Transmission of Values Within Families in Romania Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades des Doktors der Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Konstanz im Fachbereich Psychologie vorgelegt von Mihaela Friedlmeier Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 23. Juni 2006 Referentin: Prof. Dr. Gisela Trommsdorff Referent: Prof. Dr. Werner Georg iii Acknowledgments This work was supported by a grant from Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz Baden-Württenberg for the first two years and a grant from Frauenrat, University of Konstanz for the third year. In preparing this work I have been helped and encouraged by many friends and colleagues who have given most generously of their time and thought. To all of them I am deeply grateful. I am grateful to Prof. Dr. Gisela Trommsdorff who brought me to the idea of conducting this dissertation research and continuously stimulated my interest for cross-cultural research. She guided this work through all its steps. I am also thankful for giving me the permission to use many instruments from the “Value of Children and Intergenerational Relations” Project that is carried out at the Department of Developmental Psychology and Cross-Cultural Psychology. Many thanks are due also to Prof. Dr. Werner Georg who accepted to provide expertise for this dissertation as a second advisor. I am especially indebted to Wolfgang Friedlmeier. He has read through drafts of every chapter and has made a large number of valuable comments and suggestions. His efforts stimulated me to rethink various aspects of social change and intergenerational transmission, to carry out new analyses, and sometimes even to change my mind. He also provided me invaluable moral support and encouragement, without which I could not have finished this demanding task. My thanks are also due to Beate Schwarz who encouraged me throughout the preparation and production of this work. I am also deeply thankful to Jing Chen, my colleague from Grand Valley State University, who carefully read this work and gave very helpful suggestions how to improve the level of English language of this dissertation. Appreciation is expressed to my colleagues from the Department for Developmental Psychology, Isabelle Albert and Boris Mayer. Particularly important, my appreciation goes to the teachers and students from the participating schools to whom I thank for their cooperation and interest. Last, but not least, I deeply appreciate the unconditioned support of my parents and close friends in the adventurous journey of writing the dissertation. v Summary Cultural continuity is a question of transmission, the passing on of values and knowledge from one generation to the next, from individual to individual (e.g., Cavalli-Sforza & Feldman, 1981). According to the current socialization theory it is acknowledged that intergenerational transmission is a very complex process that does not happen in a direct way but rather occurs under specific conditions that enhance or hinder the transmission (e.g., Grusec & Goodnow, 1994). There are only a few studies that have investigated such conditions. An important goal of the current study was to test some of those conditions for the value transmission from parents to adolescent children. Effects of parenting and relationship between parents and children on the transmission of values and self-construal were studied here. The extent to which parents are similar in the way they appreciate the values and the self-construal may have an influence on the children’s orientations as well. Since this study was carried out in Romania, a country that has undergone through significant social changes, the societal-historical context was also taken into account. This context affords an expansion of the question about transmission of values to the question of commonalities and differences between generations. From a psychological perspective, this context is addressed in this study by analyzing how parents and children perceive the social changes, and whether this perception has an impact on the value transmission. 100 Romanian families were included in the study. Standardized separate interviews were conducted with mothers and fathers whereas the children filled out a questionnaire in the classrooms. The children (48 boys and 52 girls) were between 14 and 17 years old. The interview consisted of several instruments that were mostly taken from the Value of Children and Intergenerational Relation project (Trommsdorff & Nauck, 2001). The values of individualism and collectivism were assessed with COLINDEX (Chan, 1994). A short version of Singelis’ (1994) Self-Construal Scale was used to measure the independent and interdependent self- construal. The relationship quality between parents and children was measured by the Network of Relationships Inventory (NRI) (Furman and Buhrmester, 1985) and the parenting style by the Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) as well as the Control-Supplement (Rohner, Rohner, & Roll, 1980). Further, the Perception of Social Change instrument developed by Noack, Hofer, Kracke, Wild and Boehnke (1997) was utilized to measure the way people vi experienced the transformations occurring after the upheaval. The results showed that the social change affected the parent and child generation in a different way and that psychological characteristics are important resources that lead to less negative perceptions of the social change. Generation differences were seen for individualistic and collectivist values and especially for the self-construal. These differences also appeared within families. Such results confirm the social change that has occurred in the postcommunist Romania. The results for the transmission of values and self-construal showed that the direct transmission between parents and offspring was rather weak and limited only to the collectivist values. In the light of the societal changes, however, this result is not surprising. The study also shows that parenting and the relationship quality between parent and child have a strong effect on adolescents’ values and self-construal. Parents who are supportive and have a positive relationship to their children were more likely to encourage the child to appreciate collectivist values (i.e., to give priority to the family over other purposes, and to feel themselves as strongly related to their family). Although both boys and girls were affected, the influence was stronger in the case of daughters. The moderation effects were found mostly for individualism and independent self-construal and especially in the father-daughter dyads. These findings confirmed the complex characteristics of the transmission process and the necessity to consider a broader range of aspects that foster or hinder such a transmission. This study also shows that father and mother in relation to son and daughter contribute in a differential way. It is important for future studies to take these specific dyads for transmission analyses into account. vii Zusammenfassung Kulturelle Kontinuität ist eine Frage der Transmission, der Weitergabe von Werten und Wissen von Generation zu Generation, von Individuum zu Individuum (z. B. Cavalli-Sforza & Feldman, 1981). In der Sozialisationsforschung wird anerkannt, dass intergenerationale Transmission ein komplexer Prozess ist, der nicht nur unmittelbar erfolgt, sondern bestimmten Randbedingungen unterliegt, die förderlich oder hinderlich sind (z. B. Grusec & Goodnow, 1994). Es gibt bislang nur wenige Studien, die solche Bedingungen untersuchen. Ein wichtiges Ziel dieser Studie war es, einige solche Randbedingungen für Wertetransmission von Eltern auf ihre Kinder empirisch zu testen. Effekte der Erziehungs- und Beziehungsmerkmale der Eltern und Jugendlichen auf die Transmission von Werten und Selbstauffassungen wurden untersucht. Es wurde auch geprüft, ob das Ausmaß, in dem die Eltern in ihren Werthaltungen und Selbstauffassungen übereinstimmen, einen Einfluss auf die Transmission nimmt. Da diese Studie in Rumänien durchgeführt wurde, ein Land, das durch einen starken sozialen Wandel gekennzeichnet ist, wurde hier der gesellschaftlich-historische Kontext berücksichtigt. Dieser Kontext macht eine Erweiterung der Fragestellung der Transmission von Werten auf die Frage nach Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden der Generationen notwendig. Aus psychologischer Sicht wird der gesellschaftlich- historische Kontext in Form der Wahrnehmung des sozialen Wandels auf Seiten der Individuen und der möglichen Auswirkungen dieser Wahrnehmung auf die Wertetransmission analysiert. 100 rumänische Familien nahmen an der Studie teil. Standardisierte Interviews wurden getrennt mit Vater und Mutter durchgeführt, während die Jugendlichen einen Fragebogen in Gruppensitzungen an den jeweiligen Schulen ausfüllten. Die Kinder (48 Jungen und 52 Mäd- chen) waren zwischen 14 und 17 Jahre alt. Das Interview setzte sich aus verschiedenen Instru- menten zusammen, die zum großen Teil aus dem Value of Children Projekt (Trommsdorff & Nauck, 2001) entnommen wurden. Die individualistischen und kollektivistischen Werte wurden anhand des COLINDEX (Chan, 1994) erfasst. Eine Kurzversion der Selbstauffassungsskalen von Singelis (1994) wurde zur Erfassung der Independenz und Interdependenz eingesetzt. Die Bezie- hungsqualität zwischen Eltern und Jugendlichen wurde anhand des Network of Relationships Inventory (NRI) (Furman and Buhrmester, 1985), der Erziehungsstil mit dem Parental Accep- tance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) sowie dem Control-Supplement (Rohner et al., 1980) viii erfasst. Schlieβlich
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