Appendix of Orations: References and Index

Appendix of Orations: References and Index

Appendix of Orations: References and Index This reference list, though not exhaustive, enumerates all primary sources I was able to locate.1 Their versions vary to a smaller or greater extent. For block quotations cited in the present volume, the first source listed refers to the version transcribed. The Index column lists pages in the present volume where orations are quoted or referenced. Ora- tors are listed alphabetically, and their orations are listed in chronological sequence. No. Key lines Place الّلهّم ٱنصر ًعليّا على الحّق ʿAbdallāh ibn al- 1.1 .1 ʿAbbās Basra فإنكّم تقاتلون المحلّين القاسطين 1.2 Ṣiffīn الحمد لل ّٰه ّرب العالمين الّذي دحا تحتنا سبعًا … ساقنا قدرنا إلى ما 1.3 ترون Kufa إّن للحّق أناًسا 1.4 Basra قد جاءني من أمير المؤمنين يأمرني بإشخاصكم 1.5 Damascus الحمد لل ّٰه الّذي ألهمنا أن نحمده 1.6 Damascus نعمهلكإنّالل ّٰه وإنّا إليه راجعون … وقد بلغني الّذي أظهرت من 1.7 الفرح Mecca واعجبًا كّل العجب لٱبن الزبير يعيب بني هاشم وإنّما شرف هو 1.8 وأبوه وجّده بمصاهرتهم Medina على رسلك أّيها القائل في أبي بكر وعمر والخلافة 1.9 Damascus فإّن الل ّٰ ًهخلقالخلقغنيّا عن طاعتهم ʿAbdallāh ibn al- 2.1 .2 Ahtam Ṣiffīn إّنمعاويةٱدّعىماليسله ʿAbdallāh ibn Budayl 3.1 .3 1 References to Ṣafwat’s (modern) anthology of orations are placed in parentheses. For many texts, he presents an “amalgamated” version, and he flags this (to me, problematic) approach in his Introduction (Ṣafwat, 1:5). © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2019 | doi:10.1163/9789004395800_015 Tahera Qutbuddin - 9789004395800 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 06:39:28PM via free access appendix of orations: references and index 487 Context References Index habitual oration ending Ibn Khaldūn, 269; Ibn al-Azraq, 1:244 84, 284 rallying the Basrans to fight Muʿāwiyah Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 3:187; (Ṣafwat, 1:326) 305 encouraging the Iraqis to fight Minqarī, 317–318; Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 5:251; Idrīs, 3:192–193; 73, 128, Muʿāwiyah (Ṣafwat, 1:350–351) 305, 319 after Arbitration chastising Abū Mūsā Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:326; Nuʿmān, Sharḥ al-akhbār, 2:7; Ibn 180 and ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ Qutaybah, Imāmah, 1:158; Idrīs, 3:388–389; (Ṣafwat, 1:393) encouraging the Basrans to join ʿAlī in Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 5:78–79; Ibn al-Athīr, 2:689–690; (Ṣafwat, 179 fighting the Khārijites 1:394) response to Muʿāwiyah’s call for oath of Ibn Qutaybah, Imāmah, 1:194; (Ṣafwat, 2:247) 68, 74, 82 allegiance to Yazīd eulogy of Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī at Muʿāwiyah’s Jāḥiẓ, Bayān, 4:71–72; Ibn Qutaybah, Imāmah, 1:197; 210 court (Ṣafwat, 2:99–100) response to Ibn al-Zubayr’s insult of Ābī, 1:289; Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 20:129; (Ṣafwat, 2:123) 144, 215 Hāshimids another response to Ibn al-Zubayr’s Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 20:132; (Ṣafwat, 2:119–120) 215 insult of Hāshimids homily addressed to the caliph Jāḥiẓ, Bayān, 2:117–118; Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:85–87; Ibn ʿAbd 83 al-Ḥakam, 97; Ibn al-Jawzī, Sīrah, 156; (Ṣafwat, 2:420–421) encouraging his tribesmen to fight Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 5:16; Minqarī, 234; Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 5:186; 294, 325 Muʿāwiyah (Ṣafwat 1:352) Tahera Qutbuddin - 9789004395800 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 06:39:28PM via free access 488 appendix of orations: references and index No. Key lines Place Damascus الحمد لل ّٰه أهل الحمد ومنتهاه