With Flying Colors Fly to victory colors playing 7-letter bingos about COLOR, LIGHT, & TONE compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 7s ACHIOTE ACEHIOT yellowish red dye [n -S] AENEOUS AEENOSU having greenish gold color [adj] AERUGOS AEGORSU AERUGO, green film that forms on copper [n] ALAMEDA AAADELM shaded walkway [n -S] ALBINAL AABILLN albinic (condition of being albino (organism lacking normal pigmentation)) [adj] ALBINIC ABCIILN pertaining to condition of being albino (organism lacking normal pigmentation)) [adj] ALBINOS ABILNOS ALBINO, organism lacking normal pigmentation [n] ALBUMEN ABELMNU white of egg [n -S] AMBROID ABDIMOR synthetic amber [n -S] ANATTOS AANOSTT ANATTO, annatto (yellowish-red dye) [n] ANNATTO AANNOTT yellowish-red dye [n -S] APHOTIC ACHIOPT lacking light [adj] APLANAT AAALNPT type of reflecting or refracting surface [n -S] APPEARS AAEPPRS APPEAR, to come into view [v] ARABICA AAABCIR evergreen shrub that produces coffee beans [n -S] ARBUTES ABERSTU ARBUTE, evergreen tree [n] ARBUTUS ABRSTUU evergreen tree [n -ES] ARCHILS ACHILRS ARCHIL, orchil (purple dye) [n] ARGENTS AEGNRST ARGENT, silver [n] ARNATTO AANORTT annatto (yellowish-red dye) [n -S] ARTWORK AKORRTW illustrative or decorative work in printed matter [n -S] ASTERIA AAEIRST gemstone cut to exhibit asterism (property of certain minerals of showing starlike luminous figure) [n -S] AUBURNS ABNRSUU AUBURN, reddish brown color [n] AUREATE AAEERTU golden (of color of gold) [adj] AUREOLA AAELORU halo (ring of light) [n -S, -E] AUREOLE AEELORU to surround with halo (ring of light) [v -D, -LING, -S] AURORAE AAEORRU AURORA, rising light of morning [n] AURORAL AALORRU AURORA, rising light of morning [adj] AURORAS AAORRSU AURORA, rising light of morning [n] AUTEURS AERSTUU AUTEUR, creator of film (motion picture) [n] AZULEJO AEJLOUZ type of ceramic tile [n -JOS] B 7s BACKLIT ABCIKLT BACKLIGHT, to illuminate from behind [v] BANDANA AAABDNN bandanna (large, colored handkerchief) [n -S] BANDING ABDGINN presence of stripes of contrasting colors [n -S] BATIKED ABDEIKT BATIK, to dye fabric by particular process [v] BATTIKS ABIKSTT BATTIK, fabric dyed by batiking [n] BAUSOND ABDNOSU having white marks [adj] BAWSUNT ABNSTUW bausond (having white marks) [adj] BEACONS ABCENOS BEACON, to warn or guide [v] BEAMIER ABEEIMR BEAMY, beaming (to emit in beams (rays of light)) [adj] BEAMILY ABEILMY in beamy (beaming) manner [adv] BEAMING ABEGIMN BEAM, to emit in beams (rays of light) [v] BEFLECK BCEEFKL to mark with flecks (tiny streaks or spots) [v -ED, -ING, -S] BEGLOOM BEGLMOO to make gloomy (dismally dark) [v -ED, -ING, -S] With Flying Colors Fly to victory colors playing 7-letter bingos about COLOR, LIGHT, & TONE compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BEIGEST BEEGIST BEIGE, of tan color [adj] BELLEEK BEEEKLL very thin translucent porcelain [n -S] BENDAYS ABDENSY BENDAY, to reproduce using certain process [v] BEPAINT ABEINPT to tinge (to apply trace of color to) [v -ED, -ING, -S] BESMUTS BEMSSTU BESMUT, to blacken with smut [v] BICOLOR BCILOOR something having two colors [n -S] BIFOCAL ABCFILO type of lens (piece of transparent material used in changing convergence of light rays) [n -S] BIPACKS ABCIKPS BIPACK, type of film [n] BISTERS BEIRSST BISTER, brown pigment [n] BISTRED BDEIRST BISTRE, bister (brown pigment) [adj] BISTRES BEIRSST BISTRE, bister (brown pigment) [n] BLACKED ABCDEKL BLACK, to make black (being of darkest color) [v] BLACKEN ABCEKLN to make black (being of darkest color) [v -ED, -ING, -S] BLACKER ABCEKLR BLACK, being of darkest color [adj] BLACKLY ABCKLLY in black manner [adv] BLAZING ABGILNZ BLAZE, to burn brightly [v] BLEAKER ABEEKLR BLEAK, dreary [adj] BLEAKLY ABEKLLY in bleak (dreary) manner [adv] BLEARED ABDEELR BLEAR, to dim (to make dim (obscure (dark or indistinct))) [v] BLEARER ABEELRR BLEAR, to dim (to make dim (obscure (dark or indistinct))) [adj] BLENDES BDEELNS BLENDE, shiny mineral [n] BLONDER BDELNOR BLOND, light-colored [adj] BLOODED BDDELOO BLOOD, to stain with blood (fluid circulated by heart) [v] BLUECAP ABCELPU flowering plant [n -S] BLUEFIN BEFILNU large tuna (marine food fish) [n] BLUEGUM BEGLMUU timber tree [n] BLUEING BEGILNU bluing (fabric coloring) [n -S] / BLUE, to make blue [v] BLUEISH BEHILSU bluish (somewhat blue) [adj] BLUEJAY ABEJLUY corvine bird [n -S] BLUINGS BGILNSU BLUING, fabric coloring [n] BLUSHED BDEHLSU BLUSH, to become red [v] BLUSHER BEHLRSU one that blushes (to become red) [n -S] BLUSHES BEHLSSU BLUSH, to become red [v] BOUGIES BEGIOSU BOUGIE, wax candle [n] BOXWOOD BDOOOWX evergreen shrub [n -S] BRASILS ABILRSS BRASIL, brazil (dyewood (wood from which dye is extracted)) [n] BRAYERS ABERRSY BRAYER, roller used to spread ink [n] BRAZILS ABILRSZ BRAZIL, dyewood (wood from which dye is extracted) [n] BRIGHTS BGHIRST BRIGHT, light-hued tobacco [n] BRINDED BDDEINR brindled (streaked) [adj] BRINDLE BDEILNR brindled (streaked) color [n -S] BRONZED BDENORZ BRONZE, to make brown or tan [v] BRONZER BENORRZ one that bronzes (to make brown or tan) [n -S] BRONZES BENORSZ BRONZE, to make brown or tan [v] BROWNED BDENORW BROWN, to make brown (of dark color) [v] BROWNER BENORRW BROWN, of dark color [adj] With Flying Colors Fly to victory colors playing 7-letter bingos about COLOR, LIGHT, & TONE compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BRUNETS BENRSTU BRUNET, dark-haired male [n] BUFFIER BEFFIRU BUFFY, of yellowish-brown color [adj] BUFFING BFFGINU BUFF, to polish [v] BULLACE ABCELLU purple plum [n -S] BULLION BILLNOU uncoined gold or silver [n -S] BUPPIES BEIPPSU BUPPIE, black professional person working in city [n] / BUPPY [n] BURLEYS BELRSUY BURLEY, light tobacco [n] BURNISH BHINRSU to polish [v -ED, -ING, -ES] C 7s CADELLE ACDEELL small, black beetle [n -S] CALLUNA AACLLNU evergreen shrub [n -S] CAMCORD ACCDMOR to videotape with portable camera [v -ED, -ING, -S] CAMMIES ACEIMMS CAMMIE, camouflage [n] CANDENT ACDENNT glowing [adj] CANDIDS ACDDINS CANDID, unposed photograph [n] CARCELS ACCELRS CARCEL, unit of illumination [n] CARMINE ACEIMNR vivid red color [n -S] CAROTIN ACINORT carotene (plant pigment) [n -S] CARROTY ACORRTY resembling carrot in color [adj -TIER, -TIEST] CASHOOS ACHOOSS CASHOO, catechu (resin used in tanning) [n] CASSENA AACENSS cassina (evergreen tree) [n -S] CASSENE ACEENSS cassina (evergreen tree) [n -S] CASSINA AACINSS evergreen tree [n -S] CASSINE ACEINSS cassina (evergreen tree) [n -S] CELADON ACDELNO pale green color [n -S] CERISES CEEIRSS CERISE, red color [n] CHALKED ACDEHKL CHALK, to mark with chalk (soft limestone) [v] CHAPPED ACDEHPP CHAP, to split, crack, or redden [v] CHROMAS ACHMORS CHROMA, purity of color [n] CHROMOS CHMOORS CHROMO, type of color picture [n] CHYRONS CHNORSY CHYRON, type of digital graphic video overlay [n] CLOSEUP CELOPSU photograph taken at close range [n -S] COLLIED CDEILLO COLLY, to blacken with coal dust [v] COLLIES CEILLOS COLLY, to blacken with coal dust [v] COLORED CDELOOR having color [adj] / offensive word [n -S] / COLOR, to give color (visual attribute of objects) to [v] COLORER CELOORR one that colors (to give color (visual attribute of objects) to) [n -S] COLOURS CLOORSU COLOUR, to color (to give color (visual attribute of objects) to) [v] COLTANS ACLNOST COLTAN, black ore containing columbite and tantalite [n] COMPONE CEMNOOP compony (composed of squares of alternating colors) [adj] COMPONY CMNOOPY composed of squares of alternating colors [adj] CONCEIT CCEINOT to imagine (to form mental picture of) [v -ED, -ING, -S] CONIFER CEFINOR evergreen tree [n -S] COPPERY CEOPPRY resembling copper [adj] CORONAE ACENOOR CORONA, luminous circle around celestial body [n] CORONAS ACNOORS CORONA, luminous circle around celestial body [n] COWBIRD BCDIORW blackbird [n -S] With Flying Colors Fly to victory colors playing 7-letter bingos about COLOR, LIGHT, & TONE compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club COWPEAS ACEOPSW COWPEA, black-eyed pea [n] COWRIES CEIORSW COWRIE, glossy seashell [n] CRAYONS ACNORSY CRAYON, to use drawing implement [v] CREMINI CEIIMNR brown mushroom [n -S] CRIMINI CIIIMNR cremini (brown mushroom) [n -S] CRIMSON CIMNORS to make crimson (red color) [v -ED, -ING, -S] CROCEIN CCEINOR red dye [n -S] CROQUIS CIOQRSU sketch [n CROQUIS] CUDBEAR ABCDERU red dye [n -S] CULLAYS ACLLSUY CULLAY, quillai (evergreen tree) [n] CUPELED CDEELPU CUPEL, to refine gold or silver in cuplike vessel [v] CUPELER CEELPRU cupeller (one that cupels (to refine gold or silver in cuplike vessel)) [n -S] CYANINE ACEINNY blue dye [n -S] CYANINS ACINNSY CYANIN, cyanine (blue dye) [n] D 7s DACITES ACDEIST DACITE, light gray rock [n] DADAISM AADDIMS dada movement (art & literary) [n -S DADAIST AADDIST follower of dadaism (dada movement (art &literary) [n -S] DAHOONS ADHNOOS DAHOON, evergreen tree [n] DAMSONS ADMNOSS DAMSON, small purple plum [n] DARKENS ADEKNRS DARKEN, to make dark (having little or no light) [v] DARKEST ADEKRST DARK, having little or no light [adj] DARKING ADGIKNR DARK, to darken (to make dark (having little or no light)) [v] DARKISH ADHIKRS somewhat dark [adj] DARKLED ADDEKLR DARKLE, to become dark (having little or no light) [v] DARKLES ADEKLRS DARKLE, to become dark [v] DAUBERY ABDERUY bad or inexpert painting [n -RIES] DAWNING ADGINNW DAWN, to begin to grow light in morning [v] DAYGLOW ADGLOWY airglow seen during day [n -S] DAZZLED ADDELZZ DAZZLE, to blind by bright light [v] DAZZLER ADELRZZ one that dazzles (to blind by bright light) [n -S] DAZZLES ADELSZZ DAZZLE, to blind by bright light [v] DECOLOR CDELOOR to deprive of color
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