Soil Capability and Agricultural

Soil Capability and Agricultural

CLEARWATER LAKE Root CLEARWATER LAKE Talbot PROVIINCIIAL PARK Lake Clearwater Lake Bipole III Transmission[\ 6Project Lake The Pas Clearwater Airport Lake Project Infrastructure Prospector ¾À287 William Final Preferred Route Lake OPASKWAYAK CREE NATION Infrastructure ¾À384 Umpherville ÕÚ Generating Station THE PAS Ralls Bipole I and II Limestone Island South ! ! Bay Moose Transmission Line Lake ¾À282 Young Point Soil Capability and Agricultural Use Moose Lake Limited Agricultural Use Areas [\10 MOSAKAHIKEN CREE NATION Mixed Farming Areas Westray Cropped Area - Cereal, Special Crop, and Mixed Farming Area Intensively Cropped Area - Cereal and Special Crop Area IntensivelyCropped Area - Cereal, Special, and Row Crop Area WALTER COOK CAVES Turnberry CEDAR IntensivelyP ACRroKp RpEeSdE ARrVeEa - Existing and Potential Area Irrigation Intensively Cropped and Livestock Area Landbase [\60 City / Town First Nation LAKE National/Provincial Park L.G.D. of Grand Rapids GRAND RAPIDS FIRST NATION Overflowing River Easterville Grand Rapids G.S. ¾À327 CHEMAWAWIN [\10 FIRST NATION Red Dawson Bay L Deer AK Lake E Dawson Red Deer Bay [\60 Lake Westgate Barrows Powell GRAND IISL A ND National PARK RESER VE [\77 Mills Baden SAPOTAWEYAK W FIRST NATION Shoal River IN Pelican N Rapids I P Mafeking E G O S I Bellsite S WUSKWI SIPIHK FIRST NATION Armit Lake ¾À365 Swan Pelican Lake Lake Birch River BIIRCH IISLAND CHIITEK LAKE PARK PARK RESERVE RESERVE KETTLE STONES Lenswood PROVIINCIIAL PARK ¾À279 [\10 ¾À266 Bowsman [\6 ¾À279 ¾À268 Duck Bay Swan Waterhen River ¾À275 ¾À272 Lake Renwer Minitonas Briggs PINE CREEK 486 ¾À366 Spur FIRST NATION 487 ¾À ¾À ¾À485 Kenville Cowan Pine 488 [\83 ¾À Creek Waterhen Reserve Durban Camperville Mallard ¾À486 [\10 366 Benito ¾À Duck SKOWNAN River FIRST NATION Rock Ridge ¾À276 [\20 Waterhen ¾À328 ¾À271 Pine River Salt Point Homebrook DUCK MOUNTAIIN PROVINCIAL PARK PROVINCIAL PARK Garland Meadow ¾À57 ¾À367 Winnipegosis Portage ¾À83 Spence ¾À367 Lake Coordinate System: UTM Zone 14N NAD83 Data Source: MB Hydro, MMM, Stantec, ProvMB, NRCAN, J&V Nielsen Date Created: July 13, 2011 ± Soil Capability and Agricultural Use 0 6 12 Kilometres Map 200 - 04 0 6 12 Miles 1:750,000 Boggy Creek Ethelbert Woods Creek Crane ¾À269 ¾À364 Benyks Point River Fork River O-CHI-CHAK-KO-SIPI San Clara Toutes Aides FIRST NATION [\83 ¾À364 Ukraine WEIDEN WILDLIFE ¾À366 [\10 MANAGEMENT AREA Rorketon Makaroff Sifton ¾À267 ¾À276 [\20 LAKE Cayer TOOTINAOWAZIIBENG ¾À274 MANITOBA TREATY RESERVE Dauphin Shortdale Valley River Reserve Valley River 481 Roblin Bield ¾À Lake Moore Dale Reykjavik Shevlin Ashville Grandview DAUPHIN Lonely Lake [\5 Eclipse Dauphin Beach 584 Lake ¾À Gilbert [\20 Ochre Beach Plains of Eddystone Wapah the ¾À366 Ochre River Ste. Rose EBB AND FLOW Prairies [\5 du Lac [\68 FIRST NATION Comeau Dropmore ¾À582 Ste. Amelie Bacon Ridge Makinak Inglis Shellmouth ¾À360 ¾À278 480 [\10 ¾À Laurier RIIDIING MOUNTAIIN Cracknell 264 ¾À NATIIONAL PARK Alonsa Russell Silverton STUV McCreary ¾À476 [\ Harrowby 50 Angusville Clear Millwood ¾À478 Lake ¾À354 Wasagaming ¾À462 WAYWAYSEECAPPO Rossburn [\19 Binscarth FIRST NATION Vista 566 Glencalm Gambler ¾À Onanole ¾À264 [\ Kenwood 45 261 GAMBLERS KEESEEKOOWENIN ¾À FIRST NATION Oakburn 261 FIRST NATION Backham ¾À Foxwarren Riding Mountain Glenella