AUGUST 1 2-18 TITUS 1 –PH I LEMON ˙ Song 99 and Prayer APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY ˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less) ˙ Initial Call Video: (4 min.) Play and discuss TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD the video. ˙ “Make Appointments of Elders”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Use the sample [Play the video Introduction to Titus.] conversation. (3) Tit 1:5-9—Circuit overseers appoint as elders ˙ Initial Call: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample those who meet the Scriptural qualifications conversation. Overcome a common objection. (12) (w14 11/15 28-29) ˙ [Play the video Introduction to Philemon.] Initial Call: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation. Then leave a jw.org contact card. (11) ˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) Tit 1:12—Why does this text not justify showing LIVING AS CHRISTIANS ethnic prejudice? (w89 5/15 31 ˚5) ˙ Song 84 ˙ “Young Ones—Be ‘Zealous for Fine Works’”: Phm 15, 16—Why did Paul not ask Philemon to (15 min.) Discussion. Play the video Youths ˚ grant freedom to Onesimus? (w08 10/15 31 4) Honoring Jehovah (video category TEENAGERS). ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) jy chap. 79 What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.) ˙ Song 127 and Prayer What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading? ˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Tit 3:1-15 (5) TITUS 1–PHILEMON “Make Appointments of Elders” 1:5-9 Titus was commissioned to “make appointments of elders in city after city.” This Biblical precedent is followed today when circuit overseers make appointments in the congregation. GOVERNING BODY CIRCUIT OVERSEERS APPOINTED ELDERS Following the first-century pat- Each circuit overseer must Even after elders are appointed, tern, the Governing Body entrusts consider carefully and prayer- they must continue to meet the circuit overseers with the serious fully the recommendations Scriptural qualifications. responsibility to appoint elders made by the elders and then and ministerial servants. appoint the men who qualify. 4 99 Myriads of Brothers (Revelation 7:9, 10) Eb E¨sus4 E¨ A¨/Eb Eb Eb/G A¨ E¨/G F#º Fm7 Bb7 ° b 4 œ &b b4 œ œ œ™ œ œ œ œ™ œ nwœ b œ œ™ œ œ œ œ œ ˙™ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, Mil - lions for all to see, Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, We preach both far and near Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, God keeps us in his sight, œ œ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ? b 4 œ œ™ œ œ œ™ œ œ ˙™ œ œ™ œ œ œ# ˙n ¢ b b4 ˙ ° b Fm7 B¨ Fm7 Bb7 A¨/B¨ B¨7 B¨13 Eb &b b œ™ œ œ œ œ ˙™ œ œ œ œ œ™ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ™ œ œ œ w Each one a faith - ful wit - ness, Firm in in - teg - ri - ty. “Good news of some - thing bet - ter,” Which mil - lions long to hear. Safe in his earth - ly court - yards, Serv - ing him day and night. œ™ œ œ œ œ ˙™ œ œ™ œ œ œ ? b œ œ œ œ w ¢ b b œ œ™ œ œ ˙ œ œ™ œ œ œ ° b E¨sus4 E¨ Ab/Eb Eb Eb7 Db/Eb E¨7 Eb7sus4 Eb7 Ab &b b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ w œ œ™ œ œ œ œ ˙™ bœœ œ™ œ œ œ w Myr - iads we are on myr - iads, Grow - ing, a might - y crowd, And as we keep on preach - ing, Though we at times are stressed, Myr - iads we aœre oœn mœyr - iads, With King™ - doœm neœws we go, ? b œ œ™ œ œ œ œ ˙™ œ œ™ œ œ œ w ¢ b b w Aº Eb/Bb Bbm6/Db C7 F Ab/Bb Bb7 Eb ° b œ œ œ™ œ &b b œ™ œ #œ œ™ œ œ nœœ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ n˙ œ œ™ œ œœb œ w From ev - ’ry na - tion and tribe and tongue, We praise our God a - loud. Je - sus re - fresh - es the wea - ry souls; He gives us peace and rest. God’s fel - low worœk - erœs™ wœe haœve be - come, Serv - ing him here be - low. œ œ™ œ œn œ™ œ œ œ ˙ nœ œ™ œ bœ œ ? b œ œ œb œ œ™ œ w ¢ b b œ ˙ œ œ (See also Isa. 52:7; Matt. 11:29; Rev. 7:15.) 