www.thebreeze.org "Knowledge is Liberty VOL. 78, NO. 20 M M A D I S N DOW JONES 62.56 t B R E E Z E doiti 10.S17.tf u N MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2000 Will Eight Teams Get The Axe? Ian. 112001 Boanl of Vkitnni nttvts. i.inuary 2000 P. isstbK' vote on nxwnmenJahoro.nnimlations.^e^^r^^M ^v ' tov Nov«nb*r2000 1L is Centennial Sport. ( oounittre. Bourne to present rccommendotioos about the possible elimination of eight tea ;000 tuRi- -i port anu Bourne's reonnmcniljtioni made public. (onimtttov' pren'nts report i to tomidw Iwdback rrw> *ll ; hen toAthW).-l>imioiJ*tlBourne. reganlin&Boume»m.»mmcndJuoii». RYAN PUDLOSKI /$raplac* nfrtor Eight athletic programs in clanger BY TOM STEINFELDT news editor not limited to" the eight teams. The bill is expected to recommendations to Bourne in May, Committee Chair Al pass when voted on this week. Menard said. The report has not yet been disclosed to the Athletes and other students are protesting the possible The potential elimination of these teams stems from public and Menard, the assistant vice president for insti- elimination of eight sports teams. a Centennial Sports Committee study that evaluated tutional effectiveness, would not comment on the recom- Athletic Director Jeff Bourne is expected to announce Title IX compliance and funding levels for all of JMU's mendations. his recommendations on the fate of the teams as soon as 27 sports programs. Title IX requires the number of Bourne was not available for comment. this week. male and female athletes to be representative of the stu- Menard, whose job is not affiliated with athletics, said The women's archery, fencing and gymnastics teams, dent body. The current student body is 58 percent the report is a working document at this point and it is up and the men's archery, gymnastics, swimming, tennis female, according to the JMU Web site. The study was to Bourne to make recommendations. Bourne will pre- and wrestling programs may be eliminated by the uni- designed to inform the new administration about ways sent his recommendations to Rose, at which point the versity. to improve the university's use of athletic resources for committee's report and Bourne's recommendations are A school-wide petition on behalf of the nearly 150 ath- the future. expected to be made public. Feedback from a wealth of letes on the eight teams against the elimination began cir- Information regarding funding decisions is vague, as areas, including students, athletes and alumni will be culating Oct. 27. As of yesterday, 1,972 signatures have it is not known which programs would receive a signifi- considered. been collected. Signatures will continue to be collected cant portion of the additional funds created by eliminat- A final recommendation would then likely go to the until January, when the petition will be presented to the ing eight teams. Canceling eight programs would leave Board of Visitors for approval. The Board next meets on Board of Visitors. JMU with 19 teams, 11 women's and eight men's. Jan. 12,2001. The Student Government Association drafted a Bill of Tasked by JMU President Linwood Rose in January, Word that certain programs were in jeopardy began the 15-member committee made a comprehensive analy- Opinion that calls for the rejection of "recommendations see ATHLETES, page 7 to discontinue existing athletic programs including but sis of the sports programs and presented its findings and Dukes force the Black Bears into hibernation BY TRAVIS CLINGENPEEL assistant sports editor Pack and into the hands of Coates. Coates returned the ball to the Maine 45. Nine A year ago JMU turned the ball over four times plays later senior quarterback Charles Berry connect- against the University of Maine in a 26-20 loss in ed with freshman wide receiver Alan Harrison for an Orono, Maine. The loss ended the Dukes' chances at 11-yard touchdown reception to open up the scoring. an undefeated conference record and sole possession Berry later completed a 16-yard touchdown pass to of the Atlantic 10 tide. sophomore Brannon Goins to open up a 13-0 lead JMU remembered that going into Saturday's after an interception by senior safety Ron Atkins. match-up with the Black Bears. JMU scored 15 of their 22 points off of "That game last year was a heartbreaker," senior turnovers. cornerback Mark Coates said. "It was payback "On defense we know we need to get turnovers [today]." to put our offense in situations to score," senior On Saturday the Dukes forced Maine to turn the defensive end Chris Morant said. ball over five times, three inside the JMU 10-yard "There's no getting away from what the game line, in a 22-7 JMU win. came down