SUBJECT INDEX: FIRST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 1979–2004 Blanket.” SO93: pp. 64, 91. [8] Kaulitz, Manuela. “Blanket Weave.” Schomp, Halcyon; Jaeger, Hector. KEYS Collard, Terry. “Weekend Weaver: A SO93: pp. 69–71, 94; errata “Sunny Skies Picnic Blanket.” Issue abbreviations Family Blanket for When You’re ND93: p. 77. [8] Su84: pp. 69, 106, 108. [4] 1979–1982 Home Alone.” ND03: pp. 64–66. Kolhonen, Faye. “Faye’s Rainbow Scorgie, Jean. “Tämä on Ihana!” FW = Fall/Winter [4, 8] Cover-Up.” SO88: pp. 24, 92. JF86: pp. 44–45, IS: 7. [4] SS = Spring/Summer Croghan, Joanne. “What’s Black and [2, 4] Sheeran, Pat. “Exploring Color.” Ja = January White and Red All Over?” LaLena, Constance. “Fabrics for an ND88: pp. 45, 76. [4] Mr = March JF92: pp. 47, 82–83. [2, 8] Eccentric Den.” JF90: Sheret, Pat. “Keep it Simple: Wool and My = May Curran, Fran. “A Throw from pp. 88–91, 85–87; errata MJ90: Mohair Throw.” ND85: p. 59. [4] Se = September Leftover Yarn.” SO95: p. 97. [2, 4, 5] Snover, Susan. “Wooly Wrap-Up Nv = November pp. 66–67, 89. [8] __. “Fabrics for Interiors: Accent Throw.” JF85: pp. 62–63. [2, 4] Davenport, Betty. “Large Cloths from Pieces to Chase the Winter Steinkoenig, Judy. “Beechwood From 1982 to the present Small Looms.” JF87: pp. 72–73, Blahs.” JF88: pp. 88–90, Throw.” MA84: pp. 58, 97. [4] JF = January/February IS: 13–14. [RH, 2] IS: 13–14. [2, 4, 8] Stratton, Gretchen. “Classic Plaid MA = March/April Dobrovolny, Ardis. “Woodtones Log Lanning, Gwen. “Winter Roses Throw.” JF99: pp. 59, 77. [8] MJ = May/June Cabin Afghan.IIS” My82: Throw.” JF01: pp. 72–74. [4] __. “Dornick Twill Featherweight (Su = Summer; 1983–1985) pp. 28–29, 88. [RH, 2] Lumley, Melissa; Wilson, Margaret. Throw.” JF97: pp. 19–20, 68. [8] SO = September/October Drumm, Judith. “Lace Weave “Stained Glass Blanket.” MA00: Switzer, Chris. “Pastel Bedthrow and ND = November/December Afghan.” Mr82: pp. 59, 88. [4] pp. 62–65. [2, 4] Bed Cape.” 80SS: pp. 37, 59. [4] Projects are followed by bracketed Duncan, Elaine. “Designing an Lynde, Robin. “Fiesta Chenille Taylor, Nancy. “Loita Hills Blanket, abbreviations [ ] indicating the Afghan for a Friend.” JF93: Throw.” JF99: pp. 57, 75–76. with Thanks to the Maasai.” shaft number and loom type if other pp. 40–41, 84. [4, 6] [2, 4] MJ04: pp. 48–51. [8] than a regular floor loom. Ed. “A Blanket Snug.” ND82: MacGeorge, Matilda. “Stadium Tedder, Deborah. “Bright Pockets pp. 54, 96. [4] Blanket and Case Set.” SO96: Afghan.” MJ98: pp. 33, 95. [8] Loom abbreviations __. “Brushed Wool/Mohair Throw.” pp. 46, 97–98. [8] Theodore, Lynette. “Keep It Simple: RH = rigid heddle SO83: pp. 59, 102, 104. Mayer, Anita Luvera. “Inviting Plaid Afghan.” ND85: p. 58. [4] F = frame loom Elkins, Barbara. “Topaz Lights Lap Throws.” JF99: pp. 60–61, Tramba, Diane. “Winter Weaving: C = card/tablet weave Robe.” ND95: pp. 28–29. [4] 78–79. [2, 4] Plaid Blanket.” FW80: pp. 27, I = inkle loom Essén-Hedin, Margaretha. “Plaid McKee, Courtney. “Carriage Blanket.” 