TRANSACTIONS OF THE NORFOLK & NORWICH NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY VOL. XIX 1958 - 1961 . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Page BARNS R. M. 73 CLARKE K. B. 157 DANIELS E. T. 78 DUCKER B. 151 DUFFEY E. 173 DURRANT K. C. 74 76, 177 , ELLIS E. A. 49 GREEN B. 69 JANE F. W. 52 MANNING S. A. 65, 169 PEAKE J. F. 56 SWANN E. L. 151 WHITE D. J. B. 179 WRIGHT H. G. S 165 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Plates are to be found opposite the pages indicated.) Page Bat Long eared . 421 Noctule . 252 Whiskered . 252 Coypu 421 Curlew . 392 Curlew, Stone . , . 17 Dotterel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 Fox . , . 144 Fulmar . 228, 229 Grebe, Great Crested . 407 Little . , . 407 Hedgehog . 145 Heron . 243 Hoopoe . 33 Kittiwake . 16 Lark, Shore . 114 Leveret . 144 Mouse, Long-tailed field . 420 Phalarope, Red necked. 130 Plover, Little ringed . 406 Seal, Common . 252 Grey 73 Shrike, Red-backed .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 131 Skua, Arctic . 33 Stonechat . 392 Swift, Alpine . 33 Tern, Sandwich . 252, 32 Vole, Bank 420 Waxwing. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 244 Woodpecker, Greater spotted .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 115 INDEX TO VOLUME XIX Page Alien plants from a Norwich rubbish tip 63 Ammocalamagrostis baltica in East Anglia 49 Asilidae in Norfolk 177 Bird Report 1958 1 1959 95 1960 207 1961 377 Blakeney Point—Bird Report. 8 105, 217, 383 , ,, Notes on Vegetation in 1956 52 ,, Flowering Plants 179 Bryophytes of Breckland heaths 151 Caddis Flies 78 Cley Bird Observatory—Bird Report 17, 110 , 221 , 387 Cley and Salthouse- Bird Report 10 218, 384 — , 106, Dolomedes plantarius Clerk, in Waveney Valley 173 Dragonflies-— Rare, in Norfolk. 76 Flies of Norfolk Sea Coast 74 Geology of Norfolk 270 Hickling—Bird Report 12 , 107, 219, 385 1961 Horsey—Bird Report 15, 108, 220, 385 Lichens-—New, rare and critical, in Norfolk. 1 65 ^9 tt 1 1 > * )i > i 169 Light Vessel Notes 45, 135, 248, 413 Mammal Report 1959 138 1960 250 416 Mammals—Remains of extinct, in Norfolk . 69 Ranworth—Bird Report 11 Ringing recoveries 19, 113, 224, 393 Rotifer fauna of East Norfolk. 165 Scolt Head Bird Report — 6 , 104, 216, 382 Scroby Sands—Bird Report 16, 109, 221, 386 Seal (Halichoerus Grypus) 73 Thornham Salt Marsh 56 Wheatfen—Algae 157 THE NORFOLK BIRD REPORT NSv (Transactions of The Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists Society, Volume 19 Part 1) THE NORFOLK BIRD REPORT 195 8 Edited by Michael J. Seago Assisted by the Records Committee : A. H. Daukes, E. A. Ellis, Miss C. E. Gay and R. A. Richardson CONTENTS page Introduction 1 Notes on Breeding Birds of the Reserves Scolt Head Island 6 Blakeney Point 8 Cley and Salthouse 10 Ranworth 11 Hickling 12 Horsey 15 Scroby Sands 16 Cley Bird Observatory 17 Selected Ringing