TRAUMA/BRIEF RESEARCH REPORT Traumatic Cardiac Arrest: Who Are the Survivors? David Lockey, FRCA, FIMC, From the London Helicopter Emergency Medical Service, Royal London Hospital, London, United RCS(Ed) Kingdom. Kate Crewdson, MB, BS, BSc Gareth Davies, FFAEM, FRCP Study objective: Survival from traumatic cardiac arrest is poor, and some consider resuscitation of this patient group futile. This study identified survival rates and characteristics of the survivors in a physician-led out-of-hospital trauma service. The results are discussed in relation to recent resuscitation guidelines. Methods: A 10-year retrospective database review was conducted to identify trauma patients receiving out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The primary outcome measure was survival to hospital discharge. Results: Nine hundred nine patients had out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Sixty-eight (7.5% [95% confidence interval 5.8% to 9.2%]) patients survived to hospital discharge. Six patients had isolated head injuries and 6 had cervical spine trauma. Eight underwent on-scene thoracotomy for penetrating chest trauma. Six patients recovered after decompression of tension pneumothorax. Thirty patients sustained asphyxial or hypoxic insults. Eleven patients appeared to have had “medical” cardiac arrests that occurred before and was usually the cause of their trauma. One patient survived hypovolemic cardiac arrest. Thirteen survivors breached recently published guidelines. Conclusion: The survival rates described are poor but comparable with (or better than) published survival rates for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of any cause. Patients who arrest after hypoxic insults and those who undergo out-of-hospital thoracotomy after penetrating trauma have a higher chance of survival. Patients with hypovolemia as the primary cause of arrest rarely survive. Adherence to recently published guidelines may result in withholding resuscitation in a small number of patients who have a chance of survival. [Ann Emerg Med. 2006;48:240-244.] 0196-0644/$-see front matter Copyright © 2006 by the American College of Emergency Physicians. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2006.03.015 INTRODUCTION Importance Background It is important for providers of emergency care to know the Survival rates of 0% to 3.7% have been reported for true survival rate of patients in traumatic cardiac arrest and to be victims of traumatic cardiac 1-4arrest. Resuscitation of this aware of patient subgroups associated with particularly good or patient group is therefore considered by many to be futile bad outcomes. It is also important to know whether published and an inappropriate use of 1,2,4resources. The National guidelines are reliable. Association of EMS Physicians and the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma produced guidelines in Goals of This Investigation 2003 about withholding or termination of resuscitation in The aim of this study was to establish long-term survival out-of-hospital traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest5 Since. the rates for patients with out-of-hospital traumatic cardiac arrest publication of these guidelines, 2 articles have described who were attended to by a physician-led trauma service. The improved survival rates,6,7 and 1 has described possible characteristics of patients who survived to be discharged from breaches of the guidelines.6 hospital were evaluated. The records of surviving patients were 240 Annals of Emergency Medicine Volume , . : September Lockey, Crewdson & Davies Traumatic Cardiac Arrest Patients are transferred by air or ground to the nearest Editor’s Capsule Summary appropriate hospital. Only interventions judged to be essential What is already known on this topic are carried out on scene. The mean scene time for the survivors Guidelines exist for determining which victims of in this group of patients was 29.2 minutes, and mean transfer traumatic cardiac arrest are candidates for resuscitation. time was 8.5 minutes. The medical team usually arrives shortly after ground What question this study addressed ambulance crews, sometimes at the same time and rarely first. This retrospective study describes a cohort of traumatic When a ground ambulance crew arrives first, a basic life support cardiac patients treated by a helicopter team that or advanced life support protocol is followed, depending on the included an experienced physician. The authors examine level of ambulance service provider (there are 2: technician and whether there were survivors of out-of-hospital traumatic paramedic). When the helicopter EMS medical team arrives, arrest whose resuscitation would not have been attempted they work with the ground crew to achieve the following: had current recommendations been followed. 