64–65. [4, 8] T = tapestry loom Blanket and Pillow.” JF87: ND88: pp. 46, 78. [8] Voiers, Leslie. “The 8-Hour Blanket.” D = dobby loom pp. 71, IS: 14–15. [6] Moore [Buchheit], Carla. “Brushed SO99: IS = Instruction Supplement Farson, Laura. “Combine Weaving Blanket.” ND91: pp. 75–76, 93. pp. 28–31. [4] (Numbers preceded by IS indicate and Quilting for Coverlets and [2, 4] __. “Caribbean Blues Blanket.” JF93: pages in the instruction supplement Throws.” JF04: pp. 56–59. [2, 4] __. “Carpet Warp Blanket.” SO93: pp. 55, 88. [4] for issues in which these pages were Fortin, Sarah. “Peppermint Tufts pp. 65, 92–93. [4] __. “Shades of Fall Lap Robe.” SO84: numbered separately.) Throw.” SO97: pp. 68, 85. [8] __. “Indian Summer Blanket.” JF93: pp. 71, 106. [4] __. “Toasty Toes Throw.” SO98: pp. 53, 85. [4] __. “Shimmering Pastel Blanket.” pp. 46, 76–77. [8] __. “Paneled Throw and Lap Robe.” JF86: pp. 40–41, IS: 5. [4] AFGHANS, BLANKETS, THROWS Freitag-Engstrom, Karen. JF99: pp. 54–55, 71–74; errata Wertenberger, Kathryn. “Afghan Alderman, Sharon. “Cloud-Light Lap “Christopher’s Cover.” JF98: ND99: p. 15. [4] Weaves from Baskets.” SO90: Robe.” JF96: pp. 42–43, 84–85. pp. 56, 85. [2, 4] Murphy, Marilyn. “Ocean Mist pp. 92–94. [10] [2, 4] Gaynes, Margaret. “Double-Width Throw.” JF96: pp. 28–29. [4] __. “Tools of the Designer.” Se81: __. “Dornick Twill Blue Plaid Lap Blankets on Four Shafts.” JF02: Nester, Julie. “Winter Wheat pp. 50–52. [RH, 2, 4] Robe.” JF99: pp. 58, 76–77. [4] pp. 40–43. [4] Afghan.” MA98: pp. 59, 82. [8] Whaley, Betty Lou. “Halftone Twill: __. “Easy As Pi.” SO00: pp. 26–29. [8] __. “Tips for Weaving Doublewidth.” Norvelle, Joan. “Chenille Four Blocks on Eight Shafts.” __. “Honeycomb Revisited.” JF95: JF89: pp. 39–41, 77. [4] Basketweave Blanket.” SO96: SO93: pp. 66–68, 93. [8] pp. 36–38, 83. [8] Germain, Mary. “Twill Plaid Blanket.” pp. 45, 100. [4] Woodbury, DeeDee. “An Heirloom __. “Magnified Twill Blanket.” ND85: JF89: pp. 40, 79. [8] Percelay, Morris. “Baltique Plaid Blanket from the Nineteenth pp. 53, IS: 12–13. [4] Hagenbruch, Rita. “Peacock Pastime.” Afghan.” ND83: pp. 53, 106. Century.” JF00: pp. 74–76. [4] __. “Twill Blanket.” Se82: pp. 34, 82. MJ03: pp. 38–40. [4] [2, 4] [4] Hans, Robyn. “Sarah’s Plaid Afghan.” __. “Country Casual Afghan.” My82: AFRICAN TEXTILES __. “Woolen Throw Inspired by SO90: pp. 55, 80–81. [4] pp. 28–29, 88. [RH, 2] Bradley, Louise. “African Inspiration.” Amanda Bourque.” MJ90: Hart, Helen. “Waulked Blanket.” Rhode, Kathleen. “Easy Ikat.” MA94: SO84: pp. 51–53, 94–95. [4] pp. 46–47, 89. [4] JF96: pp. 41, 85–86. [2, 4] pp. 58–59, 85–86. [2, 4] McCrosky, Judy. “Lentswe La Oodi Blumenthal, Betsy. “Gray and Rose Heinrich, Linda. “The Buchanan Saulson, Sarah. “Now We Are Eight: Weavers.” MA88: pp. 39–41. Blanket.” ND90: pp. 42, 71. [4] Tartan for a Blanket.” MA03: Double-Width Blankets on Eight Palmer, Katherine. “Kente Cloth __. “A Lesson in Overdyeing.” SO91: pp. 44–47. [4] Shafts.” JF02: pp. 44–46. [8] of Ghana.” MJ04: p. 74. pp. 54–55, 74, 92. [4] Jaeger, Hector. “Prism Pleasure Savel, Beverly. “Crayon Blanket and West, Virginia. “From Virginia’s