Recoveries 19 North Norfolk Starling Roosts 22 Classified Notes 24 Light-Vessel Notes 45 List of Contributors 48 Published by The Norfolk Naturalists Trust (Assembly House, Theatre Street, Norwich) AND The Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists Society . b? . THE NORFOLK NATURALISTS TRUST Patron: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN LIFE MEMBERS Abbott, Jack Buxton \Y. I.. Adam Prof. N. K. Cadbury Christopher Adams II. Simms N. Cadbury C. James Adeane Col. Robert Cadbury John Alliiusen Major D S. Cadbury Roger J Anderson J. G. Calder Sir J. G., c.b.e. Arbuthnot Miss M. E Calley Miss J. M. Astley Capt. H. Carlson Dr. R. G. A U S TEN J . SoA M ES Cakruthers Douglas, f.k.g.s. Casson H. V. Back II W. Cator Miss Diana Baker T. H. Morton Cator Francis !• Lt.-Col. II. m.c., d.c l Barclay Brig. Peter, Cator J , n.s.o m.c. Chance D. A. , Barclay-Smitii Miss I’. (.'hear John F. F. S. Barlow Sir Alan, c.b., c.b.e., bart. Chislett Ralph Barlow F. H. Clapham Prof. A. R. Barrett-I.ennard Sir R. bart Clark FI. D. Barrington F. J. 1*'., F.R.C.S Clegg Gavin IF Bateman A. D. Cohen Edwin Baxter G. Y. Cohen Mrs. Edwin Bazell Richard Coke Col. B. E. Beal II. K. Colman The Hon. Mrs. Alan Beacsike Miss \Y. A Colman Mrs. Geoffrey Beevor Ft. -Col. C. 1'. A., j r. Colman Timothy Beevor Esmond A Coman Mrs. M. Bennion Claud Conesford The Rt. Hon. Ford, d.c. Birkfeck The Lady Joan Cook Sir Thomas Blackburne C. 1 Copf.man T. D. Bland Sir Neville, k.c.m.g., k.c.v.o. Courtiiope Miss F. J. Blofeld T. R. C. Cottew Mrs. Armelle M. Blount Major Hubert, m.c Cozens-Hardy Basil Boardman Humphrey C. Crawfield Mrs. R. Boddam-Whetham E. Tudor Cresswell miss I. M. N. Borough Miss E. H. Crossley The Hon. R X Bratby Michael Cubitt-Smith Mrs. IF F. Braya P. Curry H. F. Bridgeman Major R. O. Bromley R. Davis J. K. Newsome Brooks [. R. Dawson Warren R. His Honour N . Brooks Mrs. J. R. Daynes Judge J Brown Mrs. Constance K.C Brownlow Lt. Col. H. G., r.e. De Carle Smith J Burton G. G. Murray De Chair Capt. Somerset Buxton Major Anthony, d.s.o. De Hamel Major E. A., m.c. Buxton Major Aubrey, m.c. Dunbar Capt. R. E. C., r.n.retd. Dyson Miss Ruth Buxton John J. Buxton M. A. Buxton Capt. R. G. Edwards R. W. Edwards V. S. Hornor S. Stewart F. Ellis E. A., f.l.s. Houston R. F. Ellison John FIughes Gordon Eve J. G. Hunt G. FIarold Farquarson Mrs. John Farrell Miss E. M. Iveag.ii The Earl of, c.b., c.m.g. Ferrier Miss Judith Field-Marsham Mrs. James W. Warwick, o.b.e., f.r.c.w' Fisher The Lord Jamieson Sir A. A., k.b.e. Fitzroy Lord Edward Jamieson Major David, v.c. Flower Major P. T. Jamieson Jerry Foljambe Mrs. Judith J anson C . O . Forbes C. [anson Charles Wilfred Forester Lt.