1. oxygenation/definitive airway What this study adds to our knowledge 2. formal bilateral chest decompression 3. intravenous access/fluid bolus Only 7.5% of the 909 patients in traumatic cardiac arrest 4. advanced cardiac life support survived to hospital discharge. Thirteen (19%) of the 68 5. termination of resuscitation if no response in 20 minutes survivors would not have been resuscitated had current When “medical” cardiac arrest is a possibility, immediate guidelines been followed. Unfortunately, this study did defibrillation is considered. If local criteria for on-scene not address quality-of-life issues or neurologic status of thoracotomy are met,8 it is also commenced without delay. survivors. How this might change clinical practice RESULTS This study demonstrates that strict adherence to the In the 10-year study period, a total of 12,086 trauma guidelines by physicians in the field might result in a few patients were attended to by the service. Nine hundred nine potentially salvageable patients being denied lifesaving patients required out-of-hospital CPR. Seven hundred forty measures. Results in paramedic-based systems would be patients (81.4% [95% confidence interval (CI) 78.9% to expected to be less successful. 83.9%]) died in the out-of-hospital phase or in the emergency department (ED). One hundred thirty-one patients (14.4% [95% CI 12.1% to 16.7%]) survived to discharge from the ED, and of these, 68 patients (7.5% [95% CI 5.8% to 9.2%]) examined and checked against each of the criteria in the survived to hospital discharge. The outcome could not be National Association of EMS Physicians/American Collegedetermined of for 38 patients (4.2% [95% CI 2.9% to 5.5%]) Surgeons Committee on Trauma guidelines. who were triaged to other hospitals (Figure). Using medical notes and database information, we attempted to determine the MATERIALS AND METHODS main cause of the cardiac arrest for the blunt trauma survivors. Study Design Six patients had cervical spine injuries, 6 had isolated head A retrospective trauma database review was conducted to injuries, 6 had tension pneumothorax, and 9 had traumatic identify all patients who had out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary asphyxia. resuscitation (CPR) between July 1994 and June 2004. Data Eight of the survivors of penetrating trauma had cardiac were evaluated for patients transferred directly from the accident tamponade at out-of-hospital thoracotomy. Hypovolemia was scene; interhospital transfers were excluded. This service is considered to be the cause of cardiac arrest in the one other occasionally dispatched to medical cardiac arrests in special survivor sustaining penetrating injury. One survivor underwent circumstances (eg, where access is difficult). These patients were an on-scene thoracotomy after blunt chest trauma. also excluded. Patients who were confirmed dead on the scene Thirteen patients (36%) of 36 who were in cardiac arrest as a and not transported to the hospital were included. Patients who direct consequence of blunt or penetrating trauma breach the had had cardiac arrest as a result of burns, hanging, traumatic National Association of EMS Physicians/American College of asphyxia, electrocution, and drowning were also included. The Surgeons Committee on Trauma guidelines.5 The breaches were primary outcome measure was survival to hospital discharge. related to the following sections of the guidelines: The helicopter emergency medical service (EMS) in which ● Resuscitation efforts may be withheld in any blunt trauma the study was conducted is a long-established out-of-hospital patient who, according to out-of-hospital personnel’s trauma service consisting of a physician and flight paramedic. thorough primary patient assessment, is found apneic, Physicians have at least 5 years of postgraduate experience and pulseless, and without organized ECG activity on the arrival come mainly from emergency medicine and anesthesiology. The of EMS at the scene (5 patients breached). service operates from an urban teaching hospital in the United ● Victims of penetrating trauma found apneic and pulseless by Kingdom. Dispatch criteria target patients with severe trauma. EMS, according to their patient assessment, should be Volume , . : September Annals of Emergency Medicine 241 Traumatic Cardiac Arrest Lockey, Crewdson & Davies 909 patients (100%) 740 early deaths 131 early survivors 38 unknown outcome (81.4%) (14.4%) (4.2%) [CI: 78.9%-83.9%] [CI: 12.1%-16.7%] [CI: 2.9%-5.5%] 63 late deaths 68 long term survivors (6.9%) (7.5%) [CI: 5.3%-8.6%] [CI: 5.8%-9.2%] Penetrating trauma Suspected ‘medical’ arrests Stabbing 9 Assault 1 Fall 5 Total 9 Motor vehicle collision 5 Total 11 Blunt trauma Other Motor vehicle collision 17 Assault 1 Conflagration 5 Fall from height 4 Electrocution 5 Struck by falling object 1 Drowning 11 Hanging 3 Crush injury 1 Total 21 Total 27 Figure. Outcome of traumatic cardiac arrest and mechanism of injury for survivors. rapidly assessed for the presence of other signs of life, such as LIMITATIONS pupillary reflexes, spontaneous movement, or organized ECG activity. If any of these signs are present, the patient The study is retrospective and observational. Follow-up data should have resuscitation performed and be transported to were unavailable on 4.2% of patients, and a major drawback of this the nearest ED or trauma center. If these signs of life are study is the lack of information on the functional outcome of the absent, resuscitation efforts may be withheld (1 patient survivors.
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