ʿAbdallāh ibn Jaʿfar 4.1 .4 al-Ṭayyār Kufa فإّن أمير المؤمنين عبد الل ّٰه بن الزبير بعثني على مصركم وثغوركم ʿAbdallāh ibn al-Muṭīʿ 5.1 .5 Kufa فقد علمت الّذين صنعوا هذا منكم من هم 5.2 Yemen إنّا ندعوكم إلى كتاب الل ّٰه ʿAbdallāh ibn Yaḥyā 6.1 .6 al-Ibāḍī Medina الحمد لل ّٰه الّذي ألّف بين قلوبنا ʿAbdallāh ibn al- 7.1 .7 Zubayr Mecca إّن فيكم رجلًا قد أعمى الل ّٰه قلبه 7.2 Mecca إّن أهل العراق غدر فجر إلّا قليلًا … أفبعد الحسين نطمئّن إلى 7.3 هؤلاء القوم Mecca ألا وإنّه قد أتانا خبر من العراق 7.4 Mecca إّن مصعبًا قّدم أ يره وأّخر خيره 7.5 Mecca إّن الموت قد تغّشاكم سحابه 7.6 Mecca يا آل الزبير لو طبتم لي نفسًا عن أنفسكم 7.7 multiple الّلهّم إّن ذنوبي قد عظمت ʿAbd al-Malik ibn 8.1 .8 Marwān Kufa وقد زبنتنا الحرب 8.2 Mecca إنّي والل ّٰه ما أنا بالخليفة المستضعف 8.3 unspecified إّن الل ّٰه حّد حدودًا وفرض فروًضا 8.4 Tahera Qutbuddin - 9789004395800 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 06:39:28PM via free access appendix of orations: references and index 489 Context References Index response to Muʿāwiyah’s call for oath of Ibn Qutaybah, Imāmah, 1:196; (Ṣafwat, 2:247) 74 allegiance to Yazīd arriving as Ibn al-Zubayr’s tax collector Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 6:10; Ibn Aʿtham, 6:225; Ibn al-Athīr, 3:291; 200, 215 (Ṣafwat 2:76–77) during Mukhtār’s attack on him Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 6:31; Ibn Ṭāhir, 32; Ibn Aʿtham, 6:238–239; 68 Ibn al-Jawzī, Muntaẓam, 6:55; Balādhurī, 6:394; (Ṣafwat, 2:83–84) following the Khārijite victory Balādhurī, 9:288; Abū l-Faraj, Aghānī, 23:193; Ibn Abī l- 68, 83, Ḥadīd, 5:107–108; Ṣafadī, 17:360; (Ṣafwat, 2:465–466) 97, 189, 377 informing ʿUthmān and the Medinans Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:99–100; (Ṣafwat, 1:278–280) 177, 199, about the successful Muslim raid in 295 North Africa insulting ʿAbdallāh ibn al-ʿAbbās Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:385–386; Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 20:129–130; 215 (Ṣafwat 2:123–127) upon hearing of Ḥusayn’s death Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 5:474–475; Ibn Kathīr, 3:199–200; Sibṭ, 189, 213 Tadhkirah, 268; (Ṣafwat, 2:168–169) on learning that Muṣʿab had been killed Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 6:166. Abū l-Faraj, Aghānī, 19:97–98; Ibn 74, 87, ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:100–101, 384–385; Ibn Qutaybah, ʿUyūn, 88, 120, 2:262–263; Mubarrad, 1:238; Masʿūdī, 3:121; Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 135, 188, 3:262, 299, 4:384–385, 20:138, (Ṣafwat, 2:175–177) 200, 244, 286 ditto, criticizing Muṣʿab Jāḥiẓ, Bayān, 2:95; Abū l-Faraj, Aghānī, 11:125; (Ṣafwat, 88 2:177) on the day he was killed by Ḥajjāj Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:389–390; Ibn Manẓūr, s.v. “ʿḌMKH”; 121, 123 (Ṣafwat, 2:179) on the day he was killed by Ḥajjāj Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 6:191; Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 20:121; (Ṣafwat, 2:180) 77, 87 habitual prayer at oration ending Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:83; (Ṣafwat, 3:361) 83 addressing Iraqis after killing Muṣʿab Qālī, Amālī, 1:11; (Ṣafwat, 2:194–195) 137 ibn al-Zubayr after defeating ʿAbdallāh ibn al-Zubayr Jāḥiẓ, Bayān, 2:244–245; Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:83, 375; 182, 351 (Ṣafwat, 2:192) unspecified Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:375; (Ṣafwat, 2:192) 258, 259 Tahera Qutbuddin - 9789004395800 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 06:39:28PM via free access 490 appendix of orations: references and index No. Key lines Place unspecified اعملوا لل ّٰه رغبة ورهبة فإنّكم نبات نعمته وحصيد نقمته 8.5 ?Damascus خير