-Col. The Lord Jarratt Mrs. Edith [ephson Brig. M. D., c.b.e. Forster Mrs. J. H. R. Fowler Mrs. E. M. Iohnston Mrs. Francis Fox Miss Nancy Jones Major Sir Lawrence F., Frere Miss Elizabeth F. BART. Frere Mrs. Mary Jones R. C. Friedlein F. Jopling L. M. Joshua Miss A. M. Garnett The Rev. Philip M. Garnett Ronald M. Keith E. C. Garnett T. R. Kenrick Hugh Gay Cecil D. Kenrick W. E. Gay Miss C. E. Keynes G. L. Gaymer W. Chapman Kilvert Miss M. L. George Sydney S. King G. M. Gibson 1)r. D. King Miss E. B. Gidney A. R. Knight Col. C. R. B., o.b.e. Gillett Charles \Y. Knight Maxwell, o.b.e., f.r.m.f. Gladstone Charles A. Goldthorpe Frank Larking Roland C. Gooch G. Bernard Laurence Mrs. Reginald Gordon P. L. Leach Miss Elsie F. Griggs Humphrey Leach H. M. Grove Miss Sylvia Leake Charles R. Spedan C tRurii David Lewis J. Lloyd Major L. W. Gurney Major J., d.s.o., m.c. Gurney Quintin F. 1.0 B BET MISS P. G. Gurney Samuel E. ( apt. Lochhead G. W. Gurney Col. W. E. R. Lochhead Mrs. G. W. Gush G. H. Longstaff T. G., d.m. Love Mrs. K. Haley A. Curtis Low H. Frederick Low'th Miss M. D. Harcourt Miss J. Vernon Harris Miss Lubbock Roy Harvard C. E. Ludkin Mrs. E. Hawkes R. W. Lutwych Dr. Ursula Hay R. T. Headlam-Morley K. Maberley G. C., m.a. Heath Stuart S. Macalister Mrs. Herbert-Smith Aubrey Macalister D. Hicks E. Mackenzie Miss Gladys Higham Walter E. Macpherson Dr. Margaret bart. Hirst T. W. Mann Sir John, Holden Major A. C. Manvell F. G. Hollom P. A. D. Maples A. K. ( ecu. Holmes F. B. Martin V. Mrs. T. B. Hood R. S. Martin-Jones Matheson D. M. Hope FI. D. Hopkins Major A. E., m.c. Mayhew Sir Basil, k.b.e. Hore-Ruthven C. Mayhew Lady 2 Maxse Dame Marjorie, d.b.e. Rees-Thomas Mrs. Ruth, c.b.e. McConnell G. R. Riviere A. O. B. McDougall Col. H. Riviere D. C. B. McLean ('olin Riviere Mrs. Y. McLean Capt. D. C. H. Robarts John Mead P. J. Ross-Lewin Major E. H. W. Miller Sir Eric H. Ruggles-Brise Mrs. R., o.b.e. Milner-White The Very Rev., d.d. Russell Mrs. G. H. Mollison B. M. Ryan Miss I. M. R. Molteno D. J. Molteno Mrs. D. J. Sapsworth A. D. Monroe Mrs. Sayer Major D. W. Morcom Rupert J. Scott Col. D., c.b.e., m.c. Morel Mrs. G. I. Seago Michael Morris E. J. Seares Miss E. G. Morrison A. Seth-Smith D. Morron B. R. Shaw Miss M. M. Mosby D.S.O., J. E. G., PH.D. Sheard Mrs. Margaret Anne Mowbray G. St. I,. Sillem S. W. Mules Dr. Bertha M. SlMMONDS B. N. Mullins E. B. Smith Miss D. L. Smith Mrs. Sonia Naylor Mrs. W. S. Spurrell Miss M. Nelson Miss E. Stafford J. R. Nelson Miss P. 1C. Storey Lewis Nightingale S. R. Stuart Mrs. K. E. Nock J. H. Nor i on Lt.-Gen. E. F., d.s.o. Tate Donald G. Taylor C. L. Oldham Miss W. G. Taylor E. \Y., c.b.e. Parker John Gordon Taylor R. Sunderland Parrott Norman Taylor Mrs. R. Sunderland Lt.-Col. P. C., d.s.o Parrott R. Tenison W. J. Ten ison Mrs. Paulson-Ellis C. W. G. Peall Mrs. O. M. Tennant Admiral Sir William Pease Humphry Thain Dr. E. M. Peel The Lady Delia Thompson Mrs. Eleanor M. Thompson Ian M. Peel The Hon. Mrs. D. A. Percy Lord William Thorpe Dr. W. H., f.r.s.
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