CCharleeharlee CCheatham,heatham, 33½,½, eenjoysnjoys tthehe ffamilyamily ppool.ool. DDoesoes ggrowingrowing uupp oonn KKwajaleinwajalein ppreparerepare yyoungstersoungsters fforor tthehe bbigig lleapeap iintonto llife?ife? FForor mmoreore oonn bbeingeing a KKwajwaj KKid,id, sseeee PPageage 44.. ((PhotoPhoto bbyy NNellell DDrumheller)rumheller) wwww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.htmlww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html COMMENTARY Reader gives view on previous columns By Dave Hamill in America would and could read it. Kwajalein resident I am reminded of the saying attrib- uted to Teddy Roosevelt, “Speak I was very impressed by three softly but carry a big stick.” Carrying columns in recent Hourglass is- one doesn’t mean you will use it. sues. One was by Dan Adler in the This idea is not popular with some, July 19 issue. I was very glad to see but many in this world operate at someone stand up for the nation of the level that the only thing that will Israel. I fully support its efforts to stop them is the presence of the “big defend itself. They have had a very stick,” and not even that will stop all diffi cult time since founding their na- of them. tion. There is a deep hatred from the War is ugly, wasteful, and there are all work for, but we cannot neglect Middle Eastern world that is rooted no real “winners.” But the alternative our preparations until we see that all in antiquity. I think Israel would be is much worse as we can see from nations are doing the same. I fear we very pleased to live in peace, but its history and even from current day. will not see that in our lifetimes. neighbors refuse to let that happen. Ask the survivors of 9/11, the fami- In the mean time, let us be pre- I hope Israel can continue to receive lies of those who died on that day or pared for those who would go outside the help and support it needs from those who experienced the death of their borders and seek to destroy the United States in order to defend camps in Germany or those who went and pillage. itself and provide itself with secure through the ‘Hanoi Hilton’ and other Third column, same issue, was by borders. such places. Only if all men learn Adler. I have never been a Soldier The second one was by Dr. Bill to live in peace can we no longer and I don’t understand why things are Cantrell in the July 15 issue. I appre- prepare for war. That is a noble and ciated this article and wish everyone wonderful dream and one we should See READER, Page 16 LLetteretter ttoo tthehe editoreditor Parents. are best teachers of character This past weekend I was in the bakery and saw an act sions and activities that were centered on being a good of good character shown to a member of our military by a citizen. Character building can be taught by teachers and father who lives on Kwaj. I know both the father and the community members, but is best taught when shown by son through my job as a teacher at the Child Development parents in everyday life. Center. I witnessed one of these acts of good character at the In all of the Child and Youth Services programs on island, bakery while getting a latte on Sunday morning. This past including the CDC, we teach children about having good weekend we had many military personnel on island. A U.S. character. We do this through the Character Counts! pro- Marine Corps C-130 crew member came into the bakery gram, which includes six pillars of good character — trust- to get a few things before they fl ew off to their next assign- worthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and ment. While standing in line next to him he asked me if citizenship. We start this program with the very youngest they take debit cards at the bakery. I responded “no”; he in our program, the 2 year olds, and continue Character proceeded to ask where a cash machine was located. It Counts! based activities through the Youth Center, which was Sunday morning so Ten-Ten was closed and by talking reaches the older children. This past month the highlighted pillar was citizenship. The children had lessons, discus- See PARENTS, Page 16 TThehe KwajaleinKwajalein HHourglassourglass The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department Printed circulation: 2,000 insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. E-mail: [email protected] which liberated the island from the forces of Im- It is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in ac- perial Japan on Feb. 4, 1944. cordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a Commanding Offi cer......Col. Stevenson Reed network printer by Kwajalein Range Services edito- The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized pub- Public Affairs Offi cer......................Sandy Miller lication for military personnel, federal employees, rial staff. contractor workers and their families assigned