to," Maine coach Jack Cosgrove said. On the game's first possession, the Black Bears "Us moving the ball all over the field but getting into had driven the ball down to the Dukes' 9 when a the red zone and giving it back to them." play ensued that would characterize the afternoon. JMU coach Mickey Matthews gave the credit for Maine quarterback Jake Eaton threw a pass to tight the turnovers to his defensive unit The Black Bears were able to amass 388 total ROBERT NATTIsenior photographer end Chad Hayes at the right sideline that Hayes couldn't handle. The ball bounced off of Hayes, off Sophomore Reggie Taylor (#21) make* a tackle during Satur- the shoulder pads of Dukes' senior linebacker Derick see DUKES, page 7 day's win over the University of Maine Black Bears. Men's Soccer Meets Its Goals Sounds Heard Round The Valley ■::y.'ii By The Skin of Their Teeth Activists Abound The men's soccer team wrapped up their regu- Valley Voice, a radio-reading service, speaks to Marijuana laws, homosexual Evoking a variety of emotions, - lar season with a 3-0 victory over George Mason ^^. those who are print-impaired and lets them have rights and other issues were ■Skin, the graduate student show in on Saturday. Junior Reggie Rivers had two goals what so many others take for granted. raised at the student political Zirkle House, includes pieces that interest forum. Page 3 •make viewers' skin crawl." Page 21 in the game. Page 29 Pages 18-19 Monday, November 6, 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR NEWS Student political interest forum 3 Demetric Walker tribute 3 MONDAY, NOV. 6 • Yoga Club, 5 p.m., Taylor 305, e-mail Kai at safranka Election 5 American Criminal Justice Association/Lamb- da Alpha Epsilon meeting, 6:15 p.m., • Organization Representative Council meeting, 9 p.m., Harrison A205A, call Dan at 560-2524 Taylor 402, e-mail Dave at kenneddw OPINION • Campus Assault Response WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8 (CARE) meeting, 6:30 p.m., House Editorial: Could registration • Brown Bag Lecture Series, "lonesco's Macbett Murders Taylor 302, e-mail Andrea Milo woes have been avoided this time? 12 at miloal Shakespeare's Macbeth"by Tom King, 12:20 to 1:10 p.m., Hillcrest House Breeze spotlight: Who is your • Planetarium program, 6 and favorite Simpsons character? 12 7 p.m., Miller 102 (John C. Wells Planetarium), free, Student responds to Glass' "different call JMU-STAR take on White House race- by Sean McWeeney 13 TUESDAY, NOV. 7 Darts & Pats 13 Letters to the editor 15 • Transfer Student Organiza- TO SUBMIT A DUKE DAY EVENT: E-mail Richard at The Breeze at saksharh with the information (event, date, location, contact info, tion meeting, 6 to 7 p.m., Tay- etc.) Please submit by Friday for a Monday issue and Tuesday for a lor 311, call Brian at 433-6692 Thursday issue FOCUS Valley Voice 18-19 POLICE LOG WEATHER STYLE ASEY BONDS Zirkle house 21 police reporter The subject is described as a Today C white male, in his late 20s to early "Macbett" preview 21 John P. Kronk, 19, of 30s, with curly hair. He was Partly cloudy "The Zoo Story" preview Harrisonburg, was served with a reportedly wearing a hat, glasses High 57 Low 36 23 warrant on Oct. 31 at 5:19 p.m. for and light colored jeans. "The House of Blue Leaves" review 23 nine outstanding charges related to Officers reportedly searched the a series of vehicle break-ins and area and found many people in and High Low Salsarengue 25 auto thefts that reportedly occurred around the tot, but no one matching Tuesday Scattered showers 63 45 between Sept. 26 and Sept. 30 in the given description was found. African dance ensemble 25 R2 lot. The complainant also reported Wednesday Partly cloudy 68 44 The warrants served were for that there was a male student SPORTS three grand larceny charges, four walking out of the tot at the time of Thursday Partly cloudy 63 41 destruction of personal property the incident. When she tried to get Men's soccer charges and two criminal his attention, he reportedly fled west Friday Scattered showers 58 35 29 trespassing charges. through the woods toward the Swimming Purcell Park residential area. 29 In other matters, campus police The matter has been reported to Sports Beat 31 report the following: the Harrisonburg Police and MARKET WATCH facilities management will expedite Friday. Nov. 3.2000 Blitz Over Easy 31 Indecent Exposure clearing brush back as far as • A man reportedly exposed possible. DOW JONES AMEX LIFESTYLES himself to a woman in a wooded 62.56 3.08 area west of R2 lot on Nov. 1 at Alcohol Poisoning close: 10,817.95 close: 919.58 Horoscope 34 12:45 p.m.
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