![SENATE 3477 and the National-Defense Program: to the Tery Purposes," Approved April ·28, 1906, Security Administrator to Accept Gifts for Committee on the Judiciary](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1941 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE 3477 and the national-defense program: to the tery purposes," approved April ·28, 1906, Security Administrator to accept gifts for Committee on the Judiciary. in which it requested the concurrence of St. Elizabeths Hospital and to provide for the 936. Also, petition of the Daughters of the administration of such gifts (with an accom­ :American Revolution, Washington, D. C., the Senat~. panying paper); to the Committee on the petitioning consideration of their resolution INTER-AMERICAN mGHWAY THROUGH District of Columbia. with reference to education; to the Commit­ CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLICS (H. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS tee on Education. DOC. NO. 197) Petitions, etc., were laid before the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate by the Vice President, or present­ Senate the following message from the ed by Senators, and referred as indicated: President of the United States, which SENATE By the VICE PRESIDENT: was read, and, with the accompanying A resolution of the City Council of Gard· THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1941 papers, referred to the Committee on ner, Mass., approved by the mayor, favor­ J;"oreign Relations. ing amendment of existing law providing a The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phil­ 30-day lay..:Off period after 18 months of lips, D. D., offered the following prayer: To the Congress of the United States ot employment under theW. P. A.; to ·the Com­ America: mittee on Appropriations. · 0 God, our Maker and Defender, from I commend to the favorable considera­ A resolution adopted by 45 Rotary Clubs of whom cometh every good and perfect gift, tion of the Congress the enclosed report the one hundred thirty-ninth district assem­ and with whom is the ordering of our from the Secretary of State and the ac­ bled in the State of Louisiana, protesting creaturely existence: We beseech Thee to companying draft of proposed legislation against delay in the national-defense pro­ bless our country with Thy patient teach­ to enable the United States to cooperate gram caused by strikes and shut-down of · plants which have contracts for airplanes ing, that it may be cleansed from the with the governments of the American and for the Army and Navy, and requesting stain of every lingering corruption, to the republics in Central America in the sur­ that the Federal Government deal most gradual evolving of a truer and purer vey and c_onstruction of the proposed in­ severely with those responsible for such social order, and the training of the ter-American highway within the bor­ strikes in defense industries; to the Com­ hearts of all our citizens in Thy faith, ders of those republics. mittee on Education and Labor. fear, and love, the fear of naught but FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. Resolutions of the Building and Construc­ consenting to iniquity and the love that THE WHITE HOUSE, May 1,1941. tion Trades Council, of Alton, Dl., and desires and seeks the good of all. Painters Local, No. 487, both of the American Give us greater skiJl in the art of self­ £Enclosures: 1. Report of the Secre­ Federation of Labor, of Sacramento, Calif., tary of Sta~. 2. Draft of proposed bill.] pledging that there will be no stoppage of discipline, so essential in these troublous work because of jurisdictional disputes be­ times. Grant us light to see and grace EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS tween any of the building and construction to follow the paths wherein we shoUld The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the trades on any building or construction proj­ walk, for, though vaguely perplexed, we Senate the following letters, which were ect essential to the speedy and successful are anxious above all else to do our duty completion of the national-defense program; unto our God, our country, and our fel­ referred as indicated: to the Committee on Education and Labor. AWARDS OF CONTRACTS FOR THE ARMY A resolution of Painters Local No. 487, low men. · American Federation bf Labor, of Sacramento, Finally, we ask for the bestowal of A letter from the Secretary of War, re­ Calif., stating that, under employers who are that spirit, at once tender and strong, porting, pursuant to law, relative to divisions recognized as being fair to organized labor, which makes all things ours and makes of awards of certain quantity contracts for when any or all of the building- and con­ us of some benediction to others, even-the aircraft, aircraft parts, anC: accessories there­ struction-trades organizations are unable to spirit of Him who lived abundantly and tor entered inter with more than one bidder supply a full force of building-trades men to under authority of law; to the Committee on man defense projects, every organization affili­ lived withal