P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555 Editor......................................Nell Drumheller to U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll. Contents of the Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-3539; Graphics Designer..........................Dan Adler Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial views of, Local phone: 53539 Reporter............................................J.J. Klein The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, July 29, 2006 A failure to communicate OOnene ooff tthehe rreleasedeleased tturtles,urtles, fi tttedted wwithith a sspecialpecial ttransmitter,ransmitter, sswimswims ooutut ttoo sseaea iinn AApril.pril. DDataata wwasas rreceivedeceived fforor aalmostlmost ttwowo mmonthsonths bbeforeefore ttransmissionsransmissions sstopped.topped. Transmitters on two released turtles have stopped sending data, many possible circumstances cited By Nell Drumheller why the turtles were released. “The stopped. Sims identifi ed battery Editor purpose of the release was twofold: To failure, antenna failure, a detached reduce the number of turtles in the transmitter device, transmitter Can you speak turtle? Just be- turtle pond and to gather movement package damaged during normal cause humans and turtles don’t data on sea turtles released back into activities by the turtle, predation use the same communication the wild after being in captivity for a of the turtle by sharks, etc., and methods doesn’t mean the turtles long time. We released four sea tur- human predation as the primary released by U.S. Army Kwajalein tles, but we installed satellite tracking factors. “It is not unusual in large Atoll and Kwajalein Range Services devices on two of the turtles.” studies for all of these to happen. environmental personnel in April Sims added, “We were able to Our sample size is very small with aren’t keeping in touch. track the turtles for 1 to 2 months only two transmitters in play and The turtles were released near before the satellite tracking devices when combined with normal prob- Nell and had transmitters attached stopped working. It is not uncom- abilities, it improves the chances of to their backs. “The transmitters mon for tracking devices to fall off, equipment failure for both turtles. began to send data to the satellites become damaged, or malfunction. We We knew this going in, but I still immediately,” Cathy Madore, from took every precaution; some things believe it was worth the risk and the KRS Environmental, Safety just happen.” and Health offi ce said. There are several reasons that USAKA’s Ken Sims explained could explain why the data has See COMMUNICATE, Page 7 Sa u day, Ju y 9, 006 3 jg (Photo by of J.J. Klein) Cold weather, driving, communications are tough adjustments for Kwaj Kids By J.J. Klein States. Reporter Right from the get-go there are encounters that make these young adults realize that their stateside peers cannot few months into Marcy Peterson’s freshman relate to life on Kwajalein. At some point in a conversation year, the balmy Georgia weather turned nippy. they end up fi elding dumb questions such as “are there A Peterson realized the two long-sleeved shirts and koalas where you live?”, “do you live in banana leaf huts?” fl ip-fl ops she brought with her from Kwajalein were not or “do you wear grass skirts?” going to cut it around campus anymore. It was then that Answering the trite question, “So, where are you from?” Kwajalein seemed a million miles away. is always tricky for these young people. Give an honest Every year a handful of Kwajalein high school students, answer and these teens are greeted with the quizzical head having grown up on this tiny, three-mile island, graduate tilt followed by a lengthy conversation and a geography and leave for new and unique experiences in the United lesson. “When explaining where I was from, people seemed “I like traveling and living in different places, but of all the places I’ve been this is the one I’m proud to call home. This is where my heart is!” — Lindsay Davis 4 “It was hard to feel like an independent young adult in college who couldn’t get around on her own; it was especially hard after be- ing able to do so on a bike for the previous five years.” — Sarah Alves Sarah Alves “When explaining where I was from, people seemed shocked to know that this part of the world even existed.” — Anja Pierre-Mike Anja Pierre-Mike ““II ssaidaid tthathat I wwasas ffromrom HHawaii,awaii, aandnd tthathat ppersonerson wwasas ffromrom HHawaii.awaii. TThathat ddidn’tidn’t wworkork ooutut vveryery wwell!.”ell!.” — MMarcyarcy PPetersoneterson Marcy Peterson shocked to know that this part of the so used to being able to go outside the top speed of 25 miles per hour, world even existed,” said Anja Pierre- whenever I wanted to and having and most have never even pumped Mike.
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