Travel Bradley, Louise. “Color-and-Weave Blanket.” Su85: pp. 58–59, Pillows.” ND03: pp. 68–71. [4, 8] Journals” MJ04: pp. 32–33. Blanket.” JF91: pp. 54–55, IS: 13. [4] Schlegel, Lee-lee. “Overshot Afghan.” My82: pp. 29, 89. [4] 76–77. [4] __. “Waffle Weave Afghan.” ND85: ANGORA see YARNS AND FIBERS __. “Handspun Ikat.” Se81: pp. 54–55, IS: 13. [4] Schomp, Halcyon. “Bouclé Twill pp. 65–67. [RH, 2, 4] Jennings, Laurie. “Heathery Blanket.” Spread.” SO83: pp. 62, 106, ANIMALS see TOYS AND GAMES __. “Monk’s Belt Lap Robe.” ND87: SO93: pp. 63, 91; errata SO95: 108. [4] pp. 56–57, IS: 14–15. [4] p. 83. [2, 4] __. “Home Weaving: A Happy Plaid.” ANSWER LADY see WEAVING TIPS Brigham, Cory. “Oak and Sumac Johannesen, Betty. “A Rya Cover for 79FW: pp. 40–41. [4] Throw.” JF89: pp. 39, 78. [4] Lap, Bed, or Wall.” SO03: __. “Pastel Throw and Pillow.” JF87: Caldwell, Lynn. “Chenille Plaid pp. 36–39. [4] pp. 74, IS: 15. [2, 4] APRONS Ed. “Summerweave: Apron and Throw.” SO96: pp. 44, 95–96. [4] Jones, Janice. “Cotton Lap Robe.” __. “Plaid Blanket.” 80SS: pp. 36–37, Towel.” 80SS: pp. 26, 53. [2] Carovano, Barbara. “Twill Plaid JF86: pp. 42, IS: 5. [8] 57. [2] © Handwoven® magazine, Interweave Press LLC. www.handwovenmagazine.com HANDWOVEN 1 Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved. Haugh, Lise. “Wedding Dress.” 80SS: Jones, Janice. “Chunky Cotton Berent, Mary. “Pieced Pastel Chenille ND85: pp. 12–14, IS: 4; errata pp. 34, 63–64. [2, 4] Child’s Pullover.” ND92: Baby Blanket.” MA94: pp. 56, JF86: IS: 3. [RH, 4] Lancaster, Daryl. “Handwoven pp. 48, 85. [4] 84–85. [4] __. “Supplementary Weft Techniques Kitchen Aides: Where Have all __. “Rosepath.” MA86: pp. 60, Bradley, Louise. “Baby Blanket.” JF86: from Bhutan.” MJ94: pp. 62–65, the Aprons Gone?” MA02: IS: 4. [4] pp. 43, IS: 6. [4] 88–90. [RH, 4] pp. 24–27. Kaestner, Tracy. “Seersucker Sweetie.” Brysch, Cat. “Trio of Baby Blankets.” Ed. “Silk Scarf and Purse.” JF83: Ligon, Linda. “My Lacy Apron.” JF01: pp. 58–60. [4] Su84: pp. 51, 96–98. [6, 7, 8] pp. 43, 82–83. [2, 4, 6] JF83: pp. 41–42, 81. [4] Kambic, Heindl. “Baby Booties.” Epstein, Pat. “Blue and White.” __. “Summer Seersucker.” Su83: Nickol, Mary. “Apron Strings.” SO01: MA92: pp. 67, 90. [4] ND82: pp. 46–47, 86, 94. [2, 4] pp. 42–44, 79–81. [4] pp. 44–46. [4] LaLena, Constance. “Fabrics for Essén-Hedin, Margaretha. “Baby Bib Eychaner, Barbara. “Idea Notebook: Interiors: Elegance for a Baby.” and Baby Blanket.” MA87: pp. The Ultimate Brown Bag.” ATWATER BRONSON see MA87: pp. 52–53, IS: 9–10. [2, 4] 44–45, IS: 7. [4, 6] SO86: pp. 36, IS: 6. [2, 4] Ligon, Linda. “Easter Fun!” 80SS: George, Joanne. “Plaid Baby Blanket.” __. “Seersucker Cosmetic Bag and BRONSON LACE pp. 39, 63. [2] MA92: pp. 65, 88; errata SO92: Slippers.” ND89: pp. 53, 78. [4] Meek, Kati Reeder. “Toddler’s p. 80. [6] Garner, Helen. “Tote Bag with BABIES AND CHILDREN see also Placemat.” SO92: pp. 35, 82–83. Greaves, Lynne. “Color Blanket for a Tapestry Pocket.” MJ95: pp. 53, BABY BLANKETS [4] Baby.” MJ93: pp.
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