Library caj,fOrtua State Sacramento 9, c1jfcrnia Rubinstein Concert Cloudy Skies Today Arthur It pianist, %%III kariabie s lowliness Is the play a group of Chopin ssaltzes predicition f o r today in the recorded concert , ,.han \ residents tn- In the Library Record concerts 444, e 3.0 r r says It will Are presented M la s thmigh Is ss loller. With t h Friday. fr noon to I p.m. and high r ging beissetin fia and repeated from 11 to p iii. in 70 de u-s. Ile also prediet the first floor study in the Spatiatta Wilds if to 10 miles Library*, south wing. A 1R31" SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL. 45 .4111P'' SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1957 No. 23 U.S. Rocket Successful; STOP IT SOME MORE! 'Superman' Ike, Macmillan Confer To Close Run By LOLA SHERMAN Set Up Nuclear Cal Vet Vouchers Missile Fired Last two performances of "Man and Superman- will be given Cal Vets are requested to pick tonight and tomorrow night at 8:15 o'clock in the College Theatre. up attendance soisehers f o r Recognized as one of George Bernard Shaw's best efforts, the Study Groups By Air Force October subsistence, according play attempts to debunk Victorian standards of the period. WASHINGTON (UP) Presi- to Glen E. Guttorrnsen, account- WASHINGTON (HP)The Air One of these standards is the principle that the man must pur- dent Eisenhower and British Prime ing officer. Vouchers may he Force confirmed yesterday that it sue the woman. Ann Whitefield, ably played by Gail Anderson, suc- Minister Harold Macmillan di- picked up in the Accounting Of- fired two rockets designed to ceeds in chasing [Ivan Paulsen as Jack Tanner, M.I.R.C. (Member Idle rected their aides yesterday to fice, Room :IL Main Building. reach an altitude of 1000 to 4000 Rich Class), from the English dr af t immediate recommenda- Deadline is today. miles. One succeeded but the out- Conntryside to a Spanish villa tions for poolinq British and Am- come of the other was still in Band Day Miss Ellralieth Loeffler does erican resources in ddveloping mis- doubt. a reniarkahte job of directing siles and atomic energy. A spokesman said the first ro- this production sshich contains The President and the Prime cket was fired from a balloog-sup- no much or shan's philosophy Tomorrow Minister, flanked by their chief Journalists ported platform 20 miles above coupled with his storytelling. foreign policy advisers and atomic Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Sun- San Jose State Music Depart- Shaw was a rebel, and his experts, met for 70 minutes yes- day. The second was fired the next ment will sponsor the second an- characters follow his lines of To Attend thinking Tanner is delightful in terday morning in the cabinet day. nual High School Band Day to. room of the White House. Air Force said it did not The morrow, wording to Roge r S. No tickets are ainilable for A joint statement issued after know how high the first rocket tonight 4.t tomorrow es ealng's the meeting said two special study Ad Seminar Mu z a y, associate professor o went, because of the failure of performances a f "Si an and music and faculty member groups were set up on "nuclear re- California newspaper represen- telemetry equipment used to ra- Superman," according to College lationship and cooperation" be- tatives frbm 23 dailies and 29 dio back data from the rocket. charge of the event. Theater hos office personnel. tween the United States and Great weeklies will attend the third an- The spokesman said this equip- Approximately 700 high school Britain and the "field of military nual California Newspaper Pub- ment failed at the instant the ro- band members from 10 bay area 'his refusal to conform to conven- "No, no, no!" cries .11ask Tanner, portrayed here by hart defense, particularly those prob- cket pierced the huge balloon in Paulsen. high schools will participate in the tion. He is at his best when de- lishers Assn. advertising seminar "Sea, yes, yes!" insists Ann Whitefield, played by Gail Anderson, Gene lems dealing with missiles and scheduled for today and Saturday its upward rush. No further signals as she sinks her hooks into her prey. -The action elimayes the Band Day. They will also perform fending Violet. portrayed by rocketry." at Newman Hall, 79 S. 5th St. were heard, but observers on the final scene of George Bernard Shaw's cometly.photo by Girard. with the SJS Marching Band dur- Gould, from the family's outrage White House Press Secretary Seminar faculty members will ground could see the rocket take ing half-time at the North Texas at the girl's pregnancy. James C. Hagerty said that lead- include L. E. Ileindel, advertising off straight up. They had no way State game. Violet's standards of wealth and