BAYPORT-BLUEPOINTUNIONFREESCHOOLDISTRICT BAYPORT,NEWYORK Boardof Education JamesS.March President CarolA.Cinelli VicePresident William1. Barry LisaM.Belz VirginiaE.Briefs LeonardCamarda AndreaM.O’Neill DeborahPfeiffer Andrew1.Wittman,Jr. Superintendentof Schools RichardW.Curtis AssistantSuperintendentfor Curriculum,Instruction, and GeneralAdministration JoanE.Grazda AssistantSuperintendentfor Business DorleeseJ.Stewart Home &CareersGrades6-7(new) Summer2002 Writers ElisaBernstein RalphLeoce 2002 2003 SchoolYear HOME AND CAREERSKILLS CURRICULUM Grades 6 & 7 The Home and Career Skills program is designed to prepare middle school students for life in a changing society. The development and application of basic decision-making, problem-solving and management skills to everyday living situations is the overall goal of the program and, as such, forms the underlying thread of all curricular activities. It is through the acquisition of these basic process skills, and the use and application of the academic core subjects within the program that students gain the knowledge that will enhance their ability to meet the challenges of family life and the world of work. NEW YORK STATE LEARNING STANDARDS FOR HOME ECONOMICS FOR GRADES K -12 (ii) STANDARD 1: PersonalHealth and Fitness Students will have the knowledgeand skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health. STANDARD 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire the knowledgeand ability necessaryto create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. STANDARD 3: ResourceManagement Students wiMunderstand and be able to managetheir personal and community resources. NEW YORK STATE LEARNING STANDARDS FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND OCCUPATIONA L STUDIES FOR GRADES K - 12 (i 9 ) STANDARD 1: Career DeveloDment Students will be knowledgeableabout the world of work, explore career options, and relate personalskills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions. STANDARD 2: Integrated Learning Students will demonstrate how academicknowledgeand skills are applied in the workplace and other settings. STANDARD3a: Universal Foundation Skills Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competenciesessential for successin the workplace. STANDARD 3b: Career Majors Students who choosea career major will acquire the career specific technical knowledge/skills necessaryto progress toward gainful employment, career advancement, and successin post-secondaryprograms. Homeand CareersGrades6-7 Tableof Contents ConceptOverview Page Grade6 Concept1: PersonalDevelopment 1 Concept2: Foodsand Nutrition 26 Concept3: SewingSkills 55 Grade7 Concept4: Consumerism 62 Concept5: Foodsand Nutrition 80 Concept6: MoneyManagement 146 Concept7: CareerPlanning 167 Concept8: Housingand Interiors 207 Concept9: SewingSkills 230 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson,Alan. CareerEducation/PersonalFinance. Melville, NY: Newsday,n.d. Balancing Workand Family. DesMoines,Iowa: Iowa State University College of Family and ConsumerSciences& Iowa Department of Education, 1988. TheDevelopingChild. NewYork: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2000. Foster,JosephineA., et al. CreativeLiving: BasicConceptsin Home Economics.. NewYork: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 1994. 4-H TeenConsumerEducationProgram. Ithaca: Cornell University, n.d. Holbrook, Mary and Shirley Van Home. Homeand Family Life Education. Portland: J. WestonWalch, 1991. Independent Study Projectsfor HomeEconomics. Portland: J. WestonWalch, 1991. Kristenson,Jodi. CareerDecisionMakingfor MiddleSchools. Owatonna, MN: LearningZone Express,n.d. Love, Sally. Writing ChecksRight Student Workbook. MonmouthJunction, NJ: CambridgeResearchGroup, 1991. Martin, Hopeand SusanGuengerich. Integrating Math in the Real World: The Math of Housesand Other Buildings. Portland: 3. WestonWalch, 1999. Sherwood, Ruth F. Homes: Todayand Tomorrow. NewYork: Glencoe/McGraw Hill, 1997. Sossin, Karen. TheDangersof Dieting: Recognition& Awarenessof the FemaleAthlete Triad. NewYork State EducationDepartment, n.d. “What is a House? The Dream We Live In” video. LakeZurich, II: Learning Seed, 1999. Periodicals CareerZone Choices ConsumerReports Newsday New York Times GRADE 6 CONCEPT 1: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GOAL 1: To recognizeone’s personalstrengths, aptitUdes, and interests. (HE 1) OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will define terms related to personality development. 2. Students will understand the factors which affect the formation of one’s personality and self-concept. 