to heal and bless, Jesus M111tary Affairs. Christ, Thy Son our Lord. Amen. ated with such labor organizations agrees that READING MATI'ER FOR THE BLIND a union employer shall be privileged to em­ THE JOURNAL ploy others than members of the building A letter· from the Acting Postmaster Gen­ and construction trades affiliated with such On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by eral transmitting a draft of proposed legisla­ unanimous consent, the reading of the labor unions until such time as the labor tion to further amend the acts for promoting organizations so affiliated can replace non­ Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday, the circulation of reading matter among the union men with members of their organiza­ April 29, 1941, was dispensed with, and blind (with an accompanying paper); to the tions, or until such nonunion men are re­ the Journal was approved. - Commit~e on Post Oftlces and Post Roads. quested to become members of the respective MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY OF THE unions; to the Committee on Education and APPROVAL OF A ·BILL NAVY Labor. A resolution of the Common Council of the Messages in writing from the President A letter from the Secretary of the Navy, City of Yonkers, N. Y., protesting against the of the United States were communicated transmitting, pursuant to law; a supplemental enactment of legislation which would reduce to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his report for the quarter ended March 31, 1941, the quantity of tropical' raw sugar now 1m­ secretaries, who also announced that on on contracts entered into for buildings, facill­ ported into the United States for refining ties, etc., in accordance with law (with an and distribution; to the Committee on April 29, 1941, the President had ap­ accompanying report) ; and Finance. proved and signed the following act: A letter from the Secretary of the Navy, House Resolution No. 149, agreed to by the S.1059. An act to expedite the national de­ transmitting, pursuant to law, reports of ne­ House of Assembly of the State of California, fense by clarifying the application of the gotiated contracts entered into by the Navy memorializing Congress to enact legislation act of August 24, 1935 ( 49 Stat. 793), as to the Department during the quarter ended March to prevent profiteering In foods and other requirement of mandatory performance and 31, 1941, in accordance with the provisions of necessities of life during continuance of the payment bonds in connection with supply section 2 (a) of Publlc Act No. 671, Seventy­ national-defense emergency; to the Commit­ contracts. sixth Congress (with accompanying reports); tee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on Naval A1fairs. Resolutions unanimously adopted by the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Supreme Lodge of the Order of Ahepa, as­ A message from the House of Repre­ RECLAMATION REPORT ON THE BULLS- sembled at Washington, D. C., favoring the . ~ HEAD DAM PROJECT Mr. enactment of legislation providing universal sentatives, by Megill, one of its clerks, mil1tary service for all young men in America announced that the House had passed the A letter from the Acting Secretary of the between the ages of 20 and 22; repeal of the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 60) relating to Interior, transmitting the Reclamation report Neutrality Act; the designation of an area corn and wheat marketing quotas under on the Bullshead Dam project on the Colorado within the territorial limits of the United the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, River where that stream forms the States where the youth of all nations may as amended, with an amendment, in boundary between Arizona and Nevada (with receive appropriate muttary training, etc.; accompanying papers); to the Committee on the establishment of an American Council of which it requested the concurrence of the Irrigation and Reclamation. Senate. Nationalities for defense of democracy; re­ 'l11e message also announced that the ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS FOR ST. ELIZA­ version to the principles of International law BETHS HOSPITAL tn force prior to enactment of the existing House had passed a bill <H. R. 3538) to Neutrality Act; and amendment _of the na­ amend the act entitled "An act granting A letter from the Administrator of the Fed­ tionality laws so as to insure that no loss of certain lands to the city of Biloxi, in Har­ eral Security Agency, transmitting a draft of American citizenship wm ensue to any per­ nson County, Miss., for park and ceme- proposed legislation to authorize the Federal JOn desiring to enlist for the duration in any 3478 CONGRESSIONAL R·ECORD-SENATE MAY 1 army now fighting the enemies of· democ­ gress of the United States to render such worthless, and bankruptcy will follow:· Now, ·racy; to the Cotnmitt~ee on Military Affairs; ·immediate aid as may be necessary to correct therefore, be it ·. A.jolnt resolution of the Legislature of Cali­ the conditions and avoid the
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