C^tck ^KXnJJL^ 557 IL6of 1984-1 MJLINOIS GEOLCK3«<3ftl 8URVEY LIGRAaY ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00007 0270 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology 1984 Selected from Publications Indexed in GeoRef in 1984 Open File Series 1984-1 Illinois State Geological Survey 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820 ILUN0IS GEOLOGtO-AL SURVEY LIBRARY GeoRef Information System American Geological Institute 4220 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 . : : . BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX--OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY SERIALS LIST AAPG Bulletin. [Tulsa, OK: American Association Field Trip Guide Leaflet - Illinois State of Petroleum Geologists]. Geological Survey. Champaign, IL: Department of Energy and Natural Resources, State AAPG Explorer. Tulsa, OK: American Association Geological Survey Division. of Petroleum Geologists, 1979-. Geoderma . Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific AAPG Studies in Geology. Tulsa. OK: American Publishing Comoany, 1967- Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1979-. Geologica et Palaeontologica. Marburg: Elwert, - Abstracts with Programs Geological Society of 1967- . America. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of Amer ica Geological Survey Circular. Reston, VA : u. S. Geological Survey, 1950- American Antiquity. Austin. TX : Society for American Archaeology, 1935- Geological Survey Professional Paper. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of the American Journal of Botany. Lawrence, KS Interior. Geological Survey, 1902-. Botanical Society of America, 1914-. Geological Survey Water-supply Paper Annals of Glaciology. Cambridge: International (Washington). Reston. VA: U. S. Department of Glaciological Society. 1980-. the Interior, Geological Survey, 1908-. Annual Field Conference - Society of Economic The Geophysical Journal of the Royal Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Great Lakes Astronomical Society. London: For the Royal Section, [s.l.]: Society of Economic Astronomical Society by the Blackwell Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Great Lakes Scientific Publication, 1958-. Sect ion. Geoscience Wisconsin. Madison, WI : University of Bulletin of the Southern California Wisconsin - Extension, Geological and Natural Paleontological Society. Long Beach, CA History Survey, 1977- Southern California Paleontological Society. Geotechnique. London: Institution of Civil Bulletin Series - Office of Engineering Engineers, 1948-. Services, University of Kentucky. Lexington. KY : University of Kentucky, College of Ground Water. Urbana, IL: National Water Well Engineering, Office of Engineering Services. Association, Ground-Water Technology Division. Canadian Journal of Zoology = Journal Canadien Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and the de Zoologie. Ottawa, ON: National Research Southwest, [s. 1.: s. n.]. Council of Canada, 195 1- Illinois Mineral Note. Urbana, IL: Illinois Circular - Illinois State Geological Survey. State Geological Survey Division, Illinois Urbana. IL: Illinois State Geological Survey, Institute of Natural Resources, 1972-. 1906- International Congress on Carboniferous Environmental Geology Notes. Urbana, IL: Stratigraphy and Geology, [s. 1.: s. n.]. Illinois State Geological Survey, 1965-. International Congress on Sedimentology = Environmental Science & Technology. Washington, Congres International de Sedimentologie. DC: American Chemical Society, 197B-. [s.l.]: International Association of Sedlmentologists Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union. International Journal of Coal Geology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company. 1980- . : . International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Open-File Report (United States Geological Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts. Survey. 1978). Reston, VA : U. S. Geological Oxford-New York: Pergamon Press, 1973- Survey Jewelry Making Gems & Minerals. Mentone. CA: Proceedings of the Annual William T. Pecora Gemac Corporation. Memorial Symposium on Remote Sensing. [Washington, DC: s. n.]. 1979-. JGR. Journal of Geophysical Research. B. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Aquifer 1978- Restoration and Ground-Water Monitoring. Worthington, OH: National Water Well Journal - American Water Works Association. Associat ion. Denver, CO, etc.: American Water Works Association, 1914-. Program with Abstracts - Geological Association of Canada. Waterloo, ON: Geological Journal - Water Pollution Control Federation. Association of Canada, 1976-. Washington, DC: Water Pollution Control Federat ion Quaternary Research (New York). New York, NY: Academic Press, 1970- Journal of Applied Crystallography. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 19G8-. Soil Science. Baltimore, MD :' The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1916-. Journal of Environmental Quality. Madison, WI Published cooperatively by the American Story of Illinois Series. Springfield, IL: Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of Illinois State Museum. America, and Soil Science Society of America. 1972-. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Journal of Hydrology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academy of Science. Scientific Publishing Company, 1963-. Transactions of the SPWLA Annual Logging Journal of Paleontology. Tulsa, OK: Society of Symposium. Houston, TX: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Professional Well Log Analysts. 1927-. U. S. Geol . Surv., Misc. Field Stud. Map. U. S. JPT. Journal of Petroleum Technology. Dallas, Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies TX : American Institute of Mining, Map. Reston, Virginia. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Water Resources Bulletin (Baton Rouge). Baton Lapidary Journal. San Diego, CA : Lapidary Rouge, LA: Louisiana Geological Survey, 1960-. Journal, Inc.. 1947- Water Resources Bulletin (Urbana). Minneapolis, Micropaleontology . New York, NY: American Museum MN : American Water Resources Association, St. of Natural History. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, 1965- - Miscellaneous Investigations Series U. S. Water-Resources Investigations. [Reston, VA ] : U. Geological Survey. Washington, DC: U. S. S. Geological Survey, 1972-. Geological Survey. Miscellaneous Series Publication - Botanical Society of Americav [s. 1.]: Botanical Society of America, 1915-. Nature (London). London: Macmillan Journals, 1869- Northeast Oil Reporter. Denver, CO: Hart Publications, Inc., 1981-. The NSS Bulletin. Huntsville. AL: National Speleological Society, 1974-. NUREG/CR (United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). Washington, DC: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. The Ohio Journal of Science. Columbus, OH: The Ohio Academy of Science. Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology . BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY Agnew, Allen F. Application of geology to the Ambrose, William Anthony. Aggraded fluvial and discovery of zinc-lead ore in the tide-dominated deltaic deposits of the Spoon Wi scons i n- I 1 1 inol s- Iowa district: in Mineral Formation ( Pennsy 1 vanian) in the southern exploration (Lacy, Willard C.. editor). Illinois Basin; a shallow embayment : 105 p., Hutchinson Ross Publ . Co.. Stroudsburg, PA, 4 plates. Master's. 85 ref., 1983, Univ. of United States. Vol. 70, p. 116-130. 2 tables, Texas. Austin, TX. strat. col., sketch maps, 46 ref . , 1983. Reprinted from Am. Inst. Mining, Metal 1. and Amsden, Thomas W. Oolitic strata of the Keel Pet. Eng. Trans. 202; 781-795 (1955). Formation and Edgewooa Group (Late Ordovician and Early Silurian), Texas Panhandle to the Aiken, 0. W. ; Keller, G. R.; and Hinze, W. J. Mississippi Valley [abstr.]: in North-central Geological significance of surface gravity Section, the Geological Society of America, measurements in the vicinity of the Illinois 17th annual meeting (Craddock, J. Campbell, - deep drill holes: • in Illinois Deep Hole chairperson). Abstracts with Programs Project (Anonymous). JGR . Journal of Geological Society of America, Vol. 15. No. 4, Geophysical Research. B. Vol. 88, No. 9. p. p. 222-223, March 1983. 7307-7314, sketch maps, 27 ref., Septemoer 10, 1983. Amstutz, G. C. see Zimmermann, R. A. Algermissen, S. T. see Morris, R. H. Anderson, Thomas F.; and Kruger, John M. Sulfur isotopic fractionation in the formation of Allen. H. E., Jr.; and Gray. J. R. pyrite from Upper Devonian black shales (investigators). Runoff and sediment [abstr.]: in The Geological Society of transport from an agricultural watershed in America. 96th annual meeting (Anonymous). northern Illinois [abstr. ]: Geological Survey Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society Professional Paper. Vol. 1375, p. 162, 1983. of America, Vol. 15, No. 6, p. 516, October 1983. Allen, Howard E., Jr.; and Gray. John R. Runoff, sediment transport, and water quality Anderson, Thomas F. see also Westgate, Linda M. in a northern Illinois agricultural watershed before urban development 1979-81: Andrews, J. S. see Morris, R. H. Water-Resources Investigations, 55 p., illus. (incl. 11 tables, sketch maps), 23 ref., 1984. Anonymous. Illinois Deep Hole Project: JGR (Rep. No. WRI 82-4073) available from: U. S. Journal of Geophysical Research. B, Vol. 88, Geol . Surv., Open-File Serv. Sect., West. No. 9. p. 7267-7385. illus.. September 10. Distrib. Branch, Fed. Cent., Denver, CO. 1983. Individual papers are cited separately United States. Anonymous. Illinois; Buckhorn East most Allen, Robert D. ; and P incus, Howard J. exciting play: Northeast Oil Reporter. Vol. Confined aquifers as reservoirs for compressed 3. No. 4, p. 24-25, May 1983. air [abstr.]: in The Geological Society of America,
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