الأمور أبعدها من التكلّف 8.6 Yemen إّن الل ّٰه تعالى أّيها الملك أحلّك م ًحل ّا رفيعًا … نحن أّيها الملك أهل ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn 9.1 .9 Hāshim حرم الل ّٰه Medina يا معشر المهاجرين إّن ًقطريّا وعبيدة هربا ʿAbd Rabbih al- 10.1 .10 Ṣaghīr Medina يا هؤلاء إّن عندي رأيًا وإّن لـكم نظرًا ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn 11.1 .11 ʿAwf Cordoba ّهذااليومهوأس ما يبنى عليه إمّا ذّل الدهر وإمّا ّعز الدهر ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al- 12.1 .12 Dākhil Kufa يا معشر الشيعة … قدمنا على ّالمهدي… ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn 13.1 .13 Shurayḥ Medina إنّي قائل قولًا فمن وعاه وأدّاه فعلى الل ّٰه جزاؤه Abū Bakr ibn ʿAbdal- 14.1 .14 lāh Medina اللّهّم ٱجعل خير زماني آخره Abū Bakr (first Sunni 15.1 .15 caliph) Medina إّن الل ّٰه بعث محمّدًا رسولًا … ّفخص الل ّٰه المهاجرين 15.2 Medina وليتكم ولست بخـيركم فإن جهلت فقوّموني 15.3 Medina إنّما أنا مثلـكم … فإن ٱستقمت فتابعوني وإن زغت فقوّموني 15.4 Medina إّن الل ّٰه لا يقبل من الأعمال … أين الجبّارون 15.5 Medina يا معشر الأنصار … فنحن وأنتم كما قال طفيل ّالغنوي جزى الل ّٰه 15.6 عنّا جعفرًا Medina قفوا أوصيكم بعشر … لا تخونوا… 15.7 Tahera Qutbuddin - 9789004395800 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 06:39:28PM via free access appendix of orations: references and index 491 Context References Index unspecified Ibn Ḥamdūn, 6:292; Ābī, 3:22; (Ṣafwat, 2:483) 116, 130, 352 Friday sermon Thaʿālibī, Iqtibās, 2:28 327 address to Sayf ibn Dhī Yazan upon his Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 1:280–281; Ibn Ẓafar, 11; (Ṣafwat, 1:76–77) 109, 170, victory over Ethiopia 237 on the night before he was killed in Mubarrad, 3:284; Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 4:211; Balādhurī, 7:436; 76, 327 battle by the Umayyad commander (Ṣafwat 2:458) Muhallab ibn Abī Ṣufrah during Shūrā Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 4:234; Ibn Aʿtham, 2:331; (Ṣafwat, 1:266) 124, 177, 359 Battle of Muṣārah Maqqarī, 3:42; (Ṣafwat 3:162) 302, 327 in support of Mukhtār’s uprising Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 6:14; (Ṣafwat 2:80) 76 lengthy Friday sermon castigating the Nuwayrī, 7:256; Qalqashandī, 1:220–223; Ibn Ḥamdūn, 32 people for criticizing the Prophet’s 6:276; (Ṣafwat 3:227) Companions ending lines for all his sermons Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:61–62; (Ṣafwat, 3:361) 83 Saqīfah speech 3:491; Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 3:219–220; Jāḥiẓ, Bayān, 3:297; Ibn 281 Qutaybah, ʿUyūn, 2:254; Ibn Qutaybah, Imāmah, 1:24; Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:55–56, 245–246; (Ṣafwat 1:174–176) accession speech Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 3:210; Ibn Hishām, 2:491; Nuʿmān, Daʿāʾim, 82, 175, 1:85; Bāqillānī, 137; Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:56; Ibn Qutaybah, 241, 337, ʿUyūn, 2:254; Idrīs, 2:46–47, 85; (Ṣafwat, 1:180) 477, 481 re-sending Usāmah’s battalion Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 3:224; Ibn Abī l-Ḥadīd, 17:159; (Ṣafwat, 1:181) 113, 241 sermon of pious counsel early in Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 3:224; Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 4:56–57; Ibn Kathīr, 112, 355 caliphate 6:334; (Ṣafwat, 1:182) chastising the Allies regarding their Qalqashandī, 13:108; (Ṣafwat, 1:186) 316 objections to his distribution of treasury funds counselling Usāmah and his troops Ṭabarī, Tārīkh, 3:226; Ibn al-Athīr, 2:196; (Ṣafwat 1:187) 136 Tahera Qutbuddin - 9789004395800 Downloaded from Brill.com09/27/2021 06:39:28PM via free access 492 appendix of orations: references and index No.

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