3. Students will compare and contrast characteristics of positive and negative self-esteem. ACTI VI TIES : 1. Logo design project 2. PersonalityTraits worksheet 3. Personality crossword 4. Self-esteem grid 5. I’m Comfortable worksheet * Note * HE = Home EconomicsStandard 1,2,3 I Home Ecoflom.LCS Period ____Nare “A1 F 4 Oi • , LOGO: A symbol or signwhichrepresentssomething. Eachpartof theHome Economicslogo,at the left, representssomethingabout Home Economics: The colors.... - Blue is a primarycolor, a foundationcolor. 1{omeEconomicsprovidesa foundationformanagingYourpersonal,familyand work lives. Greenis thecolorof growthand renewal. HomeEconomicsmeetsnew demandsof societyand preparesindividualsto be competent,confidentand caringin an everchangingworld. The opencircle.... .depictssupportwithoutbeingexclusive.Home Economicsextendsbeyondits own circleand reachesout to the coaununityand largerworld. The arrowsand the linesthroughthewords.... .denotemovementand energy. They representthe enthusiasmHomeEconomistsshow in their personallife and in their work. ‘ ‘ ‘V ‘V. ‘V. ‘V ‘i” ‘ ‘V ‘V ‘V ‘ ‘V ‘V. ‘V ‘V ‘V me logorepresents.... Can you think of someother,well individualsand families known logos? • . traditionaland contemporary For The from .children,adolescents,and adults Example: Apple men aridwomen AppleComputer l — It representsoccupationaleducation.... people going to work people taking pride in their work YOURASSIGN1ENT: Create your own personallogo. - - i NetworkSystems’ A MITSUBISHI TECHNICAIJXAN’ThING ISPOSSTALE a I’ PERSONALITY 2 YOURPERSONALITY TRAITS Activity A Name ___________________________________________ Chapter 2 Date ________________________PeriocL. Checkallof the personalitytraits listedbelowthat you thinkdescribeyou. Thenanswerthe followingquestions. Agreeable _____ Aloof — Lazy, ______ Bashful Easygoing ______ Careful Excitable ______ ______ Cheerful Understanding ______ Confident Faithful ______ Aggressive Sincere _______ ________________ ) Flightly Friendly ______ Jealous Moody ____ Nice Silly Cooperative Generous ______ ______ Relaxed \ Responsible _______ Critical Grumpy _______ Unreliable Happy ______ Kind Mature ______ Loyal 1. Which of the personality traits that you have checked above would be considered to be desirable? 2. Which of the personality traits that you have checked above would you like to change or overcome? 3. Would your best friend check the same traits to describe you? Explain why or why not __________ PERSONALITY Activity D Name Chapter 2 Date - Period___________ 1. A person with a positive attitude is called a(n) 2. The color of your eyes,hair, and skin are __________ traits. 3. Your __________ traits develop as a result of your environment. 4. A person with a negative attitude is calleda(n) 5. Your __________ includes all of the circumstances in your surroundings. 6. How you feelabout yourself is called your self-__________ 7. ___________ are qualities that make you different from everyone else. 8. Your __________ is the combination of traits that makes you the person you are. 9. Self-__________is the courage to deal with new things and new people in a positive way. 10. __________ are feelings and opinions about people and events. 11. __________ refers to those traits you received from your parents and ancestors when you were born. WORDBANK heredity traits concept inherited environment optimist confidence attitudes pessimist acquired personality 5 e Date PERSONALITY WORD PUZZLE SELF-,WARES5 1 The wordsIn thelist are.11hiddenIn thepuzzle below. They may goacrossupanddown,or in aslantingline.Theymaybeforwardor backward.Findthewords andcirclethem.HUMORhasbeencircled to startyouoff. APPRECIATION HONEST POISE BMVE HUMOR POLITE CHEERFUL KIND PRIDE CONFIDENT LEADERSHIP RESPECT COOPERATIVE LOYAL SINCERE COURTESIES. OPEN-MINDED SYMPATHIZE GENTLE PATIENT UNSELFISH HELPFUL PLEASANT WILUNG LAYO Lu BGRZTSCQPR FNPA T(I ENTDCMYCCS XRWP Q.J Z H N P E C 1 0 0 L Li CHEE RFULOHPROUNG AEFP RENGZNS PGR FT KLJR OIJCLBPEZET IC QPDY MLXI RRRSNEDS MFOH UB I KAMLWTS EY TUIP HWNTVTZ J LI NM NLBA K LI OEM! WEE T P AGLI PV J LRTPO IS EA SINC EREXLVRDNKST ADMB OP ENM I NDEDQH • ESPH SI FLESNUZGRI LCTF EOLMJDRGNWYZ • PIHS R E D A E .L.X P R I D.E SA Li5a’5Grid Readthefollowingdescriptionof eventsin Lisa’sday.Thendrawa doton Lisa’sgrid to indicatehoweacheventaffectedLisa’sday. summer’s a.Lisawakesupto a beautiful,sunny dày. S b.Sheputsona favoriteoutfit.Asshe’seatingbreakfast,heroldersisterwalksin and yells,TMLisa, youlookuglyinthatoutfit.Alithe kidsatschoolaregoingto makefunof you.” c.Onthewayto school,Lisameetsupwithherclosefriend,Patricia,andshareswith Patriciahersister’scommentandhowbadlyit madeherfeel. d.Shetells Patriciahowmuchsheappreciatestheirfriendshipandsupportfor each other. e.Whentheyarriveatschool,oneof Lisa’steacherscomplimentsheron herperform ancein yesterday’ssoccergame. f. Inmathclass,Lisa’steacherreturnsa recentquizonwhichLisareceivesa gradeof C-. g.Onthewayhomefromschool,Lisaseestheboyshelikeswalkinghandin handwith anothergirl. h.Lisa gets upset but continueswalkingso
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