Menzie Solsgirth Tenby [\41 Elphinstone Sandy Lake Kelloe Erickson St. Lazare Shoal Birtle Lake Birnie [\42 ROLLING RIVER FIRST NATION Strathclair Rolling River 260 ¾À352 ¾À ¾À270 Polonia STUV Eden ¾À265 265 Newdale ¾À Plumas ¾À264 Canwilliam ¾À471 BIRDTAIL SIOUX ¾À262 Lavinia FIRST NATION Isabella McConnell ¾À250 Bethany Arden Basswood Minnedosa Decker Cardale Franklin Keyes Neepawa STUV Gladstone Hamiota Moline [\5 Oak River Rapid Cardova Hallboro [\24 City Helston Pettapiece [\83 Mayfield [\10 Moore Park Rivers [\ Chimo Resort 353 Wellwood 21 ¾À Edrans [\34 ¾À259 Brookdale [\25 Justice Elkhorn Ihgelow Harte ¾À270 Gregg Firdale Forest !` 468 ¾À256 ¾À ¾À464 Austin SIOUX VALLEY DAKOTA NATION BRANDON !` Virden Douglas Carberry ¾À257 Cottonwoods Brandon G.S. Bipole III Transmission Project Spruce Woods Oak Lake Project Infrastructure ¾À255 Final Preferred Route SPRUCE WOODS PROVIINCIIAL PARK Infrastructure CANUPAWAKPA FIRST NATION Treesbank ÕÚ Generating Station [\2 Souris Holland ! ! Tr[\a2nsmission Line Wawanesa Stockton [\2 [\2 254 [\ Soil Capability and Agricultural Use ¾À 18 Glenboro Cypress River Limited Agricultural Use Areas Hartney ¾À245 Mixed Farming Areas ¾À532 SWAN LAKE Cropped Area - Cereal, Special Crop, and Mixed Farming Area FIRST NATION ¾À256 ¾À252 Intensively Cropped Area - Cereal and Special Crop Area Pelican Lake ¾À342 ¾À458 IntensivelyCropped Area - Cereal, Special, and Row Crop Area [\ [\5 445 Melita 10 ¾À ¾À440 Intensively Cropped Area - Existing and Potential Area Irrigation[\3 Whitewater ¾À253 Lake Boissevain ¾À452 Pilot Intensively Cropped an[\d3 Livestock Area Mound [\83 Deloraine [\3 Landbase Crystal [\21 City ¾À442 ¾À342 City / Town 450 [\18 ¾À251 ¾À Cartwright First Nation [\3 341 ¾À [\34 National/Provincial Park TURTLE MOUNTAIIN PROVIINCIIAL PARK Coordinate System: UTM Zone 14N NAD83 Data Source: MB Hydro, MMM, Stantec, ProvMB, NRCAN, J&V Nielsen Date Created: July 13, 2011 ± Soil Capability and Agricultural Use 0 6 12 Kilometres Map 200 - 05 0 6 12 Miles 1:750,000 Fisher Loon Bay Bipole IISIt raTitrs ansmission Project Red Rose Fisher Bay Project Infrastructure ¾À239 ¾À234 Final Preferred Route Dallas FISHER RIVER CREE NATION Converter Station ¾À224 XW [\6 Washow InfrastrBuacyture Harwill ¾À237 XW ConverterH SEtCaLtAio//nGRIINDSTONE PEGUIS PROVINCIAL PARK 325 ÕÚ GeneratingP SROtaVtiIoNnCIAL PARK FIRST NATION ¾À Aghaming HOLLOW WATER FIRST NATION Bipole I and II Seymourville Hodgson ¾À234! ! Transmission Line ¾À325 Soil Capability and Agricultural UMasneigotagan ¾À233 Limited Agricultural Use Areas [\8 [\68 Dog Mixed Farming Areas Lake ¾À233 Riverton ¾À329 Cropped Area - Cereal, Special Crop, and Mixed Farming Area ¾À326 Intensively Cropped Area - Cereal and Special Crop Area LAKE 304 Arborg ¾À Dog Creek LAKE MANITOBA FIRST NATION [\68 IntensivelyCropped Area - Cereal, Special, and Row Crop Area WINNIPEG ¾À417 Intensively Cropped Area - Existing and PotentiaLIlT ATrLeEa B ILrAriCgKa tion ¾À222 512 RIVER ¾À [\17 FIRST NATION ¾À418 Intensively Cropped EaLnKd LIISivLeAsNtDock Area PROVIINCIIAL PARK Landbase ¾À419 City / Town ¾À419 First Nation ¾À231 ¾À231 National/Provincial Park Gimli GRAND [\11 BEACH PROVINCIAL SAGKEENG Amaranth 229 PROVINCIAL ¾À PARK FIRST NATION SANDY BAY OJIBWAY LAKE FIRST NATION ¾À229 Winnipeg Beach ¾À416 MANITOBA Scanterbury Dunnottar 415 ¾À Teulon Langruth ¾À415 BROKENHEAD [\12 322 [\50 ¾À OJIBWAY Lac du FIRST NATION Bonnet ¾À518 [\8 [\7 ¾À317 [\59 ¾À411 [\11 ¾À236 [\9 [\9A ¾À248 Argyle Woodside ¾À242 ¾À323 SELKIRK ¾À430 [\6 Stonewall ¾À435 [\67 Warren Westbourne ¾À227 322 [\44 ¾À Beausejour Katrime ¾À240 Macdonald Poplar Point ¾À321 High Meadows BIIRDS HIILL PROVIINCIIAL PORTAGE Bluff [\12 ¾À302 [\26 PARK STUV LA PRAIRIE Dorsey C.S. 101 Hazelridge St. Eustache ¾À MacGregor Rosser Oak bank Bagot DAKOTA TIPI Newton Plenard Portis FIRST NATION Vivian Oakville St. Fracois Xavier Dugald Glass Anola Edwin Southport Elie !` Riel C.S. LONG PLAIN [\13 WINNIPEG FIRST NATION Dacotah Rossendale ¾À240 Navin Deacons Corner ¾À100 Prairie Grove Lavenham DAKOTA PLAINS Layland Ross Oak Bluff Grande Pointe !` FIRST NATION Starbuck Springstein Lorette ¾À305 Fannystelle [\2 Dufresne St. Germain La Barriere Ille des Chenes Culross La Salle Sanford St. Adolphe Landmark Ste. Anne St. Claude Elm Creek 330 ¾À Linden La Coulee Richer Rathwell Haywood 248 [\3 Glenlea Greenland ¾À Niverville Domain Treherne New Bothwell Blumenort ¾À305 Ste. Agathe Brunkild Notre Dame STEINBACH de Lourdes Randolph Carman [\52 ¾À332 Osbourne 245 ¾À r ¾À216 ¾À303 ¾À210 242 e v ¾À i St. Pierre Jolys R [\75 336 Somerset ¾À 205 ¾À338 d ¾À 422 e [\23 ¾À R [\59 404 Morris ¾À [\23 ¾À302 [\3 ¾À403 [\12 ¾À240 ¾À217 432 Manitou ¾À Plum ¾À332 ¾À200 Morden Winkler Coulee [\14 ROSEAU RIVER FIRST NATION [\31 [\ ¾À201 ¾À423 32 Altona ¾À218 ¾À209 ¾À242 ¾À421 [\30 ¾À243 Emerson Coordinate System: UTM Zone 14N NAD83 Data Source: MB Hydro, MMM, Stantec, ProvMB, NRCAN, J&V Nielsen Date Created: July 13, 2011 ± Soil Capability and Agricultural Use 0 6 12 Kilometres Map 200 - 06 0 6 12 Miles 1:750,000 ver Ri l il h rc u h C HUDSON WA PUS K ke NAT IIO NA L a SAN D L A K ES NU M AYK OOS LA K E L SAN D L A K ES PRO VIIN C IIA L PAR K PA RK d PRO VIIN C IIA L PAR K n a S BAY g i B Southern Indian Lake r e v 01 i R AM IISK PA RK PA RK RES ERV E XW Waskaiowaka Stephens s e Lake Lake y a H !( GILLAM ke La Split R E V THOMPSON I !( R 02 oo tw n d r R u i N B ver Paint O Wuskwatim S Lake L Lake E 03 N ke Kississing La k Lake es iw Sip FLIN FLON Gods !( e Lake Wekusko ak GRA SS R IIV ER L Lake PRO VIIN C IIA L PAR K Reed Cros s Lake Cormorant Molson Lake North Lake Moose Clearwater Lake Lake Playgreen Lake Island THE !( Lake PAS CEDAR LAKE Red L POPL A R//N AN OW IIN R IIVE RS A PA RK RE SER VE Deer KE PA RK RE SER VE W LAKE Lake IN WINNIPEG N IP E 04 G O S I S Swan Lake CH IIT EK LA K E PA RK RE SER VE DU C K M OU NTA IIN PRO VIIN C IIA L PAR K ATIIKA K II PRO VIIN C IIA L PA RK Dauphin HEC L A //GR IIND ST ON E PRO VIIN C IIA L PAR K !( Lake DAUPHIN RIIDIIN G MO UN TA IIN NAT IIO NA L PAR K NOP IIM IING PRO VIIN C IIA L PA RK Lac du Bonnet iver R LAKE Bipole III Transmission Project MANITOBA 06 g p e 05 W inni PORTAGE WH IITES HE LL Project Infrastructure PRO VIIN C IIA L LA PRAIRIE PA RK !( PA RK BRANDON Final Preferred Route !( WINNIPEG XW SPR UC E XW Converter Station WO OD S PRO VIIN C IIA L r PA RK e iv R !( STEINBACH Map Tile Index - 1:50,000 d e R Map Series Tile Map Tile TU R TL E MO UN TA IIN PRO VIIN C IIA L PAR K Coordinate System: UTM Zone 14N NAD83 Data Source: MB Hydro, MMM, Stantec, ProvMB Index of Map Series 200 Date Created: July 13, 2011 ± 0 25 50 Kilometres Soil Capability and Agricultural Use 0 25 50 Miles 1:2,750,000.

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