2 TIMOTHY 4:6–TITUS Contents 1596 the work of an evangelizer, fully CHAP. 4 smith did me a great deal of a accomplish your ministry. a Ro 15:19 harm. Jehovah will repay him 6 For I am already being Col 1:25 according to his deeds.a 15 You poured out like a drink offering, b too should be on guard against b Nu 28:6, 7 and the time for my releasing c is him, for he opposed our mes- imminent. 7 I have fought the c Php 1:23 sage to an excessive degree. fine fight, d I have run the race to 16 In my first defense no one the finish,e I have observed d 1Co 9:26 came to my side, but they all for- 1Ti 6:12 the faith. 8 From this time on, sook me—may they not be held there is reserved for me the e Php 3:14 accountable. 17 But the Lord crown of righteousness,f which stood near me and infused pow- g f 1Co 9:25 er into me, so that through me the Lord, the righteous judge, Jas 1:12 will give me as a reward in that the preaching might be fully ac- day,h yet not to me only, but also g Joh 5:22 complished and all the nations to all those who have loved his might hear it;b and I was rescued h 1Pe 5:4 from the lion’s mouth. c 18 The manifestation. Re 2:10 9 Do your utmost to come to Lord will rescue me from every me shortly. 10 For Demasi has i Col 4:14 wicked work and will save me forsaken me because he loved Phm 23, 24 for his heavenly Kingdom.d To him be the glory forever and the present system of things, j Eph 6:21 and he has gone to Thes·sa·lo- Col 4:7 ever. Amen. nica, Crescens to Ga·lati·a, Ti- 19 Give my greetings to Pris- e tus to Dal·matia. 11 Only Luke Second Col. ca and Aq ui·la and the house- f is with me. Bring Mark along a Ps 28:4 hold of On·e·siph o·rus. with you, for he is helpful to me Ps 62:12 20 E·rastusg stayed in Cor- in the ministry. 12 But I have Pr 24:12 inth, but I left Trophi·mush sick j at Mi·letus. 21 Do your utmost sent Tych i·cus off to Eph e·sus. b Ac 9:15 13 When you come, bring the to arrive before winter. cloak I left at Troas with Car- c Ps 22:21 Eu·bulus sends you his greet- pus, and the scrolls, especially ings, and so do Pudens and d Re 20:4 the parchments. Linus and Claudi·a and all the 14 Alexander the copper- e Ro 16:3 brothers. 22 The Lord be with the spir- 4:5 Or “keep preaching the good f 2Ti 1:16 it you show. His undeserved news.” 4:10 Or “present age.” See g Ac 19:22 kindness be with you. Glossary. 4:13 That is, the leather scrolls. h Ac 21:29 4:14 See App. A5. TO TITUS OUTLINE OF CONTENTS 1 Greetings (1-4) 3 Proper subjection (1-3) Titus to appoint elders in Crete (5-9) Be prepared for fine works (4-8) Reprove rebellious ones (10-16) Reject foolish arguments and 2 Sound teaching for young and old (1-15) sects (9-11) Reject ungodliness (12) Personal instructions and Zeal for fine works (14) greetings (12-15) 1597 TITUS 1:1–2:8 1 Paul, a slave of God and an CHAP. 1 mouths, because these very men apostle of Jesus Christ ac- a Ro 6:23 keep on subverting entire house- cording to the faith of God’s holds by teaching things they chosen ones and the accurate b Nu 23:19 should not for the sake of dis- knowledge of the truth that is ac- honest gain. 12 A certain one cording to godly devotion 2 and of them, their own prophet, said: c Ac 9:15 is based on a hope of the ever- “Cretans are always liars, injuri- lasting lifea that God, who cannot ous wild beasts, idle gluttons.” d 1Ti 3:2-7 lie,b promised long ago; 3 but in 13 This witness is true. For his own due time, he made his this very reason, keep on reprov- word known through the preach- e 2Pe 2:10 ing them with severity so that ing entrusted to mec according to they may be healthy in the faith, the command of our Savior, God; f Jas 1:19 14 paying no attention to Jew- 4 to Titus, a genuine child ac- ish fables and commandments of cording to the faith we share: g 1Pe 4:9 men who turn away from the May you have undeserved truth.
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