTLETT, 42nd and Locust Streets Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector TRINITY COLLEGE Box W Plymouth, N. H. The Protestant Episcopal Hartford, Conn. Theological Seminary in Virginia Offers a general cultural education, with CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL special emphasis on the Classics, Modern New Y ork City For catalogue and other information Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil­ A boarding school for the forty ^ boys of address the Dean osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, the Choir of the Cathedral o f Saint John REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineer­ the Divine. Careful musical training and Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. ing. For information apply, The Dean. daily singing at the Cathedral services. Small classes mean individual attention and high standards. The School has its own building and playgrounds in the Close. Fee— $250.00 Berkeley Divinity per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice St. John Baptist School test and scholarship examination. Addresi School For Girls The Precentor, Cathedral Choir School, Cathedral Heights, New York City. New Haven, Connecticut In the country near Morris­ Affiliated with Yale University town. Under the care of the Address DEAN W. P. LADD Sisters of St. John Baptist. SAINT AGNES CHURCH SCHOOL 86 Sachem Street College Preparatory and Gen­ eral Courses. Music and Art. FOR GIRLS Modern Fireproof Building. New fire proof building ideally situated in Ample Grounds. Outdoor Sports. 33 acres of the best residential section out­ Riding, Tennis. side the city of Albany, New York. Excellent For Catalogue address college preparatory record. Moderate price. Sister Superior, Mendham, N. J. Sports of all kinds. Miss Blanche Pittman, M.A. An Honor Christian School with the highest Londonville Road Albany, N. Y. academic rating. Junior School from six years. Housemother. Separate building. Upper School prepares for university or business. St. K atharine's School TRINITY SCHOOL R.O.T.C. Every modern equipment. Catalogue, Onekama, Michigan. A country boarding Dr. J. J. Wicker, Box 104, Fork Union, Va. Under the care of the Sisters of St. school for boys nine to sixteen. Semi-mili­ Mary. A thorough preparatory school for tary. Fee $55 per month covers cost of uni­ a limited number of girls. Recommended form and all expenses. Also Summer Camp. ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE by leading colleges. Beautiful grounds. Tutorial system of instruction. Pupils may Outdoor sports, riding and swimming. enter any time. Write for catalogue to Rev. Vicksburg, Mississippi Ask for our catalogue. F. L. Carrington, rector. An episcopal school for girls. Accredited SISTER SUPERIOR high school and Junior College. Music, Art, Expression. Sports, riding and swimming. 927 Tremont Ave., Davenport, la. For catalogue, address Mary Leslie Newton, M.A., Dean Stuart H all Virginia Episcopal School An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old tra­ DE VEAUX SCHOOL Lynchburg, Virginia ditions and high standards in the beau­ Niagara Fails, N. Y. tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ Prepares boys for college and university. tory, general courses, and secretarial Boys now housed in Splendid environment and excellent corps of courses. Two years beyond high school. modern, fireproof dormitory. teachers. High standard in scholarship and Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. For catalogue address the mountains of Virginia. New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T Rev. W m. S. Barrows, D.D., Headmaster For catalogue apply to Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector ICarr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. E d itor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Frank E. W ilson Bernard Iddings Bell Managing Editor THE WITNESS John Rathbone Oliver W illiam B. Spofford C. Russell Moodey Literary Editor A National Payer of the E-piscopal Church Irwin St. J. T ucker Gardiner M. Day Voi. XVIII No. 42 JUNE 21, 1934 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly by the Episcopal Church Publis hing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year; in bundles of ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill Quarterly at tnree cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter April 3, 1919, at the postoffice at Chicago. Illinois, under act of March 3. T he Ministry An Editorial by BISHOP WILSON N T H E June issue of the Reader’s Digest is an ar­ 5. Restricted self-expression—haunted by fear of I ticle (reprinted from The Forum) written by a what his people will say about him. That sounds like clergyman entitled “ I Don’t Want My Son to Be a a politician playing up to the public for votes. Anyone Minister.” Seven reasons are cited for the “ don’t in public position is bound to be criticized by someone. want.” The curious feature about it is that thru the I believe there is less of that surrounding the ministry entire article there is not a single mention of spiritual today than ever before. values. It is all social, economic, and personal. With 6. Small salary—limited income. True enough. No very few changes the article might just as well be man ever enters the ministry to make money. Some entitled “ I Don’t Want My Son to Be a School are scandalously underpaid—often to a point which Teacher or a Social Worker.” What about the privi­ ought to make the layman’s conscience writhe. But lege of administering sacraments, of developing and God save the Church, indeed, if the ministry were guiding the spiritual faculties of people, of training ever opened up as a field for financial exploitation. children to a knowledge of God, of bearing witness 7. Impoverished old age. Who would dare apply to Christ? The Apostles would not even recognize that peculiarly to the ministry? How many business a Christian ministry in the whole article. It is a sad men are free from a like prospect? Look at the reports collection of trivialities. of the Church Pension Fund and see how the Church i. Utter loneliness of the ministry. The minister is setting an example in this respect to the whole busi­ has a flock but no intimate friends for fear of being ness life of the country. exclusive. And people never give him a chance to In modern society any business or profession has talk or think about anything but religion. All of its difficulties and its hazards. The clergyman is, or which is absurd. In twenty-five years as priest and should be, concerned with eternal values. The above bishop I have always had warm intimate friends with­ objections are ephemeral beyond words.
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