ers of both nations realized that director, San Jose Mercury-News; of knowing how high it went. Seniors To Announce A distinctive feature of the day, position prevent her from dis- in some of the fields under discus- Richard W. Pelton, county adver- The Air Force described the Muzzy noted, will be afternoon closing the fact that she is sec- sion legislation might be needed tising manager. San Bernardino second firing, on Monday, as clinic sessions. Wind players retly mailed to oh horror of hor- to authorize closer cooperation. Sun-Telegram; Ernest Ni Ise n, successful, but gasp no detail's Gams Winner Saturday (those not playing percussion in- rors --an American. Hector Malone This was an apparent reference manager copy service, San Jose on the rocket's altitude. Ilow- struments) will rehearse in Morris Jr.. played by Richard Rossome. to the U.S. Atomic Energy Act Mercury-News; Merwyn Ballard. ever, the project, called "Far- The owner of SJS' most gor- of admission will count as votes Dailey Auditorium during t h e Shaw's rather sins pitmen- side," was designed to send a which prohibits exchanging this mechanical superintendent, Salin- geous "gams" will be disclosed at for any candidate until 11:30 p.m. clinics. tary opinion of Americans Is rocket to an altitude of 1000 to country's top nuclear secrets with as Californian; Clair Otis, adver- midnight tomorrow night when Music of several name bands has furthered by Philip Upton, who 4000 miles. Gerry Stasko, SJS graduate now other nations. tising director, Eu rek a News- the final votes are tallied in the been tape-recorded for dancing. appears as Hector Malone Sr. The Air Force said it wouldn't teaching a t Sam Ramon High Hagerty said if the American- papers, Inc.; and Glen W. Peters, annual "Gorgeous Gams" contest, Trophies will be awarded to the Typical Victorian attitudes are know how high the second rocket School in Danville, Cal., will ditect I3 ritish discussions indicate a zone supervisor, retail advertis- sponsored by t h e Senior Class. first, second and third place win- represented by the somewhat pom- went until complicated telemetry the drum majors clinic. Thomas need for action by Congress, the ing, Los Angeles Times. Jack Norton, sponsored by Halls ners, and a perpetual trophy will pous Roebuck Ramsden. played by data received from it was analyz- Eagan, associate professor of mu. President will submit recommen- Lectures and round table dis- of Ivy, led yesterday's race with be given to his sponsoring organ- Joseph Markham. a 6 d Sterling ed. Scientists worked through last Sic. will lend the drums ses.sion. dations to congressional learierr. cussions will deal with 13.79. izatien. ' " Norris as Ociavkai, too sirupy- night on this task, but were not Heading the baton twirling clinic The Joint statement said the selling problems, salesmanship. copy The announcement will be made good to he human. expected to come up with altitude Voting will take place today will b e Jtan Dickey. SJS head itrinelpal itint of the Eisent er- and layout, production, markets, at a dance, also sponsored by the A touch of humor is added by figures until some time today. from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in majorette, while Jerri liallock, Macmillan talks was "to study and planning for the customer. seniors following the North Texas Robert Montilla portraying t he In other developments: the Outer and Library Quads. Pen- head song girl, will conduct song ways In ohleh our two countries DR. BENTEL WELCOMES State football game. Admission to cockney Henry Straker, a chauf- A Thor missile with a 1500- nies will count as votes, and stu- girl activities. can he of greater service to the Dr. Dwight Bentel, chairman of the dance is 50 cents for couples feur whose opinions are not con- mile range was launched success- dents may vote as many times as free world and towards that end, CNPA advertising seminar com- and 35 cents for stags. The price Carrying Latin America fined to automobiles. He sees fully yesterday at the Cape Cana- they wish, according to Jan Bru- out the how ,,or joint resources can be of the Journalism tomorrow's game, the straight through the cunning Miss mittee and head veral, Fla., test center. The inter- derer, Gorgeous Gams chairman. theme for' led and realized to maximion and Advertising Department, wel- 11 bands, with drum majors. maj- Whitefield. mediate range balilstic missile Other candidates, their spon- efficiency." comed seminar participants this orettes, and song girls, will present Shirley Ahern Is seen as Mrs. streaked almost straight up. then Lifeboat Is sors and totals of yesterday are: The two study groups are ex- morning at 9.
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